Weird/Funniest things you have seen at the Gym



  • MrsBingley
    My husband saw a man stand up, flex and scream DWAAAYNNE! After completing a set of bench presses. We assume that was his name...
  • qtgonewild
    qtgonewild Posts: 1,930 Member
    ive only been going to the gym for 6 days and already i seen one lil man that walks around dancing by each machine. before each machine he goes on he dances and does a little shimmy. :O entertaining to say the least.
  • kramalicious
    I was running on the indoor track at our YMCA once and saw a guy wearing a button down dress shirt running. He was also wearing one of those Camelbak water backpacks. I gave him an A for effort but thought the waterpack was a bit overkill, especially since he would be passing a drinking fountain every lap (11.5 laps = 1 mile).

    He might have been in training and needed to see if the kit worked ok although i can imagine it would look odd in the situation.

    This is the best thread ever!

    I'd believe the part about trying out the camelbak, but this guy lost points by wearing a button down while running LOL
    The older lady beside me on the treadmill today was wearing regular street clothes, (not allowed at our Y) but she had topped off her outfit with a pretty, obviously very expensive crocheted sweater like you'd wear to a formal occasion, but not to bum around in. I just gave her props for being there and doing it. And the rules enforcer obviously thought she was so cute , no one had the heart to say something to her.
    My place sounds tame compared to some of these other ones!
  • kramalicious
    I didn't personally witness it but this seems rather entertaining:


    Saw this on Tosh.0 and it's one of my favorites! I never saw someone use weights like this today!
  • smc864
    smc864 Posts: 570 Member
    I used to work at 24 Hour Fitness and Gold's Gym for quite a few years so I have many stories to tell...

    At 24 Hour I had to do 7 am walk throughs of the club. On more than one occasion I walked in on a older woman, about 65ish, pleasuring herself with the Jacuzzi jets.

    At the gym I currently work out at we have a guy whom I call Ninja Warrior. He does bicep curls and groans VERY loudly. He then proceeds to do karate moves in front of the mirror, which include but are not limited to high kicks, punches, and elbows.
  • RivenV
    RivenV Posts: 1,667 Member
    I was recently introduced to the "Fittest Guy at This Gym," at my gym the other day.

    My sister and I were setting up to do some knees-to-bar followed by some jumping rope (singles for me, doubles for her), when this... guy wearing cut-off jean shorts, sunglasses, and a "nipple shirt" comes over to us and asks if we're using the bar. Uh, obviously not at this moment but it's clearly on our agenda. My sister offers to let him work in a set, to which he replies, "Nah, I just want to do this once." He jumps up to hang from the bar and does some kind of bizarre acrobatic trick on it before dropping back down to the floor. We were then treated to a lengthy diatribe about how he is the fittest guy at the gym and probably the only one here who can do what he just did. Great, I guess? Then he wandered off, possibly in search of more hair gel, I presume. During our workout, I actually witnessed him hopping over benches to get from one end of the gym to the other, as well as hitting himself in the chest with a twenty-five pound plate. He would also frequently give himself shout-outs and go all "Shooter McGavin" on the dumbbells he was putting back.

    I haven't seen him since.
  • Josalinn
    Josalinn Posts: 1,066 Member
    A lady in Zumba class was wearing some crazy high heels w/her regular workout gear & little ruffle socks (like those toddler & tiaras girls wear). Very odd.

    She's practicing to go clubbing =P

    Don't know about the socks though...
  • Jerrypeoples
    Jerrypeoples Posts: 1,541 Member
    one guy who has been at the gym for about a month.

    john stockton looks at his shorts and says holy *kitten* those are short