30 Day Shred May 30th - June 30th Support



  • slcbrus
    slcbrus Posts: 79
    Took a break yesterday and did L2-D2 today. What a workout! It is hard and I find the initial walking plank segment quite difficult. The cardio is alo quite intense but I'll get there. Otherwise a nice change from level 1! I can't believe we are almost halfway through the Shred :noway:
  • JennyBoBenny
    JennyBoBenny Posts: 274
    Had a bad case of insomnia last night... I just couldn't shut my brain off when I woke up in the middle of the night! So I finally fell asleep at 4:30am and when my alarm went off at 5:30, needless to say I had a few choice words for it! So no shred this morning, but am actually excited to get it done after work today - my last day of level 1!

    I'm also frustrated because I'm not really losing. I've been eating really well for about 3 weeks (only one "cheat" of Mcdonalds) and I walk minimum of 2 miles a day (briskly) and now doing the shred for the last week and a half I really thought I'd see some changes! I guess we all want "instant gratification" even though with all the hard work and effort to eat well it doesn't feel so "instant". I feel good though so I guess that's what counts. I'm hoping that in a week or so, everything will just suddenly click in to gear and I'll notice the changes both in the mirror and on the scale!

  • lexicalabrese
    lexicalabrese Posts: 200 Member
    I thought I posted this last night, but I don't see it...

    I did L2D3 yesterday and noticed I was getting stronger and not having to take so many breaks! Gonna do L2D4 today!

    Good luck ladies :)
  • mshay05
    mshay05 Posts: 229 Member
    well i didn't get a shred in last night. L1D9 tonight!
  • vicidoesstuff
    vicidoesstuff Posts: 214 Member
    I lost the .7 lbs. I gained last week so back down to 151.7 lbs. Up in inches on a few areas which is a little confusing.Hope everyone has a great day! :)

    I'm on Day 27 and have noticed that I went down an inch in my waist then back up so it balanced out (though if I squeeze I could get it back.. but you know thats not accurate :P). I think it's because the muscle is really building up there. I assume the fat will go eventually because muscle hates sitting next to fat. At least I like to believe that's true...
  • JennyBoBenny
    JennyBoBenny Posts: 274
    Just finished my 6th workout of level one and I can confidently move on to level 2. I don't know if it's the day off I took yesterday, or that I worked out after work instead of at 5:30am or the fact that my body is just conditioned better, but it felt much easier today! I jumped HIGH on my jump ropes, sank lower into my squats and didn't find myself running out of breath as much as I used to! Now, to reward myself for finishing level one for the first time in the year that I've owned the dvd, I am spending the day in the spa tomorrow. (Actually, the spa day has been planned for months but I might as well give myself the feeling of reward whether it was meant to be or not).

    Can I take a mini poll here? What weight of dumbells are you all using? Or do you have a couple of sets that you switch up?

    I'm using 5lbs in each hand but found the foward delt raises (with the lunge) too hard with a full 10lbs of weight so I held one 5lb in both hands. Anyone else find the need to modify in any of the weight lifting? I'm nervous about the strength training in the other two levels. I guess we'll see soon enough!

    Have a great weekend everyone!
  • lexicalabrese
    lexicalabrese Posts: 200 Member
    Hey ladies! Did L2D4 yesterday, still modifying a LOT but definitely taking fewer breaks and really pushing myself!

    Jenny - I am using 3lb weights. I'm a sissy and have no upper body strength, which is why the planks in Level 2 are SO hard for me. Good job moving up to L2 so quickly, good work!

    Keep it up ladies, we're almost halfway through!
  • highrise
    highrise Posts: 147 Member
    Just started Level 3 - holy moly, that part where you are in plank and have to go down onto your elbows and back up again...I had to do the adaptation. I like it though as it's easier on the knees. Hope all of you other Level 3-ers are coping!

    (I use 3lb weights; more than enough for me!)
  • lexicalabrese
    lexicalabrese Posts: 200 Member
    Oh god...Level 3 sounds beastly lol.

    Did L2D5 today....already halfway through Level 2 and it's still HARD. I am not sure I want to "graduate" to Level 3 until I can do the advanced version of ALL of the Level 2 moves and not have to take any breaks.

    We'll see how that goes in the next 5 days!

    Keep up the hard work everyone!
  • Supermel
    Supermel Posts: 612 Member
    I use 5-7 pounds in level one for back exercises and any of the chest/bicep moves. For the arm raise/lunge in the 3rd circuit i use 3 pounds and for the circuit one with the hands over the head (press) i have to use 3lbs. Affter finishing the 30 days, i could do that first press with 5 lbs but i';ve lost some of my strength. Apparntly i have to regrow my triceps!
  • I feel like such a failure. I haven't been able to do the Shred due to personal issues. So I am going to start over today. Will that be ok?
  • JennyBoBenny
    JennyBoBenny Posts: 274
    OF COURSE IT'S OKAY! This is your journey! You're not a FAILURE for missing some workouts... life happens! At least you're recognizing that you've been missing out and want to get back to it! I congratulate you! :flowerforyou:

    I just did my first level 2 workout. I've never done so many variations of a plank exercise! Sweating like a pig so adios for the day! I'm off to the shower and to enjoy the sun! (it hasn't been out for a while!) :bigsmile:
  • nehtaeh
    nehtaeh Posts: 2,849 Member
    Missed the last two days of shredding. I planned on it Friday night, but a friend was using our computer so it just didn't happen. Last night I was just beat after being at the park all day. Today I will do the shred. It will be L1D9. I am going to move on to level 2 after today though. I just need the change.

    They are starting a zumba class at my work tomorrow. Its on Mondays and Wednesdays. I havne't decided which one, or both, I'm going to do. If I zumba I won't shred. If I don't, then I'll start level 2 tomorrow night.
  • lexicalabrese
    lexicalabrese Posts: 200 Member
    Did L2D6 today...only 4 more days until I "graduate" to Level 3...eeek!

    I am working REALLY hard to continue through the whole workout. I keep up with Natalie on some things, and Anita on some others. I ALWAYS have to stop short on the oblique twists during Cardio because I get a tummy cramp on the second set of them and then I can't do the crunches that come right after them.

    I also break during the plank exercises...my upper body strength is no good and Jillian keeps trying to move us from super difficult upper body moves right into planks....when my arms are already shaking!!!

    Oh well...I at least did it, I finished, and I burned 248 calories. I'm happy! :glasses: :glasses:
  • slcbrus
    slcbrus Posts: 79
    Took a break from working out this week-end. It felt really good actually, was maybe pushing myself a bit too much since I don't do only the Shred but also Couch to 5K and the Bar Method. Anyways, L2D3 is on tomorrow first thing in the morning!

    Keep it up you all, you are doing great!!! :flowerforyou:
  • funkyspunky871
    funkyspunky871 Posts: 1,675 Member
    Hey everybody! Glad you're all doing so well! I thought I had dropped way, way, way behind, but I guess it's not a big deal. I'm on L1D6. After finishing today, I went ahead and watched Level 2, just to get an idea of what I'd be doing in a few days. Oh man, I'm nervous. :)
  • I haven't read this thread for a bit but great to hear how everyone's getting on! I took a bit of a break this weekend in between level 1 and 2 as I'd hurt my bck last week and thought a couple of days off might not do any harm. Back in action now though and did L2 D2 (day 12 total) this morning. I sweated A LOT and had to take a few breaks but all in all Level 2 isn't as much of a nightmare as I'd been worried about! You definately work a lot harder than level 1 though and I noticed that my knees took quite a bashing, anyone else think this is tougher on the knees?
  • happy_jax
    happy_jax Posts: 289 Member
    I've been doing my Shred all weekend still...in addition to all my usual sports (nearly wiped myself out yesterday, but a hearty meal sorted me out...I thought I earnt it!! hehe)

    I am not sure I will be ready for L3 in three days though, I am still finding L2 very hard. I struggle with a lot of the plank stuff still...Its more my arms than my core, they just can't seem to hold me up so much! hehe. :sad:

    And I always end up screaming abuse at Jillian when we're doing the lunges/bicep curls - she does more in the 2nd set than the 1st for sure and starts banging on about 'jeans shopping??' What??? :laugh: I always get through them but they really burn for sure!!
  • BGent
    BGent Posts: 112
    Completed L2D6 yesterday. Twinged something in my upper back on Tuesday so I have been taking IB, resting and doing mild stretching.

    Everyone is doing such a great job, keep it up! :)
  • Clew
    Clew Posts: 910 Member
    I have totally shelved the Shred this weekend, but not because I'm lazy :wink: . My knee was being grumpy Friday so I skipped the Shred and just did a long kettlebell workout. Saturday was crazy busy with a bunch of running (my son's soccer team won the league world cup - woohoo!) and was exhausted by the time I got home at night. Yesterday I took the boy to the science museum to see a Titanic exhibit (he loves the Titanic - and so do I) and a construction equipment exhibit - along with all the other cool stuff there. We ran around for 5 straight hours and my legs were pooped last night! I normally dont log general everyday walking for my exercise but y'day I counted I think 3 hours. With stair climbing and all as well it seemed like a reasonable estimate, and I thought I deserved it :wink:

    Anyway the alarm went off at 5 today and my knees were barking mad ... so I'll try to get back on the horse tomorrow.

    You guys are all doing so great! I'm glad we can share our progress here :smile:
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