Early Risers here??



  • gettinfitaus
    gettinfitaus Posts: 161 Member
    Wow and here I was thinking I was hard done by to be up at 5!

    I have just started running in the mornings to allow me the time needed to get in a workout while DP is still at home with the kids, he leaves for work by six and an "early" night is 7-8pm.

    Soontobeamomma congratulations :) babies are delightful. as a mum of 3 with an 18 month old please be kind to yourself, little babies have the ability to rock your world like nothing else. But have fun!
  • GorillaNJ
    GorillaNJ Posts: 4,052 Member
    Well forgot to set my alarm last night... woke up in time for work but not for my run. Started this day off on the wrong foot.
  • Coquette6
    Coquette6 Posts: 158 Member
    Wow, compared with you guys (4:30, 3:30, 4:44...), I practically feel like a sloth! On my weight lifting days, I'm up at 5:30 and in the gym on campus shortly after 6 am. I can just about manage this 2-3 times a week. I only really started doing it last week to avoid the post-workday rush in the fitness center. I hate waiting for a squat rack, and this works for me! And I admit, that it is nice to go through the rest of the day knowing that my work-out is done and I can just go home at 4:30 pm.
  • greenmonstergirl
    greenmonstergirl Posts: 619 Member
    For the last year, 5 days a week up at 3:30 at the gym at 4:30. I start work at 6am. I have a gym at work that makes this easier. It's a part of my routine now so I don't even give it a second thought. Although if I stop moving in the evenings I will fall asleep.

    This is what I am finding too...once I sit down around 8:30 I am snoozing on the couch! LOL!
  • Altruista75
    Altruista75 Posts: 409 Member
    I'm up during the week a little before 4:00 and usually by 6:00 on the weekends. I definitely prefer my morning workouts rather than doing it in the evening! No excuses to not get it done that way.
  • greenmonstergirl
    greenmonstergirl Posts: 619 Member
    Well forgot to set my alarm last night... woke up in time for work but not for my run. Started this day off on the wrong foot.

    I have track (no not running, riding motorcycles) this weekend so my schedule is all messed up! My workout today will be at the gym at lunch. I had too much to do this morning to workout and the rest of the weekend riding is my work out as we don't just go for a leisurely ride, LOL! I'm sweating my butt off on that bike all weekend! Back on schedule Monday!
  • oX_Vanessa_Xo
    oX_Vanessa_Xo Posts: 478
    Im up at the crack of stupid, but only because I haven to get all my kids ready for school.
    Apparently they can't get themselves ready so I'm always running around like a mad woman. That counts as somewhat of a workout, right?! Lol
  • Mimisam45
    Mimisam45 Posts: 132 Member
    Early riser here too!! I get up at 4-4:15 to get to the gym by 5am when they open. It's a half hour drive but I get to work out with my daughter so it is well worth it. Then I have the entire rest of the day to not have to think about getting my work out in. Quite often a friend likes to walk in the evenings so I get a bonus workout too!!! :happy:
  • kelleynbrown
    kelleynbrown Posts: 17 Member
    I've been so tempted to start getting up early and working out, but I didn't know if 4am was too early. Guess not! Good to see other people's habits for learning.

    Thanks for the post!
  • capinoy
    capinoy Posts: 118 Member
    Good morning AM Warriors. I am glad to see this blowing up. Well I'll chime in. I was up at 4 am just dragging my legs a bit. My only guess is because I knew the workout was going to be legs. I usually workout barefoot since I have carpet but I remember reading on this thread someone mention having there shoes ready to go so that was what I did. For the let workout I actually like it because when I was barefoot and would do lunges I would really bend my rear foot so much that I could feel my toes stretch. The shoes helped. I know though that my quads will really feel it later.

    dab52776-I agree that 6 is a luxury... But for some reason I cannot seem to sleep till then. I am up early sometimes way earlier than my alarm. I fall back to sleep but you know when you wake up a few minutes before your alarm it goes off the minute you start to really fall asleep. Oh well.

    oOTeresaOo-I was like you in that I use to sleep past 10 and would really have a hard time waking up at 4. What worked for me but it took some time was set my alarm 15 minutes earlier than your normal wake up time. That first alarm goes off and I snooze it and just lay in bed till the real alarm goes off. Took some getting use to but it does work. I tried sleeping earlier but I found myself to be that much more tired.

    d9123-calisthenics, that is cool. Lots of pushups and squats? That's pretty much what I can think of. Welcome

    Shannon16385, infamousdrew7-I also have a gym at our work but unfortunately it does not open till 6 am and that is when I start work. I've tried doing the lunch thing but it's tough to cram it a workout in 20 minutes and get back to work within the 30 minute lunch period.

    Soontobemomma-I agree there will be some sleepless nights, even some zombie nights but do what you can and you will get through. You can do it.

    danno912-dude I start work at 6 as well. Am going to be trying 3:45 actual wake up time and not sit in bed.

    akforester82- 5 am is just as good as any time. It fits your schedule and you get your run in awesome job.

    Coquette6-You mention campus. Are you going to college or is this at work. If at college wow that the gym is open that early. When i was in school the gym was open late like 1am. I remember going in there after the computer lab closed (12am) and I walked into the gym which was as big as a basketball court and I pretty much had all the equipment to myself except for 1 stair stepper. Like you I like that I have the workout done and checked off the list..

    Kellynbrown-good for you for jumping in with us. Hopefully the amount of people on here posting will rub off on you. Welcome

    Mimisam45-That is great that you get a bonus workout at night with the walks, and it is great you got a great workout partner and someone you trust (daughter) awesome.

    Jenny__Taylia-up at the crack of Zero Dark Thirty is a crazy time. I guess if I ever fell off my 4 am schedule I know that my kids will keep me fit by me getting up and getting them ready for school in a fast pace.

    Asimmons75-no disagreements there. In the past when I had afternoon workouts they always seemed to get pushed to later and later in the evening to the point that I either do the workout or go to bed.

    Question for all of you, xiaolongbao posed this question and I kind of like it. Do you all prefer to make this a group where we can post daily and chime in or would you prefer to leave it as a thread. My thought is with the thread it keeps it up on the message boards everytime someone updates it which maybe will attract more early risers. We can make this a group. I love the interaction, so lets hear from you all what do you like.

    Happy friday everyone..

  • soontobemomma
    akforster82- Thank you! I'll be running to you for advice for sure! 3 kids and you still determined to get it done in the am is inspiration itself. :flowerforyou: But yes I am prepared for the worst (I would like to think so) :smile:

    kelleynbrown - Join in! You are going to fall in love with the am workouts!:flowerforyou:

    Charlie- I am with you on this one. We should keep it as a thread so that anyone can join in anytime they see this. Also personally I find the whole group system a little complex. This is better. Lets hear what everyone has to say about this.
  • drefaw
    drefaw Posts: 739
    I was working out at 3am every day. It has now changed to 4:30 am ........
  • ameliaannakin
    ameliaannakin Posts: 344 Member
    Not quite a 4am person but I have been getting up at 6:30 all this week and doing a 5km run before getting ready for work and I've really enjoyed it :) I am definitely now an early riser!
  • ninakale
    ninakale Posts: 49 Member
    I will join in, up at 4:40 for gym at 5. M, W, F for SL 5x5. T, T I try to run. Just getting into before work routine, and know I can do it through the summer, but I am pretty worried about keeping it up in the winter! How do you guys do it??
  • OldCrow125
    OldCrow125 Posts: 40
    Usually up at 0500 EST, but may have a schedule change to push it earlier (0430 EST). If you're in the same range, send me a request!
  • sandyinsc
    sandyinsc Posts: 70 Member
    Hi all you early birds! I'm up at 4:15 or earlier, but to get ready for work. Would love to run beforehand, but not to sure about running in the dark. May have to make it happen since afternoons are getting pretty uncomfortable with the humidity.

    Commenting so I can follow the thread!!
  • dab52776
    dab52776 Posts: 536 Member
    I would love if we made a group. I definitely prefer that format. Charlie, I could help you set it up if you like!
  • bogo_baby
    bogo_baby Posts: 82 Member
    I workout around 4/4:30 in the morning, too... before I start my 20 hour workdays :(
  • Coquette6
    Coquette6 Posts: 158 Member
    Coquette6-You mention campus. Are you going to college or is this at work. If at college wow that the gym is open that early. When i was in school the gym was open late like 1am. I remember going in there after the computer lab closed (12am) and I walked into the gym which was as big as a basketball court and I pretty much had all the equipment to myself except for 1 stair stepper. Like you I like that I have the workout done and checked off the list..

    It's a college, that I work at. I'm in vet school and I'm working on campus this summer doing research. The fitness center is open 6am-9pm on weekdays and 8am-9pm on weekends.
  • Coquette6
    Coquette6 Posts: 158 Member
    I will join in, up at 4:40 for gym at 5. M, W, F for SL 5x5. T, T I try to run. Just getting into before work routine, and know I can do it through the summer, but I am pretty worried about keeping it up in the winter! How do you guys do it??

    This is my worry too. I'm hoping by the end of summer it'll be enough of a habit that I can keep it up once school starts again in the fall.