30 Day Shred May 30th - June 30th Support



  • mshay05
    mshay05 Posts: 229 Member
    Level 1 days 9 & 10 done! I didn't do any shredding yesterday but I did work out! So it all equals out! :drinker:
  • jheller
    jheller Posts: 194
    Wore my heart rate monitor this time and only burned 169 which makes me wonder if running is not a better workout. I run for 30 minutes and burn 100 more then doing the Shred. But the Shred offers its own challenges. Level2 - second time around - didn't puke. Making progress!!
  • nehtaeh
    nehtaeh Posts: 2,849 Member
    I did my last day of level 1 last night. I also wore my brand new HRM (so excited). Anyway, I burned 227 for the whole thing. I think that there are other benefits you get from the shred that running will not provide, the strength training and toning come to mind.

    Looking forward to shredding, level 2 style tonight.
  • funkyspunky871
    funkyspunky871 Posts: 1,675 Member
    jheller: I wonder the same thing. I go out for a 30 minute brisk walk and I burn around 490 calories. I only burn around 330 with the shred. Haha, and yes that's no joke. I think I just might be the biggest shredder here.... Therefore I burn more. :)

    But... I've promised myself that I was going to do all 30 days, despite how much I burn. I want to get a head start on toning and I do believe the shred is working. Hooray!
  • Supermel
    Supermel Posts: 612 Member
    I did my last day of level 1 last night. I also wore my brand new HRM (so excited). Anyway, I burned 227 for the whole thing. I think that there are other benefits you get from the shred that running will not provide, the strength training and toning come to mind.

    Looking forward to shredding, level 2 style tonight.

    i agree!! In just 5 times of level one i got my rocking arms back. Even my kids noticed :) Works good and works fast. I may try running or fast walking to supplement the shred though as i'm not burning as many calories at the shred either. Only 165 at my highest for level one. But i have done the video a lot and even though my heart reate was in the target zone almost the whole time i wonder if my body is just used to that level?
  • happy_jax
    happy_jax Posts: 289 Member
    Today I couldn't make it to the gym, so I did Level 1 followed by Level 2.

    I was surprised how easy I found Level 1 now...what was I sweating over before?? But then onto Level 2 and because you've just worked those muscles (allbeit not as hard) it hurt more than normal! I was really happy with what a good workout it was, I didn't feel like I'd short-changed myself for exercise today (which I normally do if I only manage to fit in the shred, always like to do two things!)

    Roll on Level 3.. just two more days to go! :happy:
  • highrise
    highrise Posts: 147 Member
    You definately work a lot harder than level 1 though and I noticed that my knees took quite a bashing, anyone else think this is tougher on the knees?

    Level 2 is definitely tough on the knees (not as much as L1 though) but I found that if I used my glutes and hamstrings to take the burn (rather than my knees) I could manage. Keep at it, it gets easier I promise.

    I'm on L3D3 and managed to do it without a rest (although I can't do rock star jumps so I do extra buttkicks) I don't think I'm getting as much out of this as L2 so will have to put more effort in, I think!
  • slcbrus
    slcbrus Posts: 79
    You definately work a lot harder than level 1 though and I noticed that my knees took quite a bashing, anyone else think this is tougher on the knees?

    Level 2 is definitely tough on the knees (not as much as L1 though) but I found that if I used my glutes and hamstrings to take the burn (rather than my knees) I could manage. Keep at it, it gets easier I promise.

    I'm on L3D3 and managed to do it without a rest (although I can't do rock star jumps so I do extra buttkicks) I don't think I'm getting as much out of this as L2 so will have to put more effort in, I think!

    I have the same knee problem with level 2, go figure! Didn't have that on level 1 and I thought that maybe I was doing something wrong but I think we just put more pressure on the knees with the level 2 routine.

    Anyways, L2D3 done and dusted!!

    Keep it up ladies :glasses:
  • funkyspunky871
    funkyspunky871 Posts: 1,675 Member
    L1D7 done!

    Is it weird that I'm actually sort of looking forward to doing the shred now? Lol.
  • nehtaeh
    nehtaeh Posts: 2,849 Member
    L2D1 down. Oh, I remember level 2 and why I don't care for it. I can't do the plank moves. Well, I have to do the easier version cause of my knee. And all those arm strength moves! Aside from a few of the arm moves I could do just about all of it though. HRM says I burned 205 calories so not bad.
  • km323
    km323 Posts: 124
    After a weekend away (with some roughhhh eating habits -- eeee!) I started level 2 today. All I have to say is: holy planks! I had to drop to my knees every single time she said the words "plank position". It was rough, but at the same time it was a nice change of pace from 10 straight days of level 1. I also went for a walk/jog today so it's nice to be back in the swing, even if I undid all of my weight loss this past weekend :/
  • vickuli
    vickuli Posts: 7 Member
    If you have a pool just to get a hang of rock star jumps or any of the moves....in the water is the way to get them to be fun and eaisy....I am now mixing up all the levels....I did each for a week. I am now doing L3 Mon L2 Tues L1 Wed L2 Thur L3 Fri. then the yard work and swimming (weather permitting) but while in the pool I do some of the moves.....It is great...the inches keep falling off..
  • JennyBoBenny
    JennyBoBenny Posts: 274
    I had a really bad day yesterday and didn't shred. Back at it bright and early this morning though. Level 2 is tough for me so far. I have to modify a lot and take alot of breaks (to sip water - I'm huffing and puffing). I sweat a lot more than in level 1 and find I don't get that euphoric energized feeling after... I'm just spent! It's only day 2 though so I'll keep at it and I know that like level 1, I will get better every time and it will eventually feel easier!
  • Clew
    Clew Posts: 910 Member
    Guys, I am going to ask for some thoughts here ...

    I haven't even done the Shred since last Thursday because my stupid knee is really crabby lately, especially in the mornings when I get up (when I like to do my Shred). I have read so many comments about L2 being rough on the knees ... I'm wondering if I should go from L1 to L3? Is L3 easier in that respect (on the knees)? I'm sure they are in the order they're in for a reason, but I was thinking Jillian does say any of the workouts are great on their own, so maybe it really doesn't matter.

    I'm still doing the kettlebell but it takes more time and I dont feel like I'm getting the burn I was with the Shred.

    I hate to stop the Shred schedule but I don't want to jack myself up either :frown: I ordered myself an Ace Brace but I don't know if that'll solve everything. I know, I know, I should proably go see my doc ... but I'm really just wondering about the feasability of going from L1 to L3. Any opinions from those who've done L3?
  • nehtaeh
    nehtaeh Posts: 2,849 Member
    boaterbunny - does it help if you modify the moves? I had issues with level 1 as well. I just have a bad knee. I do the easy route for planks and my knees are ok with them. There are some moves that I just don't put as much pressure on my knee when its bent. I still get a good workout. Maybe you should try it once. If you can't do the moves then I'd say move on to level 3 - I like that better anyway.

    FTR - my knee won't get better. I do what I can but I don't overdo it becuase I don't feel like hurting afterwards. Dr says I have some ligament damage. It hurst when I put pressure on it while bent. Stairs can hurt if I'm not careful.
  • lexicalabrese
    lexicalabrese Posts: 200 Member
    Skipped my Shred workout yesterday...went shopping for FOUR HOURS and got a whole new wardrobe! I was far too busy to Shred, and far too tired when I got home! lol

    I'll be starting back up again today!

    Keep it up ladies!
  • highrise
    highrise Posts: 147 Member
    Wow, lots of people with knee problems. It's tough, that's for sure. It sounds as if we all have different aches and pains with our knees, though - has anyone been recommended a steroid injection?

    So L3D4 and I managed it all the way through (except rock star jumps) without pausing the DVD. I was so pleased with myself that I did L2 afterwards...until I got to the chair squats and oh my knees :o(

    Level 3 is definitely easier on the knees, but I built up quite a bit of quads muscle on L2 which - according to my GP - helps alleviate my specific knee problem (chondromalacia), so it's kind of rock and a hard place.

    Have a good evening all!
  • lexicalabrese
    lexicalabrese Posts: 200 Member
    Did L2D7 today...didn't feel like I put all of my effort into it, I was so tired from yesterday still.

    My husband will be coming home soon and I have been so excited/anxious/nervous/etc that I am starting to get into an almost depressed state. Therefore, I'm sleepy all day and don't want to do a darned thing.
  • funkyspunky871
    funkyspunky871 Posts: 1,675 Member
    L1D8 done!

    You're all such an inspiration to me!

    lexistepps: How exciting! But don't let your anxiousness stop you! You said you wanted to be in great shape for your hubby went he gets back, remember? Keep going! You're almost there!
  • km323
    km323 Posts: 124
    Just finished L2D2. I'm getting a little frustrated with the Shred. With the exception of this past weekend when I was away, I have done the workout consistently for 12 days. I'm sweating my butt off and I'm continually sore the following day (today I had a hard time jogging earlier in the day because of soreness in my shins and knees) but...I haven't really lost any weight. At all. What gives?
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