Team UK - June 2010



  • KimmyBee
    KimmyBee Posts: 158 Member
    Aww glad you had a great day wendytobin.

    Today looks as though its going to be a beautiful day like yesterday.. not mentioning the 90 minute embarrassment that people call football. (I mean, seriously? WTF happaned)

    May spend my afternoon cooking myself in the museum gardens.
  • Plantpot
    Plantpot Posts: 105 Member
    Hi Strangers...... :laugh: :laugh:

    Well I have not been doing well!!! I have been using the excuse of my birthday and the GORGEOUS weather to relax on my cal counting, and also the exercise with the excuse that its too hot!!! Ha ha..... well NO MORE!!!!! I have to get back on the straight and narrow!!! Its 6 weeks on Thursday to my hen do in Ibiza, and I want to look my best!!! Then only circa 9 weeks to my wedding!!!! Arrrrrrrrgggh!!!!! :love: :love: :love:

    So it really is crunch time!!!

    Lee, I have been feeling the same re mixing it up..... am thinking of joining weight watchers. I will still use this site, but think the pressure of a weekly weigh in will do me good!!! I did weight watchers a few years ago and lost 18 lbs on it!!!!

    I was 10.6 on Friday (10.11 today after the weekends exceses). So if I join Weight Watchers this week, then aim to loose circa 1 lb a week I could get close to 10, potentially under 10 if I really try, which would be AMAZING!!!! :noway: :noway:

    Hope everyone is doing well and enjoying this beautiful summer!!!!

    :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:
  • lilmissy2
    lilmissy2 Posts: 595 Member
    Hiya team UK!

    I for one am (surprisingly) not enjoying the heat! We had like no time to adjust to it and it's all icky and humid. Bring back winter!! hehehe

    Well, I'm at home this week but looks like I might have a new job already starting next week, just waiting on confirmation.

    I went out for what I intended to be a long walk this morning but when I left it was dry and 5mins in it was pouring rain, now I'm home and it's dry again... typical! Might do some Wii fit if I can be bothered moving the furniture... oh the joys of living in a flat hehe

    Where is everyone this month? Laying in the sun? :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: I miss team UK... I come on here sometimes and read the other forums about people following crazy caveman diets or cutting out anything even slightly processed or placing a load of random restrictions on themselves or eating foods that are a creamy dessert but somehow zero cals :ohwell: ... then I read this forum and we are all just cutting down our food but still eating actual normal food and exercising more and surprise, surprise... we are still losing weight! Good work team UK :flowerforyou:
  • KimmyBee
    KimmyBee Posts: 158 Member
    Im not particularly enjoying the weather either. Im currently having to take like 5 showers a day... Im turning my shower temperature down to as low as it goes and its still not cold enough. I need a giant block of ice carved into the shape of an armchair.. that would be bliss.

    I didnt end up going out yesterday after all due to the heat, it was actually cooler in the house than outside, so thats where we stayed, with every door and window wide open and constant shouts of "its tooo hooot" coming from me.

    its not good when me and Rich are trapped in the house together, we have just bought a massive new TV, and given the fact that he is a total PS3 fanboy, and I love my 360, the terrible power struggle over who gets the tv has begun. At the moment its just a case of who can complain the most. and we are both top class at that :laugh:
  • lesley1981
    lesley1981 Posts: 329 Member

    Haven't been posting in a little while...

    I agree that it's a bit warm for exercising :frown: or even sitting around... so i've either been exercising first thing in the morning or later on in the evening (and it's still almost too warm). I was out of action for a couple of weeks thanks to damaging tendons in my foot, so I have to make up for lost time. The office is great though, air con is my new favourite invention ever!

    Anyways, I'm now down to my last stone before a healthy BMI is mine once more :happy: WHOOOOPEEEEEE

    KimmyBee, my boyfriend bought a new TV recently so he could "enhance his gaming experience" but, whilst playing Call of Duty, he got the dreaded red ring of death!! It's good for me though, it means he's ready when I go round there :tongue:
  • erikazj
    erikazj Posts: 2,365 Member
    Hello everyone - a little bit cooler today I think?!

    Did end up going for a run on Sunday evening...managed it just about, but it was definitely a warm one. My 10k is in less than 2 weeks now, and my half marathon is beckoning too!!

    Hope you're all good.

    Erika x
  • James501
    James501 Posts: 148
    ahhhhhhhhh a few familar faces here, good to see one and all again. Trust all is good?

    I'm back on it for 13 weeks so expect alot of random posts from me.

    I have managed to maintain the 1.5 to 2 stone i lost earlier in the year so i'm going for another push. 26lbs to go to hit my 2010 goal weight. I just need to focus now and not get distracted by world cups lol

    Anyway will write more soon

  • lilmissy2
    lilmissy2 Posts: 595 Member
    Good work maintaining the weight loss James! Good luck with the rest of it :smile:

    I was a bit naughty with my food today, had a few glasses of juice which I would not usually drink at all. But I was sad because we had to decide to not have our wedding reception because so few of the boy's friends can make it :( International couple weddings suck! We are going to have smaller parties in each country and just have family attend the actual wedding. It should still be awesome but was a bit disappointing as well.

    Anyway, now that I'm done with my rant... back on the wagon so I can at least look awesome in my wedding dress!!

  • p1nkpr1ncess
    p1nkpr1ncess Posts: 254 Member
    Hi everyone!

    Not been around in aaaages as this nice weather has meant far too many white wine spritzers and naughty foods! :( Booo!

    So I'm back trying to claw my way back to where I was 2 weeks ago! Wish me luck!!

    Anyways! I was wondering if anyone can recommend me a nice protein bar that is available in the UK - I'm looking for NICE tasting and LOW cals but HIGH protein? Anyone?? All suggestions will be helpful!! I already have protein shakes but need a bar when on the go :)

    Glad everyone is loving the weather! It's so hot at the moment it means I almost DIE at the gym!! Lol

    Hope everyone is well! :)
  • kpnuts23
    kpnuts23 Posts: 960 Member

    New topic for JULY!!! Sorry for being absolutely rubbish this month! I promis i will do better!!! x
  • Norbert2010
    Morning all, hope you don't mind me joining you from a very sunny Lincoln. Been on here just over 3 weeks and managed to shift 9lbs so far in that time. I do a lot of running but I also do lots of eating, I am trying to tone down teh latter and loggin here has certainly helped that.

    It is helping me also to know what I should be eating rather than going on a mad purge of exercise and dropping down half a stone in a week only to have back on 2 weeks later. I am running a race in Scotland on 17th July and my first target was to lose 10lbs by then so just one to go in the next 11 days, I am sure I can do that.

    I am enjoying the sunshine but I do struggle to get out of bed when teh weatehr is like this, bizarrely in th ewinter I am usually up and out running at 5am!