STOP Under-Eating Folks!!



  • Lyadeia
    Lyadeia Posts: 4,603 Member
    So many angry people who are bad at reading. If you are eating 1200 and aren't hungry or miserable then thre op wasn't talking about you, its that simple. Everything isn't about you and your miniscule amount of calories, gosh.

    Though for abunch of folks claiming to be happy some of you seem defensive and, dare i say, hangry.

    My thoughts exactly! The OP wasn't attacking or preaching at all. Apparently offering advice and wisdom=preaching and "being judgmental * " now?

    * I hate that phrase.

    Sad thing is, it isn't a new thing that offering advice is taken to be preaching and being judgmental. The boards have always been that way.

    It's actually be fun reading all the responses from the hangry people of MFP. And I do agree that a little reading comprehension couldn't hurt...if you are not miserable and hungry, then OP wasn't talking to or about you.
  • Annerk1
    Annerk1 Posts: 372 Member

    Sad thing is, it isn't a new thing that offering advice is taken to be preaching and being judgmental. The boards have always been that way.

    It's actually be fun reading all the responses from the hangry people of MFP. And I do agree that a little reading comprehension couldn't hurt...if you are not miserable and hungry, then OP wasn't talking to or about you.

    The problem is that the "advice" wasn't solicited, didn't come from an expert, and was completely BAD and WRONG for many. I'm happy to read posts by people who are experts, but someone like the OP is in no position to be offering advice to anyone unless they specifically request it. It wasn't advice, it was a rant.
  • DebbieLyn63
    DebbieLyn63 Posts: 2,650 Member

    Sad thing is, it isn't a new thing that offering advice is taken to be preaching and being judgmental. The boards have always been that way.

    It's actually be fun reading all the responses from the hangry people of MFP. And I do agree that a little reading comprehension couldn't hurt...if you are not miserable and hungry, then OP wasn't talking to or about you.

    The problem is that the "advice" wasn't solicited, didn't come from an expert, and was completely BAD and WRONG for many. I'm happy to read posts by people who are experts, but someone like the OP is in no position to be offering advice to anyone unless they specifically request it. It wasn't advice, it was a rant.

    ^^Exactly. And after hearing that she regularly eats well under 1000 cals per day, can we add hypocritical to the description of her 'rant'?
  • almc170
    almc170 Posts: 1,093 Member
    Jesus. What is wrong with you people? The OP has publicly apologized twice in this thread.
    Maybe it's time to move on?
  • raspberrytartgirl
    raspberrytartgirl Posts: 51 Member
    One thing I've learned also is that the starvation mode thing is a myth, but depends on who you ask or what you read.

    also starving mode is not 1200 calories!! my sister is a nurse and knows her stuff she said starving mode is when you eat 500 calories for a long period of time or if you eat a lot of crap food and your not giving your body enough nutrients. incidently I have come along way from the not undereating.
  • vfett1018
    vfett1018 Posts: 131 Member
  • kiern18
    kiern18 Posts: 61
    excuse me? i eat 1200 calories and lose weight just fine everyone is different not everyone needs to eat 2000 calories to lose weight!

    This! The smaller a person is, the less calories they need. We all have different bodies and different needs. I'm losing two pounds a week and seldom go over 1000 calories a day. It works for me. I eat clean, I work out. I don't need as many calories to function as someone twice my weight.

    I don't eat 2000 when I'm not trying to lose. I'd be obese in three months!

    I don't go hungry, just the opposite. I couldn't finish my dinner last night. Personally I think a lot of people need to learn to stop eating when they are full instead of always cleaning their plate.

    I agree! Everyone on here (for the most part) is doing what is best for their body. For me, if I eat less than 1200 calories with my workout activity level, I feel starving. So it really does depend on your body and activity level. Starvation mode is overused on here because I have eaten less then 1200 (on the days where I haven't worked out) and I feel just fine because I had maybe two full meals in one day. It's not good to be obsessed with counting calories, it's more about listening to your body!
  • trisH_7183
    trisH_7183 Posts: 1,486 Member
    Everyone is different, so it's best to focus on what works for you and how you're eating in order to get to your goal.

    So true.Don't know about other people,but I have all I can handle with tracking,walking ,checking food for calorie & cholesterol levels.Very few of us would make a rude comment concerning another persons weight in real life,why do it here? JMO
  • melindasuefritz
    melindasuefritz Posts: 3,509 Member

    Physiological Symptoms

    Reducing calories to a very low level prevents the body from obtaining proper nutrients and energy, according to the "Annual Review of Physiology" article. As a result, fatigue is common because the body does not have ample energy to function. The body breaks down muscles to be used as fuel as it attempts to keep vital organs like the heart and lungs functioning. Vitamin deficiency is another result of a lack of nutrients, and can lead to anemia, diarrhea, rashes, edema and heart failure. Testosterone levels decrease during starvation mode, so sexual drive also decreases. The primary drive in a food-deprived body is to eat to regain energy and nutrition, not to reproduce. In women, irregular menstruation or a complete absence of a menstrual cycle may occur.


    Sponsored Links

    5 Foods you must not eat: Cut down a bit of stomach fat every day by never eating these 5 foods.

    Depression and Anxiety

    In a landmark study by Dr. Ancel Keys, published in the book "The Biology of Human Starvation", subjects who were place on a starvation diet experienced psychological changes. Depression was one such symptom. Dr. Keys found that those who ate the least calories were the most depressed. Anxiety is another psychological symptom of not consuming enough calories. Dr. Keys noted nervousness and impatience among the participants in the study. Some people even avoided eating because they were fearful of gaining weight.

    Food Obsession

    Food obsession is another symptom of starvation mode, as found in Dr. Keys' study. The deprived body focuses on food because it needs the energy and nutrients to survive. A person in starvation mode may spend much time talking about food, thinking about food and searching for food. In developed countries, people in starvation mode -- such as dieters or people with anorexia nevosa -- may also spend much time watching cooking shows, looking at recipes or shopping for food.

    Weight Regain

    According to study in the March 2001 issue of the "British Journal of Nutrition," a reduction in the intake of food leads to a reduced metabolic rate, or a decreased rate in burning calories. This decrease in metabolic rate increases as the person loses weight. Once a person begins to eat more, he often experiences increased appetite while his metabolic rate stays at a low level, according to a study conducted by Dr. Abdul Dulloo that was reported in the March 1997 issue of "American Journal of Clinical Nutrition." As a result, the person often regains all the lost weight and may even gain more weight than when the starvation started. The weight that is put on is mostly fat tissue, noted Dulloo.
  • DebsDav
    DebsDav Posts: 16
    great attitude!!
  • Jacqueline86Chavez
    Jacqueline86Chavez Posts: 36 Member
    excuse me? i eat 1200 calories and lose weight just fine everyone is different not everyone needs to eat 2000 calories to lose weight!

    Exactly. 2000 calories makes me gain a lot of weight
  • bigbearms
    bigbearms Posts: 11
    I think we need to do like the French. They don't count calories, fat, carbs, etc. They EAT real food. No fat free, low fat, low carbs...And guess what.....until fast food hit them, they had lowest heart problems and was third lowest in obesity. hmmmm.
  • rml_16
    rml_16 Posts: 16,414 Member
    excuse me? i eat 1200 calories and lose weight just fine everyone is different not everyone needs to eat 2000 calories to lose weight!
    I'd be big as a whale if I ate 2,000 calories every day. Oy.

    I eat when I'm hungry, I stop when I'm not. I don't need a lot of food to be satisfied. *shrug*

    And I never eat folks. I'm a vegetarian.
  • rml_16
    rml_16 Posts: 16,414 Member

    Physiological Symptoms

    Reducing calories to a very low level prevents the body from obtaining proper nutrients and energy, according to the "Annual Review of Physiology" article. As a result, fatigue is common because the body does not have ample energy to function. The body breaks down muscles to be used as fuel as it attempts to keep vital organs like the heart and lungs functioning. Vitamin deficiency is another result of a lack of nutrients, and can lead to anemia, diarrhea, rashes, edema and heart failure. Testosterone levels decrease during starvation mode, so sexual drive also decreases. The primary drive in a food-deprived body is to eat to regain energy and nutrition, not to reproduce. In women, irregular menstruation or a complete absence of a menstrual cycle may occur.

    That's starving, not starvation mode.
  • luvmydog2
    luvmydog2 Posts: 243 Member
    I haven't been around here at MFP for long - but one thing I've learned from all the reading I've done here, is that you won't lose more weight if you undereat!!

    Why go hungry?
    Why put yourself in starvation mode?
    Why set 1200 calories as your goal - and even then under-eat?
    Why don't you eat your exercise calories?
    Why don't you plan ahead?

    I see so many posts:
    I'm starving!!
    I'm eating 1200 calories and not losing - what should I do?
    I haven't lost in six weeks - help!!
    I'm eating 1200 and exercising 6 days a week for 3 hours a day and not losing??!!
    I want chocolate!!
    Help me - I'm going to binge!!
    I hate veggies!!

    Read, Ask Questions, Listen and Learn!!
    It's not rocket science.
    It's not a race.
    It's not a diet.

    I'm taking it slowly. I have an appointment with my nutritionist next week, and expect to post another loss.
    Don't know if it will be two pounds, five pounds or ten - I only weigh once a month - so I'm confident it will be a loss because I've been eating pretty much on target - over a little bit a day here or there - but not over by much and only two or three days this month.
    I'm not hungry; I'm not starving myself; I eat foods I like and enjoy.
    I don't get support from SO - but I come here and get it.
    I plan ahead.
    I work my plan. :blushing:
    Life happens - if I have a bad day, I don't agonize over it.
    I know it's not going to happen overnight.
    I'm happy!

    Go with the flow! :flowerforyou:

    Don't worry - be happy! :bigsmile:

    marygee1951....... You make it sound all so easy ... If what people post is bothering you don't read it ..its that simple !
  • FussBucket
    FussBucket Posts: 29
    Enjoying my coffee and expecting it to be a good day for ME! Good luck to you and keep it up! It sounds like you are comfortable and happy with your journey. I respond to frustrations on a case-by-case basis and I have found that people will still do only what they think is right for THEM. Stay calm and Carry on! Align only with those that share your sentiments and show love only to the people that you think you can impact individually. If you see a comment chain is on the right path that is the only time I comment because it will take MANY people saying the same thing over, and over, and over to make a difference to those that have battled weight demons for a lifetime (myself included). Have a beautiful day. :flowerforyou:
  • SabrinaLC
    SabrinaLC Posts: 133 Member
    I know a lot of people are already saying this but seriously.
    1200 calories is fine for a lot of people.
    I am 4'11" and weigh 104.4lbs (as of this morning). I eat between 1000-1200 calories a day. I am VERY sedentary, I only workout in the evening. When I eat over 1200, my weight goes up, every time, no fail.

    The people who are "starving" on 1200 calories are not eating the correct foods. I can eat a lunch of just 200 calories and be STUFFED! Different foods are going to fill you up differently.

    It's more about what you are eating rather than how much.
  • khall86790
    khall86790 Posts: 1,100 Member
    You see a lot of posts on it because everyone who is new here sets themselves a 2lb per week loss on the site, sets themselves at sedentary and then gets given a 1200 calorie goal. Then they post on here when it doesn't work or they are starving because they can't follow 1200 cals as it's too little or they are denying their body by only eating 1200 cals and therefore not losing anyway.

    Almost every time I log on here I see posts on it, people just don't know any better and the whole point of these forums it to educate people. Whilst your post is helpful, you are coming across a little like everyone should know this and not very understanding about it.

    Finally, there is a select % who DO need to 1200 cals per day to lose, it's just a minority.
  • marhod5
    marhod5 Posts: 84 Member
    Per the topic, I would like to assure the OP That I eat folks all the time.

    ... Then again, I am a T Rex.
