Running. An avoidance behavior?



  • TAsunder
    TAsunder Posts: 423 Member
    I run three times a week and train brazilian jiujitsu three times a week. Two of the worst exercises I could possibly have chosen for myself if the goal is to "run away" from something, as they both involve sustained periods of significant physical discomfort and a LOT of self-directed goal-setting (something I am averse to as a procrastinator - would never "run away" to something requiring planning). I also find that they both have a lot of practical use in life. I have much better balance and am much better using my legs and feet. Plus I am no longer out of breath running after the bus to commute home. Even if I don't catch the bus, I would have no problem just continuing the run all the way home now. When one of my sneaky cats nestles herself up between my wife and I in bed, I find myself quite comfortable contorting my body in strange ways. I also am able to picture the various ways I could render people who annoy me unconscious if it came down to it.

    Lifting is surely a good thing to do and I do it when I can, but I find it of dubious value to be able to lift a heavy rod to my waist and/or to be able to swing a glorified panini press over my head repeatedly. Those things don't really come up often in real life. Unless there is some sort of device about which I am unaware, there's no way for me to lift a rod a bunch of times and then suddenly arrive somewhere 5 miles away. Nor is there any obvious way to use my panini-press-snatching skill to defend myself. I am not sure when it would be of practical value to crouch low while stationary. I mean, sure, I guess 12 month old babies find great use in that skill, but as an adult I don't often need to be in a crouched position for long periods of time.
  • Ender126
    Ender126 Posts: 44
    Don't get me wrong. I love running. I used to run all the time. I was that guy that used to spend an hour on the treadmill everyday hoping to see results. But as I started lifting a realization occurred to me. Weightlifting puts you up close and gives the feeling of having personal close combat with your problems. Running on the other hand seems to be more about running away from your problems rather than facing them head on.

    I mean look at marathon training for example. A marathon was started because some French aristocrat wanted to celebrate a Greek messenger named Pheidippides. So basically, rather than celebrating the actual soldiers for fighting in The Battle of Marathon they celebrate some messenger who runs 28 miles away from the battle only to collapse and die a failure and a coward.

    The fact of the matter is that since I have started lifting I've been more focused and more determined to tackle my problems head on. I'm more assertive, more confident, and happier. In the past when I was really stressed out I would go for a run just to eliminate the stress but my problems were still there when I returned. Running was just a temporary escape from the problems of reality. Almost like how some would describe their drug use.

    In fact did you know that studies have actually shown that running (particularly stationary running) causes withdrawal symptoms in mice?

    'There was a direct relationship between the intensity of running and the severity of withdrawal symptoms.'

    'These findings support the hypothesis that exercise-induced increases in endogenous opioid peptides act in a manner similar to chronic administration of opiate drugs.'

    They didn't do a study involving mice with weight lifting but I'm sure they would've seen different results.

    Bottom line is that I would encourage each and every one of you to take a good long think about the person you want to become. Do you want to be the person that runs away from his/her problems or would you rather be the type of person that stands their ground and deals with their problems? I just can't support running on the hamster wheel and running outside is just a larger rat race because we always end up right back where we started and all our problems are still there waiting for us. We can be a hero like Hercules who faced his foes head on or we can be like Pheidippides and run away from our problems till it kills us.

    The choice is yours . . .

    ^^^^ Dumbest thing I've ever heard.... That is all.
  • happycauseIride
    happycauseIride Posts: 536 Member
    Uhhh. Running or weight lifting, my problems are still there either way. Running makes me feel better and makes me feel like I can handle the stress better, not just take my mind off it.
  • kelsully
    kelsully Posts: 1,008 Member
    summary: exercise can help with depression...the form of exercise is less important than just the fact that you lift, run, garden
    essentially says that exercise is important and that the type of exercise you do is best determine by what works for you, your goals, your family, what your enjoy and what you will keep doing....for some

    3. Exercise Regularly

    Thirty minutes of brisk aerobic exercising--such as running, swimming or bicycling--has been known to relieve most mild forms of depression. In the most immediate sense, it provides an outlet for negative emotions, allowing you to "burn off" feelings of anger or frustration in a positive way. On a more general level, it increases your energy and helps you to feel better about yourself. Studies have shown that regular exercise not only relieves mild symptoms of depression, but makes it less likely that they will come back. Regular exercise is less effective for relieving more serious forms of depression, but can still be helpful in conjunction with formal types of therapy.

    Read more:

    The point is, some people can relieve stress, depression etc by running. The fact that you feel that you are avoiding your problems is personal to you. I feel no extra personal strength from lifting. I feel more in touch with my spiritual side after a long run, and I have thought through my problems when I run. I find I cannot escapte from my life when I run but rather that I have to face it in my only peaceful time in my life. I do sometimes tune out. I do sometimes choose to focus on the silly songs on my playlist etc but if things are tough in my daily life running is when I sort it out. I do not have that same sense of focus when I lift or strength train, I am too busy counting reps, making sure my form is correct etc...focusing on differnt things so I do not face my issues in the same way.

    To each thier is ok if running is not the end all be all for you...and it is equally ok that I feel differently...exercise is the key.

    Don't get me wrong. I'd much rather someone run than sit on the couch and eat Cheetos. I just think that society today has a very unhealthy addiction to it. Look at the Nike running ads! Look at running shoes! You don't see Nike commercials of people lifting up rocks or pushing cars or moving barrels of hay.

    And just for the record if you think running is aiding your weight loss you're wrong!

    'Running 5 miles would be an example of a great way to avoid addressing the issue. '

    Running aided my weight loss when I first started trying to lose weight 4 years ago, mostly because it helped me burn my goal weight my diet is important to me to keep me healthy, fuel my running, etc. I do all things now to be healthy, including lift weights...not to be skinnier.
  • jsj024519
    jsj024519 Posts: 400 Member
  • 3dogsrunning
    3dogsrunning Posts: 27,167 Member
    Damn. Now I need a new avatar.

    And nickname.
  • Mamahana82
    Mamahana82 Posts: 64
    summary: exercise can help with depression...the form of exercise is less important than just the fact that you lift, run, garden
    essentially says that exercise is important and that the type of exercise you do is best determine by what works for you, your goals, your family, what your enjoy and what you will keep doing....for some

    3. Exercise Regularly

    Thirty minutes of brisk aerobic exercising--such as running, swimming or bicycling--has been known to relieve most mild forms of depression. In the most immediate sense, it provides an outlet for negative emotions, allowing you to "burn off" feelings of anger or frustration in a positive way. On a more general level, it increases your energy and helps you to feel better about yourself. Studies have shown that regular exercise not only relieves mild symptoms of depression, but makes it less likely that they will come back. Regular exercise is less effective for relieving more serious forms of depression, but can still be helpful in conjunction with formal types of therapy.

    Read more:

    The point is, some people can relieve stress, depression etc by running. The fact that you feel that you are avoiding your problems is personal to you. I feel no extra personal strength from lifting. I feel more in touch with my spiritual side after a long run, and I have thought through my problems when I run. I find I cannot escapte from my life when I run but rather that I have to face it in my only peaceful time in my life. I do sometimes tune out. I do sometimes choose to focus on the silly songs on my playlist etc but if things are tough in my daily life running is when I sort it out. I do not have that same sense of focus when I lift or strength train, I am too busy counting reps, making sure my form is correct etc...focusing on differnt things so I do not face my issues in the same way.

    To each thier is ok if running is not the end all be all for you...and it is equally ok that I feel differently...exercise is the key.

    Don't get me wrong. I'd much rather someone run than sit on the couch and eat Cheetos. I just think that society today has a very unhealthy addiction to it. Look at the Nike running ads! Look at running shoes! You don't see Nike commercials of people lifting up rocks or pushing cars or moving barrels of hay.

    And just for the record if you think running is aiding your weight loss you're wrong!

    'Running 5 miles would be an example of a great way to avoid addressing the issue. ''re hurt Nike doesn't have commercials for weightlifters?
  • neandermagnon
    neandermagnon Posts: 7,436 Member
    Don't get me wrong. I'd much rather someone run than sit on the couch and eat Cheetos. I just think that society today has a very unhealthy addiction to it. Look at the Nike running ads! Look at running shoes! You don't see Nike commercials of people lifting up rocks or pushing cars or moving barrels of hay.

    I disagree. I think modern people have a very unhealthy addiction to technology that enables us to get around without walking and running, and technology that eliminates the need to do other physically demanding tasks, and technology that causes us to just sit for hours staring at a screen.

    we evolved to run. we evolved to lift and carry heavy things.
  • PlayerHatinDogooder
    PlayerHatinDogooder Posts: 1,018 Member
    I'm sorry but this sounds stupid. IDK about other people... or mice... but withdrawal from running is not something I deal with. I don't run to get away from my problems. I don't lift to get away from my problems. Because no matter what I'm doing at the gym, when I come back, my problem will still be there. I have always been a no nonsense kidn of person. I was like that when I was fat and I'm still like that now that I am fitter. If I have a problem, I figure it out. Exercise is not going to make it all sunshine and rainbows. I'm not more assertive because I lift. I'm stronger because I lift but thats about it. I take care of the **** I need to take care of and then I go work out. I have one goal and one goal only when I'm running and lifting: to look hot. Everyone and everything else can kick rocks until I'm done taking care of my workout for the day.

    Really really stupid post.

    ETA: I don't need studies to back up my point because I am talking about my experience and my experience only. TBH the OP's post of journal articles means absolutely nothing to me becase I can't relate.

    I agree. This post is stupid.

    Thank you!

    I thought that person posting was stupid as well.
  • MyChocolateDiet
    MyChocolateDiet Posts: 22,281 Member
    Homo erectus ran the equivalent of marathons to catch food. the history (and pre-history) of long distance running goes back a couple of million years further than the event mentioned in the OP

    a) we evolved to be long distance runners before we evolved the ability to use fire or haft stone blades onto sticks to make spears. Its in our genes. I don't see how long distance running can be bad for humans. This is not the only form of exercise human ancestors engaged in, but I don't see how it can be bad for us.

    b) it's not running away from problems, it's running towards a solution, i.e. catching an animal so you can have something to eat. You get it in response to all kinds of strenuous exercise, and I'd rather be an exercise junkie than a couch potato.

    c) the endorphin response is a good thing, it evolved to enable our bodies to cope with stressful physical activity, including but not limited to running long distances.

    or catching a mate so you can procreate? images?q=tbn:ANd9GcTrcECyYrZcVsj6W58YcWZDphzkvW2HoG1dRZ8Ov7LUIoap03FnjA
  • badbradclark
    badbradclark Posts: 47 Member
    I think 'real men' do plenty of things. But I would say that running certainly takes away someone's manlihood bit by bit.

    Oh the silly things you read on the internet when opinions run rampant...

    ...I would say that running certainly adds to someone's manlihood, or womanhood, a lot by a lot.
  • heatherS8
    heatherS8 Posts: 10
    They didn't do a study involving mice with weight lifting but I'm sure they would've seen different results.

    My favorite part. The idea of mice doing dead lifts and squats will probably keep me smiling like a dork for the rest of the day.
  • PlayerHatinDogooder
    PlayerHatinDogooder Posts: 1,018 Member
    summary: exercise can help with depression...the form of exercise is less important than just the fact that you lift, run, garden
    essentially says that exercise is important and that the type of exercise you do is best determine by what works for you, your goals, your family, what your enjoy and what you will keep doing....for some

    3. Exercise Regularly

    Thirty minutes of brisk aerobic exercising--such as running, swimming or bicycling--has been known to relieve most mild forms of depression. In the most immediate sense, it provides an outlet for negative emotions, allowing you to "burn off" feelings of anger or frustration in a positive way. On a more general level, it increases your energy and helps you to feel better about yourself. Studies have shown that regular exercise not only relieves mild symptoms of depression, but makes it less likely that they will come back. Regular exercise is less effective for relieving more serious forms of depression, but can still be helpful in conjunction with formal types of therapy.

    Read more:

    The point is, some people can relieve stress, depression etc by running. The fact that you feel that you are avoiding your problems is personal to you. I feel no extra personal strength from lifting. I feel more in touch with my spiritual side after a long run, and I have thought through my problems when I run. I find I cannot escapte from my life when I run but rather that I have to face it in my only peaceful time in my life. I do sometimes tune out. I do sometimes choose to focus on the silly songs on my playlist etc but if things are tough in my daily life running is when I sort it out. I do not have that same sense of focus when I lift or strength train, I am too busy counting reps, making sure my form is correct etc...focusing on differnt things so I do not face my issues in the same way.

    To each thier is ok if running is not the end all be all for you...and it is equally ok that I feel differently...exercise is the key.

    Don't get me wrong. I'd much rather someone run than sit on the couch and eat Cheetos. I just think that society today has a very unhealthy addiction to it. Look at the Nike running ads! Look at running shoes! You don't see Nike commercials of people lifting up rocks or pushing cars or moving barrels of hay.

    And just for the record if you think running is aiding your weight loss you're wrong!

    'Running 5 miles would be an example of a great way to avoid addressing the issue. ''re hurt Nike doesn't have commercials for weightlifters?

    No I'm not hurt. I'm using it to illustrate a point. Nike doesn't have as many commercials for weight lifters because the truth is we have a healthy relationship with out sport. We're not fanatical about it. Runners see someone running and it's like a heroin addict watching someone cook up a batch of heroin. Therefore Nike makes more running commercials.
  • Mamahana82
    Mamahana82 Posts: 64
    They didn't do a study involving mice with weight lifting but I'm sure they would've seen different results.

    My favorite part. The idea of mice doing dead lifts and squats will probably keep me smiling like a dork for the rest of the day.

    And a scientist with a clipboard yelling "Lift, mice LIFT! There's a dude on an internet forum counting on you!!!"
  • MyChocolateDiet
    MyChocolateDiet Posts: 22,281 Member
    summary: exercise can help with depression...the form of exercise is less important than just the fact that you lift, run, garden
    essentially says that exercise is important and that the type of exercise you do is best determine by what works for you, your goals, your family, what your enjoy and what you will keep doing....for some

    3. Exercise Regularly

    Thirty minutes of brisk aerobic exercising--such as running, swimming or bicycling--has been known to relieve most mild forms of depression. In the most immediate sense, it provides an outlet for negative emotions, allowing you to "burn off" feelings of anger or frustration in a positive way. On a more general level, it increases your energy and helps you to feel better about yourself. Studies have shown that regular exercise not only relieves mild symptoms of depression, but makes it less likely that they will come back. Regular exercise is less effective for relieving more serious forms of depression, but can still be helpful in conjunction with formal types of therapy.

    Read more:

    The point is, some people can relieve stress, depression etc by running. The fact that you feel that you are avoiding your problems is personal to you. I feel no extra personal strength from lifting. I feel more in touch with my spiritual side after a long run, and I have thought through my problems when I run. I find I cannot escapte from my life when I run but rather that I have to face it in my only peaceful time in my life. I do sometimes tune out. I do sometimes choose to focus on the silly songs on my playlist etc but if things are tough in my daily life running is when I sort it out. I do not have that same sense of focus when I lift or strength train, I am too busy counting reps, making sure my form is correct etc...focusing on differnt things so I do not face my issues in the same way.

    To each thier is ok if running is not the end all be all for you...and it is equally ok that I feel differently...exercise is the key.

    Don't get me wrong. I'd much rather someone run than sit on the couch and eat Cheetos. I just think that society today has a very unhealthy addiction to it. Look at the Nike running ads! Look at running shoes! You don't see Nike commercials of people lifting up rocks or pushing cars or moving barrels of hay.

    And just for the record if you think running is aiding your weight loss you're wrong!

    'Running 5 miles would be an example of a great way to avoid addressing the issue. ''re hurt Nike doesn't have commercials for weightlifters?
    well if that's the case, here you go.
  • dp1228
    dp1228 Posts: 439 Member
    I'm sorry but this sounds stupid. IDK about other people... or mice... but withdrawal from running is not something I deal with. I don't run to get away from my problems. I don't lift to get away from my problems. Because no matter what I'm doing at the gym, when I come back, my problem will still be there. I have always been a no nonsense kidn of person. I was like that when I was fat and I'm still like that now that I am fitter. If I have a problem, I figure it out. Exercise is not going to make it all sunshine and rainbows. I'm not more assertive because I lift. I'm stronger because I lift but thats about it. I take care of the **** I need to take care of and then I go work out. I have one goal and one goal only when I'm running and lifting: to look hot. Everyone and everything else can kick rocks until I'm done taking care of my workout for the day.

    Really really stupid post.

    ETA: I don't need studies to back up my point because I am talking about my experience and my experience only. TBH the OP's post of journal articles means absolutely nothing to me becase I can't relate.

    I agree. This post is stupid.

    Thank you!

    I thought that person posting was stupid as well.

    LOL. I'm obviously dealing with an OP who doesn't like to be told about him/herself. it wouldn't be MFP without at least one stupid post a day. thanks for filling the quota! have fun with your post. I'm gonna go for a run then lift :laugh: :wink:
  • Eleisabelle
    Eleisabelle Posts: 365
    I agree with tstancom, above. This is bad use of the science. The study was used to study withdrawal for animals that had both severe food restriction AND over-exercise. It was a study to determine causes of anorexia.

    If you actually read the literature, and look at the charts, you'd see that the scientists did NOT find significant differences between the rates of withdrawal among active, regularly fed rats and inactive restrictive or regularly fed rats. If you look at this chart from the study,, it says straight out "Total withdrawal scores following injections of 1.0 mg/kg/sc naloxone in active and inactive female rats given food for 24-hours or 1-hour per day or inactive female rats pair-fed to active food-restricted female rats. Withdrawal scores not sharing a common letter are significantly different from each other." What scores shared a common letter? Everything except the severe food restricted, active rats.

    I was also going to post the study that tstancom posted, but she beat me to it. :)

    Finding data that seems to back up your position and then cherry picking it instead of performing a thorough analysis based on an understanding of statistical evaluation and scientific research does not help you in any way. The best way to create a fully rounded, agile, lean, strong, and healthy body is a combination of weight training, HIIT, and cardio, with a balanced diet. ALL of the studies point to that.
  • neandermagnon
    neandermagnon Posts: 7,436 Member
    Homo erectus ran the equivalent of marathons to catch food. the history (and pre-history) of long distance running goes back a couple of million years further than the event mentioned in the OP

    a) we evolved to be long distance runners before we evolved the ability to use fire or haft stone blades onto sticks to make spears. Its in our genes. I don't see how long distance running can be bad for humans. This is not the only form of exercise human ancestors engaged in, but I don't see how it can be bad for us.

    b) it's not running away from problems, it's running towards a solution, i.e. catching an animal so you can have something to eat. You get it in response to all kinds of strenuous exercise, and I'd rather be an exercise junkie than a couch potato.

    c) the endorphin response is a good thing, it evolved to enable our bodies to cope with stressful physical activity, including but not limited to running long distances.

    or catching a mate so you can procreate? images?q=tbn:ANd9GcTrcECyYrZcVsj6W58YcWZDphzkvW2HoG1dRZ8Ov7LUIoap03FnjA

    based on studies of modern humans and also of close extant relatives to humans (i.e. chimps and bonobos), coupled with the fact that our species couldn't even stick to its own species, i.e. interbreeding with neanderthals and denisovans (and probably a few other species of human they just haven't found the actual genes yet), I think early humans would not have had to chase each other to find mates..... (I'm not saying humans are easy or anything, but...)
  • MyChocolateDiet
    MyChocolateDiet Posts: 22,281 Member
    summary: exercise can help with depression...the form of exercise is less important than just the fact that you lift, run, garden
    essentially says that exercise is important and that the type of exercise you do is best determine by what works for you, your goals, your family, what your enjoy and what you will keep doing....for some

    3. Exercise Regularly

    Thirty minutes of brisk aerobic exercising--such as running, swimming or bicycling--has been known to relieve most mild forms of depression. In the most immediate sense, it provides an outlet for negative emotions, allowing you to "burn off" feelings of anger or frustration in a positive way. On a more general level, it increases your energy and helps you to feel better about yourself. Studies have shown that regular exercise not only relieves mild symptoms of depression, but makes it less likely that they will come back. Regular exercise is less effective for relieving more serious forms of depression, but can still be helpful in conjunction with formal types of therapy.

    Read more:

    The point is, some people can relieve stress, depression etc by running. The fact that you feel that you are avoiding your problems is personal to you. I feel no extra personal strength from lifting. I feel more in touch with my spiritual side after a long run, and I have thought through my problems when I run. I find I cannot escapte from my life when I run but rather that I have to face it in my only peaceful time in my life. I do sometimes tune out. I do sometimes choose to focus on the silly songs on my playlist etc but if things are tough in my daily life running is when I sort it out. I do not have that same sense of focus when I lift or strength train, I am too busy counting reps, making sure my form is correct etc...focusing on differnt things so I do not face my issues in the same way.

    To each thier is ok if running is not the end all be all for you...and it is equally ok that I feel differently...exercise is the key.

    Don't get me wrong. I'd much rather someone run than sit on the couch and eat Cheetos. I just think that society today has a very unhealthy addiction to it. Look at the Nike running ads! Look at running shoes! You don't see Nike commercials of people lifting up rocks or pushing cars or moving barrels of hay.

    And just for the record if you think running is aiding your weight loss you're wrong!

    'Running 5 miles would be an example of a great way to avoid addressing the issue. ''re hurt Nike doesn't have commercials for weightlifters?

    No I'm not hurt. I'm using it to illustrate a point. Nike doesn't have as many commercials for weight lifters because the truth is we have a healthy relationship with out sport. We're not fanatical about it. Runners see someone running and it's like a heroin addict watching someone cook up a batch of heroin. Therefore Nike makes more running commercials.

    Or runners go through more shoes? Possibly? And thus are targeted as a demographic more often?
  • Mamahana82
    Mamahana82 Posts: 64
    summary: exercise can help with depression...the form of exercise is less important than just the fact that you lift, run, garden
    essentially says that exercise is important and that the type of exercise you do is best determine by what works for you, your goals, your family, what your enjoy and what you will keep doing....for some

    3. Exercise Regularly

    Thirty minutes of brisk aerobic exercising--such as running, swimming or bicycling--has been known to relieve most mild forms of depression. In the most immediate sense, it provides an outlet for negative emotions, allowing you to "burn off" feelings of anger or frustration in a positive way. On a more general level, it increases your energy and helps you to feel better about yourself. Studies have shown that regular exercise not only relieves mild symptoms of depression, but makes it less likely that they will come back. Regular exercise is less effective for relieving more serious forms of depression, but can still be helpful in conjunction with formal types of therapy.

    Read more:

    The point is, some people can relieve stress, depression etc by running. The fact that you feel that you are avoiding your problems is personal to you. I feel no extra personal strength from lifting. I feel more in touch with my spiritual side after a long run, and I have thought through my problems when I run. I find I cannot escapte from my life when I run but rather that I have to face it in my only peaceful time in my life. I do sometimes tune out. I do sometimes choose to focus on the silly songs on my playlist etc but if things are tough in my daily life running is when I sort it out. I do not have that same sense of focus when I lift or strength train, I am too busy counting reps, making sure my form is correct etc...focusing on differnt things so I do not face my issues in the same way.

    To each thier is ok if running is not the end all be all for you...and it is equally ok that I feel differently...exercise is the key.

    Don't get me wrong. I'd much rather someone run than sit on the couch and eat Cheetos. I just think that society today has a very unhealthy addiction to it. Look at the Nike running ads! Look at running shoes! You don't see Nike commercials of people lifting up rocks or pushing cars or moving barrels of hay.

    And just for the record if you think running is aiding your weight loss you're wrong!

    'Running 5 miles would be an example of a great way to avoid addressing the issue. ''re hurt Nike doesn't have commercials for weightlifters?

    No I'm not hurt. I'm using it to illustrate a point. Nike doesn't have as many commercials for weight lifters because the truth is we have a healthy relationship with out sport. We're not fanatical about it. Runners see someone running and it's like a heroin addict watching someone cook up a batch of heroin. Therefore Nike makes more running commercials.

    Weight lifters never get fanatical about weight lifting? Uh huh.:huh:
This discussion has been closed.