boyfriend trouble. help a girl out?



  • skinnyinnotime
    skinnyinnotime Posts: 4,078 Member
    Sounds like he's trying to provoke a reaction from you.


    Really not worth the bother.
  • MSeel1984
    MSeel1984 Posts: 2,297 Member
    He sounds like kind of a douche.
    EBFNP Posts: 529 Member
    This guy is a 100% insecure somatic narcissist. Look up narcissistic personality disorder. He is mentioning other women to make YOU insecure . He is hoping you like him enough to try to chase him and maybe even participate in acting out his fantasies. Its a form of manipulation, and you need to walk away now because regardless he's going to cheat on you. As someone who recently dated a narcissist with pathological traits, I can say from experience they never change. It will only get worse if you let it! You can inbox me if you want to talk more.
  • jimmmer
    jimmmer Posts: 3,515 Member
    Stop looking for relationship advice on a fitness site?

    If you know it doesn't feel right, then it's not right, start learning to listen to yourself and make your own decisions. That's called being a mature grown-up. Random strangers opinions on the internet are irrelevant (yes I'm aware of the irony that I'm a random stranger on the internet.......).
  • myofibril
    myofibril Posts: 4,500 Member
    A loving partner will help raise your self esteem, support you in your goals and make you feel loved and cherished.

    A disrespectful partner will not.

    Choose which one you want.

    I really have no idea why some women put up with this "50 Shades of Grey" nonsense...
  • Kat5343
    Kat5343 Posts: 451 Member
    I think you should find someone who is a man instead of a douchecanoe.

    "douchecanoe" I love that!!! Might have to use that one.. :laugh:
  • K_Serz
    K_Serz Posts: 1,299 Member

    If you dont like that about him. Its not going to change. If its a deal breaker for you, might as well move on now. Even if he pretends to change thats all it probably will be is some fake pretending just to stay with you. Sorry if thats not what you wanted to hear, but in most cases thats usually how it is. If he is truly going to change its usually due to some life changing event, such as you kicking him to the curb.
  • Kestrel45
    Kestrel45 Posts: 133
    I think you should find someone who is a man instead of a douchecanoe.

    AHA! You said it, girl! I think you should dump his *kitten*, you deserve much better.
  • iecreamheadaches
    iecreamheadaches Posts: 441 Member
    My boyfriend makes stupid comments about girls every once in a while. He does it to intentionally see me get jealous, and never actually means anything by it surprisingly. He just thinks its cute that i get so jealous and overprotective.He does it less and less these days, but still every once in a blue moon. We'll be celebrating 2 years on the 23rd. <3

    This is not to say that you're doucher of boyfriend is the same, because my boyfriend would never stay over at some girls house or brag about it, or dream he cheated on me with 2 girls. Thats just wack, and sounds like its not worth the time. You can tell when its just them trying to make you jealous on purpose like my guy does.
  • AmberLee2012
    AmberLee2012 Posts: 540
    As long as you are with him, you will probably always have a little bit of that worry in the back of your mind about what he's going to say or do next. He doesn't respect you. If he did, he wouldn't be trying to make you jealous all the time. If you were doing what he is, I bet he would freak right out. I don't think there is anything you can do to change his behavior either. If you give him an ultimatum he might change for a week or two, maybe even a month, but eventually he will revert back. I think it's time to move on so you can open yourself up to meeting a guy who will respect you.
  • Kayla_292to165
    Kayla_292to165 Posts: 249 Member
    Castiel would never put up with such treatment. Nor would a Winchester Bro. He's either super insecure or he likes making you insecure, either way it's gross, annoying, and not a trait of someone you want to date.

    Can't go wrong when following the Winchesters..or Cas :)
  • Kat5343
    Kat5343 Posts: 451 Member
    This guy is a 100% insecure somatic narcissist. Look up narcissistic personality disorder. He is mentioning other women to make YOU insecure . He is hoping you like him enough to try to chase him and maybe even participate in acting out his fantasies. Its a form of manipulation, and you need to walk away now because regardless he's going to cheat on you. As someone who recently dated a narcissist with pathological traits, I can say from experience they never change. It will only get worse if you let it! You can inbox me if you want to talk more.

    This is great advice. I too was in a relationship with someone who was so insecure about himself that he constantly tried to bring me down and had me at my lowest self-esteem EVER. I finally made the decision to move on, and I was married to the guy. This was part of the reason I gained my weight. I searched for solace in food. I am sure you are aware that a unhealthy relationship like this will only hinder your weight loss success.
  • StrongerKelly
    StrongerKelly Posts: 13 Member
    Disrespectul. He should be telling other girls how hot his girlfriend is. Not the other way around.

  • rob1976
    rob1976 Posts: 1,328 Member
    Some guys flirt as part of their personality. They'd never cheat, but being flirtatious with the other sex is just how they are. I am one of them.

    If you can't let it roll off your back, move on.
  • Yardtigress
    Yardtigress Posts: 367 Member
    When the guys tell you he's not worth it, listen. He seems to want to drag you down and build himself up. Find someone who wants you not some HOT girl who wouldn't look at him once let alone twice.
  • Candi_land
    Candi_land Posts: 1,311 Member
    Your boyfriend is an immature d1ck douche hoping to score a threesome. :flowerforyou:
  • liftingheavy
    liftingheavy Posts: 551 Member
    Stop looking for relationship advice on a fitness site?

    If you know it doesn't feel right, then it's not right, start learning to listen to yourself and make your own decisions. That's called being a mature grown-up. Random strangers opinions on the internet are irrelevant (yes I'm aware of the irony that I'm a random stranger on the internet.......).

    Okay? At least you are honest.
  • Cameron_1969
    Cameron_1969 Posts: 2,855 Member
    Stop looking for relationship advice on a fitness site?

    If you know it doesn't feel right, then it's not right, start learning to listen to yourself and make your own decisions. That's called being a mature grown-up. Random strangers opinions on the internet are irrelevant (yes I'm aware of the irony that I'm a random stranger on the internet.......).

    hahaha. .First you berate her for seeking advice from you. .then you proceed to offer her said advice, with the caveat that she should ignore you because you are irrelevant!. .. . good stuff.
  • ShreddedTweet
    ShreddedTweet Posts: 1,326 Member
    Aw here, if it were me I'd be gonzo. That guy's really immature. It's great to have friends of both sexes but it's just as great to have a bit of respect and consideration for the person you're dating.
  • AlbaAngel25
    AlbaAngel25 Posts: 484 Member
    ditch him! If you already are upset/worried/pissed off etc... 8 months, I don't think it'll get any more comfortable for you. And my guesstimation is he'll continue to get more "open" and say some really pissy things !