30th time I have caught my husband stealing my pain meds!



  • Sharkington
    Sharkington Posts: 485
    if she is counting her own pills, thats a good sign she has her own substance abuse issues. Its easy to blame someone else, its also easy to blame "pain", not as easy to admit you have a problem yourself. I wish her luck.

    :huh: That is not a sign of having a substance abuse problem. It's a sign of being responsible for your medication. Besides, she said she was counting her pills out when she realized she was running out of them before she could reflll them.
  • Jersey_Devil
    Jersey_Devil Posts: 4,142 Member
    if she is counting her own pills, thats a good sign she has her own substance abuse issues. Its easy to blame someone else, its also easy to blame "pain", not as easy to admit you have a problem yourself. I wish her luck.

    That doesn't make any sense. I count my vitamins to see how many I have left. People count pills, so they know when to refill it. And to make sure she isn't overtaking them.

    And just to clarify, I've never taken prescription pain meds. I took them on one occasion after getting my wisdom teeth out and it was such an awful experience that I always choose pain over that.

    pill poppers count their pain pills. its what they do. she already knows whether or not she is overtaking them... if she is, she just wants to know when she will run out.
  • shyannerichard
    I think most importantly, why are you asking strangers in an online weight loss forum what you should do with your husband/marriage? Seriously?!

    I think that when it comes to something like this it may be easier to talk to strangers than it would be to talk to friends/family. Having went through something similar I understand that she doesn't want their family and friends to judge him or to think bad of him. I know that the situation is hard but you need to do everything you can to help him. I know that everyone in here can say "leave" or "kick him to the curb" but he is you husband and I think that until you have tried everything you shouldn't leave him when he needs you the most. He may seem like a completely different person right now but somewhere there is the man you fell in love with and he needs help, guidance, and understanding.
  • BinaryPulsar
    BinaryPulsar Posts: 8,927 Member
    if she is counting her own pills, thats a good sign she has her own substance abuse issues. Its easy to blame someone else, its also easy to blame "pain", not as easy to admit you have a problem yourself. I wish her luck.

    That doesn't make any sense. I count my vitamins to see how many I have left. People count pills, so they know when to refill it. And to make sure she isn't overtaking them.

    And just to clarify, I've never taken prescription pain meds. I took them on one occasion after getting my wisdom teeth out and it was such an awful experience that I always choose pain over that.

    pill poppers count their pain pills. its what they do. she already knows whether or not she is overtaking them... if she is, she just wants to know when she will run out.

    Neither of us know anything about her enough to make that diagnosis on the internet. It's as simple as that.

    Maybe she was counting them because this was the 30th time her husband stole them.
  • Jersey_Devil
    Jersey_Devil Posts: 4,142 Member
    if she is counting her own pills, thats a good sign she has her own substance abuse issues. Its easy to blame someone else, its also easy to blame "pain", not as easy to admit you have a problem yourself. I wish her luck.

    :huh: That is not a sign of having a substance abuse problem. It's a sign of being responsible for your medication. Besides, she said she was counting her pills out when she realized she was running out of them before she could reflll them.

    thats not a sign of being responsible... not after the "30th time" of being suspicious... if she was truly responsible and truly believed her husband was stealing from her, she would have properly hid the medicine from her husband when she first started being suspiscious of her husband.
  • Jersey_Devil
    Jersey_Devil Posts: 4,142 Member
    if she is counting her own pills, thats a good sign she has her own substance abuse issues. Its easy to blame someone else, its also easy to blame "pain", not as easy to admit you have a problem yourself. I wish her luck.

    That doesn't make any sense. I count my vitamins to see how many I have left. People count pills, so they know when to refill it. And to make sure she isn't overtaking them.

    And just to clarify, I've never taken prescription pain meds. I took them on one occasion after getting my wisdom teeth out and it was such an awful experience that I always choose pain over that.

    pill poppers count their pain pills. its what they do. she already knows whether or not she is overtaking them... if she is, she just wants to know when she will run out.

    Neither of us know anything about her enough to make that diagnosis on the internet. It's as simple as that.

    i agree. i never said she did have a problem. i just said she has signs of a problem and only she knows what the true story is. i wish her luck.
  • Jaylello
    Jaylello Posts: 212 Member
    30th time????
  • MusicInMyHeart
    Her account is now deactivated. What does that tell you?? :)
  • Jersey_Devil
    Jersey_Devil Posts: 4,142 Member
    Her account is now deactivated. What does that tell you?? :)

    she'd rather be counting pills than posting on MFP
  • Carnivor0us
    Carnivor0us Posts: 1,752 Member
    I used to work in pharmacy, and we'd have a lady that would complain that we'd short her on her pain meds every single time. Well, my boss got tired of the complaints, so he counted them in front of her. Got a call the next day, complaining that she was shorted. He told her to seriously consider the possibility that her children (who commonly come to pick up her medications) were swiping a few.

    She was outraged at the suggestion. He said that the issue was not with him, and he'd seen it happen before.

    A few days later, she called again and confirmed that he was correct.

    It's very common, and it's also just as likely to be the children in the household (provided they're old enough to know what those kinds of drugs are).
  • chanel1twenty
    chanel1twenty Posts: 161 Member
    And lying about it! I started counting my pills because I was running out of them quicker than I could get them prescribed and honestly thought it was me. I am at the end of my rope with the lying and stealing. Who does that? There is no trust! I know this is supposed to be all happy cheery crap all the time but I'm having a WAY heavy day. I think I'm divorcing him.

    I'm a recovering addict that goes to a methadone clinic 6x/week. On our take home day we are required to put it in a lock box. Get one.

    An addict will lie, cheat, steal, and lie again to get their next fix. I know, I'm on probation from stealing from someone who helped me out a lot so I could get my next fix.

    Those who aren't addicts will never understand, especially opiate addiction. Imagine the worst flu and stomach flu you could ever have, combine them, and multiply that by 5. That's what happens when you don't get a fix everyday.

    We addicts (once an addict always an addict, in recovery or not) have tunnel vision. Your drug of choice is what you wake up thinking about, and what you fall asleep thinking about.

    It's a terrible sickness. Would you leave him if he had cancer? He doesn't need a divorce, he needs help. He is not himself right now.
    Remember, opiate addiction/withdrawal is the worst, and alcohol and benzo withdrawal can be fatal. Look into detox and treatment centers stat, but keep in mind no addict can quit until they're ready.
  • chanel1twenty
    chanel1twenty Posts: 161 Member
    Why are so many people responding to a post in which the poster deactivated their account four pages ago....

    Is this a test to see if people actually read the forum before posting there own drivel.....

    If it is .... I got a few fails to report. Just sayin.

    No. A lot of forums on MFP end up being arguments and tangents amongst the posters and have nothing to do with the OP. Besides, would you read a full 7 pages of blah blah blah? Just sayin.
  • Calliope610
    Calliope610 Posts: 3,775 Member
    if she is counting her own pills, thats a good sign she has her own substance abuse issues. Its easy to blame someone else, its also easy to blame "pain", not as easy to admit you have a problem yourself. I wish her luck.

    That doesn't make any sense. I count my vitamins to see how many I have left. People count pills, so they know when to refill it. And to make sure she isn't overtaking them.

    And just to clarify, I've never taken prescription pain meds. I took them on one occasion after getting my wisdom teeth out and it was such an awful experience that I always choose pain over that.

    pill poppers count their pain pills. its what they do. she already knows whether or not she is overtaking them... if she is, she just wants to know when she will run out.

    I must be a pill popper. My DH is prescribed Morphine 100mg for chronic pain issues. I hold and count his pills to ensure that he takes them AS PRESCRIBED.
  • Jersey_Devil
    Jersey_Devil Posts: 4,142 Member
    if she is counting her own pills, thats a good sign she has her own substance abuse issues. Its easy to blame someone else, its also easy to blame "pain", not as easy to admit you have a problem yourself. I wish her luck.

    That doesn't make any sense. I count my vitamins to see how many I have left. People count pills, so they know when to refill it. And to make sure she isn't overtaking them.

    And just to clarify, I've never taken prescription pain meds. I took them on one occasion after getting my wisdom teeth out and it was such an awful experience that I always choose pain over that.

    pill poppers count their pain pills. its what they do. she already knows whether or not she is overtaking them... if she is, she just wants to know when she will run out.

    I must be a pill popper. My DH is prescribed Morphine 100mg for chronic pain issues. I hold and count his pills to ensure that he takes them AS PRESCRIBED.

    Holding someone's pills and making sure they are accounted for is much different than what is happening with the OP where she is not properly accounting for her missing pills. Not even sure why you are making a comparison. What you are doing is responsible. Even if she is not abusing her meds, she is still leaving her meds in a place where her husband can find them and "steal" them.
  • suelegal
    suelegal Posts: 1,282 Member
    I live this life of good karma and want to raise my kids the same. What does that say about me staying with someone who lies and steals?

    Get him help. In the meantime, keep the pills hidden and/or locked away.

    After a full page of responses, it seems odd I'd be the first person to suggest this. ^^ Seems pretty obvious to me...

    Uh... he probably already knows where help is. He's an addict and he will have to this on his own. In the meantime, you can either remove yourself or have him removed. Or not, that's your choice. As someone who has 19+ years of recovery under her belt, I can say right now that unless he's ready to stop using, he won't, no matter what he says.

    Your choice is to protect yourself and your family.
  • suelegal
    suelegal Posts: 1,282 Member
    Put them under lock and key, then kick him to the curb. He can go find help for his addiction on his own. You don't need a man who cares so little for you that he will steal the medication you NEED.

    Addiction has nothing to do with caring. Addiction is only about getting more and using more, especially a physical addiction to pain meds.
  • Maddalen101
    Maddalen101 Posts: 307 Member
    Short-term solution: Do you work? If so, keep your meds at work, and take them when you arrive.
    Long-term solution? I agree with those who say your husband is an addict. If he cannot admit that he is and needs help, then you have to think long and hard about what you want to do, esp. if you have children.
  • krazyforyou
    krazyforyou Posts: 1,428 Member
    I think most importantly, why are you asking strangers in an online weight loss forum what you should do with your husband/marriage? Seriously?!

    ^^^^^ this
  • sunshine421969
    sunshine421969 Posts: 273 Member
    I just went to this womans profile....She hasn't gotten it anymore..hmmm the post was just made yesterday,,,
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