Do you like CATCALLS??



  • fannyfrost
    fannyfrost Posts: 756 Member
    Catcalls are another way of degrading women. Although, it kind of makes me think "cool I'm hot". It still is not a nice way thing generally.
  • I_Will_Be_The_Swan
    I've been getting "catcalls" since I was four. Always from perverted old men and horny little toads of teenaged boys. I don't appreciate it. It makes me feel violated. I get hit on daily, and it never stops. I hate it. In short, I ****ing hate catcalls.
  • mem50
    mem50 Posts: 1,384 Member
    Lewd and obnoxious ones No.

    Simple ones such as Whoa, you Look Good! or perhaps a nice wolf whistle, well Those ones just make my day!
  • delaniecastillo
    I love a good cat call.
  • Mlkmaid
    Mlkmaid Posts: 356 Member
    What I REALLY like is when it's a guy my son's age and I tell them "honey, I've got blue jeans older than you". :)
  • Vune
    Vune Posts: 672 Member
    I get catcalls every time I leave the house. I've been keeping my hair pale pink and I have very strong estrogen features, so I pretty much look like a doll. Men slow down to get a better look at me every time I am waiting for a bus or for the light to change. I wore a skirt the other day and was honked at no less than 15 times on a 2 mile walk. But "boys will be boys," and guys just can't control themselves around women, so I take responsibility for being provocative. Right? Right??? Because it was too freaking hot to wear pants, and I needed to go pick up my prescriptions!

    Are the people who throw out catcalls secretly hoping that the "object" of their clumsy praise will return the favor? Strangely, I only notice when I do get catcalls. I've never returned home and thought to myself, "I didn't get any catcalls today. I must be ugly because I didn't get honked at today."
  • UrbanLotus
    UrbanLotus Posts: 1,163 Member
    Gross! I just ignore, pretend like I didn't hear anything. (Catcalls to me mean yellin out something, usually something disgusting. Not like a nice compliment while walking by, that's fine)
  • mank32
    mank32 Posts: 1,323 Member
    totally depends on the sitch. mostly i get them when i am longboarding around town. just the other day it was "Go, girl!" as i was shredding past some folks on their porch on this residental street. this is a treat for me because (in my somewhat smallish and partially provincial american west town) most folks are surprised, startled, and/or a little threatened by the sight of a female on a skateboard, so i get a lot of blank, freaked-out stares. sometimes when i'm riding it's dangerous to distract me with anything at all, complimentary or otherwise, so if you holler anything at me i might get pissed. again, totally depends on the sitch. if i'm not in bad@ss mode i get hollered/whistled at a LOT less. like, almost never.

    i don't really appreciate being hollered/hooted/whistled at like a dog. i'd much rather get a smile and a nod, or a wave, or a nice polite word to two. but sometimes you just see something you like so much that you don't want to let the opportunity to submit a favorable review slip past and a few seconds might be all you have if you're just passing by... so i try not to let it bother me too much. heck, sometimes i wish i could wolf-whistle at the some of the fit boys i see cutting lawns and working on roofs here in the summer... :blushing: but since i can't whistle and i'm too shy to holler i just keep it to myself!

    verdict: meh. it's a case-by-case basis.
  • yaseyuku
    yaseyuku Posts: 871 Member
    No, I don't particularly enjoy them.