Over 200 Club New Year New Me Part 21



  • bluenote
    bluenote Posts: 2,930
    So weird thing happened. I was in the restroom and a non customer came in to cash a check...so my manager had to help him. He asked my manager where the hot girl was that works here. WEIRD!! He's either talking about me or my other 60 year old co worker. :laugh:
    Nice, chicklet! Aren't you glad your boss didn't reply with "Oh that one? She's on the crapper."? :wink:

    :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

    blue you make my day sometimes

    Doin' the best I can, babycakes! :wink:
  • bluenote
    bluenote Posts: 2,930
    lildeb - wowsa, I think you are doing GREAT with your exercise! I admire your determination! Look how close you are to the end of your ticker!
    mstahl - I'm praying that George is OK. I bet you are a wonderful photographer because you are a very insightful person and I bet that insight comes out in your pics.
    cris - Keep on, sista! You are doing great if you are only on the 80s in the beer bottle song. LOL
    jess - Loser for going to bed at 9pm? Oh OK I keep forgetting that you're young! LOL I am 46 and 9pm is what time I aim to go to bed during the week! I never get there until after 10pm, but I aim for 9! :tongue:
    And I have you beat in the loser category - yesterday (Friday) I went to bed at midnight. I did not get up today until 8:30PM. PM. Yes, 830PM. I beat my record. I slept for 20 and a half hours! :ohwell: Nancy loves her sleep! When I woke up at 8:30pm I was so confused I thought maybe it was still Friday. It has been really weird trying to fit in exercise and three meals in three hours. LOL Needless to say I was under calories. I only average about 5 hours a night during the week and then I crash one night on the weekend. But 20 1/2 hours? Loser, indeed! I lost the entire Saturday! :noway:

    check in:
    calories: under (still working on lunch LOL)
    water: trying for 96 - I am at 64
    exercise: took it light - 40 mins bike
    proud: I got up? :embarassed:
  • lildebbie
    lildebbie Posts: 2,068 Member
    blue - Thank you !!! I really think i am getting addicted to the gym...guess there could be worse things to be addicted too...I am soo close to my the end of my ticker :smile: but as soon as i do i am adding another 50 lbs...I decided that taking 50 lbs at a time doesn't seem as bad as saying like 150 lbs...but i will still be soo excited once i hit it...that means i will be 1/3 way down

    Check in -

    cals - 2165
    Water - only like 36 oz
    Exercise - 2 hrs (1 hr lift class + 45 min arc trainer + 20 min elliptical ) = 853 cals burned (that is why soo many cals)
    Proud - That I am kicking but at this ...I am soo excited about this journey and getting it done..i have wasted soo much time of execuses and this and that...but I am doing it.....I am getting a different outlook on eating and being fit...and that makes me feel good.
  • bluenote
    bluenote Posts: 2,930
    Deb - I do the same thing. My ticker goes in increments because it was too overwhelming to see the entire amount on one ticker. Plus froggie NEVER moved! I lost 20 and he didn't budge! LOL

    I think I may join my community fitness center. *AHHHHH* OK had to let that out. I am so nervous, but it does include the pool and I am a pool junkie. I love exercising in the pool - it is so good on my knees. I may join tomorrow but I may chicken out, I don't know! :blushing:
  • HonestOmnivore
    HonestOmnivore Posts: 1,356 Member

    We talked to George on the phone this morning and he's perky as hell and pissy about them not bringing him any breakfast yet. I think he's going to be OK but at 92 who knows! :ohwell:

    Bluenote- GO FOR IT!!!!! Join that gym! You will LOVE it!

    LilDebbie- I'm so impressed and I remember how much I loved going to the rec center. I HATE to get gross and sweaty but I loved how I felt afterwards. I think I'm going to make this week my "get back to the Rec center" week.

    LittleSpy - What kind of camera does your photography company use? Cannon or Nikon? I use a Nikon because I love the lenes but then again I can't afford them so it's kinda silly...
  • lildebbie
    lildebbie Posts: 2,068 Member
    Blue - Go for it !!!!!! We have a pool at our gym. The water stuff is nice on my knee too...
  • raiderape
    raiderape Posts: 300
    I have really missed all of you! I know it has only been a day or two but it is weird not checking in a lot to see what is going on. On Thursday my grandpa got admitted to the hospital for renal failure. He has slowly gotten better but he is still really disoriented and he is very feisty. We have been having problems with him not behaving while there so someone always has to be with him so that we don't have to pay for a sitter that insurance doesn't cover. It has been a rough few days but hopefully it will get better soon.

    I know that I am a little behind on the whole FB thing but anyone can add me too. My email is raider_ape@hotmail.com.

    Well I have tried to be good this weekend but Friday we celebrated my stepmom's birthday and I thought I chose something that was a better choice and then when I got home and plugged it in I was WAY over!! And then yesterday was a baby shower that I went to and then I went shopping with my friend for her new baby and had to grab fast food for dinner. It has not been the best weekend for food but I did get a few compliments on how much weight I had lost. I had a few friends tell me that they could definitely tell that I had lost weight! That made me feel great! I hadn't heard that in a looooong time so I think I might have my mojo back. TOM is still attacking me so I can't do as much as I want to but I will try my best.

    Lildeb – You are a workout machine!! You are doing great!

    Mstahl – Sorry to hear about George. Hope he gets better soon.

    Cris – Glad to hear you are starting to get your mojo back, even if it is coming back slowly.

    Blue – LOL I go to bed so early on the weekdays. I am the typical one that goes to bed at 9 pm every night and then on the weekends I stay up a little later but then sleep later too of course. I too love my sleep!! Sorry you lost your whole Saturday though. Hope you join your community fitness center! I am sure you will enjoy the nice cool pool on these hot summer days for exercising.

    Meokk – I am soooo jealous that you are in France. I hope one day to be able to go. Enjoy it for me too! We miss you! I will try my best to do your challenge but I will say it will be very difficult! I don’t know how you do it 3 days a week but that is an accomplishment!

    Okay enough rambling from me. I will check in later! Hope everyone enjoys their Sunday!
  • LittleSpy
    LittleSpy Posts: 6,754 Member
    mstahl -- the company uses Canon which is good because I've always used Canon -- love those interchangeable lenses between film & digital (though, like you, I can't afford any of the ones I want so it's silly).

    blue -- you sound like me in college. I'd wake up at 6 or 7 and it'd be getting dark outside and I could never figure out if it was AM or PM until I turned on my computer or found someone to ask. :laugh: But that was usually because I was going to bed at 8-9am.

    meokk -- not sure I understand the challenge. NO sugar? Or no *added* sugar?

    I bombed making it to the gym yesterday. And I think it's going to happen again today because I have a lot to do around the house. But I'll go early tomorrow morning -- maybe I'll try to get 90 minutes in.

    I had a new lowest weight ever this morning -- 197.0. Woot!
  • elmox
    elmox Posts: 699 Member
    We just sent Mom off to the airport and now Hubby and I have some major couch time ahead of us. I haven't been totally on the plan, but I also haven't "blown" it majorly any day this week. Considering I had a fantastic time with my mom, I'll take been over 350-450 calories each day. I probably won't see a loss this week, but it was a wonderful week and I wouldn't trade it for a few pounds!

    Checking in for Friday and Saturday:
    Cals: Over on both days, 350-450 cals = 1550-1650 each day
    Water: Friday = good, Saturday = under 64 oz
    Proud: That I had a great time, logged my food, and feel good about my choices.

    In an ideal world, I'd go to the gym today, but I am POOPED! We have been going since Thursday morning. I think the most exercise I'll get today is getting up from the couch, going to the bathroom (I'm stocking up on water), and sitting back down!

    I've read everything, but don't have time to comment because the couch and my husband await!
  • cris20056
    cris20056 Posts: 1,355 Member
    Blue- I got an 18 pack of Miller Lite on Friday and I think I have about 5 left. Im no drunk or anything but I can prob kill an 18 pack in a day. But with the baby and all I might have one or two max when its nearing his bed time and then I really wont drink drink until he's asleep. I am always so scared something will happen and we will have to go to the hospital and I wont be able to drive...so I try to keep the partying down lol.

    I am a loser too when it comes to sleep. I NEED to be in bed at 9-930 to get a decent night of sleep. My son wakes up between 6-7 am so I get about 8-10 hours..any less and I would be a mess!

    lildeb- yay on your ticker being so close to finished! I am considering restarting mine. Lost the first 50 now gotta work on the other 50...but I may not like seeing the lower amount lost..I cant decide. U know what...I am changing it...thanks!

    I am prob up to 200lbs up from 195.2 - that kind of motivates me to get back on track plus starting the wedding planning process reminds me that i will be in a dress in front of a bunch of peole and i want to look gooood!

    At work tomorrow I am working on a new motivation plan and new goals...wish me luck, hope this gets me back in the grove of things
  • bluenote
    bluenote Posts: 2,930
    cris - Glad to hear you're working on a plan tomorrow at work. I must admit I sort of went :noway: when I saw your new ticker, but then I read your post and thought, it's all good. :smile: You know you can always change it back if you want, so no worries.

    I went up to join the community fitness thingie and they said, "Sorry - no one here on the weekend to take your money. Come back tomorrow." *AHHHHH* OK I let it out. They said since I am a resident and want to buy the "year package" I'll have to fill out forms, show proof of residency, blah blah. Tomorrow is out because I am going on a little road trip to Illinois to Amish Country with some friends. So, I guess TUESDAY I join the fitness center. Ooofta. That's two more days to convince myself I can't afford it! :ohwell: *Eeeeeeeek!* :sigh:

    check in:
    calories: under a tiny bit
    water: going for 96
    exercise: 15 min walk (got to get ready for the Koman walk on Saturday!), 40 min bike
    proud: I forced myself up to the community center, even though I came home without signing up. Big deal for me.
  • raiderape
    raiderape Posts: 300
    Cris - That is great that you are starting a new plan tomorrow! I know you can do it!! I am starting back on track tomorrow too!!

    blue - Great job on at least going to the community center and trying to sign up today. That is definitely a step in the right direction!! Tuesday you will be so ready to join!!

    elmox - Glad you had a great weekend with your mom!! Enjoy your evening with your hubby on the couch! I will be doing the same thing.

    julie - Congrats on the 197!!! You are doing AWESOME!!!!

    Gotta go get my meals ready for the work week. Be back later to check in!
  • Momma2four
    Momma2four Posts: 1,534
    cris - Glad to hear you're working on a plan tomorrow at work. I must admit I sort of went :noway: when I saw your new ticker, but then I read your post and thought, it's all good. :smile: You know you can always change it back if you want, so no worries.

    I went up to join the community fitness thingie and they said, "Sorry - no one here on the weekend to take your money. Come back tomorrow." *AHHHHH* OK I let it out. They said since I am a resident and want to buy the "year package" I'll have to fill out forms, show proof of residency, blah blah. Tomorrow is out because I am going on a little road trip to Illinois to Amish Country with some friends. So, I guess TUESDAY I join the fitness center. Ooofta. That's two more days to convince myself I can't afford it! :ohwell: *Eeeeeeeek!* :sigh:

    check in:
    calories: under a tiny bit
    water: going for 96
    exercise: 15 min walk (got to get ready for the Koman walk on Saturday!), 40 min bike
    proud: I forced myself up to the community center, even though I came home without signing up. Big deal for me.

    Go On Tuesday. You can do this!!!:flowerforyou:
  • lildebbie
    lildebbie Posts: 2,068 Member
    BLue - YOu can do it !!! And have fun tomorrow...That is cruddy though they don't have someone there on the weekend that could take your money!!!

    Cris - WTG on getting back your MOJO...you can do it !!! And you will look HOT in your wedding dress!!!

    This weekend has been jam packed, my in laws were here....we may of been kinda rude but we still went and worked out :tongue:

    I took another spin class this morning...this lady was freaking crazy this morning, hubby told me she was crazy but i didn't believe it till i was in there.. I did it thought the whole 60 minutes..I felt bad because she was telling everyhone that if you had a HRM you should be burning like 800 cals...but i only burnt 500 i am sure i am just gotten to get my intensity up..but i guess 500 is still good. I will probably start doing 2 - 3 a week...

    This next week is going to be trying, as i am on call (I HATE BEING ON CALL :mad: :mad: :mad: ), I am bringing my on call pager and probably can manage everything but the water aerobic class...like the spin class i can put my black berry on the bike and any other cardio i can put it ther,e and the lift class i can lay it down next to me...just the water class can't really take it in the water...and I will be furious i know if i get a freaking call during my workout...don't these people know I am on a mission !!!!

    I got 4 weeks till we go to my gavelston...6 1/2 lbs...Hope i can do it,....it will be 50 lbs lost!!! I am going to try my best.
  • HonestOmnivore
    HonestOmnivore Posts: 1,356 Member
    LilDebbie - you will lose more than six pounds in the next four weeks. If you don't you will have at least lost far more than six pounds worth of inches! You're freaking ON FIRE!!!:devil: :bigsmile: :devil: :bigsmile:

    LittleSpy - I DO love the interchangeable lenes! I had 'off brand' 35mms so when I decided to go to a digital SLR I decided it was time to grow up and go either Nikon or Canon. I had only used Canon digital cameras and LOVE them - but I chose Nikon for the lenes. The stuffy guy at the show this weekend had a $5K lens and was all "oh - you're using an amature lens?" :grumble: :grumble: :angry: :grumble: :grumble: He11, I didn't pay 5K for my car! (ok maybe I did but still!) Then it started pouring buckets and he's out there holding his camera under his legs... so I walked over (about 200 yards) and handed him a spare camera condom. He didn't even say thanks. What a jerk. And I was able to resist saying "That's why I'm using a $800 lens not that one!" Duh - dust and rain - not the best place to carry that kind of glass!!! (but I am really not carrying it because I could never afford that kind of glass!!!) We need a purple monster smiley...:huh:

    George is still in the hospital. I think I was pretty much right in my estimate of what happened that got him into the hospital, but while he is there we're getting his light headed / dizzy spell issues addressed. He's had them for over a year and they were getting worse but then had started to get better. I thought it might be related to his blood pressure meds, but it turns out he's having some heart rate issues. They're going to give him a pace maker, which is a procedure that they can do without putting him under (nice) and I'm really hopeful this will get him to a place where he'll feel much better getting up and going for walks etc..:smokin: He'll be smokin! (figuratively)

    I'm so excited to go to work tomorrow! I LOVE MY JOB!
  • lildebbie
    lildebbie Posts: 2,068 Member
    mstahl - Thanks :smile: I surely hope i hit the 6 lbs...by the 4th of july. i really hope i can exceed it we will see.

    Checkin - 1789
    Water - 18 oz and that is it :sad: Doing better during the week but not on the weekends
    Exercise - 1 hr spin calss(500 cals)
    Proud - I did my second spin class in 2 days and it was really hard this morning but i pushed through and did it...Never thought me and my big but could do the spin classs but i am !!!
  • LittleSpy
    LittleSpy Posts: 6,754 Member
    mstahl -- Bet you still got better photos with your $800 lens. I'm very much a bare bones photographer by nature and I certainly don't need a stinkin' $5,000 lens to get a good shot. :huh: Then again, I'm a very "amateur" photographer and I much prefer photographing action outdoors... so... yeah. I'll never have a camera or a lens that I paid more than $1000 for... combined. :embarassed: I'd be way too anxious to even hold something in my hands that costs $5k. :laugh: I can't be trusted around nice things. :indifferent:

    Lildeb -- you are so totally rocking it! I don't think my bum could take 60 minutes on a spin bike.

    Today I donated an insane amount of stuff to the puppies& kitties (a local no-kill shelter runs a thrift store). I packed as much as I could into my Element (which is A LOT). I'm very proud of df because he donated a lot of stuff he's been hanging onto for like 20 years. He has a hard time letting go of things (and so do I) but last weekend I made him watch the show "Hoarders" on A&E (I think) and that lit a fire under us both. :laugh: We moved to this house nearly 3 years ago and our "guest room" has been packed full of junk both of us have been clinging to for no reason. I cleared almost all of my stuff out of there this weekend & he made a good dent in his. Whew! I'm tired of this house looking like a storage unit and now that we're getting married I think we're both a lot more comfortable cleaning it out. Yay! I also sold my exercise bike today and it's nice to reclaim that space as well.

    Calories: 1318 (goal counting "cleaning" as exercise was 1493)
    Exercise: worked up quite a sweat moving boxes (then again, it was easily 95 degrees out today)
    Water: didn't track, but I don't think I had enough
    Proud: Being one step closer to getting this house in order. Also, I didn't really exercise yet still managed to have pancakes for breakfast, steak for dinner, and Ben & Jerry's for dessert. :love:
    And, I weighed myself right after the steak dinner and I was still under 200#! Woot! I really really hope I never see my weight start with a "2" again (but probably will as soon as I overload on sodium).

    The Palmetto bugs are taking over my porch. Yuck. They're creeping up on me from all sides. For those of you not familiar with these wonderful creatures "Palmetto bug" is just South Carolina's term of endearment for the American cockroach. :sick:
  • bluenote
    bluenote Posts: 2,930
    Julie - I am petrified of cockroaches! No, I mean seriously petrified! When I see one I lose control and run around holding my ears! In undergrad I lived in an apt. that was overrun by the damn cucarachas. One morning I awoke to find one heading toward my ear, and from that day on I have had nightmares of them moving in my ear and setting up house! Once I was hypnotized in a comedy show and my friends said one of the scenarios was that I was supposedly in a room full of cockroaches. My friends said I got up on my chair, starting cursing madly, holding my ears. They took a picture of me screaming into the microphone. Obviously the comedian hypnotist found my bizarre behavior very funny! :tongue:

    I'M WEARING MY SEAT BELT out of state tomorrow for the very first time in decades!!!!!!!!! :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: Yay me!!!!!
  • bluenote
    bluenote Posts: 2,930
    (this should be fun - 2 hour drive on 3 hours of sleep - can you say "quad espresso"?)

    :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: Four more pounds, girls, and GOODBYE FOURDERVILLE!!!!!!!!!!! :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile:

    Have a great day! I'm off to see how the other half lives.
  • lildebbie
    lildebbie Posts: 2,068 Member
    Blue - YOu can do it !!!! YOu will be in the 300's soon i know it !!!

    littlepsy - I didn't think i could do it...it hurts my but and I have bruises on my legs..but i am doing it.

    Was a little annoyed that i was exactly the same as friday..I ate good at home no eating out all weekend, but the stuff we had had lots of sodium, like 1000 over each day..and i worked out like crazy this weekend so i am just hoping it is all water weight and my muscles holding on to some water and that in a few days i will see some lbs dropping.

    I could go back to bed ...but instead back to work ...uggg
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