Wedding Costs- Cash Bar or Open Bar?



  • iSteakers
    We had a few kegs and then a red and white option for wine. That was free until it ran out (which it did not) and anything else people wanted was cash. We also provided free unlimited pop which was nice for people that may have had a flask or just wanted a drink without alcohol. It worked out very well. Providing beer and/or wine with dinner or something seems to be the most common thing I've been seeing in the last few years.
  • Michelle_Nicole
    Michelle_Nicole Posts: 95 Member
    Congrats!! I am also recently engaged and my fiance and I are paying for our wedding ourselves at 24 and 27. Depends on where you have the reception for the bar, we found a place that had an open bar option in the dinner price that wasnt too expensive. If you cant find one fairly cheap I would go with beer and wine and the rest cash bar.
  • tuiccim
    tuiccim Posts: 689 Member
    Best Wishes! I say offering beer and wine is sufficient on a budget.
  • LorinaLynn
    LorinaLynn Posts: 13,247 Member
    Elope. :drinker:
  • paulaviki
    paulaviki Posts: 678 Member
    It's funny how different countries gave different ways of doing things. Here in the UK it is rare to go to a wedding where the drinks are all free, at most weddings you get one post ceremony drink, wine with the meal (usually half a bottle per person) and a glass of bubbly for the toasts. But then it is always a normal bar where you have to pay for your own drinks.

    Weddings cost enough without paying for all your guests drinks!!
  • TubbsMcGee
    TubbsMcGee Posts: 1,058 Member
    Either open bar or option B.

    Guests enjoy free drinks!
    Granted, it's YOUR day, and you shouldn't feel the need to be impressing people, but I think everyone would enjoy the celebration of you two getting hitched a lot more if they had free booze.

    ....or at least, that's what I have planned in the future. Destination wedding with just the 2 of us, giant reception when we come home to friends and family.

    Congratulations!!! :D
  • bizorra
    bizorra Posts: 151 Member
    We had beer and wine made (it turned out INCREDIBLE, better than any other time I tried this) and had a cash bar. We chose our venue based on our need to have an affordable bar. Our venue did not charge a corking fee, and the drinks were $3-$5 each. We gave drink "tickets" to the wedding party, who ended up spending them on shots for the few late night stragglers.

    The only time I ever felt "snippety" about a cash bar at a wedding was when a good friend of mine got married and spent the three months prior bragging about how little it was going to cost him and how awesome all the gifts were going to be :-/ No dinner, no booze, it was a fun time but left a bad taste in my mouth.

    But free booze = crazy drunken party = hillarious stories and pictures = memorable night had by all!!
  • iSteakers
    Also on your question about how to cut costs. I did a Vegas wedding with just parents and then a reception back home, but for the reception I picked a venue that had everything. We did an appetizer buffet which was more food than most people even wanted for a dinner and then that included a build your own sundae bar so we had no cake (this was a huge hit). I also made sure to pick a venue that had linens and a simple centerpiece so I didn't have to deal with anything like that or chair covers etc. I'm pretty low maintenance when it comes to this stuff though. I also used Etsy for things such as my flowers which were cheaper than a florist would have been and I get to keep them forever. I managed to get a HUGE bang for my buck because I didn't think it was worth it to spend loads of money on the wedding :)
  • morganhccstudent724
    morganhccstudent724 Posts: 1,261 Member
    Weddings without booze need to give people a heads up
    Weddings with booze that you pay for will be talked about in a bad way
    Weddings with booze that is free will be remembered well even if the guests are drunk enough to forget.
    ^ This.

  • sondrawolfe
    sondrawolfe Posts: 30 Member
    You could have a "Cocktail Hour" with open bar for a period of time and then cash bar after that. I've been to weddings with all variations and have never been offended to pay for drinks. I would think your friends and family would under stand limited budget.
  • Il_DaniD_lI
    Il_DaniD_lI Posts: 1,593 Member
    Personally, I find cash bar to be tacky, but it depends on what traditionally happens with weddings in your family and where you live.

    OP said that they don't have a lot of money, if they can't afford it there is nothing "tacky" about that. Not everyone has the means to provide open bar at their weddings.

    Have a cash bar, if anyone at your wedding finds it "tacky" they are probably stuck up so fck 'em.
  • JustJennie1
    JustJennie1 Posts: 3,843 Member
    I've been to 10 weddings in the past 2 years. I can tell you a couple of things:
    Weddings without booze need to give people a heads up
    Weddings with booze that you pay for will be talked about in a bad way
    Weddings with booze that is free will be remembered well even if the guests are drunk enough to forget.


    Open bar all the way. If you can't afford it then why not have a party at your house after wards and buy all the booze for it? Usually package stores will let you return anything that you didn't use.
  • Classyandra
    Classyandra Posts: 74 Member
    hmmmm beer and wine. AT my wedding we were able to bring in our own. It was cheaper than the place supplying it.
  • tinytoyjess
    tinytoyjess Posts: 139 Member
    I suggest hosting an event that you can afford. And what I mean by that is choose a venue/caterer/dress/whatever that all fits into your budget, without asking your guests to split the bill with you. Yeah yeah I know alcohol is "optional" and guests don't HAVE TO order any, but so is pretty much everything else offered at a wedding reception and you never see hosts asking their guests to pay for anything else, so why would you ask them to pay for their beer? Would you invite someone to your home, offer her a beer, then ask her for $5 in exchange? Probably not.

    A wedding reception is typically not a pot luck or a carnival. It's the first event you and your future husband will host as a married couple. If you can afford wine and beer, have wine and beer. If you can afford top shelf and want to offer that, than do it. But having booze and then saying "well we really can't afford the booze so we'll just have cash bar" is basically passing the bill onto your invited guests. If you want to have beer/wine/whatever because you think your guests will enjoy it than find a venue/caterer/etc that will allow you to do that within your budget. It's all in the planning.

    I have never been to a cash bar reception in the state of Massachusetts. I have been to a few in NH. The most bizarre is when I've had to pay for my drinks during the "cocktail hour". Really, you're calling it a "cocktail hour" but there are no cocktails, unless I buy my own? Why not just call it "the hour" then? ;/
  • ssl5555
    ssl5555 Posts: 20 Member
    Hi there

    I've just got engaged and like you paying for everything ourselves, we are planning to provide so much beer and wine ourselves and when it's gone it's gone.

    Congrats by the way, family and friends won't mind if you are on a tight budget at the end of the day the fact you are getting married is the most important bit. You could also leave the beer buying bit to last and then whatever is left in your budget is was is left for the beer budget, hey as long as you two have enough beer for the big day. selfish I know, lol.
  • ssl5555
    ssl5555 Posts: 20 Member
    Also guests shouldn't be going just for the fact they can get free beer, here in England most weddings have a bar where guests pay for their beer themselves but the champagne toast is free.
  • NNAhuja
    NNAhuja Posts: 669 Member
    Personally, I know my family and friends so I'll have no choice but to do a no kids/ open bar reception.
    I know some places do discounts if you only serve "signature drinks" if you want to do mixed drinks at all.
  • ElectricMayhem
    ElectricMayhem Posts: 214 Member
    i just got married on may 12th and we paid for our entire wedding ourselves... we did a cash bar because my husband doesn't drink and i rarely drink anymore but we wanted people to still have alcohol if they wanted it. Our venue allowed beer and wine only so that made it even easier. Our bartending service had us put down a deposit and set a goal of like $300 to sell in order for us to break even. The charged $4 for a large glass of wine and $3 for a can of domestic beer. We hit our goal and nobody at the wedding was trashed which is exactly what we wanted (we skipped the champagne toast and not one person missed it!) in order to save money you have to decide on which key elements of the wedding are the most important to you...we decided music, food and photography would be the places we would spend the most money. Our budget was $5000 for 125 people and we had a gorgeous wedding with dinner and dancing at the reception, people said it was the prettiest venue they'd been to and we got it for a steal!! def research vendors and don't be afraid to bargain shop!! (ps remember for invites, programs etc most of those will end up in the trash so i suggest spending less in that area- you can go on to some wedding sites like and download free templates to print invites, table numbers and all kinds of other cool things!) Happy Planning :bigsmile:
  • klynn81
    klynn81 Posts: 178 Member
    I have yet to go to a wedding here in Canada where it isn't open bar. That was new to me. With that said, the husband and I had our wedding in the states on July 1st, and I hadn't ever been to a wedding back home where there was an open bar so I guess it wasn't really expected. We decided our guests could get at no charge champaign/coffee/soda and plenty of free keg beer. If they wanted anything else they had to pay for it. No complaints, everyone had a great time, we didn't break the bank, and the night ended with a few of our canadian guys wearing togas while we all sang "oh canada". lol. oh memories. :)

    There's always places you can cut costs, just decide what is more important to you.
  • ElectricMayhem
    ElectricMayhem Posts: 214 Member
    paying for your own in early 20's? hell, your guests are lucky you didn't send them a postcard with a pic from the JOP asking for "we just got married" presents.

    Do what make the most financial sense.

    amen! and having a cash bar is NOT bad or tacky, people these days are well aware that not everyone can afford the average $25,000 on a wedding...who the hell wants to start a marriage out with a mountain of debt for ONE DAY! just sayin....