Running. An avoidance behavior?



  • clarkeje1
    clarkeje1 Posts: 1,640 Member
    Running. I don't like conflict. lol
  • crista_b
    crista_b Posts: 1,192 Member
    I agree with tstancom, above. This is bad use of the science. The study was used to study withdrawal for animals that had both severe food restriction AND over-exercise. It was a study to determine causes of anorexia.

    If you actually read the literature, and look at the charts, you'd see that the scientists did NOT find significant differences between the rates of withdrawal among active, regularly fed rats and inactive restrictive or regularly fed rats. If you look at this chart from the study,, it says straight out "Total withdrawal scores following injections of 1.0 mg/kg/sc naloxone in active and inactive female rats given food for 24-hours or 1-hour per day or inactive female rats pair-fed to active food-restricted female rats. Withdrawal scores not sharing a common letter are significantly different from each other." What scores shared a common letter? Everything except the severe food restricted, active rats.

    I was also going to post the study that tstancom posted, but she beat me to it. :)

    Finding data that seems to back up your position and then cherry picking it instead of performing a thorough analysis based on an understanding of statistical evaluation and scientific research does not help you in any way. The best way to create a fully rounded, agile, lean, strong, and healthy body is a combination of weight training, HIIT, and cardio, with a balanced diet. ALL of the studies point to that.
    But cherry picking was the only way OP could be right and attempt to belittle everyone else. Therefore, screw your facts from the same study! *eyeroll*
  • 1ConcreteGirl
    1ConcreteGirl Posts: 3,677 Member
    No I'm not hurt. I'm using it to illustrate a point. Nike doesn't have as many commercials for weight lifters because the truth is we have a healthy relationship with out sport. We're not fanatical about it. Runners see someone running and it's like a heroin addict watching someone cook up a batch of heroin. Therefore Nike makes more running commercials.


    Heroin, powered by Nike.
  • crista_b
    crista_b Posts: 1,192 Member
    No I'm not hurt. I'm using it to illustrate a point. Nike doesn't have as many commercials for weight lifters because the truth is we have a healthy relationship with out sport. We're not fanatical about it. Runners see someone running and it's like a heroin addict watching someone cook up a batch of heroin. Therefore Nike makes more running commercials.
    Weight lifters never get fanatical about weight lifting? Uh huh.:huh:
    Irony at its finest.
  • PlayerHatinDogooder
    PlayerHatinDogooder Posts: 1,018 Member
    Don't get me wrong. I love running. I used to run all the time. I was that guy that used to spend an hour on the treadmill everyday hoping to see results. But as I started lifting a realization occurred to me. Weightlifting puts you up close and gives the feeling of having personal close combat with your problems. Running on the other hand seems to be more about running away from your problems rather than facing them head on.

    I mean look at marathon training for example. A marathon was started because some French aristocrat wanted to celebrate a Greek messenger named Pheidippides. So basically, rather than celebrating the actual soldiers for fighting in The Battle of Marathon they celebrate some messenger who runs 28 miles away from the battle only to collapse and die a failure and a coward.

    The fact of the matter is that since I have started lifting I've been more focused and more determined to tackle my problems head on. I'm more assertive, more confident, and happier. In the past when I was really stressed out I would go for a run just to eliminate the stress but my problems were still there when I returned. Running was just a temporary escape from the problems of reality. Almost like how some would describe their drug use.

    In fact did you know that studies have actually shown that running (particularly stationary running) causes withdrawal symptoms in mice?

    'There was a direct relationship between the intensity of running and the severity of withdrawal symptoms.'

    'These findings support the hypothesis that exercise-induced increases in endogenous opioid peptides act in a manner similar to chronic administration of opiate drugs.'

    They didn't do a study involving mice with weight lifting but I'm sure they would've seen different results.

    Bottom line is that I would encourage each and every one of you to take a good long think about the person you want to become. Do you want to be the person that runs away from his/her problems or would you rather be the type of person that stands their ground and deals with their problems? I just can't support running on the hamster wheel and running outside is just a larger rat race because we always end up right back where we started and all our problems are still there waiting for us. We can be a hero like Hercules who faced his foes head on or we can be like Pheidippides and run away from our problems till it kills us.

    The choice is yours . . .

    Ankle biter. Dimming another's candle doesnt make yours any brighter.

    I'm not trying to dim anyone's candle I'm just trying to get people to deal with their problems head on!

    Instead of people having a calm and rational discussion everyone wants to attack me!
  • Timshel_
    Timshel_ Posts: 22,834 Member
    Interesting you see it only as running away from problems, rather than running towards a solution.

    Half empty/ Half full.

    You have to look at the bias though and realize the OP prefers lifiting. Everything after that is justification.
  • MyChocolateDiet
    MyChocolateDiet Posts: 22,281 Member
    I had a really, really good run yesterday.

    From the cops.
    Were you streaking? At a game? n7SUT.jpg

    i love this pic. my favorite part being how the "streaker's" toes are just. barely. making contact with the ground and yet his whole body is engaged in muscular effort. wonderful example of the human form in action. also love the facial expressions of everyone involved.
  • LoosingMyLast15
    LoosingMyLast15 Posts: 1,457 Member
    i prefer to RUN towards my problems and tackle them just like i tackle an obstacle at the mud races I so enjoy doing - one at a time. The satisfaction i get from conquering an obstacle at a race (be it a ditch i must crawl through - afraid of the dark; or a 12 foot wall - afraid of heights) the satisfaction i get weight lifting. i am so glad i'm not a mouse.
  • crista_b
    crista_b Posts: 1,192 Member
    Don't get me wrong. I love running. I used to run all the time. I was that guy that used to spend an hour on the treadmill everyday hoping to see results. But as I started lifting a realization occurred to me. Weightlifting puts you up close and gives the feeling of having personal close combat with your problems. Running on the other hand seems to be more about running away from your problems rather than facing them head on.

    I mean look at marathon training for example. A marathon was started because some French aristocrat wanted to celebrate a Greek messenger named Pheidippides. So basically, rather than celebrating the actual soldiers for fighting in The Battle of Marathon they celebrate some messenger who runs 28 miles away from the battle only to collapse and die a failure and a coward.

    The fact of the matter is that since I have started lifting I've been more focused and more determined to tackle my problems head on. I'm more assertive, more confident, and happier. In the past when I was really stressed out I would go for a run just to eliminate the stress but my problems were still there when I returned. Running was just a temporary escape from the problems of reality. Almost like how some would describe their drug use.

    In fact did you know that studies have actually shown that running (particularly stationary running) causes withdrawal symptoms in mice?

    'There was a direct relationship between the intensity of running and the severity of withdrawal symptoms.'

    'These findings support the hypothesis that exercise-induced increases in endogenous opioid peptides act in a manner similar to chronic administration of opiate drugs.'

    They didn't do a study involving mice with weight lifting but I'm sure they would've seen different results.

    Bottom line is that I would encourage each and every one of you to take a good long think about the person you want to become. Do you want to be the person that runs away from his/her problems or would you rather be the type of person that stands their ground and deals with their problems? I just can't support running on the hamster wheel and running outside is just a larger rat race because we always end up right back where we started and all our problems are still there waiting for us. We can be a hero like Hercules who faced his foes head on or we can be like Pheidippides and run away from our problems till it kills us.

    The choice is yours . . .

    Ankle biter. Dimming another's candle doesnt make yours any brighter.

    I'm not trying to dim anyone's candle I'm just trying to get people to deal with their problems head on!

    Instead of people having a calm and rational discussion everyone wants to attack me!
    Maybe it has something to do with the fact that you picked out statements from a study to try and back a false claim that running is bad and essentially put down a lot of people here while ignoring the rest of the facts from the study you posted! Then when others refute you with accurate facts and statements, you have ignored them and only replied to the ones who are simply "attacking" you.

    Just a possibility, but I run so I must have some sort of mental disability.
  • BurtHuttz
    BurtHuttz Posts: 3,653 Member
    Woah woah woah. Come on now, everybody. While I deeply disagree with the original poster's assertions, I would KILL OR DIE for his right to express them. Let's cool down all the censorship talk. This is a support website!
  • AlsDonkBoxSquat
    AlsDonkBoxSquat Posts: 6,128 Member
    For me, running gives me time to sort out solutions, when I run all things in my lift become managable and many of the answers I'm looking for come to light.

    Lifting, on the other hand, helps to empower me and supports my self confidence.

    They both give me something I need, and neither one is avoidance.
  • PlayerHatinDogooder
    PlayerHatinDogooder Posts: 1,018 Member
    Don't get me wrong. I love running. I used to run all the time. I was that guy that used to spend an hour on the treadmill everyday hoping to see results. But as I started lifting a realization occurred to me. Weightlifting puts you up close and gives the feeling of having personal close combat with your problems. Running on the other hand seems to be more about running away from your problems rather than facing them head on.

    I mean look at marathon training for example. A marathon was started because some French aristocrat wanted to celebrate a Greek messenger named Pheidippides. So basically, rather than celebrating the actual soldiers for fighting in The Battle of Marathon they celebrate some messenger who runs 28 miles away from the battle only to collapse and die a failure and a coward.

    The fact of the matter is that since I have started lifting I've been more focused and more determined to tackle my problems head on. I'm more assertive, more confident, and happier. In the past when I was really stressed out I would go for a run just to eliminate the stress but my problems were still there when I returned. Running was just a temporary escape from the problems of reality. Almost like how some would describe their drug use.

    In fact did you know that studies have actually shown that running (particularly stationary running) causes withdrawal symptoms in mice?

    'There was a direct relationship between the intensity of running and the severity of withdrawal symptoms.'

    'These findings support the hypothesis that exercise-induced increases in endogenous opioid peptides act in a manner similar to chronic administration of opiate drugs.'

    They didn't do a study involving mice with weight lifting but I'm sure they would've seen different results.

    Bottom line is that I would encourage each and every one of you to take a good long think about the person you want to become. Do you want to be the person that runs away from his/her problems or would you rather be the type of person that stands their ground and deals with their problems? I just can't support running on the hamster wheel and running outside is just a larger rat race because we always end up right back where we started and all our problems are still there waiting for us. We can be a hero like Hercules who faced his foes head on or we can be like Pheidippides and run away from our problems till it kills us.

    The choice is yours . . .

    Ankle biter. Dimming another's candle doesnt make yours any brighter.

    I'm not trying to dim anyone's candle I'm just trying to get people to deal with their problems head on!

    Instead of people having a calm and rational discussion everyone wants to attack me!
    Maybe it has something to do with the fact that you picked out statements from a study to try and back a false claim that running is bad and essentially put down a lot of people here while ignoring the rest of the facts from the study you posted! Then when others refute you with accurate facts and statements, you have ignored them and only replied to the ones who are simply "attacking" you.

    Just a possibility, but I run so I must have some sort of mental disability.

    The fact that you're comparing your addiction to a mental disability is the first step to recovery.

    If you need help I'm here for you.
  • Cp731
    Cp731 Posts: 3,195 Member


    [img] Folder/tumblr_lhyxzyR8p81qaru96.jpg[/img]
  • sillygoosie
    sillygoosie Posts: 1,109 Member
    Weakest argument against cardio ever.
  • crista_b
    crista_b Posts: 1,192 Member
    Don't get me wrong. I love running. I used to run all the time. I was that guy that used to spend an hour on the treadmill everyday hoping to see results. But as I started lifting a realization occurred to me. Weightlifting puts you up close and gives the feeling of having personal close combat with your problems. Running on the other hand seems to be more about running away from your problems rather than facing them head on.

    I mean look at marathon training for example. A marathon was started because some French aristocrat wanted to celebrate a Greek messenger named Pheidippides. So basically, rather than celebrating the actual soldiers for fighting in The Battle of Marathon they celebrate some messenger who runs 28 miles away from the battle only to collapse and die a failure and a coward.

    The fact of the matter is that since I have started lifting I've been more focused and more determined to tackle my problems head on. I'm more assertive, more confident, and happier. In the past when I was really stressed out I would go for a run just to eliminate the stress but my problems were still there when I returned. Running was just a temporary escape from the problems of reality. Almost like how some would describe their drug use.

    In fact did you know that studies have actually shown that running (particularly stationary running) causes withdrawal symptoms in mice?

    'There was a direct relationship between the intensity of running and the severity of withdrawal symptoms.'

    'These findings support the hypothesis that exercise-induced increases in endogenous opioid peptides act in a manner similar to chronic administration of opiate drugs.'

    They didn't do a study involving mice with weight lifting but I'm sure they would've seen different results.

    Bottom line is that I would encourage each and every one of you to take a good long think about the person you want to become. Do you want to be the person that runs away from his/her problems or would you rather be the type of person that stands their ground and deals with their problems? I just can't support running on the hamster wheel and running outside is just a larger rat race because we always end up right back where we started and all our problems are still there waiting for us. We can be a hero like Hercules who faced his foes head on or we can be like Pheidippides and run away from our problems till it kills us.

    The choice is yours . . .

    Ankle biter. Dimming another's candle doesnt make yours any brighter.

    I'm not trying to dim anyone's candle I'm just trying to get people to deal with their problems head on!

    Instead of people having a calm and rational discussion everyone wants to attack me!
    Maybe it has something to do with the fact that you picked out statements from a study to try and back a false claim that running is bad and essentially put down a lot of people here while ignoring the rest of the facts from the study you posted! Then when others refute you with accurate facts and statements, you have ignored them and only replied to the ones who are simply "attacking" you.

    Just a possibility, but I run so I must have some sort of mental disability.

    The fact that you're comparing your addiction to a mental disability is the first step to recovery.

    If you need help I'm here for you.
    Your sarcasm meter's broken. You might want to get that looked at.
  • PlayerHatinDogooder
    PlayerHatinDogooder Posts: 1,018 Member
    Woah woah woah. Come on now, everybody. While I deeply disagree with the original poster's assertions, I would KILL OR DIE for his right to express them. Let's cool down all the censorship talk. This is a support website!

    I agree. People get mad whenever someone tells it like it is.
  • neandermagnon
    neandermagnon Posts: 7,436 Member
    I'm not trying to dim anyone's candle I'm just trying to get people to deal with their problems head on!

    Instead of people having a calm and rational discussion everyone wants to attack me!

    No-one's attacking you. They just don't agree with what you're saying, and I think this thread is quite calm and rational.

    I don't even run. I lift weights. I just don't agree with what you're saying.
  • chunkydunk714
    chunkydunk714 Posts: 784 Member
    There's always going to be a study and then theres always going to be study to contradict the first study.

    To each their own...whatever makes you happy: DO IT. Not everyone likes to lift and not everyone likes to run. Find what you like and run with it. (No pun intended)
  • BurtHuttz
    BurtHuttz Posts: 3,653 Member
    I'm not trying to dim anyone's candle I'm just trying to get people to deal with their problems head on!

    Instead of people having a calm and rational discussion everyone wants to attack me!

    No-one's attacking you. They just don't agree with what you're saying, and I think this thread is quite calm and rational.

    I don't even run. I lift weights. I just don't agree with what you're saying.

    As I said earlier, I disagree with the OP, but he is being savagely attacked for simply expressing his beliefs - and we're all different, maybe running all day and doing no resistance training is right for you, but it's not for OP, and we don't need an entire forum full of people tearing him to shreds because of PERSONAL biases.
  • Marksman21
    Marksman21 Posts: 126 Member
    I mean look at marathon training for example. A marathon was started because some French aristocrat wanted to celebrate a Greek messenger named Pheidippides. So basically, rather than celebrating the actual soldiers for fighting in The Battle of Marathon they celebrate some messenger who runs 28 miles away from the battle only to collapse and die a failure and a coward.

    May need a better example than this. Pheidippides was a messenger from Athens who was ORDERED to make the run to Sparta to request for reinforcements for the incoming battle with the Persians. His run took him a day, arriving the very next day. Seeing how the Spartans and Athenians were on shakey relations, I'd say he had some serious guts to make the run alone into Sparta to make the request. The end result of that was the fact Pheidippides did NOT die, and the Spartans moved at a hastened pace to Athens, which got them there in time to see the Persian ships turn around and leave, ensuring the Athenian victory.

    Secondly, if we're going off the -myth- side, which you are actually refering too. Pheidippides was sent from Athens AFTER the Battle to declare victory to the Spartans. Pheidippides, again, was ordered to make the run, he didn't run a coward from the fight. And in all haste, arrived in Sparta with amazing speed, dying on the spot after delivering word of Athenian victory.

    Might wanna do some more digging in history before you run an example like that.
This discussion has been closed.