A Question for Crazy Girls



  • JessigirlJb
    Change your phone number & move to another state.

    or just don't be an a-hole about it.
    Hahah this.
  • TimedEventSystem
    Funny how it's always women at fault. Women are just "crazy."

    Maybe you should only take on and associate with women that are more on your immaturity level.
  • Berto0391
    Berto0391 Posts: 273 Member
    btw, folks saying "just tell her the truth" or something along with that lines: Worst advice ever. You never wanna tell the truth you kidding me? You want me to say "hey, I think you're too fat and have ignored yourself too much, sorry" or "BTW, you cry way too damn much and are a drama freaking queen. Get out of my life now". Yeah...no man wants to have that conversation. We would gladly let you wonder for the rest of your life wtf you did wrong just to avoid that 5 hour long straight argument where you try to prove us wrong when we have clearly made our mind up.

    To people saying don't date the crazies: Nobody know they're dating a crazy till you're WITH a crazy. Crazy is always either hidden or is covered by a drape of hotness.

    This man speaks the true.
  • missmatildamoonshine
    Be so annoying she dumps you!