30 Day Shred May 30th - June 30th Support



  • happy_jax
    happy_jax Posts: 289 Member
    So I couldn't wait to share something with my fellow shredders...

    I've been in London the past few days with my mum - went to a concert, did a bit of shopping, hung out in Hyde Park - all very nice! :happy: (Did my Shred before I went on Weds, so I only missed one day!) But anyway, I was in Selfridges and Ted Baker had these gorgeous jeans that had gone in the sale. But they only had a size smaller than I would have thought I would get into - but I tried them on anyway (hello, 40% off!) and they fitted perfectly!!

    I laughed away to myself in the changing rooms thinking about all those damn lunges in Level 2 when Jillian starts going on about "going jeans shopping" and how it's actually come true!! The Shred really has helped me enjoy jeans shopping!! :laugh:

    Really motivated now for my last 5 days of The Shred, okay I haven't hardly lost any weight according to the scales but this shows I have slimmed in other ways! YAY!
  • BGent
    BGent Posts: 112
    happy_jax: Congrats on the jean shopping! :)

    I weigh in today and haven't lost but also haven't gained. Lost a few .5" in different areas so that is motivating. Have been doing the Shred through Tuesday, then I slacked of the last two days. Getting back on track tonight.

    Hope everyone has a great day! :)
  • bikinimission
    Arrggghhh, I haven't shredded - or done much of anything since last Wednesday. I wrecked my knee on the shred a couple of weeks ago and stupidly didn't rest it afterwards and it got worse every time I worked out (damn those twisty moves in L2) :( I finally had to admit defeat last Wednesday when I went for a jog - knee literally gave out under me 1/2 way round and I had to hobble home in agony. Rest has been my only option and stupidly I kind of gave up on my abs and arms too...

    Now almost a week later I'm still in a knee brace and popping anti-inflammatories - although I do feel a little better today than I did all weekend. My mum's a physio so I'm in good hands and she's banned me from doing anything that involves my legs even powerwalking for a full week. :( I'm so cross, I was going so well to complete the 30 days before my holiday next Thursday - just hope I'll be fixed by then though!

    Ahhh, rant, rant, rant! Just wanted to vent my frustrations!!

    I'm so going to get back on the wagon and start working on my top half again today though and will also restart the shred challenge after my hols too once my knee has had plenty of time to recover - I was just starting to feel a difference! Well done to all you other shredders, I see a lot of leg complaints though - seems like the shred is universally hard on the legs!
  • nehtaeh
    nehtaeh Posts: 2,977 Member
    Last week was horrid, I was tired and just couldn't force myself to do the shred the last half of the week. Way too many issues with life. Then relay for life on Sat, so no shred but a ton of walking. I'm still recovering. I am going to push back into this. I will see how I feel later to know if I'll do it tonight. I'm going to do a couple more days of level 2 then move up. I won't get done before the end of June, but will finish the program...just keep pushing on!
  • BGent
    BGent Posts: 112
    Last week was horrid, I was tired and just couldn't force myself to do the shred the last half of the week. Way too many issues with life. Then relay for life on Sat, so no shred but a ton of walking. I'm still recovering. I am going to push back into this. I will see how I feel later to know if I'll do it tonight. I'm going to do a couple more days of level 2 then move up. I won't get done before the end of June, but will finish the program...just keep pushing on!

    I can understand life getting in the way. As long as you do some kind of activity that is all that matters. You will complete workout in no time. :)
  • happy_jax
    happy_jax Posts: 289 Member
    So today should be our "graduation day" from the shred!! :happy:

    Although I am guessing most people are like me and still have a few days to go....!!

    I have two days to go still (after today) because of nights I skipped - but I know I'm not going to be able to Shred on Thursday as it's a colleagues retirement party and we're flying half the company over for a Bacardi Beach Party I've organized!! So excited! :laugh: Of course, I will be taking it easy on the mojitos not to undo all my good work! :drinker:

    So I will therefore finish this weekend! I am considering doing a Shredding marathon - Level 1 - 2 - 3 consecutively, to celebrate, but think I might die exhausted half way!! I can do two levels back to back but don't know that I can cope with all three. Has anyone else tried this? With success??
  • nehtaeh
    nehtaeh Posts: 2,977 Member
    Ok, I guess today would be L2D8. I will do level 2 again tonight but will move up to level 3 after tonight. I'm just ready to move. I can do all of level 2, even after not doing it for a week. The only part that I don't do is the arm raises in the military press part. I hold my arms up but don't raise them...I probly never will raise them. This helps me to actually do the next move (v raise, chair squat things). I'm glad to be getting back to this though, I kinda missed it.
  • nehtaeh
    nehtaeh Posts: 2,977 Member
    L2D9 done!!

    Will do level 3 tonight. I'm so excited. Will be gone this weekend though so will have to pick it back up on Mon night.
  • funkyspunky871
    funkyspunky871 Posts: 1,675 Member
    Just checking in. L2D9 is done. One more day of level 2, and I get to move on. :) Hooray!
  • happy_jax
    happy_jax Posts: 289 Member
    So I've finished my full "30 days" routine....sadly didn't lose 20lbs...and don't have the amazing abs like Anita, Natalie or Jillian... but I did get into smaller skinny jeans and that really nasty 'bra splodge/back fat' bit has dissapeared (sorry if that was too much info!) so it was worth it for me!! :happy:

    I am going to keep shredding every now and then, as I'm used to working out at least 6 days a week, if not 7 now - when I only used to work out 5...but don't want to go to the gym every single night, so the shred is a nice alternative! Plus I think the core work is good for me, I don't tend to do a lot of that usually.

    Big WELL DONE to those that have also finished :drinker: and GOOD LUCK to those still on their way!!

    Thanks for all the support...it's been fun! (I think! hehe) :smile:
  • happy_jax
    happy_jax Posts: 289 Member
    ....And hey, I meant to add - What's the next challenge???

    I have been looking for something new, wondered what you are all moving onto?

    P90X seems to require too long a time commitment. 'No more trouble zones' is only available in region 1 DVD.
    I haven't really looked into anything else so far.....
  • nehtaeh
    nehtaeh Posts: 2,977 Member
    Did L3D2 last night. I am planning to do this every night. I will be gone all weekend and pick it back up next Monday.
  • nehtaeh
    nehtaeh Posts: 2,977 Member
    Am I the only one still here????

    L3D3 last night. I hope to get D4 in tonight, then off for another vacation. I will finish this thing though. It's just taking me longer than expected. Damn headaches don't help me none.
  • nehtaeh
    nehtaeh Posts: 2,977 Member
    L3D4 last night. Will be back on Monday to continue. Staying home next weekend so I should be able to finish this up in another week or so.
  • lexistepps
    lexistepps Posts: 200 Member
    Looking to start this up again soon! Our anniversary is on the 12th of September, and my husband will be out of town so we are going to a concert on the 24th. I bought a SUPER short, SUPER clingy little sweater dress to wear and MUST be "shredded" so that I can wear it without feeling not so great in it :grumble:

    Let's get going again, ladies! Dust off your DVDs and your hand weights and let's get back into this thing! :drinker:

    I'm going to start AFTER Labor Day, so you've all got a chance to get prepared and in the zoooone :tongue:

    See you all here again very soon!