June 2010 - Clean Eating Challenge



  • kelly_a
    kelly_a Posts: 2,010 Member
    15 clean / 7 crap-ish

    Doing pretty good here lately...hope to keep it rolling along. Don't know about the rest of you, but I am the only one in my house that is eating clean. My dh and our sons ( 20 & 18 ) eat lots of processed food. I cook healthy, clean meals, and my dh will usually eat it. It is frustrating. Yes, I will occasionally have a favorite food, in moderation, but it sometimes upsets me that they don't see the importance of whole, nutritious foods. I mention regularly how great I feel in hopes that they will improve their habits. I am always offering them fruit and veggies. I just don't think I will win them over here. When I cook or bake for them, it is usually something I will not eat. I am a school bus driver and off this summer. All the guys are working full-time now and believe me, many temptations are here with me, all day long...right in my face! I think eating clean will always be a "challenge". I am seeing more and more tho, all the benefits it brings, that it is daily reward that I give myself....a choice and change I am willing to commit to.

    Keep cleaning it everyone! have a good day!
  • lulabellewoowoo
    lulabellewoowoo Posts: 3,125 Member
    14 me/9 junk

    Kelly, who usually does the grocery shopping in your household? I'm very fortunate because even though my husband does most of the cooking and shopping, he is very supportive of my clean eating. As a matter of fact, for a kids party this Friday, I told him we should order some pizzas. And he told me he would rather not because he is trying to eat better :) So keep doing what you are doing.

    For me, having no junk in the house is a blessing and a curse. Sometimes I just want something bad, and I can't find anything in the house and am too lazy to go out. But right now, there is some ice cream and stuff for s'mores, but I'm okay with that....this week anyway :)

    Keep going guys. You are awesome.
  • sweetn3ss
    sweetn3ss Posts: 341 Member
    I love Clean Eating! I own the clean and green cook book. However finances have halted my clean eating. I hope to be back on track very soon
  • pmjsmom
    pmjsmom Posts: 1,926 Member
    Now that local produce is available I am finding it easier to keep it clean. The rest of the family is doing better, too because I do most of the grocery shopping and cooking! We've been having some awesome salads and this weekend the first lettuce from my very small garden will be ready.
  • NewImprovedCnbethea1
    16 good days and 8 bad days

    My goal is to be good through the weekend pushing for my end of te month goal to be in the 150's I have 6 days to focus!!

    Hope everyone is doing good and keeping it clean...

    Also I wanted to extend to all of you a really strict vegan style clean eating challenge that will last for 4 weeks starting July 5th it is on the beachbody message boards let me know if your interested or stop by and say hello the thread name is Cinderella Pact the founder of the thread is awesome and you will be able to read all the specific details on the thread!!
  • lulabellewoowoo
    lulabellewoowoo Posts: 3,125 Member
    14 me/10 junk

    TOTALLY TANKED YESTERDAY!!!! AARRRGGGHHHH!!!! Hopefully I can keep it under control today.
  • NewImprovedCnbethea1
    Day 1 of my last 6 for the mnth didn't go to well!!

    16 good and 9 bad must be good over the weekend!!

    Have a great weekend everyone!!
  • kelly_a
    kelly_a Posts: 2,010 Member
    hey cleanies!!
    I've been doing very well! my tally is now 18 clean / 7 unclean ( about 3 of those 7 were just one meal a day, so still pretty good ) I know Sunday will be 1 meal unclean as I am attending a wedding anniversary...will just do the best I can. I actually started this May 28, so Monday is my month, but this is my new lifestyle....so just gonna keep with it.

    Lula ~ I do ALL the shopping here. If anyone else chooses to eat clean, it is available to them, and I offer everything from my 'diet'. Dh and youngest son will eat fruits and veggies, pretty much raw. Oldest son is the picky eater.:frown:

    Good luck with the weekend all, our month is coming to an end!! you've done a great job!
  • NewImprovedCnbethea1
    Kelly- that's great your doing so well with your journey and about to celebrate your month Anniversary glad to hear your accepting this change and planning on making it a permanent change!! Keep up the great work!!
  • Moma_Do
    Moma_Do Posts: 108 Member
    I wanna join! I've been eating clean, and have lost 8lbs. Since last time I logged in. My goal is to lose 25 lbs. By my 30th Birthday, August 12th. GO LEO'S!! Good Luck Chums!!!
  • kelly_a
    kelly_a Posts: 2,010 Member
    Welcome Moma_Do!! Congrats on your wt loss and keeping it clean! Don't you feel so much better eating this way? I have tons of energy!! I started eating cleaner last Fall, and well, kinda got off track around the holidays...and was doing about 50-60% since Jan. I've been cleanin it up since May 28 and I have lost 11.4 lbs! In that month, 21 were clean days and 9 were not, with 3 of those 9 being only 1 meal a day not clean. If I can't keep an entire day clean, I usually aim for 70-80% clean. Good luck here!!

    My goal for June was 20 days clean. Final tally 22 clean 8 crap.

    How is everyone else doing?
  • NewImprovedCnbethea1
    I went to Zumba class and loved every minute finally I am back in the gym I am so excited I really needed to be back around other people the at home videos are great but I think I need a mix again I was totally depended on them for the last 3mnths and I use to be a gym rat. I am so happy to be back in the gym now. It is time to chip away at these last unwanted lbs!!

    On a bad note I was over 592 in sodium Yikes Can we say H20 all through the night to flush my system!!
    Also I took my daughter's guinea pig "Spike" to the vet he didn't makeit back home it's been really tough today for her so I have been trying to cheer her up all day!!

    Looking foward to making the rest of the week exciting and fun and not over doing the weekend even though it's the 4th I think I have celebrated enough the last 2 weekends and my goal for July is to enjoy every weekend without over doing it with food!!

    I ended the month at 17 good and 13 bad this weekend has really been tough my goal is to Keep it really clean for July I am going to shoot for 25 out of 31 being more realistic since I said all 30 for the month of June!!
  • kelly_a
    kelly_a Posts: 2,010 Member
    hey cnbethea...sorry to hear about your dd's little critter. hope she will be ok soon. hugs :cry: losing a pet is so tough...they are such pals for us...

    you sound excited about being back in the gym! yay for you! I have found that lately with my increased activity how much better my mood has improved....endorphins? why would I ever want to stop? Weekends are my struggle areas too..with food. I just gotta treat it like a week day...and occ'l indulge! Good job on the challenge! I am adding 3 days and will go for 23 clean this month.

    Good luck everyone! Keep it clean!:bigsmile:
  • wanderinglight
    wanderinglight Posts: 1,519 Member
    I'm pretty happy with my month of clean eating, and I'm continuing straight through to mid-July (and beyond). But I'll be sticking with trying for total elimination for the next few weeks until my cousin's wedding on July 17.

    I have really noticed some differences. First, how difficult it can be to eliminate processed foods entirely (sometimes I just needed a bowl of cereal or a cracker), and also how great I feel. I've combined the elimination of processed foods with a goal to stay under my sugar every day, and that has meant paying a LOT of attention to what is going in my mouth. Even a glass of milk and two servings of fruit would put me over, so this has definitely been a month of mindful eating.

    Best of luck to everyone, and if there are others who want to continue into July let's keep on truckin'!