30 Day Shred May 30th - June 30th Support



  • mshay05
    mshay05 Posts: 229 Member
    So I've got my schedule all screwed up now - I started doing 30DS in the mornings and have now been doing it in the afternoons the past few days - MEH! - But at least I'm getting them in! :bigsmile:

    Here's my big news though ... *drum roll* ... yesterday was L1D8 and I got through the WHOLE ROUTINE without having to take any mini-breaks! Even the push-ups. YAY! :drinker: That was my hope, to be able to do that before D10. I really didn't know if I'd be able to achieve that ... so thanks to all my sister shredders for the inspiration and comeraderie. :heart: :smooched:

    I'm going to roll with L1 for a few more days and then move up to L2.

    Wow!! Way to go bunny!!!! I am almost to that point. L1D8 finished! I am hoping that by day 10 i can finish it without a break! :bigsmile: Great work everyone!!
  • mwilson1018
    mwilson1018 Posts: 509 Member
    Boaterbunny- GREAT JOB!!!! Hopefully I can get there too!!
  • ANewLucia
    ANewLucia Posts: 2,081 Member
    I just didn't get a chance to do it yesterday. I set the alarm and was so tired, I hit it 3 more times. Had service last night and had to give hubby and kids time too. So, today working over time with a jog/race walk at lunch time and Jillian tonight...I HOPE L1D9!
  • happy_jax
    happy_jax Posts: 289 Member
    I have to confess I am not shredding today... :blushing:

    Done 13 days in a row in addition to all of my regular stuff, but I really need a break!! Felt a little like all I am doing in my social time is exercising and it's not always fun when it becomes so much of an obsession. Plus I have that 'achey bone' feeling which I know means take a break (or I'm getting flu! But I'm sure it's the first! hehe)

    I'll be back on it tomorrow for my day 14 :happy:
  • JennyBoBenny
    JennyBoBenny Posts: 274
    I have to say... my yoga class was great today! I only do it once a week and I really found I was stronger today in my arms and my abs / balance... It must be because of the workouts with Jillian! How great is that? I found yet another way to measure my progress with this journey!

    happy_jax - I agree with you giving yourself a break. Obsessing with anything even if it's good for you isn't healthy and ya, you don't want it to not be enjoyable anymore cuz you're cramming it down your own throat! Rest days are healthy and needed to keep going! I used to believe in cheat days too but found I would "somehow" go from one cheat day a week to two to three to... Rest days are different though - your muscles need them and they prevent injury! Don't be embarassed or feel guilty for not shredding today. You'll enjoy the workout that much more tomorrow cuz you'll find you've missed it. :flowerforyou:
  • mwilson1018
    mwilson1018 Posts: 509 Member
    L1D8 done today - burned 183 calories. :smile:
  • km323
    km323 Posts: 124
    I just finished Day 10 of level 1. I guess that means I'm moving on to level 2 tomorrow. I'm scared.
  • Finished L1D5 today, and I didn't have to take any breaks! I will confess to doing my push-ups off the wall, though. It was still a great feeling of accomplshment.

    I took 1 day off between days 3 and 4 because my quads hurt so bad I was walking funny. It's amazing what a difference that 1 day off made. My quads no longer hurt (except for during the workout) and I'm back to walking normal. :)
  • BGent
    BGent Posts: 112
    So I've got my schedule all screwed up now - I started doing 30DS in the mornings and have now been doing it in the afternoons the past few days - MEH! - But at least I'm getting them in! :bigsmile:

    Here's my big news though ... *drum roll* ... yesterday was L1D8 and I got through the WHOLE ROUTINE without having to take any mini-breaks! Even the push-ups. YAY! :drinker: That was my hope, to be able to do that before D10. I really didn't know if I'd be able to achieve that ... so thanks to all my sister shredders for the inspiration and comeraderie. :heart: :smooched:

    I'm going to roll with L1 for a few more days and then move up to L2.

    Wow, you are awesome! :drinker: Keep up the great work! :flowerforyou:
  • nehtaeh
    nehtaeh Posts: 2,849 Member
    I ended up taking last night off - it was a busy night.

    Did L1D8 tonight though. Only 2 more days of level 1. I'm ready to move on.
  • BGent
    BGent Posts: 112
    I lost the .7 lbs. I gained last week so back down to 151.7 lbs. Up in inches on a few areas which is a little confusing.Hope everyone has a great day! :)
  • Clew
    Clew Posts: 910 Member
    I lost the .7 lbs. I gained last week so back down to 151.7 lbs. Up in inches on a few areas which is a little confusing.Hope everyone has a great day! :)

    Hey, sounds like there are changes happening though! :) Great work!

    I got in my L1D9 last night and about 15 mins of some calisthenics and couldn't finish that part. Today my knees are really tender and I have a weird soreness in my back. I think I'm starting to sacrifice form by trying to keep up with a daily pace, so I'm going to take today off ...

    Oh happy day though - I lost 2 pounds this week. YIPPEE!

    Keep rockin' it, friends! So proud of ALL of you! :heart:
  • mwilson1018
    mwilson1018 Posts: 509 Member
    I weighed in today at 155.4, which means I lost 1.2 lbs this week :) That was nice since I haven't lost in about 3 weeks!! YAY! :laugh:
  • Supermel
    Supermel Posts: 612 Member
    I lost the .7 lbs. I gained last week so back down to 151.7 lbs. Up in inches on a few areas which is a little confusing.Hope everyone has a great day! :)

    Hey, sounds like there are changes happening though! :) Great work!

    I got in my L1D9 last night and about 15 mins of some calisthenics and couldn't finish that part. Today my knees are really tender and I have a weird soreness in my back. I think I'm starting to sacrifice form by trying to keep up with a daily pace, so I'm going to take today off ...

    Oh happy day though - I lost 2 pounds this week. YIPPEE!

    Keep rockin' it, friends! So proud of ALL of you! :heart:

    WTG on yoru loss, that is awesome!
  • Supermel
    Supermel Posts: 612 Member
    I weighed in today at 155.4, which means I lost 1.2 lbs this week :) That was nice since I haven't lost in about 3 weeks!! YAY! :laugh:


    I did level one day 4 last night, and man it felt great. My stamina is back and i enjoyed feeling the burn :) My new HRM though, stopped a few times, so i didn't get an accurate account of how much i burned off, but it was close to 150 without the missed calories counted, which is much less than what i have been counting, which sucks! I will try fixing the strap tonight and make it a bit snugger.
  • mwilson1018
    mwilson1018 Posts: 509 Member
    I weighed in today at 155.4, which means I lost 1.2 lbs this week :) That was nice since I haven't lost in about 3 weeks!! YAY! :laugh:


    I did level one day 4 last night, and man it felt great. My stamina is back and i enjoyed feeling the burn :) My new HRM though, stopped a few times, so i didn't get an accurate account of how much i burned off, but it was close to 150 without the missed calories counted, which is much less than what i have been counting, which sucks! I will try fixing the strap tonight and make it a bit snugger.

    I thought the same thing! I was logging 250 something, and I've gotten 193 and 181 for the two days I did the workout with the HRM.
  • ANewLucia
    ANewLucia Posts: 2,081 Member
    Well finished L1D9 and did half of L2 right after. I really don't care for level 2 at all. I guess tonight will be the last night and then on to L2....

    Hmmmm....I haven't lost a single solitary pound, but I have lost an inch off the waist, 1.5 inches off the hips and .5 off the thighs. I have lost a lot of fat off my sides and can really see a difference in fat overall and a little definition, but I soooooo want to loose some WEIGHT. It is just so very frustrating! But I will keep on pushing forward. At least I am seeing some change even if it isn't on the scale. My jeans are looser, but I have a ways to go before I can fit my regular wardrobe...sorry, I am bummer man today! Just a bit UGGGH!!!!!
  • Clew
    Clew Posts: 910 Member
    Well finished L1D9 and did half of L2 right after. I really don't care for level 2 at all. I guess tonight will be the last night and then on to L2....

    Hmmmm....I haven't lost a single solitary pound, but I have lost an inch off the waist, 1.5 inches off the hips and .5 off the thighs. I have lost a lot of fat off my sides and can really see a difference in fat overall and a little definition, but I soooooo want to loose some WEIGHT. It is just so very frustrating! But I will keep on pushing forward. At least I am seeing some change even if it isn't on the scale. My jeans are looser, but I have a ways to go before I can fit my regular wardrobe...sorry, I am bummer man today! Just a bit UGGGH!!!!!

    I KNOW! It drives me crazy when the scale doesn't move ... but those inches ~ ! That's fabulous! Be proud, lady, that's awesome!
  • nehtaeh
    nehtaeh Posts: 2,849 Member
    I think I might adjust my cals burned to 200. I don't have a HRM so I estimate based on what everyone else says. Either way I eat when I'm hungry, which is way more often when I work out. That's part of my problem. Just need to have healthier choices around.

    I will do L1D9 tonight, and the last of level 1 tomorrow. I think I will take some measurements before starting level 2 and report. I know I'm not losing any poundage, which is likely because of my eating and cals burned problem stated above. I would like to report that I can totally see my ab muscles that are above my belly. The ones in my belly are covered with fat, but the fat stops and the ones on top I can see. I just wish I could see the rest.
  • Supermel
    Supermel Posts: 612 Member
    I think I might adjust my cals burned to 200. I don't have a HRM so I estimate based on what everyone else says. Either way I eat when I'm hungry, which is way more often when I work out. That's part of my problem. Just need to have healthier choices around.

    I will do L1D9 tonight, and the last of level 1 tomorrow. I think I will take some measurements before starting level 2 and report. I know I'm not losing any poundage, which is likely because of my eating and cals burned problem stated above. I would like to report that I can totally see my ab muscles that are above my belly. The ones in my belly are covered with fat, but the fat stops and the ones on top I can see. I just wish I could see the rest.

    I am the same way, after doing level one and level two last time i could see the top row of abs, but my baby pouch is over top of the rest haha. I'm finding by upping my protein i am much more full :) and i do try to eat often to keep up my metabolism, often every 2-3 hours throughout the day.
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