Is this the worst that can happen to me?



  • hauntao
    hauntao Posts: 130 Member
    Try to tell that to someone with an eating disorder.
  • iggyboo93
    iggyboo93 Posts: 524 Member
    CTL has a great point in that we need to put things into perspective. Going off the deep end about eating more than your plan allows for a week is not the end of the world. It took a long time to put the weight on, it will take a long time to take it off.
  • laele75
    laele75 Posts: 283 Member

    I utterly agree with you. The lack of perspective showing in these forums is appalling. Accusations of 'sabotage', constant complaints about not losing weight fast enough, whining about everything under the sun about weight loss.

    I posted a similar thing a few days ago and got nothing but supportive comments. I have no idea why you're getting reamed like I expected to be.

    Going over your macros every once in a while is not the end of the world. Missing a day at the gym for whatever reason is not the end of the world. Panicking about these things are not helping people, nor is coddling the delusions that it is a big deal.

    As for Ms. 'I'm a cancer survivor.' SHAME ON YOU. You should be right next to her preaching this sermon, not being defensive and nasty because she's telling the entire board to man up. You could be an inspiration, but instead you choose to join the whiners. Yes, you have suffered. But you have also triumphed. Which is what people really need to learn to focus on.

    The victories, no matter how small they are.
  • CrazyTrackLady
    CrazyTrackLady Posts: 1,337 Member
    For some people, not seeing progress or feeling like they went overboard may be enough to lose their momentum/motivation. I know that for me, when I have a bad day, it can be a fine line between losing my motivation and good head space to giving up. It can be a real bummer. I think the OP has good intentions with her post, but it may be a bit simplistic. It goes to show having "perspective" is clearly easier said than done.

    I agree. I too get very frustrated when I know I've been working my butt off for weeks and the scale hasn't moved. But, that's weeks of work, not one day of overeating by 300 cals. Plateaus are frustrating, slipping a day and worrying about it is silly.
  • twinketta
    twinketta Posts: 2,130 Member
    OP, just because you have suffered some tragedies in your life (which I am sorry to read about) you can not alter the way other people feel about their problems.

    We can all read peoples problems and successes on this website and get annoyed or feel so happy for the person.

    But, it is a website with lots of different subjects that people are allowed to post /comment on.

    If you feel that somebody has posted something and in the title you see that it is going to go against your feelings then ignore the post?
  • luckyjuls
    luckyjuls Posts: 505 Member
    I understand what you are saying OP and I agree. Sometimes we zone in so much and focus so intently on the little things we forget to count our blessings as well and put it into perspective.


    The point of the post is to say, yes, 300 calories might be a big deal to you but if you back away from the micro-point of it sucking, you'll see that there other things to feel proud about and life is still as beautiful as you make it.

    I've seen countless posts or statuses with women just wanting to give up because of all their hard work to accomplish weight loss. Or people eating a donut and then feeling terrible about themselves. I think there needs to be a concentrated effort to not see this is a huge failure.

    And yes, I totally get that it's hard. But then I think, well I'm sure if they thought about it, they would see they've also accomplished A LOT. Like, furthering their progress or becoming a little more flexible or breaking an old habit. Yet all they can hone in on is the negative (and believe me, I've done this too).

    I still support my friends if they are feeling bad about themselves, but over time, if every set back equals feeling devastated, you gotta wonder if they are taking this a little too seriously.

    If you are so honed in on achieving weight loss and can't take a step back, life is going to breeze right by you. I think the point of this site is creating a life of balance. And worrying too much about any one thing you are doing is going to skew that balance.
  • skinnyinnotime
    skinnyinnotime Posts: 4,141 Member
    FFS if people want to be dramatic about the small things if life, so what? How is it harming you?

    We've all suffered things in life, some more than others, doesn't mean we can't have a whinge or moan about trivia.

    Get off your high horse Pollyanna
  • LJSmith1989
    LJSmith1989 Posts: 650
    To be honest with you the OP post is just crap.

    "I overate by 300llb" .... "Oh well just be thankful you don't have cancer"

    ummm what?

    or then "put things in perspective" and promptly lists every major thing that is happening in their life.

    It has nothing to do with one another, If it annoys you then don't comment on their post!
  • CrazyTrackLady
    CrazyTrackLady Posts: 1,337 Member
    Try to tell that to someone with an eating disorder.

    And WHERE did I say that someone with a life threatening eating disorder has no place to complain or worry? I'd call that a "life threatening" concern and major priority.

    WOW, people really need to learn how to analyze content better.
  • Amy11108
    Amy11108 Posts: 74
    I understand what you are saying OP and I agree. Sometimes we zone in so much and focus so intently on the little things we forget to count our blessings as well and put it into perspective.

    Exactly! Thank you for understand. I've had my share of trauma in my life, and have been struggling with some serious issues with my family: I have a brother who nearly died of alcoholism and is currently in jail, another who is a recovering heroin addict, elderly parents who are very ill, a husband who has been unemployed since April 2011 (he finally got a real job and starts on Monday), a daughter with some serious issues, a son who has made some really bad choices but thankfully has begun to pull out of them, etc. For me, losing the last 10 lbs is really at the bottom of my list. I'm making it happen, but I am not going to sweat it if it doesn't happen this very moment. Priorities.

    For me, my weight is serious. However if I dwell on the fact that I am so overweight and over think the situation I end up feeling like I am worthless, my life is useless, and I have no purpose. I think it's very motivating to have a reminder that I should count my blessings and it keeps me going.
  • CrazyTrackLady
    CrazyTrackLady Posts: 1,337 Member
    OP, just because you have suffered some tragedies in your life (which I am sorry to read about) you can not alter the way other people feel about their problems.

    We can all read peoples problems and successes on this website and get annoyed or feel so happy for the person.

    But, it is a website with lots of different subjects that people are allowed to post /comment on.

    If you feel that somebody has posted something and in the title you see that it is going to go against your feelings then ignore the post?

    Maybe like some folks should have done here?

  • LJSmith1989
    LJSmith1989 Posts: 650
    OP, just because you have suffered some tragedies in your life (which I am sorry to read about) you can not alter the way other people feel about their problems.

    We can all read peoples problems and successes on this website and get annoyed or feel so happy for the person.

    But, it is a website with lots of different subjects that people are allowed to post /comment on.

    If you feel that somebody has posted something and in the title you see that it is going to go against your feelings then ignore the post?

    Maybe like some folks should have done here?


    Nah we must politely point out that you talk rubbish.
  • CrazyTrackLady
    CrazyTrackLady Posts: 1,337 Member
    I understand what you are saying OP and I agree. Sometimes we zone in so much and focus so intently on the little things we forget to count our blessings as well and put it into perspective.

    Exactly! Thank you for understand. I've had my share of trauma in my life, and have been struggling with some serious issues with my family: I have a brother who nearly died of alcoholism and is currently in jail, another who is a recovering heroin addict, elderly parents who are very ill, a husband who has been unemployed since April 2011 (he finally got a real job and starts on Monday), a daughter with some serious issues, a son who has made some really bad choices but thankfully has begun to pull out of them, etc. For me, losing the last 10 lbs is really at the bottom of my list. I'm making it happen, but I am not going to sweat it if it doesn't happen this very moment. Priorities.

    For me, my weight is serious. However if I dwell on the fact that I am so overweight and over think the situation I end up feeling like I am worthless, my life is useless, and I have no purpose. I think it's very motivating to have a reminder that I should count my blessings and it keeps me going.

    I like this, because it emphasizes the point that we are MUCH more than the numbers on a scale or the amount of food we consume. You get it, and I totally admire your honest answer here. Thank you!
  • luckyjuls
    luckyjuls Posts: 505 Member

    For me, my weight is serious. However if I dwell on the fact that I am so overweight and over think the situation I end up feeling like I am worthless, my life is useless, and I have no purpose. I think it's very motivating to have a reminder that I should count my blessings and it keeps me going.

    This, exactly. I don't understand why people are taking such personal offense to this topic. The point was to make you realize that YOU, ME, ALL OF US are still worthy and your life is still wonderful even if you gained a pound or overate.

    And this is VERY helpful for me, as I can go into sad sack mode and feel sorry for myself and worthless. I sure have the right to FEEL those feelings, but it doesn't mean I can't try and replace them with a more positive thought instead.
  • twinketta
    twinketta Posts: 2,130 Member
    Let me put it this way for the OP.

    Lot`s of people have crazy *kitten* going on in their lives with family and friends.

    MFP gives those people a place where they are concentrating on themselves for a time.

    they can moan, feel good, complain, share success.

    there is a place and time to think about their weight loss/lack of/athletic ability/lack of

    We all need to put other personal stuff on the back burner sometimes and share/vent our diet/weight/fitness on a website that helps us to meet like minded people
  • CrazyTrackLady
    CrazyTrackLady Posts: 1,337 Member
    OP, just because you have suffered some tragedies in your life (which I am sorry to read about) you can not alter the way other people feel about their problems.

    We can all read peoples problems and successes on this website and get annoyed or feel so happy for the person.

    But, it is a website with lots of different subjects that people are allowed to post /comment on.

    If you feel that somebody has posted something and in the title you see that it is going to go against your feelings then ignore the post?

    Maybe like some folks should have done here?


    Nah we must politely point out that you talk rubbish.

    And yet you you choose to continue to post instead of moving on.
  • CrazyTrackLady
    CrazyTrackLady Posts: 1,337 Member

    For me, my weight is serious. However if I dwell on the fact that I am so overweight and over think the situation I end up feeling like I am worthless, my life is useless, and I have no purpose. I think it's very motivating to have a reminder that I should count my blessings and it keeps me going.

    This, exactly. I don't understand why people are taking such personal offense to this topic. The point was to make you realize that YOU, ME, ALL OF US are still worthy and your life is still wonderful even if you gained a pound or overate.

    And this is VERY helpful for me, as I can go into sad sack mode and feel sorry for myself and worthless. I sure have the right to FEEL those feelings, but it doesn't mean I can't try and replace them with a more positive thought instead.

    I think your profile pic is GORGEOUS.
  • LJSmith1989
    LJSmith1989 Posts: 650
    OP, just because you have suffered some tragedies in your life (which I am sorry to read about) you can not alter the way other people feel about their problems.

    We can all read peoples problems and successes on this website and get annoyed or feel so happy for the person.

    But, it is a website with lots of different subjects that people are allowed to post /comment on.

    If you feel that somebody has posted something and in the title you see that it is going to go against your feelings then ignore the post?

    Maybe like some folks should have done here?


    Nah we must politely point out that you talk rubbish.

    And yet you you choose to continue to post instead of moving on.

    Yeah inbetween typing up my own thread about people who have to write threads about people who have to whinge about overating by 300calories and who should be grateful that they don't have anything more serious in their lives like the OP

    Hope you managed to keep up with that?
  • luckyjuls
    luckyjuls Posts: 505 Member
    Let me put it this way for the OP.

    Lot`s of people have crazy *kitten* going on in their lives with family and friends.

    MFP gives those people a place where they are concentrating on themselves for a time.

    they can moan, feel good, complain, share success.

    there is a place and time to think about their weight loss/lack of/athletic ability/lack of

    We all need to put other personal stuff on the back burner sometimes and share/vent our diet/weight/fitness on a website that helps us to meet like minded people

    No one is telling you to stop feeling your feelings or stop posting about it. She is just saying that you should not let it bring you down in such a way that takes over your life or devastates you as you are more than a number on the scale.

    At least, that's how I interpreted it.
  • Saree1902
    Saree1902 Posts: 611 Member
    Thanks for this, it's always good to remember that life is actually pretty good and inhaling that pile of cake will not bring about the 4 horsemen of the apocalypse! :wink: