Lose 5 Pounds a Month- June 2010 Challenge



    TCASMEY Posts: 1,405 Member
    Terri - I would love to read that article because i can't wrap my head around not pushing all week but maybe I need to stop it.

    Hope this works


    I had to think about where I read it but it was at coolrunnings.com that I found the link to the above article.
  • rjadams
    rjadams Posts: 4,060 Member
    Terri - I would love to read that article because i can't wrap my head around not pushing all week but maybe I need to stop it.

    Hope this works


    I had to think about where I read it but it was at coolrunnings.com that I found the link to the above article.

    thanks. I know I should slow down but it will be very hard for me to do that. I am afraid of losing my momentum on the exercise front. I am terrified of becoming the couch potato I was once again.
    TCASMEY Posts: 1,405 Member
    I totally know what you are saying. The days that I do not workout make me feel like I am really lazy. But I am beginning to see why they are needed. This journey is about finding balance and if I feel that I should be working out every free minute I have not found my balance. For the past 1.5 years I have been trying to fit in a workout every time I had ten minutes free. I have not been keeping the house as clean as usual. I have not sat down and made a quilt in that time ( I used to make a quilt a month, from start to finish) So this journey is about getting in shape, staying in shape and still doing the things that I love.

    Hope everyone has a fantastic weekend!

    DJDUFFY Posts: 98
    Count me in.June 1st i was 242 and now i am 238.I need 1 more pound to go.I know i can do it.Yes by Christmas i should be looking great.

    Created by MyFitnessPal.com - Free Calorie Counter
  • anu_6986
    anu_6986 Posts: 702 Member
    Please count me in, I hope I can reach the goal for June :frown:

    June starting weight(somewhere in the first week): 184 lb / 83.5 kg
    Weight on June 25: 180.7 lb/ 82 kg
  • Jennplus2
    Jennplus2 Posts: 984 Member
    Sorry, our group is getting bigger so this is going be long...:wink:

    Yay on the new size 8 pants! I never worn white before I started to lose, but it's fun isn't it! Enjoy em.

    Thanks! I put 7 layers in the dip so that includes veggies like tomatoes, olives and avacado but it also has sour cream and cheese. I got low fat and fat free so that should help lower the calories but who needs chips, lol.

    YAY! Congrats on getting to your goal. You are right about having to keep working hard to keep it off, but it will be worth it.

    :cry: I so know how you feel! But ups and downs are all a part of it. We can make the 5 lbs next month.

    Great job! Have a fun and healthy BBQ.

    Amanda & Shelli-
    We will totally kick butt in July! I am having a wedding shower for my big sis on the 30th so I need to do well to fit into the dress I got for the party. Why or why did I buy a dress that was 2 small? Sure kicking myself now!

    WOW! Great job!

    Last but not least, Welcome to all the new folks!

    Now my turn

    I started back on Monday 6/21 @ 153 but I think it was high because of lots of sodium, fast food the week before
    today I am 149

    I don't see my goal of 130 by July 30th happening now that I lost so much ground (I was 143 May 14th) so I am changing it to 140 by July 30th, even that will be a challenge for me but I need to fit into my dress!
  • anu_6986
    anu_6986 Posts: 702 Member
    I got a ticker too!! :bigsmile:

  • rjadams
    rjadams Posts: 4,060 Member
    welcome newbies:drinker: .

    Jenn I am sure you can do it. 140 by July 30th I am visualizing it right now to help you out. Sending the energy your way. (and you left me out of your post. :cry: its okay there are so many of us now:tongue: Even if I am your birthday buddy:wink: ).
  • ifychudy
    ifychudy Posts: 210 Member
    congratulations Onmyweigh. 15.2 in just 1 month. I hope I read it right. Please, what kind of exerciseswere you doing?
  • rjadams
    rjadams Posts: 4,060 Member
    okay its not official and I am not going to count it ( that got me into trouble before) but I was 149.4 this morning. Under 150. I just can't beleive it. This is a major milestone for me. :bigsmile:
  • IceFaith
    IceFaith Posts: 81
    I haven't updated in a while. I couldn't keep track of how much I weighed when until I found the *Tools* section and then felt silly...lol Anyways, here we go.

    May 30 ~ 243
    June 2 ~ 241.5
    June 14 ~ 242
    June 23 ~ 238.5
    June 26 ~ 237

    Down 6 lbs! Yay!
  • RushinBruisette
    RushinBruisette Posts: 2,109 Member
    Hello hello all!! Happy Saturday!! Getting ready for my small family get together, just made my pasta salad with lots of veggies, made up my veggies tray, a fruit tray, and gonna get started on my lemon-chicken with almonds soon.

    I had family from out of town show up last night and showed them my Wii dancing game...we danced for almost 2hours!!!! It was a blast! Today, after getting up and moving, we went to lunch at Steak n Shake ( I was good too, especially knowing that I have a get together tonight). Then they all left and all was quiet, well, for the next hour or so...lol.

    Anyway, congrats again to those who lost this month, welcome to all the noobies, and hang in there for those who haven't lost much this month, I know we'll all rock out July together!! Have a wonderful, safe, and healthy weekend and I'll see you all throughout the next week! XoxoxoX Bru
  • AmandaB4588
    AmandaB4588 Posts: 655
    okay its not official and I am not going to count it ( that got me into trouble before) but I was 149.4 this morning. Under 150. I just can't beleive it. This is a major milestone for me. :bigsmile:

    Great job!!!
  • shawnae2
    shawnae2 Posts: 105
    I weighed in yesterday but with all the work I have been doing this week I didn't have time to post on here. I have been having major trouble with my asthma :angry: . Wanted to run really hard and then ended up almost passing out and my brother rushing to get my inhaler. That sure was scary:cry: . So I am taking a couple days off from the running and kicking it down to walking. Hoping I can get it back under control. But was glad to see a loss yesterday morning. 2 more pounds and I will have reached my mini goal.
    SW ---- 300lbs

    6lb loss this month. Hopefully I can add two more to it by the time the 1st rolls around.
  • kintegra
    kintegra Posts: 1,026 Member
    Wow everyone is doing so well! Welcome to all the newbies too!

    I had to take today off, I apparently had something at dinner last night that didn't agree with my body. I ran back & forth to the bathroom for SIX HOURS today! :sick: So needless to say I didn't get anything done today! :grumble: I did step on the scale this morning & then again a few mins ago & I am down 1.8 lbs since this morning! NOT A GOOD LOSS! I'm sure it'll come back when I get back to feeling better! :sad: We'll see what the scale says on Monday for my official weigh-in day.

    In the meantime I'm gonna take it easy tonight & stay home & watch a movie.

  • RushinBruisette
    RushinBruisette Posts: 2,109 Member
    Good morning everyone!! I had my non-bbq yesterday. My total 'guests'...my mom and 2 little brothers (and my hubby, of coourse)..that's it. I did really well, food wise. I told my mom to bring somthing..she brings hotdogs and chips, neither were touched by any of us. I made of a veggie tray (cauliflower, broccoli, carrots) and a fruit tray (red grapes, red/green apples, and strawberries). I made a pasta salad with cucumber, tomatoes, red onion, green pepper, a little shredded chesse and italian dressing (light) and shell noodles. And my main course was boneless skinless chicken, 6 breast, cut into 1/4 slices (cooked in 'pam' and a lil evoo on the skillet),squeezed an entire lemon on the chicken, once it was fully cooked, I added a few onion and peppers slices to simmer about 3-5min minutes. Then topped with almonds and served. It turned out great! Hubby even gave the approval!! And he's really picky! So all was good this weekend. I danced for 2 1/2hrs Fri-Sat combined, I had lots or veggies and fruits, watched my portions and still drank my first alcoholic drink since March, only one 8oz glass of Verdi. I had plenty of water and still got to have fun and visit with family.

    I hope everyone's weekend is going great! I'll be back around Fri to weigh (and measure) in. XoxoxoX Bru
  • kalibsmom
    kalibsmom Posts: 58 Member
    I would like to join you all on this challenge. I am in desperate need of some motivaton in Feb I was down to 171lbs...got laid off from my job and now I am at 189!!! I am so DISGUSTED with myself that it isn't even funny! I had lost 69lbs altogether and just needed to lose around 15 more but now I am back up to needing to lose atleast 35lbs by the end of the year!!! SO I would love to join you all if that is alright?? :flowerforyou:
  • spob
    spob Posts: 206
    I am in as well if that is ok! I will give my weight for start of July 1 and then count from there! 5 lbs seems achievable!
  • shelli1923
    shelli1923 Posts: 111 Member
    Most of yesterday went well until DF talked me into drinking. I, of course, drank too much and ended up sick. :drinker: :sick: I get sick every time I drink. I think it must be due to the medication I am on. Hungover this morning and debating on whether or not I am going to workout. I think I should but I don't want to!

    Bru- I noticed you increased your miles from 100 to 200. Good for you! You must really be enjoying running! You are such an inspiration!

    Welcome to all of the newbies!!!
  • RushinBruisette
    RushinBruisette Posts: 2,109 Member
    Welcome all!! This is such a supportive and sharing group, I hope all of the newer people jump right in. If anyone ever needs anything, just post here or send someone a message. :)

    Shelli, sorry you are feeling icky, hopefully that feel goes away. I say you should still workout, but maybe don't do as much, maybe just a walk for now til you feel better later. And yep, you caught it! I upped my personal 100miles. To 200miles, I still have my open challenge/thread to 100miles or whatever people feel comfy with. I was considering upping mine a few weeks ago, but just did it last night.

    edited, so I thought today was Monday so when I went out for my morning walk, I did Week 5 Day1 of C25k...I panicked when I got home and saw hubbys truck in the driveway...then I remembered it was Sunday... Oy!