My heart is broken...



  • mareeee1234
    mareeee1234 Posts: 674 Member
    Cynical but realistic head on....

    Been together a year.
    Not had sex.
    Got hotel room.
    Just cuddled.
    Distant in the morning.
    Left on road trip without you.
    Needed to talk on return.
    Cried and said he's stringing you along.

    He's not an emotional cripple, he's just got fed up with waiting and shagged someone else and now has remorse.


    Did you guys have conversations about sex?
  • sexymuffintop
    sexymuffintop Posts: 636
    Cynical but realistic head on....

    Been together a year.
    Not had sex.
    Got hotel room.
    Just cuddled.
    Distant in the morning.
    Left on road trip without you.
    Needed to talk on return.
    Cried and said he's stringing you along.

    He's not an emotional cripple, he's just got fed up with waiting and shagged someone else and now has remorse.

    Harsh but he's a man end of.

    I have to say as a female, this didn't occur to me at all. Just goes to show how differently men and women think about things doesn't it.

    He just sounds like a guy who wants to either be with someone else or wants to be single. He obviously cares for you but doesn't want to be in a relationship with you anymore for whatever reason. Sucky I know, but you can't fight it. It achieves nothing at all believe me. You are young, you'll move on and he'll just be a memory in time.
  • mockchoc
    mockchoc Posts: 6,573 Member
    I feel he is gay. He loves you but he's confused.

    If every girl were to listen to you, there'd be no hope.

    I was considered 'gay' by my girlfriend's friends and ensured that I was gay, well, you couldn't be more wrong.. It'd just be your loss.

    I had a very close gay friend and I saw this happen. I'm just going by experience. I have no idea what is going on with you. Why do they think you are gay? You keep leading them on saying you love them like hers is then breaking their hearts? Lovely.. or you mean you dump girls that don't screw you? I'm confused.
  • Missklara
    Missklara Posts: 283 Member
    No one acts this way if everything's ok. He sounds like a cheater. Well.. whatever it is, you'll heal, don't worry about that. It just takes time that's all :)
    i know how hard it is when someone breaks up with you without telling you the real reason. Those are usually cowards and the worst thing about them is that your ego is hurt because you think it's your fault for some reason.
    Hang out with friends, family, do some activities, find a new hobby, sport... You'll be over him faster
    good luck!
  • Missklara
    Missklara Posts: 283 Member
    Cynical but realistic head on....

    Been together a year.
    Not had sex.
    Got hotel room.
    Just cuddled.
    Distant in the morning.
    Left on road trip without you.
    Needed to talk on return.
    Cried and said he's stringing you along.

    He's not an emotional cripple, he's just got fed up with waiting and shagged someone else and now has remorse.

    Harsh but he's a man end of.

    just what i was thinking
  • FeelingLessChubby
    FeelingLessChubby Posts: 152 Member
    Hunny I'm going through something very similar right now *big hugs*

    I was happy one day and crushed the next, but you know what - I concluded pretty quickly that I'd rather be with someone who knows for sure he wants to be with me, than with someone who is undecided.

    Please don't make his indecision make you feel bad about yourself - it's HIS indecision. You are still the same great person you were before all this happened.

    Now is the time to think of YOURSELF only. I know it's hard, but please do your best not to think about "why did he do this, why did he say these things, why did he change.... " etc etc. When these thoughts come, say "what do I feel like doing now, what do I want in my future, what would make ME feel better now..." If you want to cry, cry! If you want to sleep, sleep. If you want to see a friend and pour your heart out - go for it! Nobody takes care of you better than you.

    You'll be ok hunny, I promise!
  • EricMurano
    EricMurano Posts: 825 Member
    Dude you're 21. You're so young. At this point in your life if you get a bad sense about a boy just leave and move on.

    It doesn't sound as though you're really into him anyway. Unless you're a practising Christian (like, obeying the rules) then it's odd that you haven't been intimate with him.

    90% of relationships are taken way more seriously than they should be. I think this is one of them.
  • gettinfitaus
    gettinfitaus Posts: 161 Member
    Cynical but realistic head on....

    Been together a year.
    Not had sex.
    Got hotel room.
    Just cuddled.
    Distant in the morning.
    Left on road trip without you.
    Needed to talk on return.
    Cried and said he's stringing you along.

    He's not an emotional cripple, he's just got fed up with waiting and shagged someone else and now has remorse.

    Harsh but he's a man end of.

    just what i was thinking

    Funny this is what I thought too. I have to say though you are 21. I genuinely understand that this feels like it is super serious - at that age I broke up with my high-school boyfriend / fiancee. It was hard, it sucked then I picked myself up and got over it and over him. But I am now 30 so with a little more experience and from where I am now I can safely say that there definitely other fish in the sea, you will find someone who genuinely WANTS and KNOWS THAT HE WANTS to be with you not someone who kinda sorta thinks maybe you might be allright. The difference between those two options is night and day. I married someone who was wishy washy about me and about us and it was a HUGE mistake. I am now with someone who thinks the world of me even when I don't deserve it. He adores me and I adore him just as much and you know it is a revelation when it happens.

    Take a break, not just from him but from all men (even if only for a few months), find something that you are truely passionate about. Throw yourself into something new and then start looking again.
  • irishblonde2011
    irishblonde2011 Posts: 618 Member
    My advice is to give him space. Get on with your life. Hang out with friends,go shopping,go dancing. Have fun. Don't be so available.
    Let him see that you have a life,choices and won't just sit around waiting until he decides want he wants. You will this for what it is when you have a bit of distance. Good luck.
  • jadams1650
    jadams1650 Posts: 139 Member
    Cynical but realistic head on....

    Been together a year.
    Not had sex.
    Got hotel room.
    Just cuddled.
    Distant in the morning.
    Left on road trip without you.
    Needed to talk on return.
    Cried and said he's stringing you along.

    He's not an emotional cripple, he's just got fed up with waiting and shagged someone else and now has remorse.

    Harsh but he's a man end of.

    Close, He's gay.
  • confetti_blind
    confetti_blind Posts: 91 Member
    Cynical but realistic head on....

    Been together a year.
    Not had sex.
    Got hotel room.
    Just cuddled.
    Distant in the morning.
    Left on road trip without you.
    Needed to talk on return.
    Cried and said he's stringing you along.

    He's not an emotional cripple, he's just got fed up with waiting and shagged someone else and now has remorse.

    Harsh but he's a man end of.

    ^^my first thought! But then hearing about him crying and weeding and babying... I'm not so sure that he is a man after all.

    The guy needs to man up and earn your affection. Stop reinforcing/indulging his weak behaviour.

    Personally, I would find it sexually repugnant if a guy was this emotional and uncertain about what he wants. Why are you even interested in someone like this?
  • 5ftnFun
    5ftnFun Posts: 948 Member
    Cynical but realistic head on....

    Been together a year.
    Not had sex.
    Got hotel room.
    Just cuddled.
    Distant in the morning.
    Left on road trip without you.
    Needed to talk on return.
    Cried and said he's stringing you along.

    He's not an emotional cripple, he's just got fed up with waiting and shagged someone else and now has remorse.

    Harsh but he's a man end of.

    I thought this too. You went to a hotel and didn't do the deed? If you are waiting for your wedding night or the right guy, I respect your decision, and any guy who truly loves you will wait too. But I do think, and anyone disagree if you want to, but going to a hotel with a guy & not doing "it" seems odd. Not impossible, of course, but I'm thinking most young guys would find it hard to restrain themselves in that situation. I don't know. Maybe he felt angry & frustrated, then felt guilty for feeling angry and frustrated? You could ask him.

    You guys are young. Take a breather. Maybe even date other folks. Communicate. Give him some space.
  • mimieon
    mimieon Posts: 182 Member
    Cynical but realistic head on....

    Been together a year.
    Not had sex.
    Got hotel room.
    Just cuddled.
    Distant in the morning.
    Left on road trip without you.
    Needed to talk on return.
    Cried and said he's stringing you along.

    He's not an emotional cripple, he's just got fed up with waiting and shagged someone else and now has remorse.

    Harsh but he's a man end of.

    I also immediately thought of the above. I also think you (topic creator) think something along these lines as well, maybe in the back of your mind, because else I don't see any reason for you to tell us that you haven't had sex yet (why do you feel that that is relevant in this situation?).

    I don't think he necessarily shagged someone else, but it definitely seems like he wants his cake and eat it too, which was confirmed to him at the road trip probably. However, he wants you as his backup and doesn't want anyone to think he's a bad guy (including you). He isn't being caring about you at all, only about himself . He keeps you emotionally confused so he can keep stringing you along. And by saying to you that he doesn't want to string you along, he can make it your fault that he's stringing you along, because he told you and you stayed anyway, so his conscience is "clean".

    Cut of all ties, find something else to keep yourself busy. Mind over emotions, protect yourself from his manipulations and your desire to have him want you.
  • tsdaughe
    tsdaughe Posts: 88
    I say cut off all ties. I went through something like this was my now fiance. When we first got together (hindsight here) neither one of us was really ready to be in a relationship yet. He was leaving bad marriage and really just wasn't ready. He really liked me but was confused. He of course didn't tell me this. He really liked me and it scared the hell out of him. He was also torn still over leaving his marriage and going through the divorce. He just wasn't ready. He picked a fight and told me to delete his number.. So I did! I really liked him because we had a great connection and got along great but it was too soon for me to love him. So I moved on pretty quick. I thought about him from time to time but it was fleeting thoughts. Two months later when I was into a new relationship with someone else, he contacted me, wanting to talk. I told him where to go. Well that relationship ended and we actually started talking as friends. I had no desire to be with him. We hung out as friends for probably two months before I even gave him a shot. Now we are getting married. We have talked about his mindset at that time, he really liked me but he just wasn't ready to move on yet and be in a relationship. While I didn't make him feel obligated he felt that way and he just couldn't deal with it at that time. He said me moving on and not contacting him made him respect me and him miss me even more. He dated some and no one was the same as me.

    So IMO, I think he is interested in someone else, or something happened. He feels guilty. He doesn't want to string your along because right now he cannot commit fully to you either because there is someone else or he wants to be single and play the field. This is the second time this has happened. How many passes does he get? I would move on, work on you, make new friends, buy your own dresses, make yourself happy. If he comes back around... I would be very leary and tell him he has to fess up because I think he is being dishonest with you. My fiance knows, he ever pulls anything again and gets "confused" that he can go be confused all by himself because I only give so many chances.
  • Francl27
    Francl27 Posts: 26,371 Member
    Sorry girl. I agree that sex probably has something to do with it. I'd try and forget him... you'll find someone better.
  • tsdaughe
    tsdaughe Posts: 88
    If he starts to message you, text you. I would ignore him. Wait until your are in better control on your emotions. You are so young and deserve more then this. This is the counselor in me and I remember being your age and doing this back and forth and back and forth with my now ex husband. I was your age and all about him and couldn't see he was emotionall messed up. I invested wayyyy to much into that relationship and even when my parents and friends tried to tell me I couldn't listen. I had low self esteem and didn't realize it at the time and was relying on him to make me happy. After 12 years together and almost 7 years of marriage, I divorced him. That back and forth and dance and him doing the exact same thing your boyfriend is doing never ended. It continued into our marriage. You matter more then him. And you don't deserve all that. Take your time cause this behavior now gives you a big prediction of your future. BTW.. come to find out his confusion and wanting to not have the obligations meant he was sleeping with lots of other people, a friend in our apartment complex and various others.
  • Grimmerick
    Grimmerick Posts: 3,342 Member
    I honestly dont' think this guy is THE ONE, when a guy loves you he leaves no doubt in your mind that he does. You won't even question it, he will make sure you know by his words AND his actions.
    This guys actions are not telling you this. So why screw yourself over waiting on him to give you happiness, your happiness is your responsibility. Best advice, Be happy all by yourself, the confidence you get from that makes you magnetic to the opposite sex.
    Rule number one: respect yourself, your needs and your happiness if someone is screwing around with your head by being hot and cold then this is not a good situation and you will end up unhappy, why do that to yourself? Walk away date around casually so you don't fall for someone too quickly. I am very protective and can be downright *****y about my respect for myself, in the end it's one of the major components of making sure you live a happy life.
  • glovepuppet
    glovepuppet Posts: 1,710 Member
    with few exceptions, a guy who decides you should both go out and buy stuff for you for no reason, isn't a good bet.

    in my experience they usually have one of two motivations. one, that they think they can buy you, your affection, your happiness. two, that they're buying off their own conscience because they aren't honest, they're up to something, they have baggage.

    i don't mind a guy (if he earns more than i do) wanting to pay for outings that we'll both enjoy. i don't mind the odd gift, or buying something on the spur of the moment. but being taken shopping is s no no.

    like i say, there are exception. but i'll always see this as a reason to be more alert to other issues.
  • slflorian
    slflorian Posts: 33
    Cynical but realistic head on....

    Been together a year.
    Not had sex.
    Got hotel room.
    Just cuddled.
    Distant in the morning.
    Left on road trip without you.
    Needed to talk on return.
    Cried and said he's stringing you along.

    He's not an emotional cripple, he's just got fed up with waiting and shagged someone else and now has remorse.

    Harsh but he's a man end of.

    Dead on best reply yet! Tack this up on your bedroom wall!

    I was thinking the same thing - He cheated
  • sdfkjsadglkj11
    sdfkjsadglkj11 Posts: 211 Member
    Cynical but realistic head on....

    Been together a year.
    Not had sex.
    Got hotel room.
    Just cuddled.
    Distant in the morning.
    Left on road trip without you.
    Needed to talk on return.
    Cried and said he's stringing you along.

    He's not an emotional cripple, he's just got fed up with waiting and shagged someone else and now has remorse.


    Did you guys have conversations about sex?

    Yes, all the time. We both wanted to wait for a special time, and I told him I wasn't ready, and he was perfectly okay with that and said we'd do it when I was ready, then he cuddled me and went to sleep. He'd never cheat on me. He actually told me that if we had had sex he would have felt even worse, and he's glad we didn't.