why are crossfit facilities/ classes SO expensive?



  • jofjltncb6
    jofjltncb6 Posts: 34,415 Member
    Didnt read the other 7 pages ....

    Its because Plyoboxes are so damn expensive.

    And Crossfit is so incredibly greedy/elitist that they require you to buy your plyo boxes directly from them at a substantial markup.

    Well, either that or they provide plans to build your own: http://library.crossfit.com/free/pdf/49_06_plyo_boxes.pdf

    Eh, probably the former. (Crossfit gyms are just in it for the money...but globo gyms exist just to provide a service to the community.)

    Hm. Never had to buy a plyobox...or really anything for that matter. I bought my jump rope, but that's because I'm short and I wanted one that fits right. Maybe you want to try spouting off garbage again when you actually have some experience at a local box.

    I hope the crossfit koolaid doesn't short out my sarcasmometer too.