How did your S/O propose?



  • Pookylou
    Pookylou Posts: 988 Member
    I proposed, in a tent, at Leeds Festival, hungover......... The fact that I didn't really like the ring WE picked out was not a good sign............. It didn't end well :drinker:

    I love all of you guys actually romantic proposals though, maybe one day :sad:
  • iLoveMyPitbull1225
    iLoveMyPitbull1225 Posts: 1,690 Member
    I had been (sort of) jokingly proposing to my husband for a couple months. He would just smile and ask me where his ring was.

    One week at my job, he sent me flowers 5 days in a row. On Friday he picked me up early and took me to a surprise couple's massage. After that we were hanging out at home and he whipped out the ring and in mid sentence said "but....will you marry me?" My brain stopped working, but I think I eventually said yes. Later that night we went out for a fancy smancy dinner to celebrate. The next day we went to a make-your-own pottery place, and made coffee mugs with our engagement date on them. AND, he took me to a Planetarium so I could see the star he had named for me.


    you're a lucky girl!
  • MrsK20141004
    MrsK20141004 Posts: 489 Member
    May 8th 2012 - While we were on vacation in Paris at the top of the Eiffel Tower with champagne while a friend took pictures! :)

    ETA: This was the end of over trip and I looked like total garbage and was my highest weight. I'm down 20 pounds since then though and my ring is 2 sizes too big.

    Wedding date is October 4th, 2014!
  • nossmf
    nossmf Posts: 9,538 Member
    edited June 2021
    I realize I am resurrecting an 8-year-dead thread, but seemed better to continue here so new people could read additional responses rather than start a new thread on the same topic and have all these already-posted responses never acknowledged...


    When 9-11 happened back in 2001, I was serving active duty, and let's just say the next few hours were the ultimate in chaotic for all military members. Yet I found a portion of my mind constantly straying to my girlfriend, and I knew then I wanted to marry her. However, the practical side of me said hold up, you've only been dating her for two months now, this feeling may pass, do nothing yet.

    So I did nothing...and the feeling did NOT pass. Two months later I bought a ring, and right before Christmas I asked her father for his blessing. The two of us worked out a deal where on January 2, the six-month mark after we met and had our first date, we would leave her son with grandpa while I took momma out for a fancy dinner.

    During dinner I handed her a homemade card which included a poem I had written, and asked her to read it out loud. The last line was intentionally blank, with the obvious rhyming words of "Will you marry me?" When she reached that part of the poem, she looked up from the card to see me kneeling before her, and right in time I supplied the correct words out loud. I'm sure there was some applause from the nearby tables, but I only remember her face at that moment.

    Nineteen years and three additional children together, we're still going strong.


    A buddy of mine had an even more memorable proposal. He and his girlfriend shared a mutual love of fantasy, manga, Marvel and the like, so my buddy got tickets not only to the Denver ComicCon, but paid for a personal meet-and-greet with Stan Lee himself, which included a video-taped 15 minutes session where they could ask questions of him, etc. At the end of their time, Stan Lee told my buddy he had time for one last question, to which my buddy responded he had one more, but not for Stan. He instead turned to his confused girlfriend, knelt and proposed right there, on video with Stan Lee sitting between them (they had individual seats on either side of Stan Lee). She said yes, and their keepsake interview video ends with them kissing as Stan Lee holds his arms aloft in triumph behind them.