Lose 5 Pounds a Month- June 2010 Challenge



  • Jennplus2
    Jennplus2 Posts: 984 Member
    Hello Everyone! I have returned, and boy oh boy have I missed you! Just checking in to say hello. Today is my first day back, I have been MIA for all of June, so I don't think I will lose the 5 lbs but I am starting up again with eating healthy and once I get the green light from my Dr I will start to exercise again. I'm starting to feel normal again so I can't wait to start losing!

    Great to see you again! You are looking awesome! It must feel great to be so close to your goal! Welcome back!

    Thank you! I lost 11 lbs while on bedrest but I have gained back 9 so my guess is that most of that was water. I saw the Doc this morning and she said I can start my workouts again! Good thing because I started walking again last night :devil:

    Sorry Jenn I missed a post somewhere....I did not know you were on bedrest. Hope you are feeling much better. I hate when I miss a post and miss something important. I really did not know where you had gone!

    Good you are back up and moving!


    Oops, sorry I didn't explain. I guess I am still a bit fuzzy! :laugh:
    I have not been online for quite a few weeks now because I have been very ill. I had Meningitis and was under strict Dr ordered bedrest. I got the go ahead from the Dr yesterday to start exercising again, which is great because I already started on Monday, he he he. Mostly I just slept for 2 1/2 weeks due to the pills I was taking to relax my neck and calm the head pounding. They just knocked me out. But once I started eating again I was still not up for cooking and cleaning so I had my guy bring food home for us for a little over a week. I was eating the unhealthy take out yummy stuff twice a day for that last week I was recovering. That made the 11 lbs I lost during bed rest come flying back in a hurry plus some. So I did lose some ground with my weight, but I am feeling much better now and ready to start losing again.
    Thank you all for the warm welcome back into the group. I sure did miss you gals. Now I am doing much better, everyday is better than the one before. I'm still taking one of the meds, I just need it now before bed because my neck still gets a little stiff at the end of the day but I hope to tapper that off this week.
  • rjadams
    rjadams Posts: 4,060 Member
    Jenn I am so glad you are back, I missed you. I am sorry to hear about your illness. I am happy that you are feeling better.
    TCASMEY Posts: 1,405 Member
    Chin up Terri. :flowerforyou: I know you can do it. It gets really hard sometimes but we just have to push thru. I am not losing right now either.

    I think mine is stress related.:angry: I just wish congress would pin down the funding on my emergency unemployment so I can stop freaking out.

    together we will drink a ton of water and do what exercise we can. :bigsmile:

    I am pushing the water today and it is sure helping with the exercise. I am walking to the bathroom a lot more.

    I may be sorry for this later, but everyone was napping so I just did a`5k on the treadmill not a great time but 46 minutes is faster than walking.
  • fivefatcats
    fivefatcats Posts: 368
    Atta girl Terri!!!


    5k is my friend
    5k is my friend
    5k is my friend

  • AmandaB4588
    AmandaB4588 Posts: 655
    Yikes, Jenn!! I am so glad you are back and feeling better. Sorry you went through all of that.

    Terri, I am not sure whether to congratulate you or scold you! :laugh: I admire your determination to get up and go but first and foremost BE CAREFUL with that knee!!
  • shelli1923
    shelli1923 Posts: 111 Member
    I have been doing really well since Monday. I really want to be at 155 by the end of the month. I don't know if I can do it but as long as I don't let the weekend ruin my eating I should be able to. That is a pretty high expectation for me so if I can do this I will be doing a happy dance! :laugh:

    Jenn- so glad you are back and doing better! :flowerforyou:
    Terri- I really hope you can walk tomorrow!
  • Jennplus2
    Jennplus2 Posts: 984 Member
    Yikes, Jenn!! I am so glad you are back and feeling better. Sorry you went through all of that.

    Terri, I am not sure whether to congratulate you or scold you! :laugh: I admire your determination to get up and go but first and foremost BE CAREFUL with that knee!!


    And I agree! :laugh: Ice it tonight just in case maybe...
    TCASMEY Posts: 1,405 Member
    Yikes, Jenn!! I am so glad you are back and feeling better. Sorry you went through all of that.

    Terri, I am not sure whether to congratulate you or scold you! :laugh: I admire your determination to get up and go but first and foremost BE CAREFUL with that knee!!


    And I agree! :laugh: Ice it tonight just in case maybe...

    So far so good feels good this morning!

    I read an article over the weekend that basically said women tend to push themselves too hard when training. The article could have been talking about me. The only days I was taking for recovery were on weekends and sometimes not even then. I think I was wearing myself out. The tendonitis in my knee is and overuse injury. Soooo....my new experiment is to do cardio every other day and sometimes take 2 days off between cardio sessions. And lift weights 2 times a week. I plan to lift and do cardio on the same days so my day off is really a day off.

    These new workout goals have given me a new outlook. I was trying to workout every chance I got and mentally I was suffering for it because I was letting household chores pile up because I was always exercising. Now I feel like I can maintain my household and get in better shape.

    My husband was my inspiration for this is my husband. He just completed his first marathon on 6 months of training. His longest race before this had been a 10k. He did not work out every day. Every workout was not a a long run or hours long. Some were but not all. He did not lose weight in this training but I can tell by looking at him he lost inches. I don't plan on doing a marathon but his training gave me some new ideas for exercise. I plan to read his marathon training books to give me more inspiration!

    Have a healthy day!

  • rcatr
    rcatr Posts: 374 Member
    Yikes, Jenn!! I am so glad you are back and feeling better. Sorry you went through all of that.

    Terri, I am not sure whether to congratulate you or scold you! :laugh: I admire your determination to get up and go but first and foremost BE CAREFUL with that knee!!


    And I agree! :laugh: Ice it tonight just in case maybe...

    So far so good feels good this morning!

    I read an article over the weekend that basically said women tend to push themselves too hard when training. The article could have been talking about me. The only days I was taking for recovery were on weekends and sometimes not even then. I think I was wearing myself out. The tendonitis in my knee is and overuse injury. Soooo....my new experiment is to do cardio every other day and sometimes take 2 days off between cardio sessions. And lift weights 2 times a week. I plan to lift and do cardio on the same days so my day off is really a day off.

    These new workout goals have given me a new outlook. I was trying to workout every chance I got and mentally I was suffering for it because I was letting household chores pile up because I was always exercising. Now I feel like I can maintain my household and get in better shape.

    My husband was my inspiration for this is my husband. He just completed his first marathon on 6 months of training. His longest race before this had been a 10k. He did not work out every day. Every workout was not a a long run or hours long. Some were but not all. He did not lose weight in this training but I can tell by looking at him he lost inches. I don't plan on doing a marathon but his training gave me some new ideas for exercise. I plan to read his marathon training books to give me more inspiration!

    Have a healthy day!


    Hey Terri

    This is a great approach. I can affirm that that as a fellow member of the greater sex (if i do say so myself :bigsmile: ) we tend to push ourselves harder AND give ourselves a harder time when we don't. We don't know the meaning of balance, I think. That's just my opinion. I think this new plan is going to work out great for you. Your body will appreciate it more and i bet good money your workouts will be even more effective. This whole journey isn't about weight loss, ya know? We realize a lot of other new things about ourselves too. Congratulations! :flowerforyou: And hey, congrats to the Hubs too! First marathon is a great accomplishment!
  • fivefatcats
    fivefatcats Posts: 368
    I had my Goodwill shopping day yesterday!! That was fun! It was enjoyable just to be there without the kids for a few hours. I did find a smaller pair of Lee Rider stretch jeans for goal pants . . .in a size 6! Actually got them on my butt (they didn't enjoy being there but too bad!) I bought them and they are sitting on my dresser waiting for me to be able to wear - hopefully by my birthday in September!!!

    I enjoyed trying on lots of things - old prom dresses, shirts and pants and jackets I had no intention of buying - just to see what fit. I loved that lots of 10s and 12s fit well or were too big!!

    That makes all the effort worth it!!!
  • rosbod
    rosbod Posts: 1
    I'd love to be part of this challenge. I just signed up today - fed up with being fed up, and I'm noticing that the joints aren't as supple as they used to be. I want to take some weight off my joints, to be healthier and to go down a couple of sizes - it's all totally doable. Thanks for the support!
  • phyljen
    phyljen Posts: 453 Member
    HI PALS;
    I am doing the Happy to be in America Dance! :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: Sitting on that plane or those plane was pretty much torture. But lots faster than taking a boat!:happy: I am just glad to be on American soil for a month.
    I arrived last night and made it finally to my folks house in Idaho at about 6 pm. Sleeping was quite interesting, waking up every few hours to see if it was morning yet. JET LAG SUCKS!
    I finally got my joggin shoes on and hit the streets, at about 6:00 am,out in the country, walked past many cows and pastures. Such CLEAN FRESH air. I love it. I walked for an hour and 20 minutes. Felt so good! This part of the world is like an extreme opposite to the surrounding I survive in 11 months of the year in Cairo.
    I plan to enjoy this month of rehab!!!
    It will be a challenge to eat healthy, with my mom being the cook and with all the family reunions and lunches with friends. BUT I know I can do it because my life style has chaned and I care about me and don't wan all the hard work I've done go down the drain. The wedding is a few weeks after I get back to Cairo and I want to look HOT. (NOT just feel HOT) :laugh: I'm talking temperature there... Haha Actually how "HOT"can a 59 year old mamma look?:smile:
    Enjoy your summer. Phyljen
  • bitabee
    bitabee Posts: 209 Member
    I am obviously joining this group late, since I am a new-comer, but I am in!!

    SW- 180
    GW- 140

    thanks for the inspiration!!
  • fivefatcats
    fivefatcats Posts: 368
    Phyllis - I hope a 59 year old mom can look WAY hot!! I'll be about that age when my girls get married!!!
  • AmandaB4588
    AmandaB4588 Posts: 655
    Glad your knee is OK, Terri! I agree that we women tend to push ourselves too hard. I was doing c25k and heavy lifting simultaneously (though both programs say not to) and giving myself very few rest days. Instead of successfully completing both programs, I crashed and burned on both! Yet your hubby didn't over-train and ran a marathon! If that's not proof that we need rest days, I don't know what is!

    Size 6, Traci!! That is so exciting! Congrats on fitting into the 10's and 12's comfortably. Don't you just love those shopping trips where everything you try on fits or is too big? Nothing feels better than that!

    Phyljen, I am glad you survived the flights and are now here in the US! Have fun!!

    Thanks to everyone for the support. I weighed myself this morning and am already down to 160, so the weight I gained is falling off quickly. Thank goodness! I am going to Playa del Carmen in 5.5 weeks and would like to drop another 5lbs by then.
  • rjadams
    rjadams Posts: 4,060 Member
    Terri - I would love to read that article because i can't wrap my head around not pushing all week but maybe I need to stop it.

    Phyljen = I am glad you had a safe trip. enjoy your time in the good ol USA, make smart choices, and you will certainly be one "hot mamma" for the wedding.

    I am still not seeing any scale movement. I am going to step it up next week and then I will try something else. I am sure I am retaining water because of the Push phase in ChaLean Extreme. but I still would like the scale to move.

    have a great day all.
  • leix
    leix Posts: 176
    1lb left to go for this month :)
  • OnMyWeigh
    OnMyWeigh Posts: 252 Member
    Actually how "HOT"can a 59 year old mamma look?:smile:
    Enjoy your summer. Phyljen

    Very! It's all in the way you carry yourself. If you believe it everyone else will too! Welcome back to Idaho!! Did you fly in to Boise?
  • makmyra
    makmyra Posts: 121 Member
    Goodmorning everyone.....how do ya'll post your goals at the bottom of your page? I wanna do it..... :happy:
  • RushinBruisette
    RushinBruisette Posts: 2,109 Member
    Goodmorning everyone.....how do ya'll post your goals at the bottom of your page? I wanna do it..... :happy:
    Just decide what you want for your goals and type them in your signature. :D It's that easy!