HELP! Should I date three more??



  • Beezil
    Beezil Posts: 1,677 Member
    You have GOT to be kidding. If not, you're since of what a good relationship is is totally warped. Good luck honey, you need it.

    I admitted I am bad at relationships. This is not very supportive.

    may not be supportive, but Chris sounds like a wack job...have fun in your disaster of a relationship. If you're that analytical, then you should see the red flags all over the place! and it's bad that you're dating your ex's friend, totally inconsiderate of you.

    THIS! This Chris guy is not trustworthy if he's willing to convince you to break up with your ex and then start dating him.

    You seem gullible and nieve. More so than I would think from someone who's dating 9 other men in the past.

    Wait, are you just giving us the plot lines from some soap opera (or Novela) you've been watching? Teen Mom maybe?

    Wow. Just wow. There's a lot of racism here. Did you just say Novela because I am brown? I mean, I know what they are but that's kind of rude. :noway:

    And I don't watch Teen Mom (or other reality TV) or soap operas/telenovelas.

    What I've gathered from your responses is a lot of question dodging, and you only seem to want answers from people who support you in what you really, actually want to do - which is be with this Chris person, move away, get married, etc, and ignoring people who are giving answers you don't like or asking legitimate questions to get more information and actually help you.
  • Afura
    Afura Posts: 2,054 Member
    I absolutely didn't just take Chris's word for it! That would be stupid! I checked, but I found myself doubting Simon all the time, so I couldn't keep on like that.

    I'm glad your journey has become happier.
    You say you checked, but you originally told us you found no proof.
    So if you found out that he did, and it wasn't just Chris' word, then you should have some proof that he did cheat on you.
    Or is the only evidence you have Chris' word, but because that put a seed of doubt in your head, along with the reminders from Chris, that's what caused you to break up because you said that you broke up with Simon because 'someone' told you that he cheated on you.
    So which is it? You have proof beyond Chris' word (and your own doubts), or you don't?

    Girls just know things. Get with the program.
    Ohh I'm a girl, I know things. Like something isn't right in this, and the situation is way too vague. It's a whodunit of romance!
  • HotCuppaJo
    HotCuppaJo Posts: 477 Member
    Pretty sure this is a troll thread.

    Future victim is picking fights instead of taking any advice whatsoever.


    But....did you read?? She took quite a bit of the advice, actually...and thanked them....and gave them flowers for their time and thoughtful answers. I think she seems really kind-hearted and thankful to the ones that are giving advice. :flowerforyou:
  • 1ConcreteGirl
    1ConcreteGirl Posts: 3,677 Member
    You're pretty.

    Love it!

    The OP reminds me of Daniela Ruah of NCIS Los Angeles.

    Summing up - Simon wasn't the one, Chris ain't the one. Take some time to learn who you are.

    Wow, thanks, I don't really see it but that's a compliment for sure! :flowerforyou:
  • 1ConcreteGirl
    1ConcreteGirl Posts: 3,677 Member
    Pretty sure this is a troll thread.

    Future victim is picking fights instead of taking any advice whatsoever.


    Pretty sure I asked for no snark. Also pretty sure that I've been pretty reasonable in my discussions with people here. There has been no fight-picking or overreaction. Thanks for your opinion though.
  • craigmandu
    craigmandu Posts: 976 Member
    My honest opinion....go with the one that performs the most least you get something out of it!
  • grace42d
    grace42d Posts: 156 Member
    12??? 12??? I thought the magic number was 42!!!!!!!!!

    Well, technically 42 is the answer to the meaning of life :wink:
  • barbiedollgirl
    barbiedollgirl Posts: 57 Member
    Bump fo later!
  • nolakris
    nolakris Posts: 98 Member

    M'kay. Well assuming that you are serious, and for the love of all that is awesome, I hope this is a joke, there is no magic # of people you need to date in life. You know when you know.

    Chris sounds like a controlling person. I can't imagine my husband (together 17 years this year) ever checking up on me or freaking out about me talking to other people - we are adults. It would not surprise me to learn that he lied to you about your ex cheating so that he could take advantage of the situation.

    I find it difficult to believe that you broke up with your ex solely based on Chris' word.

    Of COURSE I didn't break up with him because Chris said to. Chris never said I should break up with Simon, he just kept reminding me that it was all about trust and asking me to ask myself if I could REALLY trust Simon. I found my own answer.

    No, what Chris did was manipulate you. He played you to get what he wants.

    Honestly, if you have to ask if he's your soulmate, he's not. He sounds manipulative and controlling. There is no magic number to finding your spouse. You're 26, enjoy life, date, live, work, play, and along the way you'll meet someone fantastic. Chris is not that person.
  • RCMPWannaBe
    RCMPWannaBe Posts: 84 Member
    Pretty sure this is a troll thread.

    Future victim is picking fights instead of taking any advice whatsoever.


    But....did you read?? She took quite a bit of the advice, actually...and thanked them....and gave them flowers for their time and thoughtful answers. I think she seems really kind-hearted and thankful to the ones that are giving advice. :flowerforyou:

    But... Did you read? The very many women who posted their experiences with abuse and she blatantly disregards them?
  • Calliope610
    Calliope610 Posts: 3,775 Member

    I said I checked and found no proof. That doesn't mean it didn't happen, it means he just didn't leave tracks. OR maybe he was totally innocent, again, I can't be sure. But that's why I had to break up with him: I couldn't be sure and the not knowing was really killing me.

    Ironic that you didn't need any proof to dump Simon for Chris, but in the face of evidence that Chris is a control freak and potential abuser, you insist on being with him.
  • SDkitty
    SDkitty Posts: 446 Member
    I absolutely didn't just take Chris's word for it! That would be stupid! I checked, but I found myself doubting Simon all the time, so I couldn't keep on like that.

    I'm glad your journey has become happier.
    You say you checked, but you originally told us you found no proof.
    So if you found out that he did, and it wasn't just Chris' word, then you should have some proof that he did cheat on you.
    Or is the only evidence you have Chris' word, but because that put a seed of doubt in your head, along with the reminders from Chris, that's what caused you to break up because you said that you broke up with Simon because 'someone' told you that he cheated on you.
    So which is it? You have proof beyond Chris' word (and your own doubts), or you don't?

    Girls just know things. Get with the program.
    Ohh I'm a girl, I know things. Like something isn't right in this, and the situation is way too vague. It's a whodunit of romance!

    ^ This. I would feel bad for your naivete if you weren't so obviously shutting down any real advice.
  • deksgrl
    deksgrl Posts: 7,237 Member
    You don't need to settle. Live your life. And when the right one comes along, you'll know.
  • RCMPWannaBe
    RCMPWannaBe Posts: 84 Member

    I said I checked and found no proof. That doesn't mean it didn't happen, it means he just didn't leave tracks. OR maybe he was totally innocent, again, I can't be sure. But that's why I had to break up with him: I couldn't be sure and the not knowing was really killing me.

    Ironic that you didn't need any proof to dump Simon for Chris, but in the face of evidence that Chris is a control freak and potential abuser, you insist on being with him.

    Maybe she wants to get abused?
  • Beezil
    Beezil Posts: 1,677 Member

    I said I checked and found no proof. That doesn't mean it didn't happen, it means he just didn't leave tracks. OR maybe he was totally innocent, again, I can't be sure. But that's why I had to break up with him: I couldn't be sure and the not knowing was really killing me.

    Ironic that you didn't need any proof to dump Simon for Chris, but in the face of evidence that Chris is a control freak and potential abuser, you insist on being with him.

    This... if all women were like you, no one would be married or stay with a man any longer than she found another one willing to lie to her.

    I mean, I have no proof, but my husband must be cheating right? Because I can't be sure. I don't have a camera following him around 24/7, so he must be unfaithful! :huh:
  • Alex_is_Hawks
    Alex_is_Hawks Posts: 3,499 Member

    ETA: If your family and/or friends don't like the guy, there is probably a reason.

    that's not true.

    My family and friends hate my guy and there's no reason.

    they insist over and over again that my constant bruises have to come from somewhere and they don't believe me when I insist that he's just showering me with love....

    and hurts.
  • 1ConcreteGirl
    1ConcreteGirl Posts: 3,677 Member
    Warning Signs of Abusive Relationships

    Jealousy is a sign of insecurity and lack of trust, but the abuser will say that it is a sign of love. The abuser will question the victim about who they talk to, accuse them of flirting, or be jealous of time spent with their friends, family, or children. The abuser may refuse to let the victim work or go to school for fear of meeting someone else. The abuser may call the victim frequently or drop by unexpectedly. The abuser may accuse the victim of flirting with someone else or having an affair.

    Check - But it's so adorable - it means he CARES for me!
    Jealousy, for sure.

    One partner completely rules the relationship and makes the decisions. This includes “checking up” on the victim, timing a victim when they leave the house, checking the odometer on the car, questioning the victim about where they go. They may also check the victim’s cell phone for call history, their email or website history. The abuser may control the finances and tries to tell the victim how to dress, who to talk to, and where to go.

    Check - but it means he cares and loves me!
    None of those things have happened except asking where I'm going, etc. And it's never in a mean way, just an interested way.
    The abuser comes on strong at the beginning of the relationship, pressuring for a commitment and claims “Love at first sight” or “You’re the only person I could ever talk to”, or “I never met anyone like you before”. Often, in the beginning of a relationship, the abuser is very charming and romantic and the love is intense.

    Check - move away with me and let's get married. Who cares if it's only been 2 months?
    This is odd, I definitely admit that.
    Abusers expect their partners to meet all their needs and be “perfect”. They may say things like “If you love me, then I’m all you need”.

    Not enough info from OP, but I suspect you can check this one off the list also.
    No, you can't.
    The abuser tries to keep the victim from friends and family by putting down everyone the victim knows, including their family and friends. They may keep the victim from going to work or school.

    Check - move away with me, away from your family, friends, job, etc
    This one....well, moving away is for his job, not for personal reasons. I'll leave this a maybe.
    The abuser does not take responsibility for their problems, blaming others (usually the victim) for almost everything (“you made me mad”).

    An abuser is easily insulted and takes everything as a personal attack and blows things out of proportion.

    The abuser may punish animals brutally or be insensitive to their pain. They may have unfair expectations of children or tease them until they cry.

    The abuser may throw or hold their partner down during sex, may pressure their partner into having sex, may demand sex when their partner is tired or ill or doesn’t want to have sex. They may ask the victim to do things they do not want to do.

    but what if I like this?

    The abuser says cruel and harmful things to their victim, degrades them, curses at them, calls them names, or puts down their accomplishments. The abuser tells their victims they are stupid, and unable to function without them. They embarrass and put down the victim in front of others as well.


    The abuser believes in rigid gender roles and sees women as inferior to men and unable to have their own identity. They may see men as the “master of his castle”.

    um.... no, he is a gender-studies major.

    The abuser experiences severe mood swings and the victim may think the abuser has a mental health problem. One minute they can be charming and sweet and the next minute they become angry and explosive. Explosiveness and moodiness are typical of people who beat their partners.

    The abuser has a history of past battering of partners and although they may admit to that, they say their previous partner provoked them to do it. A batterer will beat any partner they are with if the person is with them long enough for the violence to begin; situational circumstances do not cause a person to have an abusive relationship.

    This includes any threat or physical force meant to control the victim: “I’ll kill you”, “I’ll break your neck”, “If you ever leave, I’ll kill you.”

    This behavior is used as a punishment (breaking treasured possessions), but is mostly used to terrorize the victim into submission. The abuser may break or strike objects near the victim to frighten them.

    The abuser may hold the victim down, restrain them from leaving the room, may push, shove, or hold them against a wall.

    HEY, only 5 out of 15 indicator of an abusive relationship. Yep, he's a real keeper.
  • Afura
    Afura Posts: 2,054 Member
    I absolutely didn't just take Chris's word for it! That would be stupid! I checked, but I found myself doubting Simon all the time, so I couldn't keep on like that.

    I'm glad your journey has become happier.
    You say you checked, but you originally told us you found no proof.
    So if you found out that he did, and it wasn't just Chris' word, then you should have some proof that he did cheat on you.
    Or is the only evidence you have Chris' word, but because that put a seed of doubt in your head, along with the reminders from Chris, that's what caused you to break up because you said that you broke up with Simon because 'someone' told you that he cheated on you.
    So which is it? You have proof beyond Chris' word (and your own doubts), or you don't?

    I said I checked and found no proof. That doesn't mean it didn't happen, it means he just didn't leave tracks. OR maybe he was totally innocent, again, I can't be sure. But that's why I had to break up with him: I couldn't be sure and the not knowing was really killing me.
    If you guys had a good relationship, why would you take the word of his friend, vs him? Maybe there were other issues (I don't remember you stating either way on that one), but if there weren't any, then this is something to think on with relationships. Why did you not trust Simon? Why did you take the word of someone who had no proof, nor could you find any proof?
    You may have dumped a perfectly good guy because of YOU, not because of something he did. Why? Why did you doubt him? Were you already looking for a way out of the relationship the way it seems you're looking for an out now?

    I mean, ultimately, it doesn't matter who did what with whom where with the peanut butter and/or chocolate fountain. What really matters is the fact that you're contemplating dating more (regardless of the source), and missing your soul mate. If you question it, then you're not ready for the next step, whatever that step may be.
  • jonnythan
    jonnythan Posts: 10,161 Member

    ETA: If your family and/or friends don't like the guy, there is probably a reason.

    that's not true.

    My family and friends hate my guy and there's no reason.

    they insist over and over again that my constant bruises have to come from somewhere and they don't believe me when I insist that he's just showering me with love....

    and hurts.

    It hurts him more than you.
  • 1ConcreteGirl
    1ConcreteGirl Posts: 3,677 Member

    I said I checked and found no proof. That doesn't mean it didn't happen, it means he just didn't leave tracks. OR maybe he was totally innocent, again, I can't be sure. But that's why I had to break up with him: I couldn't be sure and the not knowing was really killing me.

    Ironic that you didn't need any proof to dump Simon for Chris, but in the face of evidence that Chris is a control freak and potential abuser, you insist on being with him.

    I don't insist on being with him. That's the purpose of this thread. To get opinions from people who actually are trying to be helpful and who I appreciate. I'm just weighing my options, but of COURSE I am upset that people are assuming the worst about Chris. Frankly, I think I'm doing a good job of being reasonable here because so many people are saying he's going to abuse me, and I'm not seeing that. I could fly off the handle and get mad about that but I am ignoring the negative responses because I am actually looking for help. Not just trying to pick a fight.