Vanity avatars



  • Mama_Mila
    Mama_Mila Posts: 511 Member
    This is pretty ridiculous if you ask me...I thought that was what this site was about? I post pictures that make ME proud...I didn't realize that because some poeple don't think they will ever look as thin as some of us, that we are supposed to hold back from doing things that make us happy and proud. So I need to conisder how everyone else will feel about MY pictures before I post huh?
  • IpuffyheartHeelsinthegym
    IpuffyheartHeelsinthegym Posts: 5,573 Member
    Seriously, you're on here to get fit. How do you NOT find that as motivation?

    I don't find it motivating to see those pics because I'm not going to look like that. My stomach isn't going to be flat or show my muscles no matter how much I lose or work out; FACT. You want to have your sleek midriff as your avatar, that's great, but it makes me feel like a bigger cow and I get petty and jealous.

    so, sincerely just curious here, we should all remove our progress pictures so others don't get jealous, because that's not the look they are going for?

    Post all you want. I don't go profile creeping. I'm just saying how I feel. I don't send messages and rant about how you have what I want and can't have. The person I quoted asked how people wouldn't find these pics motivating and I answered. Sorry I'm one of the few who doesn't find it motivating.

    it was just a question. You responded that it makes you feel like a bigger cow and you get jealous, but prior to that you said that's not what you are personally seeking...
  • healthychanges1
    My picture is to show me the areas i still need to work on. Sort of like backwards motivation. Plus, I didn't want to post my face.

    Your body is perfect in that pic/pose. What else needs to be done? Not hating at all.

    Well thank you but I'm not happy yet!

    I like this attitude! people who haven't seen me for a while always say "dang you're BIG!" to which I reply "not big enough!"

  • zyxst
    zyxst Posts: 9,136 Member
    Seriously, you're on here to get fit. How do you NOT find that as motivation?

    I don't find it motivating to see those pics because I'm not going to look like that. My stomach isn't going to be flat or show my muscles no matter how much I lose or work out; FACT. You want to have your sleek midriff as your avatar, that's great, but it makes me feel like a bigger cow and I get petty and jealous.

    How am I a hater? Because I admitted that I'm jealous of people with better, fitter bodies than me? Because seeing someone in great shape doesn't motivate me?
  • CoderGal
    CoderGal Posts: 6,800 Member
    I noticed a lot of skin pics (midriffs only poses) of the "skinnier" MFP members. Is this a "look at me, I'm so sexy aren't I?" thing or a "AND YOU TOO CAN HAVE A RAIL THIN STOMACH LIKE ME IF YOU KEEP AT IT?" message to the not so skinny MFP members? Just curious.

    Wow, and I thought you were B!^@% on my thread for being saucy that I didn't post up any of my 'ugly skinny' pics...
  • Jules2Be
    Jules2Be Posts: 2,267 Member
    I posted mine because i have worked SO HARD to get here...i am looking forward to seeing what else i can accomplish. I didnt think I couldnt even get here so I am going to be like HULK and SMASHHHHHHHHH thru my goals.
  • ShreddedTweet
    ShreddedTweet Posts: 1,326 Member
    Seriously, you're on here to get fit. How do you NOT find that as motivation?

    I don't find it motivating to see those pics because I'm not going to look like that. My stomach isn't going to be flat or show my muscles no matter how much I lose or work out; FACT. You want to have your sleek midriff as your avatar, that's great, but it makes me feel like a bigger cow and I get petty and jealous.

    so, sincerely just curious here, we should all remove our progress pictures so others don't get jealous, because that's not the look they are going for?

    Post all you want. I don't go profile creeping. I'm just saying how I feel. I don't send messages and rant about how you have what I want and can't have. The person I quoted asked how people wouldn't find these pics motivating and I answered. Sorry I'm one of the few who doesn't find it motivating.

    Why wouldn't you get like that no matter how much you worked out or how much weight you lose? That's a really *kitten* attitude. You're stopping yourself because you've failed before you've even tried.
  • Capt_Apollo
    Capt_Apollo Posts: 9,026 Member
    i'm an elephant!!
  • Meraid
    Meraid Posts: 148 Member
    I don't really notice but I look at them and think, "Wow, they've put so much effort in and that's where they've gotten. That's admirable. I hope I get there if I work that hard :)"
  • zyxst
    zyxst Posts: 9,136 Member
    Seriously, you're on here to get fit. How do you NOT find that as motivation?

    I don't find it motivating to see those pics because I'm not going to look like that. My stomach isn't going to be flat or show my muscles no matter how much I lose or work out; FACT. You want to have your sleek midriff as your avatar, that's great, but it makes me feel like a bigger cow and I get petty and jealous.

    so, sincerely just curious here, we should all remove our progress pictures so others don't get jealous, because that's not the look they are going for?

    Post all you want. I don't go profile creeping. I'm just saying how I feel. I don't send messages and rant about how you have what I want and can't have. The person I quoted asked how people wouldn't find these pics motivating and I answered. Sorry I'm one of the few who doesn't find it motivating.

    it was just a question. You responded that it makes you feel like a bigger cow and you get jealous, but prior to that you said that's not what you are personally seeking...
    Oh, I'm seeking a flat stomach, but it's not going to happen without a crap ton of surgery that I can't afford. :P
  • IpuffyheartHeelsinthegym
    IpuffyheartHeelsinthegym Posts: 5,573 Member
    Seriously, you're on here to get fit. How do you NOT find that as motivation?

    I don't find it motivating to see those pics because I'm not going to look like that. My stomach isn't going to be flat or show my muscles no matter how much I lose or work out; FACT. You want to have your sleek midriff as your avatar, that's great, but it makes me feel like a bigger cow and I get petty and jealous.

    so, sincerely just curious here, we should all remove our progress pictures so others don't get jealous, because that's not the look they are going for?

    Post all you want. I don't go profile creeping. I'm just saying how I feel. I don't send messages and rant about how you have what I want and can't have. The person I quoted asked how people wouldn't find these pics motivating and I answered. Sorry I'm one of the few who doesn't find it motivating.

    it was just a question. You responded that it makes you feel like a bigger cow and you get jealous, but prior to that you said that's not what you are personally seeking...
    Oh, I'm seeking a flat stomach, but it's not going to happen without a crap ton of surgery that I can't afford. :P

    change that attitude - it WILL change your life. :heart: :happy:
  • KaiHuk
    KaiHuk Posts: 49
  • UsedToBeHusky
    UsedToBeHusky Posts: 15,229 Member
    Seriously, you're on here to get fit. How do you NOT find that as motivation?

    I don't find it motivating to see those pics because I'm not going to look like that. My stomach isn't going to be flat or show my muscles no matter how much I lose or work out; FACT. You want to have your sleek midriff as your avatar, that's great, but it makes me feel like a bigger cow and I get petty and jealous.

    so, sincerely just curious here, we should all remove our progress pictures so others don't get jealous, because that's not the look they are going for?

    Post all you want. I don't go profile creeping. I'm just saying how I feel. I don't send messages and rant about how you have what I want and can't have. The person I quoted asked how people wouldn't find these pics motivating and I answered. Sorry I'm one of the few who doesn't find it motivating.

    Why can't you look like that? You're only limited by what you believe you can or cannot achieve.
  • zyxst
    zyxst Posts: 9,136 Member
    Seriously, you're on here to get fit. How do you NOT find that as motivation?

    I don't find it motivating to see those pics because I'm not going to look like that. My stomach isn't going to be flat or show my muscles no matter how much I lose or work out; FACT. You want to have your sleek midriff as your avatar, that's great, but it makes me feel like a bigger cow and I get petty and jealous.

    so, sincerely just curious here, we should all remove our progress pictures so others don't get jealous, because that's not the look they are going for?

    Post all you want. I don't go profile creeping. I'm just saying how I feel. I don't send messages and rant about how you have what I want and can't have. The person I quoted asked how people wouldn't find these pics motivating and I answered. Sorry I'm one of the few who doesn't find it motivating.

    Why wouldn't you get like that no matter how much you worked out or how much weight you lose? That's a really *kitten* attitude. You're stopping yourself because you've failed before you've even tried.
    Genetics are a b!tch.
  • mslack01
    mslack01 Posts: 823 Member
    I find it sad that people get upset by them. I personally am very happy to see anyone post a progress pic no matter how much they lose and I am usually one of the first to congratulate them.
  • CarolinaGirlinVA
    CarolinaGirlinVA Posts: 1,512 Member
    I like the beach.
    I can finally...finally rock a bikini.
    If I can feel confident enough to wear this in public, why shouldn't I be confident enough to share on a fitness site?

    I accept I am not airbrushed perfect...I have stretch marks and my waist isn't very defined, but I am proud of all the hard work I put into becoming a better me. The only person I compare myself to is the person I was yesterday...or a year ago...or 5 years ago.
  • darnnells
    darnnells Posts: 37
    I noticed a lot of skin pics (midriffs only poses) of the "skinnier" MFP members. Is this a "look at me, I'm so sexy aren't I?" thing or a "AND YOU TOO CAN HAVE A RAIL THIN STOMACH LIKE ME IF YOU KEEP AT IT?" message to the not so skinny MFP members? Just curious.

    Wow, and I thought you were B!^@% on my thread for being saucy that I didn't post up any of my 'ugly skinny' pics...

    You're obviously the B!^@%
    "About Me

    Do not add me if you eat below your BMR or 1200 calories. I know you can get comfortable and think you're satisfied there, I tried it (without knowing the background first). I want to support similar people I can relate to who eat a healthy amount who will support me eating a healthy amount with the influx of friend requests...It would also be nice if there was a message saying why you're adding me in friend requests. Good-luck to all :D" YOU HAVE REQUIREMENTS AS TO WHO CAN FRIEND YOU ARROGANT BEHIND!
  • casi_ann
    casi_ann Posts: 423 Member
    I like bunnies.

    agree :flowerforyou:
  • ChrisRS87
    ChrisRS87 Posts: 781 Member
    I noticed a lot of skin pics (midriffs only poses) of the "skinnier" MFP members. Is this a "look at me, I'm so sexy aren't I?" thing or a "AND YOU TOO CAN HAVE A RAIL THIN STOMACH LIKE ME IF YOU KEEP AT IT?" message to the not so skinny MFP members? Just curious.

    Wow, and I thought you were B!^@% on my thread for being saucy that I didn't post up any of my 'ugly skinny' pics...

    You're obviously the B!^@%
    "About Me

    Do not add me if you eat below your BMR or 1200 calories. I know you can get comfortable and think you're satisfied there, I tried it (without knowing the background first). I want to support similar people I can relate to who eat a healthy amount who will support me eating a healthy amount with the influx of friend requests...It would also be nice if there was a message saying why you're adding me in friend requests. Good-luck to all :D" YOU HAVE REQUIREMENTS AS TO WHO CAN FRIEND YOU ARROGANT BEHIND!

    I have requirements too, I'm friendly and awesome and all that but I don't want someone who has nothing in common with me to push those that do off my news feed. I remove friends all the time too.
  • DMZH78
    DMZH78 Posts: 42