

  • Hazard
    Hazard Posts: 14
    Hi All,

    A little bird told me I would like this Board ... So I'm here! Actually, I am cheating a bit ! I'm 67 .... but, hey! I'd LIKE to be in my 50's. I do have lots in common w/ 50's.... late bloomer, you know. Here are my credentials ... I have 3 adult boy children ... all in their 30's, none married. Altho one will be getting married in August 2010 ... hence my appearance here. I still work ... albeit parttime.

    My struggles ... I just don't think I'm overweight (I weight #165 and am 5'4... really need to lose 20# for this upcoming wedding AND my general health). I procrastinate w/ exercise. I'm SURE I have a carb addiction. Whenever I start eating (or drinking wine, for that matter), I just want more ... whether I'm hungry or not. Actually .... what IS hunger? I don't think I've ever experienced it.

    Ah - enough for now... can I play w/ you guys? and ... how do I get to this thread for the main message board. Now I am accessing through my introductory message where someone kindly told me about you folks.

    Thanks....Hazard.../Mary Ann
  • mamacindy81
    mamacindy81 Posts: 649 Member
    Good morning Mary Ann;

    We are very happy you've decided to join our little group.

    When you go to "Community" in the header you will see "My Topics" as one of the choices. If you click that it will show you all the places you have posted. I find that a very easy way to get to the places you like to visit.

    Mary: loved the kitchen quote, I've printed it out and will put it where I can see it. That is one chore I've never liked (I'd much prefer to clean bathrooms). We never had a dishwasher because Daddy said "don't need one when I've got 5". That always rankled me. I'd usually be the washer & my sister would always conveniently need to go to the bathroom! But we did have good times doing the dishes, we sang a lot of duets while we were doing dishes and come to think of it we were pretty good. We were probably music it Mama & Daddy's ears!

  • Hazard
    Hazard Posts: 14
    Thanks, Cindy ....
  • msh0530
    msh0530 Posts: 1,675 Member
    Hi All,
    ... can I play w/ you guys?
    Thanks....Hazard.../Mary Ann

    Of course, you can play with us! Plenty of room for everyone, plenty of room for you! Welcome!

    Cindy - I thought that the verse helped me keep things in perspectve. Glad you enjoyed it.
  • jam0525
    jam0525 Posts: 1,681 Member
    Welcome Hazard! Just posting will help alot. It sounds like you and I have about the same weight goal as we are about the same height. The upcoming wedding is good motivation to get you started. Once you start you will start feeling better and have more energy. That should help motivate you through the hard days.

    Mary - I think you will like the Wii. There are lots of fitness workouts that work on it besides just the Wii Fit Plus. So when you get bored you can switch around. Good luck with it and getting everything unlocked. Also, like so many things in MFP, there are threads for people who use the Wii for excercise.

    Cindy - nice verse. It is very wise.

    Speaking of the Wii, it's calling me. I've been trying to do extra every day.

    Happy Monday all!

  • mamacindy81
    mamacindy81 Posts: 649 Member
    Morning Jeanie;

    I thought the verse was nice but the credit goes to Mary for posting it.

    I did print it out & put it in my kitchen. Now I need to get in there & get it cleaned up!


    Then back to the elliptical or treadmill for me and I need to do some extra today too!
  • AHealthierSuzyQ
    Christmas is over except for putting all the decorations away. I had a wonderful time with family; my son on the other hand was stuck in Nebraska on the way to spend his first holiday with his new in-laws in Wisconsin. They FIANLLY got there about midnight last night!

    I got that bicycle I asked for so as soon as all this snow melts, I'm planning on donning earmuffs and trying it out. It will be so nice to be able to mix it up on my exercise routine now. I haven't done any dedicated exercise since Thanksgiving so it time to get back into a good routine. Our church is sponsoring woman's exercise class two nights a week beginning in January so I hope to add that to what I've already been doing. The best part of Christmas was trying on the size medium top my daughter bought me and finding that it fit!

    I gained a pound over Christmas so I have than plus a whole dress size I want to lose before my birthday in early February so today I'm beginning another 10 day detox. Basically nothing but non-starchy fruit, veggies and nuts: No meat, dairy or grains. ( I posted about it before, so if you want more details, click on my name and scroll through old posts until you find it.) All the Christmas treats have been given away or trashed.

    I have a pot of vegetable soup in the crock pot and am now ready to dig out my BL Bootcamp DVD and work up a sweat. Happy Monday ladies!
  • vickim26
    vickim26 Posts: 685 Member
    Good Morning ladies,
    For the first time in a long time I am alone at home and have some free time. I vow to log each day and post to you guys. I have done well already today. Had my normal breakfast and my morning snack. Trying to decide what I want for lunch. Susie's vegetable soup sounds great. may go get the stuff to make one for myself. Barb Old Spaghetti Factory is awesome. I crave that place. We dont have one (thank goodness) we ate at one in nashville and it was so good. I was being a really good girl then and made some really good choices. Still good though. We dont do anything special for New Years so should be back on track now. Just got to get back to the gym. Going to log my food now. Talk to you later.
    Vicki M
  • pmjsmom
    pmjsmom Posts: 1,926 Member
    Good morning everyone and welcome Mary Ann! :flowerforyou:

    I started Jillian Michaels 30 Day Shred this morning and, boy, can I feel it! :laugh: Feels good, though.

    I'm over my pre-holiday weight by a half pound :grumble: so I am back on track! I sent all the unhealthy (yummy, sweet) treats to work with my son this morning so there's nothing but good food (even yummier!) in house now! :happy:

    Hope everyone has a good day! :flowerforyou:

    Kathy (pmjsmom)
  • vickim26
    vickim26 Posts: 685 Member
    Has anyone tried YOUR SHAPE by Jenny McCarthy. I just saw it advertised and it looks really interesting. Just wondering if anyone tired it and it they liked it or not.
    vicki M
  • Swissmiss
    Swissmiss Posts: 8,754 Member
    :flowerforyou: SuzyQ, I have a bike on lay-away. My husband has one also. Can't wait to get them paid off and for the weather to cooperate also.

    A friend and I always have a lunch together during the holidays. She chose a Chinese buffet.:sad: No way to eat healthy there.:noway: I will just have to be more careful for the rest of the week.
  • MacMadame
    MacMadame Posts: 1,893 Member
    MacMadame- What is AquaFit? It sounds like fun.
    That's a good question. We have two water aerobics classes at my gym, AquaFit and SplashChallenge. I'll be darned if I can figure out what the difference is. I think AquaFit isn't supposed to be as hard core, but really, we all work only as hard as we want to in both classes and the movements are mostly the same too. :laugh:

    More PT today. I'm really hoping I'll be able to at least start Crossfit again next month, if not start running again.

    I got a book, The Rules of Normal Eating, for Christmas and I love it! I think it's got some great advice about how to think about food.
  • Hazard
    Hazard Posts: 14
    Hi All,

    Well - thank you for being soooo welcoming. I am also impressed w/ the "movement" (as in body not b***l) factor you all have going. You are all doing something active - wise it seems. Could you tell me either how you GOT started or how you KEEP going. I have a fitness membership ... but my neurons are not responding .... meaning I cannot get a habit going.
  • mamacindy81
    mamacindy81 Posts: 649 Member
    Hazard; Getting exercise is just different for everyone. The main thing is to get moving. I heard a long time ago on one of the talk shows that if you will walk just one mile everyday you would lose 10 lbs in a year and you don't have to do anything else. Well that was one I could internalize. Walking a mile takes about 15 minutes and would be a great place for you to start. A lot of the time people go at it "gang busters" and just do too much which causes discouragement and leads to doing nothing.

    Me I'm an exercise at home gal, either walking on the treadmill or around the neighborhood with the dogs. Hubby got us an elliptical so now we are using that as well. Some of the people here go out to the gym everyday so its what ever appeals to you. I'm a full-time caregiver to my MIL who has advanced Alzheimer's disease so my time away is limited and I'm not going to spend my time away from her at the gym. I do bowl with a great group of ladies once a week and just about anybody can do that.

    I've stayed within my calories today and drank extra extra water. I'm trying to flush all that salt I ate yesterday out of my system.
    I threw out some goodies and froze some brownies that I will eat in moderation and if I find that I can't then they will go into the trash too.

    Have a good evening all.

  • AHealthierSuzyQ
    I am also impressed w/ the "movement" (as in body not b***l) factor you all have going. You are all doing something active - wise it seems. Could you tell me either how you GOT started or how you KEEP going. I have a fitness membership ... but my neurons are not responding .... meaning I cannot get a habit going.

    :flowerforyou: The best exercise is the one you will DO! It really boils down to more of a mindset than anything. You have to decide you WANT to be healthier and have more energy MORE than you want whatever is keeping you on the couch. The keys is to find some way to stay active that YOU enjoy. But start somewhere! Some of us go to dance classes, others swim, walk the dog, hike, or go to a gym.

    Personally I use workout DVDs, and/or a treadmill on yucky weather days and do yard work or walk outdoors as often as possible. I'm looking forward to trying out my new bicycle as soon as the weather cooperates. Bikes and ice just don't mix! I have so much more energy when I exercise! I started by pausing the DVD whenever I felt winded and using soup cans for weights. I love Leslie Sansone 4 Fst Miles and the Biggest Loser Bootcamp!

    If you're having trouble getting motivated, maybe you need to find a buddy to walk or work out with. I don't have that luxury so I have had to find something I can do alone from home. I do strength training on Mondays and Thursdays and cardio the other days. (I rarely exercise at all on Sundays. )
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,984 Member
    :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: Welcome, Mary Ann, someone said, "If you're moving, you're losing"....I try to stay moving whether it's doing household chores or actual exercise. We have a stationery bike and exercise DVDs. I love to walk outside but the cold weather has kept me indoors so I do "Walk at Home" with Leslie Sansone. I take my dogs to the off leash park and take a brisk walk while they play.

    :flowerforyou: How did I get started? I read an article about someone who lost a lot a weight by walking four miles every day, so when I got home from work that night, I went for a walk. The longest journey starts with a single step.

    :flowerforyou: I am back on track after the "sodium extravaganza"....yesterday was my "cleanse day" and today I ate my normal stuff and drank a lot of water.

    :flowerforyou: Mary, I copied the poem you posted and sent it to a bunch of friends and called it a poem about gratitude. Thank you for sharing it with us.
    I'm so glad to be hearing from so many of you.......you keep me on track.
    :heart: :drinker: :bigsmile: hugs:bigsmile: :heart: :drinker: Barbie
  • msh0530
    msh0530 Posts: 1,675 Member
    Glad you enjoyed the poem. I used it for about 25 years as a way to put the whining we all do about kitchen cleaning in perspective for my girls and myself. I didn't repost the yellowed, curling, torn paper when we moved, but find that we have all internalized it and don't need to have it posted.

    Well, I went to 3 stores today, and everywhere in town was sold out of the Wii, so I came up with a new plan. I used my gift certificates to buy the groceries for my upcoming weekend with family at Wal-Mart, and in exchange (a rob Peter to pay Paul sort of deal with myself) came home and ordered the Wii from Amazon. It should arrive Wednesday if all goes as planned.

    I'd better get busy - not too much done today, and need to be in overdrive. Spent too much time playing with my grandsons. I take that back, there is no such thing as too much time with them! I will gladly stay up working later!
  • firetuck
    firetuck Posts: 87 Member
    I bought the Jillian Michaels Banish Fat - Boost Metabolism DVD to do at home on days I don't want to go the Y. What a great workout! I'm definitely going to be feeling it in the morning - but how awesome is that! I put a wedge of orange in my water bottle today and it was just enough to make it yummy and I drank waaay more water than usual. Maybe that tip can help someone else.
  • committed
    committed Posts: 54 Member
    Hello everyone! Haven't posted anything in a while. Fell off the wagon big time and gained 10 lbs.:embarassed: I plan on 2010 being a successful year to lose the additional weight plus stop smoking. I have to find a better way to relieve stress than eat M&M's and smoke. I'm going to try to replace eating and smoking urges with water. I have let myself get away from drinking lots of water and I know that it works otherwise I would not have lost my initial weight.

    I am enjoying a break from work 2 full weeks although with the Blackberry it is hard to escape in total. This has been a very stressful year, hopefully the coming year will be better we can only hope and pray. I am extremely thankful I have a good job, but it has taken a toll on me this year. Had shingles and some blood pressure issues - all stress related. Have to learn to manage the stress better.

    This site is great - I just have to get in the habit again of checking in everyday and posting the food and water intake. I don't have a lot of time to exercise, but I am going to try to use my Gazelle daily at least 30 minutes a day.

    Good luck to all in meeting your goals:heart:

  • msh0530
    msh0530 Posts: 1,675 Member
    Well, I did it! I did my first day back on track after a weekend of throwing the rules out the window. It actually felt good, although a little hard at times. I have another big family weekend coming up for New Year's, but this time will log my food. It was kind of nice to give myself permission to go 3 days without excessive worrying about food and not even feeling guilty about it. If I hadn't jumped right back in today, the guilt would have started big time, though.
    Here's to smart choices!