30 Day Shred May 30th - June 30th Support



  • rjadams
    rjadams Posts: 4,029 Member
    I have bad knees too. I have to modify real bouncy stuff but I just do what I can with more intensity. like boaterbunny said we know our bodies best.

    Just finished L2D2. Sweat more than yesterday but burned a few less calories. :ohwell: At least I am burning.
  • alymarphi
    alymarphi Posts: 90 Member
    L1 D2 Done! im happy, i only took 3 breaks today and i added 5lb weights!! Congrats to you guys movin to level 2 :)
  • lexicalabrese
    lexicalabrese Posts: 200 Member
    Dear sweet Baby Jesus...I started Level 2 today...did some of the things modified, though I DID try everything a couple of times just to see how it was before I decided to go modified...SO MANY PLANKS! You guys weren't kidding...oye.

    Jillian whooped my *kitten* today. I am done for the day. Ugh.

    Good luck everyone!
  • BGent
    BGent Posts: 112
    Jumping into this shred thread a bit late in the game, hope you don't mind.

    I really like this program: Jillian Micheals 30 Day Slim Down. It uses two other videos in rotation with varous levels of the shred, Banish Fat Boost Metabolism and No more Trouble zones. I had picked up a 3 pack with the 3 videos at costco but that was in Jan when all the xercise videos were around a lot. This is the schedule: http://www.sparkpeople.com/myspark/messageboard.asp?imboard=8&imparent=16332160 Now i just need to finish it myself haha. I hadn't heard of it and when i bought the 3 pack of videos I had had no idea Jlilian had designed that program using the shred in combination.

    I started the slimdown back in Feb. I got about two weeks into it and couldn't make myself continue. I think its a great program and I :heart: the No More Trouble Zones - very similar to the shred, but it seemed a bit easier to me, longer, and more ab workouts. Anyway, for now, for me, the shred it is. I need to stick with the 30 mins. I am trying to incorporate more cardio but am having a hard time fitting the time in. Oh, and I hated Banish Fat Boost Metabolism. I did it once and gave the dvd away. I wanted to do the slimdown again, but was going to do the elliptical in place of BFBM. I just couldn't force myself to follow that.

    What did you hate about BFBM? I haven't tried No More Trouble Zones or Banish Fat Boost Metabolism.

    Supermel-Thanks for the slim down plan, I need to check out the other two DVD s to see if I would like them.
  • km323
    km323 Posts: 124
    L1D8 down. I just realized I won't be able to do it this weekend because I'm going to volunteer at my college's reunion weekend... I hope that doesn't set me too far back. It's right around the time I'm supposed to start level 2 too. Ehhhh.
  • slcbrus
    slcbrus Posts: 79
    L2-D1 done and dusted! Pheeew :glasses:

    It was tough, really tough. I wish I were 25 again :sad: The 37 year old mama had a hard time with the cardio and the walking plank of the first segment just about did me in!

    Took a few breaks to sip water and wipe what was left of my face but did every exercise :noway: , some following Anita, the modifier, some following Jillian and Natalie.

    I will find it easier in two or three days, I know tomorrow will be tough. Day two of anything new is always tough :laugh:

    Good luck to the über strong and motivated ladies starting level 2 as well. Hang in there :flowerforyou:
  • Clew
    Clew Posts: 910 Member
    I feel a little naughty ... I took the morning off from my Shred. :embarassed: I did do a 45 minute kettlebell workout last night, though. I did two workouts on Saturday and felt all wobbly all day on Sunday, so it just seemed prudent to let my muscles rest a little bit after last night :smile:. Maybe I'll shred later today.

    I have to share with you guys though, it's only been a week but I feel so strong and energized. I've missed this feeling.

    Keep it up, friends! Proud of you!!! :bigsmile:
  • JennyBoBenny
    JennyBoBenny Posts: 274
    Woo Hoo! I officially did the entire level 1 without stopping on any of the moves and without modifying anything! I figure I'll do one more workout tomorrow and then move on to level 2 either Friday or Saturday. I've had this dvd for over a year and this is the furthest I've gotten with it. In the past I've done it once, maybe twice and quit. No quitting this time!
  • Clew
    Clew Posts: 910 Member
    Woo Hoo! I officially did the entire level 1 without stopping on any of the moves and without modifying anything! I figure I'll do one more workout tomorrow and then move on to level 2 either Friday or Saturday. I've had this dvd for over a year and this is the furthest I've gotten with it. In the past I've done it once, maybe twice and quit. No quitting this time!

    WOOHOO! Good for you, Jenny! I'm hoping to move up to L2 by next week. I wanted to be able to do the whole L1 without any breaks and I'm almost there. It's exciting to see progress isn't it! :bigsmile:
  • nehtaeh
    nehtaeh Posts: 2,849 Member
    L1D7 last night. I was thinking about taking tonight off because I'm just so exhausted and I have some meeting to go to, but I really want to get in 10 days at level 1 and then move, and I really want to move to level 2. So, I'll push through.

    I know I won't get this done in 30 days. Zumba at work starts next week and the days I go to that (possibly twice a week) I won't likely be doing the shred. But, I'll keep it going outside of those days.
  • nehtaeh
    nehtaeh Posts: 2,849 Member
    Jumping into this shred thread a bit late in the game, hope you don't mind.

    I really like this program: Jillian Micheals 30 Day Slim Down. It uses two other videos in rotation with varous levels of the shred, Banish Fat Boost Metabolism and No more Trouble zones. I had picked up a 3 pack with the 3 videos at costco but that was in Jan when all the xercise videos were around a lot. This is the schedule: http://www.sparkpeople.com/myspark/messageboard.asp?imboard=8&imparent=16332160 Now i just need to finish it myself haha. I hadn't heard of it and when i bought the 3 pack of videos I had had no idea Jlilian had designed that program using the shred in combination.

    I started the slimdown back in Feb. I got about two weeks into it and couldn't make myself continue. I think its a great program and I :heart: the No More Trouble Zones - very similar to the shred, but it seemed a bit easier to me, longer, and more ab workouts. Anyway, for now, for me, the shred it is. I need to stick with the 30 mins. I am trying to incorporate more cardio but am having a hard time fitting the time in. Oh, and I hated Banish Fat Boost Metabolism. I did it once and gave the dvd away. I wanted to do the slimdown again, but was going to do the elliptical in place of BFBM. I just couldn't force myself to follow that.

    What did you hate about BFBM? I haven't tried No More Trouble Zones or Banish Fat Boost Metabolism.

    Supermel-Thanks for the slim down plan, I need to check out the other two DVD s to see if I would like them.

    I think it was just hard. Its a whole video of her cardio basically. What is it, like 40 minutes? I just couldn't get through it. It might be a great workout, but I coudln't make myself have fun doing it. I think maybe if I could maybe work my way up to doing the whole thing it would be alright. I got discouraged because I could only do about half of it, so I stopped.
  • Supermel
    Supermel Posts: 612 Member
    Jumping into this shred thread a bit late in the game, hope you don't mind.

    I really like this program: Jillian Micheals 30 Day Slim Down. It uses two other videos in rotation with varous levels of the shred, Banish Fat Boost Metabolism and No more Trouble zones. I had picked up a 3 pack with the 3 videos at costco but that was in Jan when all the xercise videos were around a lot. This is the schedule: http://www.sparkpeople.com/myspark/messageboard.asp?imboard=8&imparent=16332160 Now i just need to finish it myself haha. I hadn't heard of it and when i bought the 3 pack of videos I had had no idea Jlilian had designed that program using the shred in combination.

    I started the slimdown back in Feb. I got about two weeks into it and couldn't make myself continue. I think its a great program and I :heart: the No More Trouble Zones - very similar to the shred, but it seemed a bit easier to me, longer, and more ab workouts. Anyway, for now, for me, the shred it is. I need to stick with the 30 mins. I am trying to incorporate more cardio but am having a hard time fitting the time in. Oh, and I hated Banish Fat Boost Metabolism. I did it once and gave the dvd away. I wanted to do the slimdown again, but was going to do the elliptical in place of BFBM. I just couldn't force myself to follow that.

    What did you hate about BFBM? I haven't tried No More Trouble Zones or Banish Fat Boost Metabolism.

    Supermel-Thanks for the slim down plan, I need to check out the other two DVD s to see if I would like them.

    You are very welsome. The No More Trouble Zones is awesome, I have been a bit sore, good sore every time i've done it. I enjoy BFBM though, and added handweights to some of the cardio to make it a bit tougher. But i did like it.
  • Ms_Natalie
    Ms_Natalie Posts: 1,030 Member
    Day 3, Level 2 of the shred today! I did level 1 and 2 yesterday and felt fantastic...after starting the 30DS last month and doing level 1 for 7 days and having to stop due to achilles tendonitis ...after returning to it, I realised that my resistance was still there and found it relatively easy. So decided to continue with level 2 and adding level 1 in the evenings, where possible.

    I broke a serious sweat during level 2 which feels incredible. Although I am overweight, I don't think I'm very unfit :happy: I managed to make it through level 2 with only one stop during the strength training involving the chair squats and millitary moves! Ouch...they are hard with 4lb weights!

    I woke up this morning and although I was quite sore, I couldn't wait to get started again..

    Exercise truely is addicitve and I Love it! :heart: Good Luck everyone with your progress!
  • ANewLucia
    ANewLucia Posts: 2,081 Member
    Whew, well last night was L1D8 and I feel so very much stronger. I have never had a hard time with the cardio because I do a lot of it, but the strength training, doing them off the bat with 5lb weighs, the side lunges killed me. I can almost do all of them with the 5 lbs now. I think tonight I will push to do them all. I am doing all of everything else. The only thing modified are the push ups in the beginning. I can do few the regular way then the rest modified. Over the weekend I tried level 2, but it was right after level 1 and I was tired, so only made it through the 1st set. Oh well, will try again.

    But overall, I am very pleased with the increased strength and look forward to level 2.
  • alymarphi
    alymarphi Posts: 90 Member
    i am taking a break today :( i wanted to get through the whole 30 days without and breaks but im sore. I was playing a dance game on the wii with my husband last night and i could hardly lift my arms. I'm listening to my body and taking a break :(
  • lexicalabrese
    lexicalabrese Posts: 200 Member

    That's all I have to say. It's the TOM right now, and here I am still whooping myself to get in shape. Damn you Jillian Michaels :grumble:
  • BGent
    BGent Posts: 112
    Jumping into this shred thread a bit late in the game, hope you don't mind.

    I really like this program: Jillian Micheals 30 Day Slim Down. It uses two other videos in rotation with varous levels of the shred, Banish Fat Boost Metabolism and No more Trouble zones. I had picked up a 3 pack with the 3 videos at costco but that was in Jan when all the xercise videos were around a lot. This is the schedule: http://www.sparkpeople.com/myspark/messageboard.asp?imboard=8&imparent=16332160 Now i just need to finish it myself haha. I hadn't heard of it and when i bought the 3 pack of videos I had had no idea Jlilian had designed that program using the shred in combination.

    I started the slimdown back in Feb. I got about two weeks into it and couldn't make myself continue. I think its a great program and I :heart: the No More Trouble Zones - very similar to the shred, but it seemed a bit easier to me, longer, and more ab workouts. Anyway, for now, for me, the shred it is. I need to stick with the 30 mins. I am trying to incorporate more cardio but am having a hard time fitting the time in. Oh, and I hated Banish Fat Boost Metabolism. I did it once and gave the dvd away. I wanted to do the slimdown again, but was going to do the elliptical in place of BFBM. I just couldn't force myself to follow that.

    What did you hate about BFBM? I haven't tried No More Trouble Zones or Banish Fat Boost Metabolism.

    Supermel-Thanks for the slim down plan, I need to check out the other two DVD s to see if I would like them.

    I think it was just hard. Its a whole video of her cardio basically. What is it, like 40 minutes? I just couldn't get through it. It might be a great workout, but I coudln't make myself have fun doing it. I think maybe if I could maybe work my way up to doing the whole thing it would be alright. I got discouraged because I could only do about half of it, so I stopped.

    Ah, yeah that would discourage me too. I will check it out to see if I may like it. Thanks! :)
  • mwilson1018
    mwilson1018 Posts: 509 Member
    Finished L1D7 today! I was being SUPER lazy and didn't feel like doing anything today (and actually felt ok with that, lol :blushing: ) But then I went and checked the mail and my HRM FINALLY came in the mail! I've been waiting for over a week. Needless to say that kicked me into gear and I immediately turned on the Shred so I could see how many calories I've burned. It still shocks me that calories burned, eating healthy, etc is me talking. I have never been health conscious, and I still amaze myself at the changes I've made. Of course, you could always tell that I didn't think about being healthy from all the extra pounds I've carried around... :wink:

    So anyway, for 27 minutes MFP gives me 256 calories, and my HRM gave me 193. I know it changes from day to day, your intensity, etc. I'm glad that I have an accurate count now so that I can hopefully pull through this plateau! For reference if anyone wants to compare I'm 24, 5 feet 4 inches, 156 pounds.

    Only 3 more days before I reach Level 2...I know it will kick my booty but I'm kind of looking forward to it for a change up. I'm sure I may regret wanting to move on... :laugh:
  • Clew
    Clew Posts: 910 Member
    So I've got my schedule all screwed up now - I started doing 30DS in the mornings and have now been doing it in the afternoons the past few days - MEH! - But at least I'm getting them in! :bigsmile:

    Here's my big news though ... *drum roll* ... yesterday was L1D8 and I got through the WHOLE ROUTINE without having to take any mini-breaks! Even the push-ups. YAY! :drinker: That was my hope, to be able to do that before D10. I really didn't know if I'd be able to achieve that ... so thanks to all my sister shredders for the inspiration and comeraderie. :heart: :smooched:

    I'm going to roll with L1 for a few more days and then move up to L2.
  • JennyBoBenny
    JennyBoBenny Posts: 274
    Here's my big news though ... *drum roll* ... yesterday was L1D8 and I got through the WHOLE ROUTINE without having to take any mini-breaks! Even the push-ups. YAY! :drinker: That was my hope, to be able to do that before D10. I really didn't know if I'd be able to achieve that ... so thanks to all my sister shredders for the inspiration and comeraderie. :heart: :smooched:

    I'm going to roll with L1 for a few more days and then move up to L2.

    WAY TO GO!! I myself have skipped the workout this morning. I woke up with a headache (I think it's the barometric pressure with all these clouds and rain coming) :frown: But I will be doing yoga at my lunch hour today and we'll see how I feel tonight when i get home from work. Definitely will be doing my last level one workout tomorrow morning though and then on to level 2 on Sunday (Saturday's reserved for a full day of pampering at the spa with my girls from work! *so excited!* :bigsmile: )

    Have a great day everyone! I :heart: my fellow shredders!
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