Is it ok for a woman..........



  • fatgirlslove
    fatgirlslove Posts: 614 Member
    I don't think it's appropriate...I'd feel some sort of way about it.
  • jean1058
    jean1058 Posts: 86 Member
    it seems odd to me. but what are they talking about anyways?? I dont even talk to my husband that long on the phone, about anything. I would just dig a bit deeper by saying "so i notice you talk to "blah blah" a lot. Whats up with that? What yall talking about?"

    I'm laughing as I read this.... Heck, I don't even talk to my husband that long IN PERSON. What ARE they talking about? Sheesh.
  • KWNurse
    KWNurse Posts: 45 Member
    Only if he is her brother or father. Of course married women can have male friends, but hours on the phone every week?
  • tennisbabe94
    tennisbabe94 Posts: 444 Member
    That's not right... You need to talk to her about this. Make your thoughts clear to her.
  • treetpflyer
    treetpflyer Posts: 184 Member
    She needs to be an open book to you and allow you to see the texts she is sending and receiving from this "friend". I am pretty certain you have the makings of an affair there and she wishes you would go do "whatever" to justify her messing around. Been there done that. Call it what it is.
  • NormalSaneFLGuy
    NormalSaneFLGuy Posts: 1,344 Member
    all I'm gonna say is, I know she's your wife, but you best start wearing condoms...
  • AwesomePossum82
    Would my Husband and I allow that in our marriage?! No. There is a very fine line that neither of us want to even come close to. If you're uncomfortable with it....let her know. She should be considerate of your feelings.
  • zCarsAndCaloriesz
    In that case I would talk to her about it, because it would make me feel uncomfortable as well. On the other hand, I would also let her know you don't mind that she has friends, and that she likes to talk to them, that it's just the amount of time she seems to spend doing it that bugs you.

    Because even if you're married, she is still a person who has the right to choose who she wishes to be friends with, male or female. It's her right to talk to who she likes.
  • redredy9
    redredy9 Posts: 706 Member
    I don't think I would be comfortable with it my relationship. I think its a definite red flag that something is wrong whether she has cheated yet or not. Maybe you could ask her what you could do to improve your relationship and ask if she would be able to rededicate some of the time to your own relationship.

    Also: who talks to ANYBODY for 3 hours a day on the phone?!?! !:noway:
  • RealWomenLovePitbulls
    RealWomenLovePitbulls Posts: 729 Member
    if she is not trying to be sneaky about the conversations, and has them in front of her husband, it is probably nothing technically wrong... i mean is this guy a long term friend, bff, or whatever or he he someone new in her life?? I personally think it is a little bit strange to talk to anyone for that long, but that's just me. I don't think I would have anything to talk about for that amount of time.
  • GaidenJade
    GaidenJade Posts: 171
    After reading this a couple of times, it has to be a joke. No adult play Dungeons and Dragons. That's just...well...odd! But, to each his/her own.


    I love D&D thank you and I'm 31 :grumble:

    But as for this. Okay, there is a lot of ways this could go. If she does this EVERY day....then I think you should plan to go away together. Make an agreement that there will be no phones ect..ect. Spend time with her alone and see how that goes. If she feels distant or if she bugs you until she is allowed to call him, or text him, then I think you need a serious heart to heart. She might not feel like she is doing something wrong. Emotional affairs are tricky and often women or men don't really look at it like cheating.

    It may be hard, but if you confront her, then at least you know you are doing everything you can. If she doesn't respond, then I'm very sorry. As I said, this is a tricky business. Hope it goes well for you.
  • annew1952
    annew1952 Posts: 77 Member
    That doesn't sound cool with me. The reason I said that is my husband had a female friend, who was supposedly just a friend
    and he had asked me if he could help her move because she is has no husband and he feels sorry for her. And a bunch more
    and dumbass me like him go thinking he was doing a nice thing and eventually he was sleeping with her. And thank god she moved down south or I would have kicked her *kitten*. She was stupid enough to call here when I used his phone to call her and I answered the phone and went nuts on her. That was 3 years ago and how I forgave him I will never know but with therapy and my niceness we are still together. So I am gonna say no to that one for the obvious reason. If she wants to talk let her talk to you, not send you
    to play games with your friends and say do whatever.
  • kayemme
    kayemme Posts: 1,782 Member
    Is it ok for a woman to talk on the phone to a guy for three hours if she is married? and talk to him for an hour here and an hour there and txt him at 1030 at night? Is it being unsupportive to be uncomfortable with that and saying how you feel about it? I am curious. WHat everyones opinion is on it. Even if she says you can go do whatever and then brings up the fact that she is supportive of me cause she lets me hang with the guys every other weekend at his house playing Dungeons and Dragons, yes I said I am a role player. Please Id like the opinions of everyone. Thanks

    depends on their relationship. what are they talking about? maybe she's just bored. why don't you ask her about it?
  • MrsB724
    MrsB724 Posts: 247
    I think she found someone that doesn't still play Dungeons and Dragons.

    ^^^That was mean.
  • sunrise611
    sunrise611 Posts: 1,911 Member
    If you're uneasy, that's enough of a problem right there.

    It's time for a good heart-to-heart open talk about what is going on.
  • kgb6days
    kgb6days Posts: 880 Member
    I'd say NO WAY unless the guy is gay. Even then doesn't' seem right
  • Alexstrasza
    Alexstrasza Posts: 619 Member
    So just because a woman is married she can't speak to any other male, ever? Seriously, what the eff. You can have a friendship with someone of the opposite sex without something sexual going on.

    As long as she isn't talking about inappropriate things and is even comfortable talking to him with you around, I don't see a problem. I've always had more guy friends than girl friends over the years. I don't give them up just because I'm with someone.
  • moseler
    moseler Posts: 224 Member
    NO... this is NOT ok. First of all, in a marriage two people make a committment to support and respect EACH OTHER. If you feel uncomfortable with her speaking to this other man, which is highly inappropriate, she should respect your feelings and stop doing it. As far as stating she "let's you" play D&D and that is being supportive of your hobbies, since when is talking with another man a hobbie. These two things are not in any way shape of form the same. I'm sure she would not appreciate it if you were talking with another woman.

    My father once told me there is no such thing as having a man as just a friend... they always want something, if they think they can get it, they will pursue it. Once they know it's off limits, they disappear. This guy has poor intentions and your wife is naive to think otherwise.
  • Alexstrasza
    Alexstrasza Posts: 619 Member
    NO... this is NOT ok. First of all, in a marriage two people make a committment to support and respect EACH OTHER. If you feel uncomfortable with her speaking to this other man, which is highly inappropriate, she should respect your feelings and stop doing it. As far as stating she "let's you" play D&D and that is being supportive of your hobbies, since when is talking with another man a hobbie. These two things are not in any way shape of form the same. I'm sure she would not appreciate it if you were talking with another woman.

    My father once told me there is no such thing as having a man as just a friend... they always want something, if they think they can get it, they will pursue it. Once they know it's off limits, they disappear. This guy has poor intentions and your wife is naive to think otherwise.

    Way to talk down on the male species.

    Women get all up in arms when a man says a derogatory thing about women (like how all women ***** on PMS and buy 10987987 pairs of shoes) but it's totally okay to say a man wants nothing to do with friendship with a woman. He must want something!


    FFS. People are so damn stupid.
  • MarthaAnn8186
    MarthaAnn8186 Posts: 84 Member
    No not o.k.