Lose 5 Pounds a Month- June 2010 Challenge



  • OnMyWeigh
    OnMyWeigh Posts: 252 Member
    Summertime Food idea... something I figured out last summer and it works pretty good. We have a fire circle in our backyard so we do alot of hotdog roasting and marshmallow roasting. When the family is doing hotdogs I put a thawed chicken breast tender on my stick, turns out pretty darn good! I can join in the fun without the calories!
  • AmandaB4588
    AmandaB4588 Posts: 655
    Whoa!! I am never waiting more than a day to reply here again. :laugh: I have to steal Jenn's idea and take notes on what everybody posted!

    Kelly-- I am glad you are feeling better. I have never had food poisoning but my boyfriend did once, and he was miserable. I hope I never experience that!

    Bru-- That pasta salad sounds DELICIOUS! I think I will make some this weekend. Also, I am totally up for a weekly challenge. I need the challenge to get my butt moving. I have fallen into an exercise slump and haven't been doing much.

    Shelli-- Sorry you got sick! I cannot drink fruity drinks anymore because they give me a stomach ache. I think it is all of the sugar! On the bright side, that's more incentive to stay away from all of those calories!

    Bonny-- Good job on your loss! Keep up the hard work!

    Jenn-- WOW. Just wow! I cannot believe the nerve of that woman! It's great for teachers to care for their students but she totally crossed a line. That woman is nuts!

    rj-- Remember that your muscles will fill with water and be swollen for awhile when you begin weight training seriously. Many people stop losing weight and even gain some when they start. Make sure you are taking measurements instead of just relying on the scale, and don't let it scare you away from lifting weights!

    Terri-- I am glad your knee is feeling better, and I hope you are going easy on it!

    Randi-- That's a great idea!

    I have done well the past few days eating-wise. The weight I gained from vacation (and the week following) is falling off. Phew! I am proud of myself for eating well because I have been so stressed the past few days. My boyfriend's wisdom teeth are coming in. He doesn't have insurance or any family who can help, and we are broke college kids. He isn't in any pain but I still need to plan/worry in case he needs surgery. I have no idea what it will cost but my brother's surgery was $3000. We have money saved but I hate to spend the savings! I am thinking we may need to cancel our trip to Playa in order to cover the surgery without draining our bank account..... if he does need surgery! Look at me getting ahead of myself.

    Anyways, I really need to get back in the gym. I have felt so exhausted watching my nephew everyday. He is 11 months old and a handful! I have been using it as my excuse to skip the gym but really, I will have MORE energy if I work out. Also, it will help with all the stress! I just need to make that first step!
  • Jennplus2
    Jennplus2 Posts: 984 Member
    Hello everyone!

    Good job working out even while having an off day as far as eating!

    I think it is great that you are staying busy with your weight loss while looking for a job. So many folks just sit and have a pity party. Great job! And I don't know how you exercise as much as you do, but I like it!

    I know! That is why I told her I didn't feed them that stuff. lol But at least we understand that it is not "healthy". I agree it is better than nothing and as they grow older they like to have more and more say on what they want to eat!
    And I also agree about the contradicting info out everywhere. I try to read with a grain of salt now. :wink:

    I did the Skinny Saturday challenge a while back and it did help me stay on task. So I say we go for it! Any ideas on what the next challenge should be?

    I saw your post! I am hoping July is a big loss month! Just jump on in glad to have ya.

    We have July-Dec, 6 months. 6x5=30
    Now that the math is right...wanna lose 30 lbs by the winter holidays?

    Glad that you had fun at the Wedding during your vaca! If you can't have wine, BBQ, and cup cakes on vacation then why even go?! Just get back into eating healthy now. Like you said, it is worth it! I like the way you think!

    Hope you feel better soon!

    Great idea! Also put a few veggies on and roast them up. I love grilled pineapple and mushrooms during a BBQ. I went to one on Friday and eat a big pile of salad and mixed grilled veggies before I ate the "bad" stuff and that worked out very well.

    I love it! Steal away...
    And my brother let his wisdom teeth grow in and he was fine. I had mine taken out and it was painful and expensive. But have him see a DDS so they can tell him if the wisdom teeth will push around the other teeth, that could be bad.
    Oh, and you should exercise with your nephew! I have a few mommy and me yoga dvd's that my kiddos love doing with me. Plus just running and playing with him will burn a lot of calories!

    Welcome to the new folks!

    So yesterday I went for a jog/walk and started day 1 of the couch to 5 k! I must say that I was happy to see the calories burned once I got back! I think I could learn to like running. I did the whole thing and ran 90 seconds walked 90 seconds, ect. Once I got back I read the rules again and found out that I was really meant to walk 90 run 60! So I did great! Today I am going to just walk because it is my rest day.
    Last night I did eat my fav, frozen yogurt but I got a small and I am only letting myself get a small from now on plus I will limit that to a treat every now and then.

    Hope you all have a healthy day! Tomorrow is the last day of the month so do a last chance workout!
  • AmandaB4588
    AmandaB4588 Posts: 655
    So yesterday I went for a jog/walk and started day 1 of the couch to 5 k! I must say that I was happy to see the calories burned once I got back! I think I could learn to like running. I did the whole thing and ran 90 seconds walked 90 seconds, ect. Once I got back I read the rules again and found out that I was really meant to walk 90 run 60! So I did great!

    Way to go! That's really great. It looks like you will be ready to just skip over Week 2.

    I have been debating about which to get back into--- C25K or heavy lifting. I already discovered that doing both at the same time is just too much for me. With you and Bru doing C25K (especially with Bru at Week 5, way to go!!!) I totally want to jump back in. So tomorrow I am doing Week 4, Day 1.
  • RushinBruisette
    RushinBruisette Posts: 2,109 Member
    I have been debating about which to get back into--- C25K or heavy lifting. I already discovered that doing both at the same time is just too much for me. With you and Bru doing C25K (especially with Bru at Week 5, way to go!!!) I totally want to jump back in. So tomorrow I am doing Week 4, Day 1.

    Good luck whichever way you go!! I'm so you will do great either way!! And thanks, by the way!! When I first started, I made it 10min on w1d1 and almost gave up. But I realized I'd be only hurting myself in the long run, so I kept at it :)

    Well, if you all are up for it, we can start the challenges for July, but maybe we should start Monday so we all have a full week.. and maybe rotate and let one person a week pick a food/exercise challenge. Again, I don't want to step on toes, so if nothing else, for those who are friends of mine, I will be posting my other groups weekly challenges in my status once a day, I have a group of three and we are rotating as well. I keep track on what we have done so we don't repeat anything. This is the first week of it, so trial and error :) Headed out for a bit, see ya on the new thread on Friday after my weigh in :) XoxoxoX Bru
  • kintegra
    kintegra Posts: 1,026 Member
    Wow so many new people! :drinker:

    I should have taken notes, but too much to read & I wanna get to bed! LOL :laugh:

    I did read all of them however! So of the few I remember.....
    Jenn - congrats on the C25K start! I was to start wk 2 today, but my knee is bothering me so I decided I'd rest it a few more days. After tommorrow I'm on vacation (from work only) so I'll have plenty of time to get it done before the week is out!

    As for the Skinny challenges - I was just saying that for the last few days of the month to increase your workouts, or add a few more & increase your H2O so that we can start July off with a great weigh-in! I'm doing pretty good so far, but not the C25K as I had intended, however I'm hoping it is enough. :wink:

    I talked to my BFF yesterday & she told me she missed me on the phone, so I decided to ride my bike over by her house tonight & she called me the Incredible Shrinking Woman when she saw me! :bigsmile: I haven't seen her for about 2 weeks! Made me feel good!

  • nurseenf
    nurseenf Posts: 26 Member
    I started 6/7/10 at 162lbs
    now 6/29/10 157
    my goal is 140
  • leix
    leix Posts: 176
    Ive manged to lose the 5lb in june :)
    TCASMEY Posts: 1,405 Member
    Good morning everyone.

    Well I did not meet my goal this month. In fact I gained 3 pounds. But I have not yet done my measurements, and I feel like all my clothes are fitting looser. I will measure in the morning on the first. I am not bummed at all. I had some injury issues that were set-backs. But this is about the journey and getting healthier right. I ran a 5k this morning on the treadmill. 2 months ago I would have laughed to think I could do something like that. So that means I am in better physical condition. I need to work out eating better to find that balance.

    I am so proud of you who met your goals or passed them. I am looking forward to a better July and continuing this journey with all of you.

    Vacation starts Saturday so I may not check in for a week. I hope to maintain on vacation but spending a week with the in-laws who eat constantly may be a challenge. The great thing is that the only outfit I know I am bringing is my workout gear. The rest I will figure out as I pack!

    Have a great middle of the week! Be healthy!

  • tralalara
    tralalara Posts: 149
    I'm in!
    My goals are to increase my exercise. Maybe find a video dvd to work out with and keep trying to keep each meal and snack balanced.
    June 1 CW 214.5
    June 30 goal weight 209.5

    Here we go!

    June 30 wt-210.5 so I didn't make my 5 lbs. Oh well, 4 lbs is not too bad. I'm getting back on track and looking forward to July's challenge!
  • erinliz
    erinliz Posts: 43 Member
    June 1 - 175
    June 30 - 168.4

    I lost 6.6 lbs this month. :)
  • colgatesmile
    colgatesmile Posts: 13 Member
    :smile: :love: :smooched: I have done IT!!! I have lost 5 lbs this month!!! WAHOOOO!!!!! I wanted to lose 10 but I will take the 5 next month Im on to another 5 lbs down!!! YEAH!!!!!!!!!!!!:wink::laugh: :happy:
  • shelli1923
    shelli1923 Posts: 111 Member
    I am not going to weigh in until Friday, as that is my weigh-in day. I know that I lost the 5 pounds for this month but I was really hoping for more! The last few day my eating has been good and my workouts GREAT! Been chugging water like a champ, too. I feel like I am retaining water, anyway. I FINALLY feel better after my horrible weekend! I won't be doing that again anytime soon! Today, I did 2 30 min. weight loss workouts on my treadmill. I always feel soooo good after burning that amount of calories! Later, I am gonna drop DD off with my mom and go grocery shopping. Tomorrow is my rest day so all I have to do is keep my eating and water in check and I should be fine for this week.

    CONGRATULATIONS to everyone who met their goals this month! I will see you in July!
  • OnMyWeigh
    OnMyWeigh Posts: 252 Member
    Well, I didn't lose 5 pounds in June....I lost 16.5 pounds in June!! I didn't make my goal I smashed it and I am damn proud of it. In fact I'm so proud I'm going to toot my own horn! TOOOOOT TOOOOOT!!! Here's to keepin' on keepin' on, let's see what you've got for me JULY!
  • vb4evr
    vb4evr Posts: 615 Member
    Congratulations to all those that have made or close to their goals this month. Great Job to all! I am looking forward to hearing everyone's journey next month.

    My final numbers for this month (9lbs lost)

    June 1 - 238
    June 8 - 235
    June 15 - 233.75
    June 22 - 231
    June 29 - 229
    TCASMEY Posts: 1,405 Member
    Well, I didn't lose 5 pounds in June....I lost 16.5 pounds in June!! I didn't make my goal I smashed it and I am damn proud of it. In fact I'm so proud I'm going to toot my own horn! TOOOOOT TOOOOOT!!! Here's to keepin' on keepin' on, let's see what you've got for me JULY!

    :drinker: :drinker: Hats off to you! That is totally awesome!:drinker: :happy:
  • OnMyWeigh
    OnMyWeigh Posts: 252 Member
    Well, I didn't lose 5 pounds in June....I lost 16.5 pounds in June!! I didn't make my goal I smashed it and I am damn proud of it. In fact I'm so proud I'm going to toot my own horn! TOOOOOT TOOOOOT!!! Here's to keepin' on keepin' on, let's see what you've got for me JULY!

    :drinker: :drinker: Hats off to you! That is totally awesome!:drinker: :happy:

    Thanks so much Terri!
  • RushinBruisette
    RushinBruisette Posts: 2,109 Member
    WoW Randi!!! WTG!!! That is amazing!!! You must be really working out !!! Kick that weights *kitten* again next month!! Wtg!!!
  • Jennplus2
    Jennplus2 Posts: 984 Member
    Yay! I'm glad I have a few sisters to do c25k with me! Yesterday (my rest day) I found myself running instead of just walking. I ran for more than the 30 mins but burned less calories than the day before. Any insight on why I burned less running more? Maybe I was going slower?

    I love the idea of starting challenges on Monday and rotating. No smashed toes here. :tongue:

    So nice that your friend is supportive. I have increased my workouts and I have been eating my veggies so I hope to start July off with a great weigh-in also!

    I love how you handle your 3 lb gain. I need to be more like you in that way. You are right about it being a journey and just knowing that your physical condition is improving is an awesome reward for your hard work! :drinker:

    So close! But with a wedding and being on vaca I think you did great losing 4lbs.

    Good job! And I wish I could go shopping with out my kids!:laugh:

    WOW! 16.5 TOOT TOOT!

    Ok, so today is my last day at Curves, they are closing. :sad:


    Lets hope I lose a LOT in July. :wink:
  • AmandaB4588
    AmandaB4588 Posts: 655
    Way to go, Randi!!! You did a fantastic job this month. Keep it up!

    Congrats to everybody who lost this month. I definitely gained. I fell so far off track this month that I have no idea what I weighed when! All I know is I am at about 160ish (I will weigh in Friday) which is at least a 4lb gain. I had to fall off track at some point, and I am glad it is over. Pumped for July!!!

    I am excited that others are doing C25K! It is great motivation for me. Jenn, I always burn fewer calories in the 2nd and 3rd run of the week. I think it is because my body adjusts so my legs/lungs do not have to work as hard as they did the 1st time. I am not sure why you would burn less when you ran more though!