why cheat?



  • ndj1979
    ndj1979 Posts: 29,136 Member
    Why is this topic always an argument on this board? If you believe in cheat days, great. If you don't believe in cheat days, great also. No amount of bickering is going to change someone else's opinion on the matter, so why bother? Live and let live. If your method is working for you, that's all that matters.
    awwww come on man, where is the fun in agreeing all the time...if we always agreed then we would still be a British colony...
  • Wetcoaster
    Wetcoaster Posts: 1,788 Member
    And depends how you want to live the rest of your life I guess....I want to have fun....go out to pubs on occasion....drink beer and have wings watching a good NFL or NHL game.

    It has worked for me....98 pounds down.

    I also go to the gym and do cardio 5 days a week.

    "The problem here is that the body adapts to living off of fewer calories. Dieting and following a low calorie plan actually makes your body less efficient at burning fat from week to week. Why?

    Your levels of Leptin decrease (lessens fat burning)
    T3 & T4 thyroid hormones decrease (slows metabolism)
    Ghrelin increases (increases hunger)
    Cortisol increases (believed to cause belly fat)
    Metabolic rate decreases"


    Someone needs to tell Dwayne Johnson (The Rock) no cheats days..

    12 pancakes
    4 double dough pizzas
    21 brownies
  • YoungDoc2B
    YoungDoc2B Posts: 1,593 Member
    Why is this topic always an argument on this board? If you believe in cheat days, great. If you don't believe in cheat days, great also. No amount of bickering is going to change someone else's opinion on the matter, so why bother? Live and let live. If your method is working for you, that's all that matters.
    awwww come on man, where is the fun in agreeing all the time...if we always agreed then we would still be a British colony...

    Where's the fun in arguing like school aged children on a playground during recess? Gets kind of old, don't you think?
  • PhoenixGT13
    PhoenixGT13 Posts: 18 Member
    Thanks Ken Hogan! I feel that being careful and accountable does not ALWAYS have to mean no fun!
  • PhoenixGT13
    PhoenixGT13 Posts: 18 Member
    I like this -- treat, not cheat. Much better term. Thanks!
  • h9dlb
    h9dlb Posts: 243 Member
    I agree with OP. The people who plan cheat days and aim to pig out at the weekend, then whine when they've lost no weight make me sick!

    Couple of points:-

    1) It's supposed to be a cheat meal, not a cheat day
    2) You are only cheating yourself.
    3) A re-feed day makes much more sense
  • aubrie917
    aubrie917 Posts: 41 Member
    I think that when you're losing weight, one cheat meal (not a whole day... a meal) is a good idea. It gives you something to look forward to. "If I eat clean all week, I can have those nachos for dinner on Tuesday." Instead of just eating clean all the time and waiting to fail...because without planned cheat meals, one's bound to fail. If you plan one time a week to eat junk, you're more likely to eat well the rest of the week. And again, it has to be one meal. If it's a whole day, people tend to just go overboard and stuff their faces.
  • mistesh
    mistesh Posts: 243 Member
    When you get used to real food on most days and as your taste sensibility improves, bad food on cheat days increasingly disappoints. You are left with the question of what mentally triggers your instant gratification, and in time you may hit that special place of cheating no longer being worth it. It's not easy given dopamine, emotions and all, but once you are there, it's full speed ahead and loving it.
  • ndj1979
    ndj1979 Posts: 29,136 Member
    Why is this topic always an argument on this board? If you believe in cheat days, great. If you don't believe in cheat days, great also. No amount of bickering is going to change someone else's opinion on the matter, so why bother? Live and let live. If your method is working for you, that's all that matters.
    awwww come on man, where is the fun in agreeing all the time...if we always agreed then we would still be a British colony...

    Where's the fun in arguing like school aged children on a playground during recess? Gets kind of old, don't you think?

    ehh its an escape from day to day BS and I usually get a laugh out of the posts..but that is just me....
  • aloranger7708
    aloranger7708 Posts: 422 Member
    I don't understand cheating either. I used to say I had "treat days" but wouldn't even eat anything drastic. I would go out to dinner with friends and still eat something sensible. I think once you start eating better, you crave better things (at least in my experience.) Now instead of ice cream, I crave frozen yogurt. Instead of a bacon cheeseburger, I like veggie burgers or a chicken sandwich.

    I think cheats/treats are okay if someone makes room in their daily calories for it, whether it means eating lighter meals or exercising more. The last time I tried a full-on cheat day I couldn't find anything 'bad' I wanted. Nothing sounded appealing. I ended up eating something greasy and fried and got super sick.
  • Achrya
    Achrya Posts: 16,913 Member
    I don't understand cheating either. I used to say I had "treat days" but wouldn't even eat anything drastic. I would go out to dinner with friends and still eat something sensible. I think once you start eating better, you crave better things (at least in my experience.) Now instead of ice cream, I crave frozen yogurt. Instead of a bacon cheeseburger, I like veggie burgers or a chicken sandwich.

    I think cheats/treats are okay if someone makes room in their daily calories for it, whether it means eating lighter meals or exercising more. The last time I tried a full-on cheat day I couldn't find anything 'bad' I wanted. Nothing sounded appealing. I ended up eating something greasy and fried and got super sick.

    It's not really a cheat day if it fits into your daily calories.
  • bioniccheese
    I don't plan cheat days but there is nothing wrong at all with having a nice, tasty but unhealthy meal now and then. I absolutely love food and if I feel like going to a restaurant there is not much that is going to stop me.

    That said, I can't eat takeaway anymore since cleaning up my act, it just tastes awful now.
  • Lunachic77
    Lunachic77 Posts: 434 Member
    Because I am human, I am flawed, I make mistakes and go on. If I want to eat something on a particular day that I know may not be the healthiest choice, I am going to do it and not feel any turmoil about it. Life is short and spontaneous...and situations arise where you go out and even your best plans get foiled (i.e. a night out drinking, big meal at Mom's house, pizza party at work). I have developed enough self-discipline to know what my limits are...but one day of indulgence will not ruin my efforts in the long run. I will still get up the next morning, shrug it off and drag my butt to the gym and continue on with eating well and nutritious.
  • kikicooks
    kikicooks Posts: 1,079 Member
    Because I want to.

    Simple concept, really.

  • knitwit0704
    knitwit0704 Posts: 376
    Aww, somebody's being sanctimonious. (: If they're having success, let them be. It's a lot easier to have a planned "fall of the wagon" moment than to wait until you just can't take it anymore.

    I agree with this. Though many times I don't even think it's a cheat day until the day I go over, which isn't considered a cheat day, just a bad day.
  • elalaouirachid1
    the best program to lose weight quickly: http://programreviewscam.blogspot.com
  • Wetcoaster
    Wetcoaster Posts: 1,788 Member

    I wish I got paid to troll forums.......