why cheat?



  • TheRealParisLove
    TheRealParisLove Posts: 1,907 Member
    It acts as a pressure release valve. If you have a very long road ahead, most people won't make it to the end without a few days off here and there.

    If you plan your days off program, it makes it easier to stick to the program over all.

    People need cheat days for the same reason why kids need recess.
  • RllyGudTweetr
    RllyGudTweetr Posts: 2,019 Member
    It acts as a pressure release valve. If you have a very long road ahead, most people won't make it to the end without a few days off here and there.

    If you plan your days off program, it makes it easier to stick to the program over all.

    People need cheat days for the same reason why kids need recess.
    Not to mention that - in some cases - "cheat days" are "refeed days" designed to kickstart a stall in a person's weight loss journey.

    In others, they are unplanned events that happen because people have these things called "lives" that interfere with their plans: surprise parties, dining with the in-laws or the boss and not wanting to seem rude, discovering that what you thought was a lower calorie choice wasn't as low-cal as you anticipated, emotional eating, or a couple more rounds at the pub than you planned for are all things that happen to real, live human beings from time to time in the course of living.

    Ranting about people being human seems both self-defeating and unaware, since it seems unlikely a person who never had a cheat day or cheat meal - even by accident - would need to use a calorie-tracking site like MyFitnessPal.
  • Kifissia
    Kifissia Posts: 136
    Many people are more interested in learning how to eat in a sustainable way, which includes enjoying all kinds of food and not just "diet" food, WHILE they are losing weight. Trying to figure it out/re-learn how to enjoy those foods sensibly once you're ready to maintain is way harder. Also, not restricting/cutting out fave foods while losing weight helps many people with adherence, since they don't feel deprived.

    QFT ^^^^^^^^^ this x 100

    : )

    Ditto- if it were that easy, the weight loss industry wouldn't be a 20 billion dollar industry (ABC News May, 2012). Also read 'Salt, Sugar, Fat' by Michael Moss. It is frightening how food manufacturers have made junk food addictive. Hope it answers your question. I wish it was easy! :)