Poll: Do You Wear Makeup to the Gym?



  • Dreamerryu27
    Dreamerryu27 Posts: 281 Member
    I wear makeup in the form of sweat aka DNA removal ;)
  • fdny9943
    fdny9943 Posts: 65 Member
    My complaint is women wearing perfume, or after/shave cologne for men. They get on the cardio machine next to me and I'm huffing and puffing and now I'm overcome by the fumes. Have to say it is the women mostly. Isn't it common sense not to take a bath in the stuff? You are going to the gym to get all hot and sweaty.
  • dlwyatt82
    dlwyatt82 Posts: 1,077 Member
    Poll: Do You Wear Makeup to the Gym?

    Every time. I can't lift weights without proper lipstick and eyeliner. I look fabulous, *****es! :laugh:
  • Hayley189
    Hayley189 Posts: 12 Member
    If I have it on already, yeah I leave it on (but wash it off when I get home because I've been sweeeaaatttyyyyy). I don't put it on to go though.
  • If I had makeup on earlier that day then yes but for the most part hell No... when I'm @the gym ...I get down to business and I sweat like crazy :: I do like to wear super cute clothes tho:: makes me feel great.. and foxy::
  • Mascara only, because it helps shield eyes from sun and bright light.
  • Toxictwist
    Toxictwist Posts: 274
    Depends what time of day I am there

    First thing in the Morning - No Make-up
    If I go over my lunch, then yes. only because I had make-up on since I was at work....

    I am not there to impress people :P
  • I wear makeup and cute clothes to the gym because when I feel sexy, I work out harder. I don't like going out in public feeling "frumpy", and that includes the gym.

    If this bothers people, then they clearly aren't working hard enough.

    ^^^ditto. I am happier in general when I feel "put together"; at the gym, grocery store, work...anywhere.

    You never know where you might meet the president. :)

    Watch out for Bill!!
  • BodyByButter
    BodyByButter Posts: 563 Member
    If you see me wearing full make up you can bet:

    - I'm going to a wedding
    - I'm going to a funeral
    - I have a business conference (rare, and I work from home)
  • schwest76
    schwest76 Posts: 77 Member
    Only if I go to the gym after work otherwise no makeup since I sweat to much!
  • daffodilsoup
    daffodilsoup Posts: 1,972 Member
    I wear makeup and cute clothes to the gym because when I feel sexy, I work out harder. I don't like going out in public feeling "frumpy", and that includes the gym.

    If this bothers people, then they clearly aren't working hard enough.

    ^^^ditto. I am happier in general when I feel "put together"; at the gym, grocery store, work...anywhere.

    You never know where you might meet the president. :)

    Watch out for Bill!!

    I have never wished for a like button more than I do in this moment :)
  • aaronf289
    aaronf289 Posts: 50 Member
    Girls who get all made up like they are going out, aren't at the gym to work out, their going there to be seen. Which, I don't mind, but don't admire either
  • sofaking6
    sofaking6 Posts: 4,589 Member
    I wear whatever makeup I was wearing at work, and I don't expect someone to be judging me for it either.
  • Belenmc
    Belenmc Posts: 15
    NEVER! I think it would be gross to see foundation or mascara running down my face mixed with sweat, it would ruin my towels and probably my skin too. I have better skin since I work out anyway and I only wear make up ocassionally anyway. It would feel pointless, like putting make up on to go to sleep or to clean a bbq lol.
  • Belenmc
    Belenmc Posts: 15
    Girls who get all made up like they are going out, aren't at the gym to work out, their going there to be seen. Which, I don't mind, but don't admire either

    hm I agree with this :blushing:
  • Fit_SailorsWife
    Fit_SailorsWife Posts: 128 Member
    I use a little concealer and some mascara to curl my eyelashes. Nothing too crazy :)
  • iluvprettyshoes
    iluvprettyshoes Posts: 605 Member
    If I'm already wearing it from earlier in the day then yes...if it's first thing in the morning it's just concealer and go.
  • I am there to sweat, sweat, sweat. If people aren't impressed by my dedication and my work ethic and are more impressed by the fact that I am wearing makeup then I probably don't need them in my life. I am focused on my health not if someone thinks I look cute. It maybe the Army girl in me (no makeup in boot camp, not even shiny lips) but I have always believed that I am only here to impress myself and better myself.

    This is pretty much why I dislike going to the gym because too many people use it for another stage for them to perform/show off. I have gotten dirty looks because I look like I rolled out of bed, and sometimes I have just rolled out of bed. I don't get it. Isn't that what bars and nightclubs are for? It is just another place for women to judge other women and it irritates me. Because I hate to tell you men DON'T care about your makeup/clothing/hair style. My husband fell in love with me the day I rolled out of bed in his boxers and an over sized sweatshirt with zero makeup and hair in a bun. He always tells me to put LESS makeup on. And those nights that I do I actually get hit on MORE, even with him standing there.

    This is just my opinion so please don't bash me if you are a make up wearer. But women need to be more worried about INTERNAL beauty than what is on the outside. When you are happy and confident and HEALTHY that's REAL BEAUTY. We put too much pressure on ourselves and others to be perfect.

    Amen sister! I agree 100%! Well said :happy:
  • jypsyjulia
    jypsyjulia Posts: 33 Member
    Hell no! It'd sweat off in a second, lol.

    Also, it's just not something I've ever thought about. You wear make up to work or to go out, but it just doesn't seem natural to wear it to the gym. (If you wear make up to the gym, I promise I don't judge you. I probably don't even notice you because I'm working out). I'd be afraid that the make up and sweat would cause pimples.
  • fabfindz05
    fabfindz05 Posts: 92 Member
    I wear makeup when I work out and I wear it to the barn. Sue me. If someone doesn't like the fact you are wearing makeup (or the fact that you aren't) they are not worth your time.

    It's not my place to judge. I've seen several ladies who are wearing cute clothes and full makeup and they are killing it in the gym. I dare anyone to say they are only there for the show....well maybe the "gun" show....