Over 200 Club New Year New Me Part 21



  • meokk
    meokk Posts: 787 Member
    Hi everyone
    I'm in France now and loving it

    quick check in. Last few days all good and I got to weight this morning. What a nice surprise !!!

    mstahl...............................0 0%
    lildebbie.............- ??? = 0.25%
    cogirl...................- ??? = 0.59%
    elmox....................-2.2 = 1.12%
    bluenote...................-.5 = .12%
    Miranda....................-1.8 = 0.65%
    lstpaul...............................0 0%

  • Positively_Me
    Positively_Me Posts: 1,499 Member
    Check in
    Calories: OVER....I ate too much of everything...ugh:sad:
    exercise: outside walking with family..hoping to get 2 miles in
    water: bearly, not even the recommended amout...pitiful right

    proud: nothing really

    I hate when i am really stressed out wiht situation in my life that the only thing I take it out on is food. I confess a lot of MINDLESS eating. I really need to stop that...and no portion control whatsoever....
    I need to find other ways to confort myself beside food. I am very anxious and eat way too much...

    sorry for rambling but if I don't write it down I wont acknowledge it. Thanks for reading my misery..

    Litsyp" congrats being under 200 after dark!!
  • Momma2four
    Momma2four Posts: 1,534
    My big guy is taking a nap so I thought I would come check out what everyone is doing. It is late in the day so I am sure all my east coast friends are done for the night. I will see you all later.

    Meokk congrats on the big weight loss I am really proud of you
  • tlrue
    tlrue Posts: 567 Member
    Filled up my Nalgene 4 times today!

    AND! I was way under my calorie intake which includes chocolate frozen custard.

    Go me!

    Have a great weekend, everyone :)
  • raiderape
    raiderape Posts: 300
    I was completely shocked this morning when I weighed in this morning because I hadn't weighed since Monday. I was a little scared that I had gained a LOT of weight this week because I felt horrible all week and didn't exercise. I am sorry that I can't comment on all the post. I just got a call from my mom telling me that I am on call with my grandpa. He is in the hospital and he is fighting everyone including the nurses! It is a horrible thing but he so needs to be there to get better. I will be back tomorrow hopefully.

    mstahl................................0 0%
    lildebbie.............- ??? = 0.25%
    cogirl...................- ??? = 0.59%
    elmox....................-2.2 = 1.12%
    bluenote....................-.5 = .12%
    Miranda.................-1.8 = 0.65%
    lstpaul.................................0 0%
    raiderape.................-2.0 = .75%
  • lildebbie
    lildebbie Posts: 2,068 Member
    Hello girls

    LIttlspy- Wtg ON 200 after dark, i was impressed my self being 274.? after dark.

    Raider - WTG on the 2 # !!!!

    Meook - WTG on 3.6 # !!!!!

    I am very proud today, I decided to do a spin class with hubby, i have had this thing about them, i can't get on them and hurting my butt.....i decided to try it and i did it...i didn't burn as much as i thought (about 415) but i don't think i was increasing the resistance enough either...but feel good i did it.
  • HonestOmnivore
    HonestOmnivore Posts: 1,356 Member
    lilDebbie - I am SO impressed! Spin class *cringe* I was such a failure!

    This weekend I have a equine event about 2 hours away from home - I'm looking forward to it in a way but it will be the first time without Ken around to help! I'll be home around 8 tomorrow night so I'll check in.

    Today I went out for lunch and since my body must be totally in tune with the rest of yawl's I got Sesame Chicken and fried rice. I didn't eat much of the fried rice (1/3 cup?) but I ate ALL of the sesame chicken! YUCK.

    Checking in:
    Calories - OK because I skipped dinner
    Water - pretty good
    Exercise - I work on the 4th floor now!
    Proud: I'm really proud of how fast I'm learning the new stuff. I'm learning about seven different security programs and the associated protocols. I know the theory and now I'm actually DOING it - WAY FUN!!!
  • Renea_Kay
    Renea_Kay Posts: 189 Member
    well i decided that since im only going to be seeing my friends barely this summer (except the one right down the street) i might as well work on fitness...i started using the wii again and was doing the 30 day challenge on the Wii active...and my dad took it from me...he is going on his golfing trip and since technically the wii belongs to him ...he is taking it with him. Well there goes my wii active....my one friend (from down the street) said on her list of 100 things to do this summer (number one being actually making the list) she should add exerciseing every other day to keep me motivated....really she says these things to try and help...but in the end she does the opposite...i go over to her house...i eat junk food and drink soda (because that isnt at my house) and all we do is sit around... she doesnt like walks and stuff so like i said...lack of exercise there....thing is im over there 24/7 when i should be at my house exerciseing...its just i prefer to be with her than at my house....idk what to do...mostly its my fault...just because there is a bunch of junk food doesnt mean i have to eat it...its just i do...there are no balenced meals at her house....also everyonce and awhile we do the most horrible thing....order a large pizza and eat all of it ourselves...the difference between us...she is skinny....she doesnt really eat much at all...she is like a bird. ...okay back on subject....tomorrow im getting my blood drawn...im nervous ...three years ago i had it drawn and i was borderline diabeties...what could i be now? ....:indifferent: :frown: .....well today...i exercised ...burnt off 200 calories...but i also ate way too much junk food. ....tomorrow should be better.... i hope
  • bluenote
    bluenote Posts: 2,930
    So weird thing happened. I was in the restroom and a non customer came in to cash a check...so my manager had to help him. He asked my manager where the hot girl was that works here. WEIRD!! He's either talking about me or my other 60 year old co worker. :laugh:
    Nice, chicklet! Aren't you glad your boss didn't reply with "Oh that one? She's on the crapper."? :wink:
  • bluenote
    bluenote Posts: 2,930
    check in:

    cals: under
    water: 96
    exercise: 55 mins bike and PT exercises
    proud: I had my PT session today (Missed last week because of the "fall") and I did very well, even with a completely numb knee and a hole in my elbow! THEN I went swimming and did 30 minutes of walking the pool and 30 mins of water aerobics (I used to teach water aerobics so I sometimes lead my friends in the pool for fun). Got a good tan excluding the big band-aid square on my elbow! :tongue: Oooh, sexy, eh? :laugh:
  • HonestOmnivore
    HonestOmnivore Posts: 1,356 Member
    well i decided that since im only going to be seeing my friends barely this summer (except the one right down the street) i might as well work on fitness...i started using the wii again and was doing the 30 day challenge on the Wii active...and my dad took it from me...he is going on his golfing trip and since technically the wii belongs to him ...he is taking it with him. Well there goes my wii active....my one friend (from down the street) said on her list of 100 things to do this summer (number one being actually making the list) she should add exercising every other day to keep me motivated....really she says these things to try and help...but in the end she does the opposite...i go over to her house...i eat junk food and drink soda (because that isnt at my house) and all we do is sit around... she doesnt like walks and stuff so like i said...lack of exercise there....thing is im over there 24/7 when i should be at my house exercising...its just i prefer to be with her than at my house....idk what to do...mostly its my fault...just because there is a bunch of junk food doesnt mean i have to eat it...its just i do...there are no balanced meals at her house....also everyonce and awhile we do the most horrible thing....order a large pizza and eat all of it ourselves...the difference between us...she is skinny....she doesnt really eat much at all...she is like a bird. ...okay back on subject....tomorrow im getting my blood drawn...im nervous ...three years ago i had it drawn and i was borderline diabetes...what could i be now? ....:indifferent: :frown: .....well today...i exercised ...burnt off 200 calories...but i also ate way too much junk food. ....tomorrow should be better.... i hope

    It's nice seeing you on here again :-)

    I know this sounds pretty harsh - but maybe you need to not hang out with this friend. Sometimes we have friends who are more comfortable with us being "the fat one" than they are with us being healthy. I don't think they think about it of course - but they kinda "help" keep us fat because it feels better to them.

    Is your mom still being supportive? If so, enlist her help in finding something to keep you exercising that YOU find fun and entertaining! Maybe you can join a rec center and find other kids who want to get fit over the summer? See if you can come up with something that will get you out and away from your street for the better part of each day! What about a summer job that keeps you moving, like retrieving shopping carts at a local grocery store?

    Good luck!!! I know you can do it because it's clear really do WANT to do it! And we're here for you Renea!
  • cris20056
    cris20056 Posts: 1,355 Member
    So weird thing happened. I was in the restroom and a non customer came in to cash a check...so my manager had to help him. He asked my manager where the hot girl was that works here. WEIRD!! He's either talking about me or my other 60 year old co worker. :laugh:
    Nice, chicklet! Aren't you glad your boss didn't reply with "Oh that one? She's on the crapper."? :wink:

    :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

    blue you make my day sometimes
  • cris20056
    cris20056 Posts: 1,355 Member
    Im starting to get sick of all the crap Im eating...it doesnt make me feel good at all. That's good! I am not hating the beer though :tongue:

    I havent weighed myself and not sure if I will this weekend. I feel some motivation coming back, but still not completely focused...but hey Im still here
  • meokk
    meokk Posts: 787 Member
    I think everyone has weighed in now so here is your challenge........

    At least one day this week go sugar and refined carb free.

    That's what i've been doing for 3 days a week for the past month and it's working well for me.

    Be warned, sugar free/refined carb free is much harder than it sounds, it eliminates most breakfast cereal, lots of breads etc. look out for all the sugar in the labels. Maybe it reads corn syrup, brown rice syrup, maple, all sorts of hidden secret names they use to trick you!!!!!!

    So lucky I had a good loss this past week because France is difficult. I'm in a place where all of the meals are provided, there are no choices. All I can do is choose to have a smaller portion...AND desert for lunch, dinner and an afternoon coffee break......so tempting!!!!

    only able to jump online occasionally and I MISS YOU !!!
  • RedneckWmn
    RedneckWmn Posts: 3,202 Member
    meokk-we miss you!! Glad to hear you are doing well! Congrats on being our Biggest Loser this week!! This challenge is going to be a CHALLENGE for sure for me! AHH!! I better choose my day wisely!

    Cris-I'm with you on feeling sick! I ate like crap on Thursday and Friday...we're talking candy, fast food whatever I wanted..my stomach has been paying the price! But glad to hear you are getting some motivation back and see you posting. That's a plus! Your fb posts cracked me up with the 99 bottles of beer on the wall!

    Rena-Glad to see you back. Sounds like you have quite a challenge ahead of you. You sound just like me when I was younger into hs. My best friend lived down the road and her house was always loaded with yummy treats! Maybe exercise before you go over there and stay away from the junk food there. You gotta get outta that mind set that you have to eat just because it's there. It's hard to get there but you will. Good luck with getting your blood drawn. Hope everything comes back ok!

    I was emotionally and physically exhausted last night. I came home and went to bed on a Friday night at like 9. LOSER!! :laugh: But I needed it. I woke up refreshed. I went and hit the gym. An hour and 15 minutes of cardio and over 700 calories burned later I feel great!! I'm going to take my pup to get her shots and then off to go dress shopping with my sister. Can't wait! Hope all you ladies have a wonderful Saturday! I will be back later I'm sure! I may sneak a pic of me in the dress if we find one just for y'al! you know me, I like pictures! :drinker: I'm pretty proud of myself. I'm going to dinner tonight with some friends and I've already got planned what I'm going to have! I'll be well within my calories. Can't wait!
  • Momma2four
    Momma2four Posts: 1,534
    Good afternoon girls, I am so proud of myself doing good on a Saturday, I can honestly say that has not happend in several months
  • HonestOmnivore
    HonestOmnivore Posts: 1,356 Member
    QUICK check in!
    Calories - under (on purpose)
    Water - under but still working on it!
    Exercise - photography at a equine evenet
    Proud - I was good even though I was famished!

    Got to the horse show and there had been a mix up. Another photgraphy studio was there and they had WAY better equipment and a fancy walk in trailer for customers to go and pick out thier photos and it prints them right up on the spot... :frown: :embarassed: I decided to stay and photograph my friends (for free - wouldn't take business away by shooting anyone who would actually PAY for a photo!). The head photographer chewed me out because I went into the ring during the stadium jumping to get better angles and all the jumps (which means you have to move around the maze of jumps at a jog to get into the right position). She wasn't going to buy from him anyway... so I kinda slunk off then the show organizers were like "what did he say to you!" and "you go back in there - if Cara want's you to photograph her horse that's what you do" and "we never mind when you go into the ring because you know what you're doing". It was sweet and I felt good.

    Then I got a message from Ken that he took George to the emergency department. So I think it was a GOOD thing there was a mix up and the other company covered it - that way I could go home! I just got back from teh hospital. They admitted George, he seems in good spirits. I think he had a panic attack and that freaked out Ken and Ken's brother and maybe even the doctors. He was "sick" with "what not" this morning and I think he started thinking about how that was what happened to Millie, and then he had an anxiety attack and passed out. That made Ken freak out and think about what happened to Millie... adn so on. I hope that's all it was and I hope he doesn't get sick from BEING in the hospital! Keep your fingers crossed!

    Meokk - for the love of all things holy - you are in FRANCE you must DRINK WINE! I demand it!:drinker: :drinker: :drinker:
  • cris20056
    cris20056 Posts: 1,355 Member
    Jess- there are only like 80 some bottles of beer on the wall now...

    Mstahl- glad George is ok I'm sorry about the photography mix up! I bet ur pics are waay better

    had some wedding drama already going on.. I'll tell u all on Monday I'm writing from my phone right now

    meook- I lived in France for 4 months as a student omg obsessed with their croissants and hot chocolate I'm so jealous!! Enjoy!
  • Momma2four
    Momma2four Posts: 1,534
    mstahl, sorry about George hope all works out!!
  • lildebbie
    lildebbie Posts: 2,068 Member
    Mstahl - Sorry about the photo mix up..and about George , hope he gets out of the hospital soon.

    Cris - Sorry about the wedding drama!!

    I am feeling good today...i went and did my lift class thsi morning and this evening went back to the gym and did 45 min arc trainer and 20 minutes on elliptical...i burned somethingl ike 850 cals today...speaking of that i think i need to go eat some more.
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