Coffee is not breakfast.



  • ErinBeth7
    ErinBeth7 Posts: 1,625 Member
    Always eat as soon as I get up.

    I feel horrid If I don't.

    I'm the same way. I have to eat in the morning or I'm cranky and miserable until lunch. For me, I feel breakfast is important. I do enjoy a couple cups of coffee in the morning, but I must have food to eat. I agree that I don't think coffee is a sufficient breakfast, but there are many people who do it.
  • paleirishmother
    Eh..who cares, mind your own buisness I guess. People aren't always the same way as you are.
  • pinthin87
    pinthin87 Posts: 296 Member
    Depends on the person. If she is pigging out later in the day because all she had was coffee then I say she needs to eat breakfast because she is clearly hungry and ignoring those signals. I personally do not skip breakfast I can't lose weight that way. to each's own.
  • IronPlayground
    IronPlayground Posts: 1,594 Member
    I got into a rather heated conversation (if you will) with a coworker who continues to complain about not being able to lose weight. I asked her to tell me what she eats during the day and the first thing I noticed was that she didn't eat breakfast. But debated with me about the fact that coffee is a perfectly acceptable breakfast and that would be enough to "jump start" her metabolism.

    So, wondering what MFP's thoughts are on breakfast? Yay? Nay?

    Not enough information. Just by having coffee in the morning isn't any reason to think that would be the culprit. Knowing the rest of the day's intake is what is needed.

    However, in general, if you coworker is eating at deficit for the rest of the day, then it's perfectly fine for her to just have coffee in the morning before her first meal.
  • kaotik26
    kaotik26 Posts: 590 Member
    I eat when I'm hungry, end of story. Telling somebody to eat when they don't want to is a stupid waste of time. I don't eat breakfast, because I am not hungry when I wake up. Coffee and a glass of water is ok for me, some people are hungry and they eat. I think the biggest problem with weight gain these days is people eat when their body doesn't need it, just because somebody told them they need to eat at THIS TIME EVERYDAY no question. It's been my biggest fight to learn when I am truly hungry and also when I am full.

    Also this "jump start my metabolism with food" is a load of crap. As well as "starvation mode"
  • baileypaulas
    cofee is not breakfast if you dont eat your body go into starveing mode and you hold on to the fat
  • Tonnina
    Tonnina Posts: 979 Member
    I have milk and sugar in my coffee so it's not like I'm not getting any calories... but yeah, coffee should be accompanied by a slice of toast with jam at the very least.
    Breakfast is my favorite meal... I can eat it for lunch and dinner too! Even dessert! That's what I love most about breakfast, it's versatile! You can have eggs in the morning, cereal for lunch, french toast and bacon for dinner... It's so good!!!
  • NYAnnie33
    NYAnnie33 Posts: 61 Member
    I think everyone has their idea of what's best for everyone else. I do also lol

    I don't think coffee is enough for breakfast, I think you can start your day with it if it helps you to wake up but I also think your body is craving more fuel.

    Not eating can make you eat more for lunch, make you moody, your also depriving your body of nutrition that it's craving.

    I personally don't give myself enough time in the morning before I leave to eat, so I wind up eating at my desk at work which is fine although I wish I ate a little earlier.
  • spacecase76
    spacecase76 Posts: 673 Member
    sometimes I have coffee for breakfast.

    MOST times I have coffee, high-fiber oatmeal and sausage... but, sometimes I am just not hungry in the morning (today is a perfect example. TOM's presence makes me nauseated and not want to eat).

    I tend to have a "not my business" attitude (mostly) about what other people choose to eat or not eat unless they ask (unless it is my kids / BF, lol - they get my opinion unsolicited...)
  • rml_16
    rml_16 Posts: 16,414 Member
    cofee is not breakfast if you dont eat your body go into starveing mode and you hold on to the fat

  • AlyRoseNYC
    AlyRoseNYC Posts: 1,075 Member
    cofee is not breakfast if you dont eat your body go into starveing mode and you hold on to the fat


    Judging by her join date and post count, she is probably brand new and has had the "starvation mode" message from MFP by going under her calories. Cut the newbies some slack. They are still learning =)
  • shock2920
    shock2920 Posts: 4 Member
    I'd beg to differ with the folks who say timing doesn't matter, because timing does indeed affect your metabolic rate. The calorie targets MFP (or any calorie counting system) sets are based on averages and "normal" metabolisms. When your body goes into starvation mode from not eating in the morning, you no longer have a "normal" metabolism. Instead of burning say 80 calories per hour while sitting at your desk, you may instead be burning 60 as your body tries to conserve energy. Most of those calories you ate the night before have already been used or stored in fat or muscle cells.

    Your body will start using muscle tissue for energy, which over the long term will bring your metabolic rate down even more. If you then eat all of your calories at the end of the day, your body does adjust slightly, but not enough to compensate for the entire day's reduced metabolic rate. So you may indeed struggle more to lose weight, even eating the same number of calories because you are NOT burning the same calories as someone who eats regularly.

    Aside from weight issues, going through periods of starvation will also lead to spikes in blood sugar, making you more susceptible to diabetes. So ultimately, whether you're hungry or not, it's probably a good idea to eat something for breakfast.
  • Dovekat
    Dovekat Posts: 263 Member
    I don't eat until at least an hour after I have gotten up or I feel sick, it's always been that way. Sometimes it's more like two hours *shrugs* everyone is different my SO is a Bear if he dosen't get his. I normally stick to a slowly sipped cup of tea or coffee and a bottle of water first thing. When I stop feeling as though I just got of a fair ride then I eat :laugh:
  • 21Pontoon
    My Nanny swears by a milky coffee for breakfast, both my mum and myself got that before school and it was enough. If your body isn't up for food that early then I don't think that's a problem. Forcing yourself to eat breakfast can be more dangerous because you're ignoring your bodies wants and needs.
    I normally have a piece of fruit and some tea for breakfast, but some days it's only coffee, and some days it's a full blown Egg and bacon deal :) Each to their own. If however she's binging in the late afternoon and evening then that's her problem and she should learn to pace herself throughout the day rather than a big lump at the end.
    Just listening to your body is the best way to loose weight, I think x
  • Sidesteal
    Sidesteal Posts: 5,510 Member
    I'd beg to differ with the folks who say timing doesn't matter, because timing does indeed affect your metabolic rate.
  • servilia
    servilia Posts: 3,452 Member
    For the millionth time, you don't need to eat breakfast to "jump start" your metabolism. That's complete BS!!
  • alexis831
    alexis831 Posts: 469 Member
    I'd beg to differ with the folks who say timing doesn't matter, because timing does indeed affect your metabolic rate.

    Hah! I know... People crap their pants when they look at my diary and can’t understand how that works exactly. I alot of times don’t eat breakfast or just have coffee. Then pig out on candy most of the day. Today which is unusual, I had a quiktrip coffee, donut, and breakfast sandwhich this morning. My body said eat so I listened. I probably won't eat tho until much much later considering I am already at almost 900 calories at 6:30 am in the morning and when I eat big I am just not hungry until way later. Most days I don't eat until lunch or right before. Its totally about you and how you like to eat and has nothing to do with timing. It takes what 60 hours to go into starvation mode. I assure you with skipping breakfast I am within my 60 hours. And that whole you have more energy if you eat 6 small meals…. A lot of times I have energy just fine in the morning without breakfast.
  • vim_n_vigor
    vim_n_vigor Posts: 4,089 Member
    I'd beg to differ with the folks who say timing doesn't matter, because timing does indeed affect your metabolic rate. The calorie targets MFP (or any calorie counting system) sets are based on averages and "normal" metabolisms. When your body goes into starvation mode from not eating in the morning, you no longer have a "normal" metabolism. Instead of burning say 80 calories per hour while sitting at your desk, you may instead be burning 60 as your body tries to conserve energy. Most of those calories you ate the night before have already been used or stored in fat or muscle cells.

    Your body will start using muscle tissue for energy, which over the long term will bring your metabolic rate down even more. If you then eat all of your calories at the end of the day, your body does adjust slightly, but not enough to compensate for the entire day's reduced metabolic rate. So you may indeed struggle more to lose weight, even eating the same number of calories because you are NOT burning the same calories as someone who eats regularly.

    Aside from weight issues, going through periods of starvation will also lead to spikes in blood sugar, making you more susceptible to diabetes. So ultimately, whether you're hungry or not, it's probably a good idea to eat something for breakfast.

    If there is a change in metabolism, it is negligible. You can go much longer than 12 hours before having a change in metabolism.
  • insanity525
    haha, don't you just hate it when you start a thread about arguing with a coworker... and YOU are the one who's wrong! :laugh:

    Don't you just hate it when you reply to a thread telling the person who started the thread that they are wrong when in fact it's you that is really wrong?! :bigsmile:
  • vim_n_vigor
    vim_n_vigor Posts: 4,089 Member
    haha, don't you just hate it when you start a thread about arguing with a coworker... and YOU are the one who's wrong! :laugh:

    Don't you just hate it when you reply to a thread telling the person who started the thread that they are wrong when in fact it's you that is really wrong?! :bigsmile:

    But the OP is wrong. You don't go into starvation mode over night. You don't have to eat 30 minutes after you wake up. This is an issue of preference. OP can eat her breakfast and her friend can drink coffee, and they can both lose weight. It is the day, the week in total that will determine their loss, not how they choose to eat one meal.