Lose 5 Pounds a Month- June 2010 Challenge



  • AmandaB4588
    AmandaB4588 Posts: 655
    Phyl--- have a safe flight and fun time!

    Bru--- sounds like you have a fun weekend ahead! Grilled chicken with all of those veggies sounds delicious. I might have to put my boyfriend up to grilling sometime this week.

    Lori--- actions speak louder than words. Keep on eating healthy, and they will see why you have lost 40 lbs!
  • kintegra
    kintegra Posts: 1,026 Member
    6-01-10 240.0
    6-07-10 237.0
    6-09-10 234.4
    6-14-10 233.6
    6-21-10 233.4
    6-22-10 232.4

    OK - I know its only been a day but I was determined yesterday & earned my one pound loss! :bigsmile: I drank 25 - 8oz of H20 for the day. I did my belly dancing workout, 2 quick walks, C25K Wk1/Day1, and a bike ride. That pound is DEAD to me! :laugh: I'm still going to work my butt off today so that the scale shows well in my favor for next week! Today Jillian is gonna work me out! I'm hoping another bike ride, however its going to storm AGAIN today, 'cause here in the Midwest we definitely need more rain...NOT! :grumble:

    rcatr - Congrats on the loss! That's awesome! So happy for you! :happy:

    phyljen - Have a safe trip!

    tralalara - Glad you finally found a dress for your daughter's wedding! Can't wait to see the pics! And I hear ya about the keeping your mouth shut about being healthy...sometimes I feel that people are miffed at me just because I'm being so healthy! Oh well...they are just jealous of our success! Maybe they should jump on our wagon! :bigsmile:

    Bru - I know what its like to not have a kitchen...however I was just without one for 3 months when I completely gutted mine, walls & all! Have fun @ your bbq! Way to plan a healthy one! :happy:

    Amanda - You shouldn't be ashamed & you shouldn't stay away from us! You need to get some encouragement when you are having a rough patch. So don't worry...you will get thru this! You've done awesome so far, just time to jump back in & be happy with yourself! :happy:

    Happy Tuesday everyone! :flowerforyou:

  • rjadams
    rjadams Posts: 4,060 Member
    Amanda, don't feel bad and at least you came clean. You can get back on track an do this. I beleive.

    Phlyjen - I am so excited for you and the picture is awesome.

    Kelly - a loss is a loss whenever you get it.

    bru - I couldn't imagine not having a kitchen.

    Okay so I haven't been posting. I get intimidated by so many new people. I have changed up my workouts to get it down to a reasonable 2 and half to three hours a day instead of the five to six I was doing. And of course the weight loss is stalling. I made my five for the month of June but I really want to make it to 150 by the end of the month and I am just floating around a pound above that.

    Anyway I will try to post better this week. I hope you all have a great tuesday.
  • OnMyWeigh
    OnMyWeigh Posts: 252 Member
    Can I just say this group is AMAZING! Everyone is doing so well and working so hard, I am proud of every one of you!

    Phillis- Have a safe trip home- I found the song and LOVE IT! I will totally teachit to my Brownies!

    Amanda- Girl, you are strong to open up, you can do this!

    Bru- yummm enjoy your BBQ!

    Kelly- You are the $#!+, you may just double the group challenge by the end of the month!

    rj- don't be intimidated by the new people, please, we are all here together regarless of those who come and go!
  • BonnyC
    BonnyC Posts: 5
    I'd like to do this :smile:

    SW: 188.7 lbs
    GW : 130 lbs

    May 18 2010 ~ 188.7
    June 15 2010~180.0~down 8.7 lbs
    June 22 2010~178.2~down 1.8 lbs
    Next weigh in June 29
  • Jennplus2
    Jennplus2 Posts: 984 Member
    Hello Everyone! I have returned, and boy oh boy have I missed you! Just checking in to say hello. Today is my first day back, I have been MIA for all of June, so I don't think I will lose the 5 lbs but I am starting up again with eating healthy and once I get the green light from my Dr I will start to exercise again. I'm starting to feel normal again so I can't wait to start losing!

    Great to see you again! You are looking awesome! It must feel great to be so close to your goal! Welcome back!

    Thank you! I lost 11 lbs while on bedrest but I have gained back 9 so my guess is that most of that was water. I saw the Doc this morning and she said I can start my workouts again! Good thing because I started walking again last night :devil:
  • RushinBruisette
    RushinBruisette Posts: 2,109 Member
    Hey all, before I forget, there's a game at sobe.com called heads or tails, if you have purchased a black lid sobe drink and it has a code you can enter it here. But if you don't have one, click on the 'no' side and it brings you to a room of 5people, click on one and then sign in/register and you can win a bogo free coupon at the least (you need a printer for the coupon). I tried it and won a t shirt!! Good luck all and have a great week!
  • makmyra
    makmyra Posts: 121 Member
    Amanda--- I'm right there with you....I also feel guilty that I haven't posted anythng for awhile. Its taking me a hard time to get back on track...its crazy. HEEEELLLLPPPPPP.............

    :explode: :explode: :angry: :angry: :frown: :frown: :cry: :cry:
  • happy_heather121
    happy_heather121 Posts: 135 Member
    kintegra: Yes!!! Nice job! I did the same thing last week. I was not going to let that pound keep me down. Good work!
  • fivefatcats
    fivefatcats Posts: 368
    Hi all!

    Barty - you are sooooo close! Keep up the good work!
    Shawnae - hang in there! You are beautiful now! I can't imagine the knockout you'll be soon!
    Lori - have a wonderful time at your daughter's wedding!!
    phyllis - congrats on the loss during your cruise! Way to go! I can't even imagine 110 degrees in Wisconsin!
    robin - i know its frustrating when the scale is frozen - way to stay positive with your new measurements! No more barrel!
    Jacque - Happy anniversary and welcome home!
    Bru - Yahoo 7.2!! How is your C25K going? My two favorite subjects to discuss are dieting and running!!!! Love the new pic!
    Enjoy your BBQ!
    Sian - great job on your additional 4 lbs!
    Heather - doing great - impressive discipline!
    Jenn - welcome back!
    Ify - congrats on the 2lbs!
    rcatr - congrats on the loss and hope you're feeling better!
    Amanda - now don't you feel better! We surely wouldn't judge you - heck - your weight is my goal right now! Welcome!
    Kelly - 7.6 for the month!! SOFAR!! You're awesome!
    makmyra - I've been there. We are all on the train holding out hands for you to grab!! Hug Hug!

    I have been doing really well on my HCG diet. I have had some cravings though. I bought some cheese popcorn - for the kids- but they didn't want it so I didn't even get to smell it yet! I love to bake. We attend a small church and have a potluck every Sunday. One of the things I really enjoy doing is trying out new recipes on them. (It is some kind of sick twisted therapy to bake things I can't/won't eat.) Recently I made (tried to make) a danish layer cake. It looked like a crooked volcano but I have been told it tasted good.

    Shopping - I have Lee Rider stretch jeans in every size from 22 to 10. Currently wearing the 12s comfortably and the 10s snugly. Tomorrow I am going to Goodwill for my new goal pants: Size 8!!! I can't believe the day is approaching when I will actually be able to wear them in public and breathe simultaneously!!!

    Love you all!!

    Traci:flowerforyou: :love:
  • RushinBruisette
    RushinBruisette Posts: 2,109 Member
    Traci, wow a size 10/12!! Good for you! And an 8 soon!! Even better! My C25k is going, Week4Day2 today, it wasn't as bad as yesterday, but I still almost quit. It was on my last 5min (which is a jog) before the cooldown, but I had come so far that I wasn't out of breath, my calves were feeling it a little bit. Not cramping, just a lil worn out. I'm gonna pick back up on Thursday.

    I'm really hoping my bbq goes well...at this point, I don't even know if my mom is coming let alone my two aunts. However, my aunt from Quincy, IL is coming down to spend time with her 14yr old this weekend and may stop by (with my 17yo,14yo, 7yo, and 3yo cousins) so my 'adult' bbq may turn into a kidfest :laugh: Either way, I'll be glad to have company that isn't my hubby's friends coming over to play video games all day.

    Also, if anyone has a Target near by, check out to see if they are running the 10 Sobe lifewaters (20oz) for $10, plus if you buy 10, you get a Target $5 Gifrcard on the spot. And if you won any buy one get one free coupons at sobe.com, you can use them with the 10 for 10 promo. Ok, really, I'm headed out for the week now, I'll be here Saturday with my end of the month official weigh in. Have a beautiful, safe and healthy week all! :heart: Bru
    TCASMEY Posts: 1,405 Member
    Hello Everyone! I have returned, and boy oh boy have I missed you! Just checking in to say hello. Today is my first day back, I have been MIA for all of June, so I don't think I will lose the 5 lbs but I am starting up again with eating healthy and once I get the green light from my Dr I will start to exercise again. I'm starting to feel normal again so I can't wait to start losing!

    Great to see you again! You are looking awesome! It must feel great to be so close to your goal! Welcome back!

    Thank you! I lost 11 lbs while on bedrest but I have gained back 9 so my guess is that most of that was water. I saw the Doc this morning and she said I can start my workouts again! Good thing because I started walking again last night :devil:

    Sorry Jenn I missed a post somewhere....I did not know you were on bedrest. Hope you are feeling much better. I hate when I miss a post and miss something important. I really did not know where you had gone!

    Good you are back up and moving!

  • kintegra
    kintegra Posts: 1,026 Member
    Thanks Heather & Onmyweigh! And I AM hoping to get that 10 pounds for this months challenge! I love being an overacheiver! :laugh: I figure its easier for me to lose more now, so why not. I know it will get harder & harder to lose just a half a pound eventually, so why not overachieve now while its easier for me, right?

    Jennplus - glad you are back, but can I ask from what? Bedrest? I hope it wasn't something serious! Anyhow, its nice to see you and I hope you are better! :flowerforyou:

    makmyra - We're here for you! Let us know when you need a pick-me-up! That's what we are here for! :flowerforyou:

    Traci - WOW a size 8! That's OUTSTANDING! I haven't been in an 8 since my freshman year in high school! Good for you! :bigsmile:

    Bru - where you going? Don't leave me! :noway: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :heart: ya girl!

    I took this afternoon off from working out & started a new book while laying on my raft in the pool soaking up some rays! It was SO beautiful out! Thankfully we didn't get the storms they were calling for again here today. 'Cause we certainly don't need any more rain here in the midwest! :grumble: Once dinner was over & the heat of the day was gone, my neighbor & I went on a nice LONG bike ride. I was going to do my Jillian workout when I got home, but I have over 570 cals left for the day already & only need a snack. So I'm calling it a good day! Tomorrow is my Skinny Wednesday Challenge, so I'll do more tomorrow! Come on over & join us on that thread if you haven't already!

  • vb4evr
    vb4evr Posts: 615 Member
    Evening everyone, just had my weigh in and down 2 3/4 lbs from last week so have achieved the goal of 5 lbs this week, so hopefully can continue to do more by then end of the month.

    June 1 - 238
    June 8 - 235
    June 15 - 233.75
    June 22 - 231
    TCASMEY Posts: 1,405 Member
    I am having one of those weeks. I know I had a bad weekend (being out of town and eating out almost every meal) but I stepped on the scale this morning and my weight is up 5 pounds since last Friday. I hope it is mostly water weight but 5 pounds? I need my injured knee to improve so I can kick up the exercising again. I am getting discouraged. I was hoping to be in the 160':s by the end of the of the month and instead it looks like I heading back to the 180's:angry::explode: :mad:

    I also struggle in the summer to get in my workouts. The kids are home from school and bedtime gets pushed back because they don't have to get up in the morning. I used to get in a workout during daycare naptime and now I do not because I have a new baby who does not nap at the same time as everyone else. Evenings are hard because of the kids sports schedules. I have to figure it out.

    Off to ride the stationary bike and hope it does not bother the knee.

    Have a healthy day!

  • AmandaB4588
    AmandaB4588 Posts: 655
    Terri, my bet is the 5 lbs is from sodium. Chug, chug, chug water today to flush it out!
  • bdog2010
    bdog2010 Posts: 3
    I am so impressed with everyone's goal setting and accomplishments! Keep it up ! :flowerforyou:
  • AMcMaster
    AMcMaster Posts: 41 Member
    hi im on bored, i would love to be 35 lbs lighter by x-mas, but im just starting out i know im doin good i started at 207.5 and i have notice my clothes fitting better i dont want to weigh until i have been doin this for a month!! and good tips? i need all the help i can get and u doing great!!
  • rjadams
    rjadams Posts: 4,060 Member
    Chin up Terri. :flowerforyou: I know you can do it. It gets really hard sometimes but we just have to push thru. I am not losing right now either.

    I think mine is stress related.:angry: I just wish congress would pin down the funding on my emergency unemployment so I can stop freaking out.

    together we will drink a ton of water and do what exercise we can. :bigsmile:
  • makmyra
    makmyra Posts: 121 Member
    Today's challenge for all of us should be to drink LOTSA water thru the rest of the week....it seems a lot of us are struggling with gaining a lb or more...summer is so hard with kids and their activities and doing family vacations and outings....then there's all the bbq's and with all that....NO TIME FOR US. Its so hard to balance everything....But we can do it! Women can do anything!!!

    Good news to share...I'm right down to where I was in weight before I went on my hiatus!!! And seriously....I did it by chugging water and staying away from bad food choices. If I was cooking more healthy at home or making time for the gym....I'd be losing more I'm sure. I gotta figure out gym time....

    Thanks to all of you with your posts-it really encourages me that I'm not alone in this struggle.. :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: