Suicide Warning



  • GnomeQueen84
    GnomeQueen84 Posts: 55 Member
    Okay... but doctors build relationships with the sales reps over the course of years. Most drugs that are presented by the sales rep have already been thoroughly vetted to prove their merits. Sure, the doc is going to take feedback from his patients, but if all things are equal, then the doc is going to prescribe the drugs of the sales rep he likes best first. Then, if his patients don't like it, he will offer them the other guy's drug.

    Bias is usually not a concious decision. You know that, right?

    You're assuming a strong connection in the mind of the physician between the drug rep and the drug itself. I will agree that the drug rep visits influence the physician to some degree, but it's not because physicians are so dumb and biased that they hand out pills because they like the drug rep. It's more of an issue with familiarity and knowledge. Physicians by and large don't spend an awful lot of time reading literature about new drugs. They learn about new drugs from drug reps who come and tell them all about it and answer questions. The function of the drug reps is to raise awareness of and make the physician feel comfortable with the drug, and that's largely why they prescribe those particular drugs.

    Physician comfort with a medication comes from knowledge, awareness, and acceptance in the medical community. Visits from drug reps increase the physician's knowledge and awareness and give the impression of community acceptance. It's not that they just like the reps.

    And it's certainly not because they get kickbacks.

    ^^ Truth in this. Drug reps do provide doctors with lunches - true, but they discuss the ins and outs of the drug and answer the doctors questions. The doctors I worked for would even request the reps to come in to discuss different things about the drugs to see if it was a common problem/solution and such. The doctors I worked for prescribed the best drug for the patients condition. If there are two similar drugs, they would probably more than not prescribe the one that they knew more about and felt comfortable prescribing. The doctors do not want to be in a medical lawsuit for giving the wrong drugs out.

    Not all Doctors are going to be the same. You will have some with morals, some without. I have met both types, and been prescribed worthless crap many times...mind you, this was usually when dealing with medical professionals via Army hospitals.

    - I had one Doctor prescribe an anti depressant and tranquilizer to my 3 YEAR OLD SON, because he had a tantrum in her office over something stupid. 3 year old toddlers tend to do that, lady.
  • DanceFittDiva
    DanceFittDiva Posts: 83 Member
    What did they prescribe? In the past I have taken Trazadone as a sleep aid. It was initially developed as a psych drug but its very effective as a sleep aid. It caused far fewer side effects and is far less addictive than medications like ambien that were designed and tested for sleep disorders.

    I took Trazadone in combination with another medication, to help with my chronic migraines at one point. And yes, it's a VERY effective sleep aid. When I first started it, I had to take it 3 times a day. During the day I could barely keep my eyes open. They eventually told me to just take it at night. Best sleep of my life! Now that I'm no longer on it, I sleep just fine, just not as well as I did while I was on it. Dr's stopped using it as a drug for depression because they realized it made people too sleepy.

    It's just that different drugs can be used for different ailments even if they were originally created to treat something else. I've taken medications with a suicide warning, but I'm still here and haven't made any attempts at changing that!
  • SpeSHul_SnoflEHk
    SpeSHul_SnoflEHk Posts: 6,256 Member
    they do get benefits from drug companies for this type of thing.

    Oh yeah? You sure about that?

    The amount of ignorance and BS in this thread is horrifying. People seem to pretty much believe anything they want to believe.

    I'm absolutely with you. I thought my feelings lastnight were from being overtired. I am sorry I came back to this thread. It's no wonder treatment plans don't work, if there is no compliance with the plan.

    For those who believe the provider is taking kickbacks for prescribing trazadone, even if kickbacks were still occurring in this day and age, which of the many companies that produce trazadone would be paying? It doesn't make good business sense. If 7 companies make the drug in a generic form, why would any one of them pay a physician to prescribe a really cheap drug when it would not be known which brand of trazadone would be dispensed from the pharmacy.

    That's where if anywhere someone should suspect kickbacks could still possibly enter this equation (and I am not saying it is). If I were an exec trying to make sur emy product was being utilized more than any other in a flooded market, I would work with all of the local pharmacies to make sure that I was their contract manufacturer for that pill.

    This whole thread makes me shake my head and wonder at how humanity could have come as far as it has. Seriously, if you are not a licensed provider, don't dispense medical advice. No two people are exactly alike. What works for you may be dangerous for someone else. You don't know history and underlying conditions.

    Furthermore, just because something is all natural doesn't mean it is necessarily good for you either. Same principle as above applies. There could be interactions with other meds that the OP is on. There could be side effects. The OP may have renal or haptic issues that would affect the clearance of the drugs you are recommending that may result in adverse outcomes if these things are taken.
  • cobes24
    cobes24 Posts: 132 Member

    Most of us in healthcare are here because we legitimately want to help people be well--obviously there are sleazy Drs, but they are the minority, and they end up being the "don't practice like that guy" example for the rest of us who don't suck.

    Yes, sometimes reps buy us lunch, and I go to every drug rep dinner I can make it to, but I can honestly say it hasn't affected my prescribing one bit. The only meds with the budget for dinners are new ones, and they are the most expensive. Hence, insurance coverage is slim to none, and if your insurance won't cover it, I'm not going to waste my time prescribing it. At those dinners, however, I learn a lot, plus it's a great chance for me to network with other providers in town, thus allowing me to make better referrals for the patients I serve.

    It's pretty annoying that I bust my *kitten* 60 hrs a wk trying to take care of people, not to mention the $100 grand in student loans I racked up to get here, only to be vilified by ignorant generalizations.
  • ILiftHeavyAcrylics
    ILiftHeavyAcrylics Posts: 27,732 Member
    I know people are recomending Melatonin, and have had great success with it, but be forewarned even this has side effects.
    I for one have been advised not to take it as it can interfere with with my condition/medication.

    "Melatonin can influence immune function and it's not known how it affects people with autoimmune conditions such as multiple sclerosis, psoriasis, Crohn's disease, rheumatoid arthritis, lupus, and type 1 diabetes.

    Melatonin supplements may worsen the symptoms in people with depression, so people with depression should only use melatonin under the supervision of a health care provider. Melatonin is broken down by the liver, so people with liver disease should avoid melatonin.

    Possible Drug Interactions
    Melatonin may interact with the following drugs:

    •High blood pressure medication

    •Drugs that suppress the immune system, such as cyclosporine

    •Antidepressant medication

    •Corticosteroids (used for inflammatory conditions such as arthritis)

    •Benzodiazepines, such as diazepam (Valium), and other drugs that cause sedation

    •Herbs that cause sleepiness or drowsiness, such as kava kava and valerian

    •The herb St. John's wort "

    I did take trazadone (half the starter dose when needed) no ill side effects back then,
    I will mention that I now take benadryl (or generic equivalent), as per recomended by my dr...I don't think she gets a kickback :tongue:

    edit to add: talk to your dr, ask questions and decide from there what will work best for you.

    This is really interesting to me because I have autoimmune issues. Where did the info come from?
  • SpeSHul_SnoflEHk
    SpeSHul_SnoflEHk Posts: 6,256 Member
    they do get benefits from drug companies for this type of thing.

    Oh yeah? You sure about that?

    The amount of ignorance and BS in this thread is horrifying. People seem to pretty much believe anything they want to believe.

    Unfortunately many people seek out information that bolsters whatever fear they've decided to have, while avoiding information that would show that the fear is either completely invalid or disproportionate to the situation. Sigh.

    Drug reps leave gifts, buy meals for Dr offices, and all kinds of things just so the doctor will prescribe their brand of pharmaceuticals. That's for all their products, not just the latest and greatest. Even if the product has gone generic, the company that created the formula gets a portion of the sales for all generics for up to 7 years after the generic has been authorized. This is a pretty common practice with the medical community and Big Pharma.

    OK. I am sheltered from this as we have strict rules about out contracting and receiving of gifts, etc. So, don't generalize.

    It's a matter of doing business, anywhere in many fields. Many of these company reps work on commission, and if they are hungry, they will do what they can to get their foot in the door. I still get people who want to sell me bath wipes, toothbrushes, chairs, etc come in and offer to bring a lunch in. I have to decline. I know it happens in other fields than medicine as well. The companies can write the lunches and give-aways off on thei taxes. It's not isolated to pharmacy.
  • GnomeQueen84
    GnomeQueen84 Posts: 55 Member

    Most of us in healthcare are here because we legitimately want to help people be well--obviously there are sleazy Drs, but they are the minority, and they end up being the "don't practice like that guy" example for the rest of us who don't suck.

    Yes, sometimes reps buy us lunch, and I go to every drug rep dinner I can make it to, but I can honestly say it hasn't affected my prescribing one bit. The only meds with the budget for dinners are new ones, and they are the most expensive. Hence, insurance coverage is slim to none, and if your insurance won't cover it, I'm not going to waste my time prescribing it. At those dinners, however, I learn a lot, plus it's a great chance for me to network with other providers in town, thus allowing me to make better referrals for the patients I serve.

    It's pretty annoying that I bust my *kitten* 60 hrs a wk trying to take care of people, not to mention the $100 grand in student loans I racked up to get here, only to be vilified by ignorant generalizations.

    Look towards your sleazy counterparts, not us. I am speaking from my personal experience with health care my entire life. Maybe I am unlucky, but I have met too many "Here is a prescription, just shut up" type of Doctors. I have only been able to trust one, and that was in Germany, not the States.
  • SpeSHul_SnoflEHk
    SpeSHul_SnoflEHk Posts: 6,256 Member

    Drug reps leave gifts, buy meals for Dr offices, and all kinds of things just so the doctor will prescribe their brand of pharmaceuticals. That's for all their products, not just the latest and greatest. Even if the product has gone generic, the company that created the formula gets a portion of the sales for all generics for up to 7 years after the generic has been authorized. This is a pretty common practice with the medical community and Big Pharma.

    Thank you for illustrating my point. Free meal = doctors in thrall to a drug company. Yup. That's completely reasonable. :laugh:

    Well if someone selling anything bought you lunch, wouldn't you be more inclined to recommend their product to your friends, family members, and co-workers. Same difference.

    Not really. Do you think you can buy my integrity for a $10 lunch? Not to mention that their competition will be in the next week with a similar lunch. The lunch is a nicety brought in to get people in to hear the pitch.

    The product needs to sell itself, or the rep has to be a smooth talker and do a great job selling their product in order for me to be convinced that it's something I have a need for, and that they meet all of my needs at the lowest price in order for me to consider purchasing the good sor services.
  • GnomeQueen84
    GnomeQueen84 Posts: 55 Member

    Drug reps leave gifts, buy meals for Dr offices, and all kinds of things just so the doctor will prescribe their brand of pharmaceuticals. That's for all their products, not just the latest and greatest. Even if the product has gone generic, the company that created the formula gets a portion of the sales for all generics for up to 7 years after the generic has been authorized. This is a pretty common practice with the medical community and Big Pharma.

    Thank you for illustrating my point. Free meal = doctors in thrall to a drug company. Yup. That's completely reasonable. :laugh:

    Well if someone selling anything bought you lunch, wouldn't you be more inclined to recommend their product to your friends, family members, and co-workers. Same difference.

    Not really. Do you think you can buy my integrity for a $10 lunch? Not to mention that their competition will be in the next week with a similar lunch. The lunch is a nicety brought in to get people in to hear the pitch.

    The product needs to sell itself, or the rep has to be a smooth talker and do a great job selling their product in order for me to be convinced that it's something I have a need for, and that they meet all of my needs at the lowest price in order for me to consider purchasing the good sor services.

    This is your moral standard, but many people WILL shell out integrity for cash...Are you blind? Have you seen this country?
  • DanceFittDiva
    DanceFittDiva Posts: 83 Member
    They gave my husband trazadone to try to help him sleep and he became horrible! He was a zombie within like 10 15 minutes of taking it and would be horrible towards me! I was pregnant at the time and cried all the time because of the things he was saying to me that he NEVER would have other wise. I've had a female friend recently have a bad experience with it as well, and our neighbor started sleep walking once he started the medication. I would use trazadone as a last ditch option for helping with sleep. It can change your mood and actions dramatically

    Different meds are different for different people. I had no trouble taking Trazadone. About 10-15 min after taking them I just went to sleep. I didn't sleep walk, didn't treat anyone horribly, or anything. Not every medicine is for everyone, but not everyone has a bad experience either.
  • SanteMulberry
    SanteMulberry Posts: 3,202 Member
    I think docs are just as much prisoners to the modern medical system as we are. Pharmaceuticals are all that they are legally ALLOWED to prescribe in many jurisdictions. My doc told me that he could lose his license for telling a patient about a more natural herb or supplement.
  • jonnythan
    jonnythan Posts: 10,161 Member

    Drug reps leave gifts, buy meals for Dr offices, and all kinds of things just so the doctor will prescribe their brand of pharmaceuticals. That's for all their products, not just the latest and greatest. Even if the product has gone generic, the company that created the formula gets a portion of the sales for all generics for up to 7 years after the generic has been authorized. This is a pretty common practice with the medical community and Big Pharma.

    Thank you for illustrating my point. Free meal = doctors in thrall to a drug company. Yup. That's completely reasonable. :laugh:

    Well if someone selling anything bought you lunch, wouldn't you be more inclined to recommend their product to your friends, family members, and co-workers. Same difference.

    Not really. Do you think you can buy my integrity for a $10 lunch? Not to mention that their competition will be in the next week with a similar lunch. The lunch is a nicety brought in to get people in to hear the pitch.

    The product needs to sell itself, or the rep has to be a smooth talker and do a great job selling their product in order for me to be convinced that it's something I have a need for, and that they meet all of my needs at the lowest price in order for me to consider purchasing the good sor services.

    It's not about buying integrity. It's about making the physicians feel knowledgeable and comfortable with the drugs. It works, but it's not nearly as sinister as people think.
  • jonnythan
    jonnythan Posts: 10,161 Member
    I think docs are just as much prisoners to the modern medical system as we are. Pharmaceuticals are all that they are legally ALLOWED to prescribe in many jurisdictions. My doc told me that he could lose his license for telling a patient about a more natural herb or supplement.

    Your doctor is a liar.
  • EdwarddeVere
    EdwarddeVere Posts: 178
    For God's sake...

    Listen to your doctor... not a forum.
  • wareagle8706
    wareagle8706 Posts: 1,090 Member
    I have had sleep aids, anti-depressants and such prescribed for me several times and I never do them. Having depression, anxiety, and sleep issues is enough. I don't need it compounded by side effects. Especially more serious thoughts of suicide!

    They can cause suicidal thoughts in children, teens, or young adults. Are you any of those? I think if you care enough to speak with a doctor about problems and they decide you might need one of those medications that you should either listen to them or find a counselor to help you see if you truly need those medications or not. Otherwise, why are you even going to the doc for your issues anyway if you aren't going to listen to them?
  • MayMaydoesntrun
    MayMaydoesntrun Posts: 805 Member
    I make it a habit to ask my doc what the name of the medicine he/she is calling in for me..I don't like surprises.
  • wareagle8706
    wareagle8706 Posts: 1,090 Member
    google melatonin, it is used as a sleep aid and is natural, maybe it is an alternative for you.

    if a doctor doesnt mention melatonin first hes an idiot

    Not necessarily.

    He could be on the take.

    If you take melatonin for too long then your body will stop producing it on its own. Then you'll definitely be stuck having to take something to sleep every single night for the rest of your life. Caution.
  • Tuffjourney
    Tuffjourney Posts: 971
    Doctors don't get paid per prescription. It's an off label use that is used commonly in practice. No shenanigans.

    This is true^

    Again there are many medications that can help several different disorders. If you trust your doctor, then you should realize that she/he is only trying to help you.
  • lilRicki
    lilRicki Posts: 4,555 Member
    I've never had a problem with sleep, it's my favorite thing to do, but I'm going to throw some suggestions out there anyway. have you tried meditation? there's deep relaxation guided meditation you can download as an app on your phone. My mom just went to a sleep therapist and they told her; no super bright lights an hour leading up to bedtime, no over stimulated music/tv/reading an hour leading up to bedtime, have a super hot shower or bubble bath before bed, go to bed half an hour earlier then normal so you can lay there and do muscle tightening and relaxing exercises, lavender and other scents on your pillow, nature sounds on a cd, white noise like a fan, regular massage and deep relaxation appointments, and my favorite, a glass of wine ;)
  • toaster6
    toaster6 Posts: 703 Member
    Depression isn't just about feeling sad, it's physical as well. Many people with depression also have sleep issues so of course, depression medications help with that as well. Why bother paying to go to a doctor if you are just going to disregard their advice?