Concealed Carry: good or bad idea



  • Zomoniac
    Zomoniac Posts: 1,169 Member
    The only thing to stop a bad guy with a gun is a good guy with a gun. I'm armed, educated and proud.

    I just don't understand this mentality. :noway:
    Unarmed, educated and proud.

    How do you suggest stopping a criminal/murderer that has a gun? Give him a mean talking to?

    It's rarely an issue here. If someone has broken into your house to steal your jewellery, there's about a 1% chance they'll have a gun. Sure, guns exist in the UK in organised crime units and some gangs, but these are people doing bank jobs and largely just shooting each other. The junkies on the street looking to mug you and the kids breaking into your home do not have guns, or easy access to guns. Stopping a bad guy with a gun is less of an issue when the vast, vast majority of bad guys anyone will ever need to stop don't have them to start with.
  • Muddy_Yogi
    Muddy_Yogi Posts: 1,459 Member
    The only thing to stop a bad guy with a gun is a good guy with a gun. I'm armed, educated and proud.

    I just don't understand this mentality. :noway:
    Unarmed, educated and proud.

    How do you suggest stopping a criminal/murderer that has a gun? Give him a mean talking to?

    I would say spanking but honestly, we can't even do that anymore.
  • digitalbill
    digitalbill Posts: 1,410 Member
    I have my CCP and I do carry.
    I feel safer knowing that, if needed, I can defend myself or someone else being assaulted.
    Crime can happen to anyone at any time so, as a result, I want to be prepared.
    I wear a seatbelt but, I don't plan on crashing my car. I wear it just in case I DO crash my car.
    My pistol is no different then a seatbelt really.

    My wife does NOT have a CCP however, we have a handgun in the house and it is in a safe with a bio scanner. It can be opened in about a half a second.
  • craigmandu
    craigmandu Posts: 976 Member
    The only thing to stop a bad guy with a gun is a good guy with a gun. I'm armed, educated and proud.

    I just don't understand this mentality. :noway:
    Unarmed, educated and proud.

    How do you suggest stopping a criminal/murderer that has a gun? Give him a mean talking to?

    I've known two people in my life that have been is dead, the other is not. Guess which one had a firearm?
    Here's a hint: I talked to him yesterday!
  • patrickblo13
    patrickblo13 Posts: 831 Member
    The only thing to stop a bad guy with a gun is a good guy with a gun. I'm armed, educated and proud.

    ^ 100% this
  • glovepuppet
    glovepuppet Posts: 1,710 Member
    as a brit, i like our gun laws exactly how they are.

    one man was killed, no bystanders were injured, the cops caught the perps.
    i'm not sure how a firefight with citizens in the middle of the street could have improved the outcome.

    This, basically.

    One man died. It was a tragedy. If the EDL lot who turned up shortly after had been equipped with firearms we would be mourning the loss of a lot more than one innocent life. I'm aware that guns don't kill people, but they certainly make it a lot easier.
    i'm sure a lot of pro-gun americans will be offended by this and take it as a slight on their culture, but i don't feel like my culture needs to become more like theirs. i would prefer if it didn't.

    if i started telling them that they should change their culture to one more like mine, THEN they would be justified in feeling offended.

    i feel safe. nobody i know has ever been threatened with a gun in the uk.
  • Mustang_Susie
    Mustang_Susie Posts: 7,045 Member
    I have my gun permit.

    I'm in Chicagoland. I believe the gangbangers around here would think twice before shooting if they knew there was a strong possibility they'd get shot back at. People think conceal and carry will make everyone go buckwild and there'll be Wild, Wild West shootouts everywhere. No, I think it will make people with the stupidest of brains even more cautious about who they try to shoot (at or start trouble with).

    I don't plan on coming back to this debate, so if you disagree, I'm fine with it. That was just my two cents. PEACE! :glasses:

    Gangbangers don't think once, I doubt they would think twice.
    They don't care about themsleves or anyone else.
    They're animals with no reasoning abilities.
  • moosegt35
    moosegt35 Posts: 1,296 Member
    Brb never going to America, wouldn't be able to trust anyone.

    Its not the ones legally carrying that you can't trust....its all of those that carry illegally, or who "legally" cannot carry, but do anyway.

    Really? Because I'm not too concerned with thugs that shoot each other (I know innocent victims to get hit sometimes but it is rare) But I have heard of PLENTY of mass murders where legal registered weapons were used, or even accidental shootings where the "responsible" gun own left their loaded weapon within arms reach of a 4 year old.....

    ETA most home invasions the occupants never have the chance to get their gun out of the locked gun case, then loaded, and ready to be shot. Most trained individuals cannot easily hit a moving target, so even if someone had been armed during the mass shootings the outcome would not have been much different, not to mention once the police show up and realize you have multiple people with weapons are just asking for trouble at that point.

    Statistics have proven my children are much safer in my home without a gun than they are with one.

    Thugs never rob innocent victims? Give an example of where a legally registered weapon was used for a mass murder by the person that had it registered please. Also, "responsible gun owners" don't leave their guns where kids can get to them, so we can throw that one right out the window.

    What kind of idiot stores an unloaded gun for protection? No one I know. I can have my gun in my hand and ready to shoot in 3 seconds from where I sleep. I am glad you can speculate how someone being armed at a mass shooting would have ended, you should start a psychic hotline. So you are telling me that the mass murderer has no problems hitting his moving targets but a trained citizen that was armed wouldn't have been able to hit a moving target? By the time the police get there the shooting will likely be over so if you are the one who is legal it's easy to just put your gun down and explain the situation.

    I would love to see that statistic also. 1 post shows you are completely uneducated about firearms.
  • Faye_Anderson
    Faye_Anderson Posts: 1,495 Member
    as a brit, i like our gun laws exactly how they are.

    one man was killed, no bystanders were injured, the cops caught the perps.
    i'm not sure how a firefight with citizens in the middle of the street could have improved the outcome.

    This, basically.

    One man died. It was a tragedy. If the EDL lot who turned up shortly after had been equipped with firearms we would be mourning the loss of a lot more than one innocent life. I'm aware that guns don't kill people, but they certainly make it a lot easier.
    i'm sure a lot of pro-gun americans will be offended by this and take it as a slight on their culture, but i don't feel like my culture needs to become more like theirs. i would prefer if it didn't.

    if i started telling them that they should change their culture to one more like mine, THEN they would be justified in feeling offended.

    i feel safe. nobody i know has ever been threatened with a gun in the uk.

    All of this! It also sits uncomfortably that someone in the US who doesn't really have a clue has used this tragedy to discuss carrying concealed weapons. Keep it to yourselves
  • digitalbill
    digitalbill Posts: 1,410 Member
    Since 1986, several states have enacted some form of Concealed Carry legislation.
    I have not researched studies citing whether this legislation has had a significant impact on violent crime in the US.
    I have briefly perused a few studies regarding the effect of gun control on "justified" murders in Britain.
    In light of the recent murder in Britain and the lament of lack of a legally armed citizen to shoot this barbarian, what do you think?
    as a brit, i like our gun laws exactly how they are.

    one man was killed, no bystanders were injured, the cops caught the perps.
    i'm not sure how a firefight with citizens in the middle of the street could have improved the outcome.
    Well, maybe you would have:
    One injured, scared, but ALIVE Soldier
    multiple dead or injured assailants
    shaken up bystanders.

    By the way, why were so many people just standing around watching?
  • theCarlton
    theCarlton Posts: 1,344 Member
    I live in Florida. I've never known a world without concealed carry.
    We're also home to the nation's most idiotic or horrific crimes and the Stand Your Ground law where I could literally shoot you from my car's front seat if you began to approach me, and I stand a good chance at getting away with it.

    So - I'm not 100% sure how I feel about it.

    I would look a little more into that. Don't think you can just shoot people for casually approaching you.
    You can if you feel threatened by them. All you have to do is prove your case in court. It happens here not frequently, but it does.

    Sorry for derailing the thread with the SYG law. That's not what the OP is asking so I'm going to let it go after this.
  • moosegt35
    moosegt35 Posts: 1,296 Member
    ETA most home invasions the occupants never have the chance to get their gun out of the locked gun case, then loaded, and ready to be shot.

    All it really takes is the cycling sound of a shot gun and I bet you 9 times out of 10 the intruder is hauling buns out of there. Better to have some change to fight on an even playing field then none at all, right?

    That is a really bad idea. Guns for protection should be loaded, not used to try to scare people from the sound.
  • Zomoniac
    Zomoniac Posts: 1,169 Member
    i feel safe. nobody i know has ever been threatened with a gun in the uk.

    Perfectly put. If I lived in a society where I didn't feel I could be safe without carrying then maybe I'd be more open to being able to own and carry. As it is I live in a society where I can't carry but I have never for one second felt like I've been at risk of being shot. And I'll take that feeling over a right to carry any day.
  • glovepuppet
    glovepuppet Posts: 1,710 Member
    The only thing to stop a bad guy with a gun is a good guy with a gun. I'm armed, educated and proud.

    I just don't understand this mentality. :noway:
    Unarmed, educated and proud.

    How do you suggest stopping a criminal/murderer that has a gun? Give him a mean talking to?

    It's rarely an issue here. If someone has broken into your house to steal your jewellery, there's about a 1% chance they'll have a gun. Sure, guns exist in the UK in organised crime units and some gangs, but these are people doing bank jobs and largely just shooting each other. The junkies on the street looking to mug you and the kids breaking into your home do not have guns, or easy access to guns. Stopping a bad guy with a gun is less of an issue when the vast, vast majority of bad guys anyone will ever need to stop don't have them to start with.
    if i lived in the states, where every mugger has a gun for himself and one for his pitbull, i might feel differently.

    but, yeah, here it's rare enough to be a non-issue.
  • moosegt35
    moosegt35 Posts: 1,296 Member
    Brb never going to America, wouldn't be able to trust anyone.

    Its not the ones legally carrying that you can't trust....its all of those that carry illegally, or who "legally" cannot carry, but do anyway.

    Really? Because I'm not too concerned with thugs that shoot each other (I know innocent victims to get hit sometimes but it is rare) But I have heard of PLENTY of mass murders where legal registered weapons were used, or even accidental shootings where the "responsible" gun own left their loaded weapon within arms reach of a 4 year old.....

    ETA most home invasions the occupants never have the chance to get their gun out of the locked gun case, then loaded, and ready to be shot. Most trained individuals cannot easily hit a moving target, so even if someone had been armed during the mass shootings the outcome would not have been much different, not to mention once the police show up and realize you have multiple people with weapons are just asking for trouble at that point.

    Statistics have proven my children are much safer in my home without a gun than they are with one.

    Just like criminals figure out how to counterfeit bills everytime the US Treasury gets a wild hair and changes them, criminals will find ways to get their hands on legally purchased firearms.

    An no "responsible" gun owner will leave a firearm where anyone not allowed to handle it can get to it. I do not have children and I live alone-mine is still kept out of site, and while it's always a remote possibility, it most likely wouldn't be found in a robbery. Part of gun safety is exactly that-safety. There are never accidents with firearms- it's generally some form of irresponsibility.

    Alot of criminals get their weapons from people that buy them at gun shows. A "responsible" gun owner 2 posts above just told me he keeps his gun loaded in his unlocked dresser...

    Statistics on this one too please
  • ironanimal
    ironanimal Posts: 5,922 Member
    Since 1986, several states have enacted some form of Concealed Carry legislation.
    I have not researched studies citing whether this legislation has had a significant impact on violent crime in the US.
    I have briefly perused a few studies regarding the effect of gun control on "justified" murders in Britain.
    In light of the recent murder in Britain and the lament of lack of a legally armed citizen to shoot this barbarian, what do you think?
    as a brit, i like our gun laws exactly how they are.

    one man was killed, no bystanders were injured, the cops caught the perps.
    i'm not sure how a firefight with citizens in the middle of the street could have improved the outcome.
    Well, maybe you would have:
    One injured, scared, but ALIVE Soldier
    multiple dead or injured assailants
    shaken up bystanders.

    By the way, why were so many people just standing around watching?
    Because you don't run up to give someone brandishing a machete or a gun a hug?
  • glovepuppet
    glovepuppet Posts: 1,710 Member
    i feel safe. nobody i know has ever been threatened with a gun in the uk.

    Perfectly put. If I lived in a society where I didn't feel I could be safe without carrying then maybe I'd be more open to being able to own and carry. As it is I live in a society where I can't carry but I have never for one second felt like I've been at risk of being shot. And I'll take that feeling over a right to carry any day.
    ha! spooky. we're posting the exact same things here.
  • SnicciFit
    SnicciFit Posts: 967 Member
    I have a huge responsibility when carrying and it isn't a free for all.

  • BflSaberfan
    BflSaberfan Posts: 1,272
    Brb never going to America, wouldn't be able to trust anyone.

    Its not the ones legally carrying that you can't trust....its all of those that carry illegally, or who "legally" cannot carry, but do anyway.

    Really? Because I'm not too concerned with thugs that shoot each other (I know innocent victims to get hit sometimes but it is rare) But I have heard of PLENTY of mass murders where legal registered weapons were used, or even accidental shootings where the "responsible" gun own left their loaded weapon within arms reach of a 4 year old.....

    ETA most home invasions the occupants never have the chance to get their gun out of the locked gun case, then loaded, and ready to be shot. Most trained individuals cannot easily hit a moving target, so even if someone had been armed during the mass shootings the outcome would not have been much different, not to mention once the police show up and realize you have multiple people with weapons are just asking for trouble at that point.

    Statistics have proven my children are much safer in my home without a gun than they are with one.

    Thugs never rob innocent victims? Give an example of where a legally registered weapon was used for a mass murder by the person that had it registered please. Also, "responsible gun owners" don't leave their guns where kids can get to them, so we can throw that one right out the window.

    What kind of idiot stores an unloaded gun for protection? No one I know. I can have my gun in my hand and ready to shoot in 3 seconds from where I sleep. I am glad you can speculate how someone being armed at a mass shooting would have ended, you should start a psychic hotline. So you are telling me that the mass murderer has no problems hitting his moving targets but a trained citizen that was armed wouldn't have been able to hit a moving target? By the time the police get there the shooting will likely be over so if you are the one who is legal it's easy to just put your gun down and explain the situation.

    I would love to see that statistic also. 1 post shows you are completely uneducated about firearms.

    Your first sentence shows me debating with you would be pointless. No where did I indicate that thugs NEVER rob people. Robbing people and killing people are two different things. I would not shoot someone to keep my wallet. I have children in my home what kind of moron would I be if I had a loaded easily accessible weapon in my house? The chances of a home invasion are slim to none so I dont worry about that too much anyways. A mass murderer is shooting wildly into a crowd, much different that trying to shoot 1 person out of a crowd. There were armed guards at Columbine, it didn't make 1 difference.
  • PomegranatePriestess
    PomegranatePriestess Posts: 2,455 Member
    Really? Because I'm not too concerned with thugs that shoot each other (I know innocent victims to get hit sometimes but it is rare)

    FYI: It is NOT "rare" that innocent, uninvolved people get shot when "thugs" shoot at each other where I live. It's just "rare" that people with your attitude really care about it when it does happen.

    Did you see the footage of the Mother's Day shooting in New Orleans? I wouldn't be surprised if you didn't even hear about it. 20 people were shot at a parade -- a guy with a gun just walked up and started firing away, and no one stopped him. This was barely discussed in the national news. Think about the coverage at Sandy Hook, or the Boston Marathon, and ask yourself why this tragedy has barely been covered. (And if it would have been any different if even one other person in that crowd had been able to shoot back before the shooter just ran off on foot.) One of the children who was killed? He had already been shot before and survived. Yeah, that's the kind of life some of the innocents have when people "aren't too concerned" about what happens to everyone around them in areas where "thugs shoot at each other."

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