Over 200 Club Fit For The Holidays (Open Group)



  • Rororosie
    Rororosie Posts: 113 Member
    Check in so far:

    Calories: under yesterday. Didn't feel too hot.
    Exercise: was mostly a little stretching, a very few belly dance drills and vocal warmups
    Water: I was a wee bit under again...
    Proud: proud to be under calories. Proud that today I have my entire recording "studio" set up with me to take to vocal lesson, my vocal lesson book and bag, my clothes for Banquet (in case i don't get time to go home and change) and my work stuff. Proud that i am going to work a part day and make up the time this weekend. proud that I am handling the situation with my friend well and that I am trusing my Higher Power to help me transition between lesson and Banquet well (that's the most dicey part of my day) and bring in the new year with lots of fun with friends and a cute guy.

    Oh I have a really gorgeous dress. It has a little black dress under it and it has a filmly see through dress on top but it has lines of satiny animal print ribbon through it so it makes it a little more hiding of the bad stuff, a little more modest and yet teasing at the same time. I got it for cheap at Ross. I want to wear my knee high boots with it, but I had left them in the front room when I went for Christmas and the cats had decided they would make a good bed so they have cat hair. I also have alternately some bronze nearly flat pumps that are cute and comfy to wear if I decide I can't clean the boots well enough to wear. I have an overshirt that is also see through black to go with it so it will also hide my many sins and my hair looks good today so with a little make up and a cute dress and cute shoes I shall feel cute. And that is about half the battle....:glasses:

    Todays food plan -
    Had a Reeds Ginger Ale for breakfast to help with tummy. Tummy feeling better.
    Having zicam all day augmented with green/yerba mate tea, water, zinc, C and unfortunately I am out of D3 (it's not regular D, it's D3)
    For lunch Tofu Scramble I couldn't eat yesterday because I felt sick with Chalula hot sauce to help my sinuses
    For snackie as needed - cashews and still have some trail mix
    For dinner is banquet no desert -- if I miss banquet food by being too late I will have a protein bar or two with me to make it through the night
    Possibly will stay up super late and if I do I am allowed to eat breakfast in the middle of the a.m. (2ish) with friends if we do that thing, if not will just go home and crash after the dance.
    Exercise will be, of course, shaking my groove thing like a maniac with 1000 of my closest friends.

  • HonestOmnivore
    HonestOmnivore Posts: 1,356 Member
    My husband (who's been really really really :sick: :sick: :sick: sick - ear infections, the whole nine yards) just emailed me to see if I would pick up champagne for tonight, and the ingredients for Eggs Maryland (crab cakes on a toasted English muffin, topped with a poached egg and holendays (sp?) sauce) for tomorrows breakfast. Uhm.... yeah.

    I'll mix the crab meat with egg whites to cut back a little bit - and make up a sauce with low fat mayo and lemon juice, and maybe I'll find some high fiber English muffins?:ohwell:

    I'll go climb some stairs and tomorrow it sounds like I'll be figuring out how to use that elliptical machine! I got mine from a friend who upgraded her old one - I think I paid about $150 for it and I've never used it.:tongue:
  • Momma2four
    Momma2four Posts: 1,534
    I was just catching up on everyone.

    mstahl, YOU BETTER STAY!!!!! We want you here.

    jlb123, glad you found your jaw:laugh: and it wasn't something more serious!!!!! Great Job on your weight loss so far.

    Rororosie, dress sounds nice, I bet you are pretty cute!!!

    Positively_Me, it was nice to see you today. Enjoy those kids of yours

    Okay tomorrow is weigh in day. I am weighing in today because not too sure I will be getting to the computer until after I eat breakfast and all that good stuff. I have decided not to participate in the biggest loser competition because I gained a lot of weight last week. I knew that it would be water weight because all though I ate a lot I did not eat this much. So I will post my weight loss here today.

    I have lost 11 pounds this week. Yes eleven!!! I told you it was water weight.

    So for those of you who do not know we are posting our weight loss then the percentage of weight loss next to our names. The next person copies and pastes the list to their post adds there name and percentage and so on.

    Whoever is next copies and pastes my numbers and adds their name to the list. Here is you calculator

    Momma 0% weight loss (really it is 4.3% of water)
  • bluenote
    bluenote Posts: 2,930
    Momma, I think you should post your percentage for the Biggest Loser! You've been working hard and water weight or not, it's off! Congrats! :flowerforyou:

    Rosie, make sure you take a pic in that cute dress so we can see! :happy:

    mstahl, can I come to your house for breakfast tomorrow? :laugh: Sounds YUMMY!

    As you know, yesterday wasn't my best. I was going to weigh in today to escape the reality of a weigh-in on New Years Day, so I stepped on the scale. :noway: Gained back all five I lost last week. :cry: So...the question is: do I weigh in tomorrow hoping for a miracle? And who loses five pounds in one day? :frown: I sucked at my own challenge.
  • Stephanie08
    Stephanie08 Posts: 1,023 Member
    Hi Ladies - I wanted to post a question for fun. As we enter into the year of 2010 (can you belive it's been 10 years already since 1999), what were you doing 10 years ago tonight to ring in the new millennium? I spent it with my parents at a party thrown by my aunt and uncle. I had just quit smoking about 3 months prior and as I drank Sam Adams Winterfest beers, I was jonesing for a cigarette. Luckily my mom was driving home (she doesn't drink) and my parents basically poured me into my bed :smile: I guess it's better than waking up not knowing where or who I was with :embarassed: BTW - I've been smoke free for 10+ years
  • kspear0120
    WOW ten years ago I was just 14. Mom always made some punch and we would stay up all night. This year I have a new baby, no major plans just enjoying the many blessings in my life such as my wonderful Husband for 2 1/2 yrs and by baby who was 3 mths on Christmas day.

    I am new to this group. I just joined the site and I have a ways to go. I had just started a diet plan when I found out I was pregnant. I hit my peak weight when I was pregnant at 331. I have now lost all of my baby weight plus some and am down to 287. For my frame though my goal weight is 150. I have been doing mild working out for about 4 days. And got the 30 day shred video and did the level 1 workout today. I have to take things slow though I had a C section in September and my abdomen muscles get sore quickly. I hope this thred we can keep each other encouraged for those of us that will be here a while! I am very motivated and not just because it is New Years. But motivated to get into shape and stay there for myself and my family!
    MOMOFTWO29 Posts: 8,276 Member
    Calories-totally messed up again and hate to admit it, but I did.
    water-32 oz right now
    Exercise- shopping for over an hour, but no more but that yet
    proud- that I logged in here even though I have to admit that I messed up.
  • lildebbie
    lildebbie Posts: 2,068 Member
    Hmmmm...10 years ago , i was 24 i remember that.

    I actually think me and my hubby ( fiance at the time) watched my bf almost 1 yr old so she could work on new years eve. Pretty exciting for a 24 yr old huh.

    10 yrs agao, I was probably 70 lbs lighter 2 kids ago , and single (engaged), hard to think that I was not married seems forever that i was married.
  • ColoradoGirl
    ColoradoGirl Posts: 423 Member
    Congrats on being smoke free Stephanie.. that is a HUGE accomplishment.. You should be proud of yourself!
    10 years ago.. mmm I think I have slept since then. Actually... I was a worry wart (and I still am). I was a single mom of two young children. My oldest was 6 and was diagnosed with type 1 diabetes in 2008 so, I was a worried mama not knowing what the new millennium would bring. I know I went to bed before midnight (as we usually do). Nothing too spectacular.

    Now I am happily married to the man of my dreams with two teenagers at home, one step teenager that visits and a step son and daughter in law who we see when their schedule allows and we have 4 little woofties, 3 min pins and 1 puggle.
  • Momma2four
    Momma2four Posts: 1,534
    Welcome kspear, you'll love it here

    Okay, 10 yrs ago I lived in a bigger city and rented our home we only had 2 children, they were 6 and 2. I just became a Christian about 2 weeks before so I was feeling pretty good even though my 2 daughters got the stomach flu on Christmas and the transmission on our only car went out. I felt free and content. I also quit smoking when I became a Christian. Now ten yrs later I am still a Christain and I have moved to a small town where we bought a home, we now have 2 more children and 2 cars. Wow, how much better off we are now. My life has improved so much. New yrs eve has a lot of special meaning for me. Today would have been my fathers 80th birthday (he died when I was 21:noway: That was 18 years ago). I actually met my husband on New Years Eve many yrs ago:heart::heart: :heart: :love: I love my husband!!!
  • HonestOmnivore
    HonestOmnivore Posts: 1,356 Member
    Ten years ago we got talked into leaving our vacation early so we could hang out with my family at my parents farm, to ring in the new year. My Dad was so EXCITED because the two daughters that lived on the West coast were coming home! My high maintenance sister decided at 11:45 that she was too tired to stay up 15 minutes and she and her husband and son all went to bed. Or at least into the biggest bedroom and shut the door.:huh:

    My other sisters and I were pretty much :noway: WTF? but none the less it was nice.

    I was working for Kent State University at the time, in networking and my boss wanted me to be on site for the fail over - make sure all the systems worked. I knew it would be fine and was finally able to convince her that I would be an hour away and if I couldn't ping the system I'd come in to work :ohwell:

    We had our first mastiff, Maestro, and he was only 2! My oldest (step) granddaughter was 7 (WOW) and my youngest wasn't even imagined as his parents had separated just before the new year. 10 years ago I didn't realize that I would one day not be able to survive without access to google :tongue:

    Welcome kspear! :flowerforyou:

    Today -
    Calories OVER but I haven't had dinner so it could get worse! :embarassed:
    Water - under I'll drink a bunch now that I'm home!
    Exercise - found out that it's REALLY HARD to walk up and down stairs in high heals! YIKES! So less than I should have :frown:

    Proud - I'm proud that I didn't eat any of the rice, and that each time I've messed up I haven't given up for the day. My next meal will be smarter and I'll make these calories count!
  • Stephanie08
    Stephanie08 Posts: 1,023 Member
    Welcome Kspear0120 and thanks for sharing your NYE story and congratulations on baby and weight loss.

    Mstahl - that's ok, I think I may have passed out "I mean fall asleep" before midnite too, but it was probably on my aunt's couch. My friend was telling me her husband had to be on a conf call at 12:05 because he worked in IT networks as well.

    Momma2four - isn't it amazing how much can change in 10 years. I'm sorry to hear of the loss of your dad, and I think that's really neat you met your husband on NYE

    Coloradogirl - thank you, I can't believe I ever smoked. It sounds like your oldest is doing well (even with all the worries). I have three doggies myself, all mixes who kind of look the same (on purpose).

    Lildebbie - 10 years does seem like a long time ago. I think I may have been 50 lbs lighter then, but I'm glad I'm here because I can work at being 50 lbs lighter next year with all of you inspirational ladies :)
  • lildebbie
    lildebbie Posts: 2,068 Member
    Was just curious how much we have all lost together...and just off people's tickers this is what i got. Mine is a little more cause I lost some before coming to MFP . If anyone else has lost more than on the ticker please update it (of if that wasn't this year or such). Fun to see that we have lost a whole lot as a whole.

    Momma 40
    colorado 32
    lildebbie 29
    momoftwo 31
    stephani 7
    zora 37
    mstahl 12
    jib 41
    rosie ?
    positvlhy 1
    snowflakes 27
    awestfall 25

    282 lbs as a group.
  • LittleSpy
    LittleSpy Posts: 6,754 Member
    282 pounds is awesome, gang!

    10 years ago... Let's see -- I was 15. I hadn't gotten my driver's license yet (I had failed the test twice at that point, lol -- forget trying to parallel park a THUNDERBIRD!! :laugh:). One of my older friends had his license so he picked a bunch of us up & we went to his house. We stayed there & had a fun little perfect angel kid party until a little after midnight. After that, another friend who could drive drove some of us cooler kids (:laugh:) to another friends house where we spent the night. I don't remember exactly what happened after that (*ahem*), but I think that's when the party really started. :tongue:

    Seriously, watch out for your 15 year olds. They're sneaky. I think my mom might die if she knew the stuff I got into when I was15 (and I was a GOOD straight-"A," band dork type kid. But, I wasn't just good at school and band... I was really good at not getting caught, too. :wink:).
  • mscocoa30
    mscocoa30 Posts: 104 Member
    Hey everyone...remember me? Boy did I have to do some detective work to find you gals. LOL Well I'm back...been gone for about a month. I guess life kinda got in the way. I missed my Jan 1st goal. But, on the bright side, I haven't gained any weight. I managed to maintain my 29 lbs weight loss. At any rate, I'm back for good hopefully this time.
  • snowflakes
    snowflakes Posts: 640 Member
    mscocoa: Hey girl, I have been wondering about you. Glad your back and great job on maintaining.

    Today was another lazy, take it easy day, the stomach is still gurgling but I can tell I am feeling better.
    calories: under
    water: under
    exercise: none
    proud: that I have learned to eat smaller portions and stuck with it. That I have a great group of ladies for support.

  • ColoradoGirl
    ColoradoGirl Posts: 423 Member
    mscocoa: glad to see you back!

    Snowflakes: glad you are starting to feel better.. hang in there.

    check in
    calories.. actually did good even though I had pizza tonight
    water... great
    exercise. did not do much.. a little sore from PT yesterday
    Proud: that I am ending 2009 healthier than I started it!

    I am a little bummed tonight... all of my neighbors (good friends) as well as my family are over next door. I stayed as long as I could but, I am allergic to cats and could not breath after 90 minutes. So, now I am home alone with my woofties. I guess I will just take a antihistamine, a neb treatment and go to bed! :smile:

    Good night all and Happy New Year!:flowerforyou:
  • lildebbie
    lildebbie Posts: 2,068 Member
    My 1st weigh in of 2010 is not going soo good.

    Up 2 lbs from Christmas eve...It is TOM and I think mostly water...i am not going to update my ticker yet, i think it will come back off.
  • lildebbie
    lildebbie Posts: 2,068 Member
    So i didn't loose any weight, but was time to do my measurements, and I have lost 3.5 from everywhere since last month . I take measurements and record 1st friday of the month.

    That is a total of 13 inches from everywhere...I have lost over a foot :) Wish all that could be like in my hips and gut, but guess it got to come off all over.
    MOMOFTWO29 Posts: 8,276 Member
    Happy New Year Everyone!!!!! I weighed this morning and I have lost 4.2 pounds, I just don't know how b/c I have ate awful for the last 2 days but that is what my scales say so IDK. I must not have done as much damage as I thought I had done. As of today I am on it and I will do better this year than I done last year, Today is my one year Anniversary on MFP. I can't believe that I have been here a year. I had lost 52 pounds but gained 21 pounds back but the truth is that I am 35 pounds lighter than I was last year on January 1st so for that I am very proud.