Deployment Overeater Support Team

:bigsmile: Our Yellow Ribbon Weight Loss Team is now up and running. Anyone involved in a Deployment jump on board!

My name is Hilari and I am a Blue Star Mother with a son who is due to ship to AFG in a few weeks. I am a yo yo weight person and have been all my life. Managed to get my weight down to 127 lbs 11/08, was exercising and felt great. Then my son told me he enlisted to go to Afg. Although I was very proud of him, it tripped me up emotionally and weight wise... I am now up to 141 and I am not 6 feet tall. Cloths don't fit, underware doesn't fit:blushing: , and I can't look in the mirror:glasses: . So here I am.
Gotta be strong like my son. I have the deployment bracelet, Attagirl bracelet, and my Flat I need to be able to look in the mirror and be happy with myself.


  • FabulousFifty
    FabulousFifty Posts: 1,575 Member
    Great idea! The Yellow Ribbon Forum topic will be busy! Good luck!:flowerforyou:
  • leesapeesa
    I would love to join this group!

    I am 30 years old and I live south of Boston. My highest weight was approximately 250 lbs(sept 08). When I saw that on the scale I cried and cried. I thought this is NOT how I want to live my life. no more excuses and no more denial. Currently I am apprx 208(ugh...) but I am getting there. I went off track for quiet a few months which i feel stemmed from my boyfriends job... He is on a contract assignment at Camp Bondsteel in Kosovo. Prior to working there he was in the Army and served in Iraq but prior to THAT he was in the Marines. Military is all he knows and totaling up all the time he has been overseas would add up to about 9-10 years. We met through a mutal friend who he was staying with when he got home from Iraq and became good friends. He then went to Camp Bondsteel and we continued to keep in touch. We started dating February of 09 so all we really have known is long distance. I look forward to our vacations together but I miss him terribly and it gets hard to cope sometimes.

    I think this group is a wonderful idea.. we all have obstacles to get through- tough times and being away from our loved ones makes it that much harder. Having a group to lean on will give us all the support to help our sucesses.
  • emilyfh
    emilyfh Posts: 291 Member
    wow, that must be really hard to handle, my prayers are with your son and all who are over in afg to save our usa. Good luck on the weight loss :flowerforyou:
  • timmijop
    timmijop Posts: 86 Member
    Hi everyone I am onboard!!! Good morning, I hope you all have heard from your loved ones reciently!!!
  • holly122677
    I am on board :happy:

    My name is Holly, I am 32 and divorced. Mother to 2 wonderful kids. My boyfriend is currently deployed in Iraq. He has been there since Aug 30th. He is supposed to be deployed for a year, however I have been recently informed that it might be shortened. YAY!!!....As soon as he returns we are planning on getting married. My heaviest weight was 274 lbs. I had gastric bypass 6 years ago and lost down to 138. I was feeling great then got pregnant with my daughter. Through the divorce and pregnancy I gained back up to 182 lbs. I am currently at 172 and would love to be at 140 by the time my boyfriend gets home. Even though I had gastric bypass, it is still a struggle to lose the weight and keep it off. You find that the nasty habits you used to have return. I am a stress eater and the deployment was very stressful in the beginning. It does get better though. Its great to find a wonderful place with people who can relate to the stress of weightloss and deployments. Glad to be a part of this :flowerforyou:
  • run_girl_run
    Today is the day I stop eating for 5 and get down to business. My husband is gearing up to go pretty soon and his leave ends today. We are moving onto base this coming week so it's bound to get pretty busy.

    I'm recently vegetarian and flirting with the whole idea of vegan so you would think my food options would be limited... but I still managed to gain a ton over the Christmas holidays. Here it goes! I'm off to plan my meals for the day.
  • holly122677
    Good Luck run_girl_run. :flowerforyou:
    I am planning my meals for the week also and looks like we might have snow coming in for next weekend. I am ready for spring already :ohwell:
  • SlimSasha
    SlimSasha Posts: 54 Member
    Hi everyone, I am so happy about our group. My name is Sasha,28, right now we are stationed at Minot AFB, ND. I have been married for almost 8 years and my hubby has been in the AF for 8 years, but this is our first deployment. He has been in Iraq for about a month with a total of 6 months out...lets hope not more. After I had my son (who is two) my husband was gone for 5 months to go cross train, and with the stress of him gone and me with a 5 month old plus all the extra pregnancy weight i got up to 226 and stayed right around there until LAST Christmas (08) when i said enough is enough. Over the year with ups and downs i did manage to get down to 193...and stayed there for a long time.With him leaving and then the holidays without him i am up about 8 lbs...i would love to be at least 160 when he gets back in June. It is well below zero most of the time up here in ND, so I try to do alot of DVD's to get the burn=) I look forward to gving all the support i can. All our hero's will be home soon...the DAY WILL lets step on it so we all look SMOKIN HOT when they get back to us!!!! GOOD LUCK!!!
  • timmijop
    timmijop Posts: 86 Member
    I plan out my meals for 2 weeks at a time so I am not hitting the commisary or anyother store on pay day we are all guilty of it and we all know how crazy it is!!! Plus it is alot easier to stick to healty eating when it is planned out for you I try to keep variety in my meals but also make them easy to make so I dont slack on cooking or eating right!! The night before I open my journal and check to see what is on the menu for the next day!! Also when you buy freezable stuff portion it out before you put it in your fridge!! It will stop you from over eating!! Per one pound of ground chicken I get 4 servings in individual zip lock bags dated and frozen!! Chicken breasts too!! It makes it so much easier to marinate too!!!! Frozen Veggies as well!!! I love to make eggs with spinich and my daughter loves them as well so in the AM when I go to cook my eggs I take out the (100 cal snack bag) worh of spinich which yeilds about 1 c frozen put about 2 tbsp of h20 in there and zap it in the microwave for 45 sec zipped shut. Until it is not frozen anymore! just add to eggs!! It is so easy!!

    That is how we sink to eating the junk food!!! NUMBER one if you dont bring it into your house it wont be there to eat!!!!!
    Number two the easier you make eating healthy food the more you will do it!!!! It is so much easier to keep that stuff out of the house while the significant other is gone!! My hubby is guilty of eating 2 cans of pringles in one sitting!!! and more than enough cookies!!

    Kraft military specials

    Commisary flyer for the month

    fantastic coupons

    if anyone else has good sites please post!!! I am a coupon fanatic and love to save money for my family!!!!
  • leesapeesa
    planning my meals has definately given me no excuses to be out of control. i only plan the night before what i will eat the following day and i do not always plan my dinners ahead but it has been so easy to just open my food log and follow what i have already written in.

    I live alone(just me and my dog!) so I don't have to worry about anyone bringing junk food into my house. I am very lucky in that aspect.

    Timmijop- i am obsessed with eggs! I never really was a huge fan until I started watching what I ate.. Then I realized there is so many ways to make them taste different. so many options for veggies and spices! I do the spinach thing also. I love egg white omlettes for dinner as well as it is a quick and yummy option and easy for me since I am only cooking for one. My favorite is taking frozen pepper and onion stir fry with some sliced mushrooms, the eggs and a slice of 2% kraft cheese... the cheese melts so creamy.

    Holly- you look fantastic! I can see that even with gastric, it is a struggle. It is great that you are not leaving it up to just the surgery to lose the weight. i think some people have a mindset that the surgery does it all.. NOT TRUE. I did work with a woman who had the surgery and she continued to eat extremely poorly(i mean.. m&ms at 8 in the morning..??) I find that unfortunate that she solely relied on her surgery. but i certainly commend you for eating right and sticking to it. you should be very proud of yourself!
  • timmijop
    timmijop Posts: 86 Member
    leesapeesa: those eggs sound amazing!!! I usually do 2 egg whites plus 1 whole egg and I split them with my daughter who just loves eggs so much!! I usually use some Kraft shredded cheese either mozerella or mexican. sometimes adding turkey bacon which I cook in the microwave fro 2 min till crips and diced tomato!! I love making things with eggs!! Hard boiling them too gives you a great snack, I either give the yolk to my daughter or my dog usually the dog though lol! and I fill the white with hot sauce hahah!! (I am originally a western pennsylvanian )
  • overit
    overit Posts: 273
    I am in! DH has been deployed since last summer. I was really hoping to lose a LOT of weight during the deployment but no such luck this far, and then the holidays just pushed me over the edge on the scale. I have always battled my weight. In 2006 a month after we had our 2nd child, DH joined the Army, went to AIT and then was stationed in Korea. In those 9 months when he was gone I was able to lose about 60 pounds. Four months into his time in Korea, the kids and I moved there with him and I got lazy and put all the weight back on :-( On a positive note, I have been smoke free since July of 08. So I do attribute some of my weight gain to that. During this deployment I just haven't gotten the motivation or out of the slump that I needed to get into the losing weight mode. Over the holidays I have really realized how depressed I am that DH is gone and I guess I have been in denial about it, and of course I am an emotional eater! But enough is enough and I need to get this weight off!

    I have also decided to really start watching my childrens food intake better and my son is really not happy with me about it and I just really want to save him from a life long battle with weight. I have really not been a planner on meals and pretty much just cook what I have. I need to find some child friendly side dishes that are more than just packaged noodles and rice with seasonings.

    I look forward to getting to know you ladies in our journey through deployment and weight loss.
  • holly122677
    Welcome overit :flowerforyou:

    Congrats on being smoke free. Thats a wonderful accomplishment. You should be very proud. We are all in the same boat together. The support is wonderful and motivating :happy:
  • whidbeyweight
    whidbeyweight Posts: 43 Member
    Yeah! so excited about this group!
    My hubby(7yrs...bff for almost 10) is in the Marine Corps (8yrs). We did "geographic bachelor" last year and during that time i was able to lose the first 20+lbs. We moved to Hawaii this year, which was a huge motivation to get in shape. But then again, I have slacked. My hubby has been gone 5 months and I have only lost 5lbs :ohwell: I have a few more months until his return, so I am beginning to feel like it's crunch time. I only have about 8lbs to go... but I lose VERY slowly! I am going raw for breakfast and lunch (raw fruits & vegs) and preplanned, portioned meals. I have invited friednds over for dinner for the next week so I can enjoy my meals and hopefully not pig out. I went 80% raw in November and felt great!!

    Also, this is my first week off of diet coke... i have been like a walking campaign ad for diet coke for 10yrs!!
    wish me luck!

    I am interested to see everyone's journeys.
  • leesapeesa
    today was my first 'official' weigh in. I lost 2.6 lbs this past week so I am off to a good start! Just wanted to share my small success with you all and I hope this is a great week for everyone.
  • timmijop
    timmijop Posts: 86 Member
    great job Lisa!!! I am scared to look at a scale right now! My daughter has been sick and I havent been able to work out in 2 days :( She wont sleep with out me!! I feel so terrible for her, just waiting for a call back from the Ped.
  • timmijop
    timmijop Posts: 86 Member
    great job Lisa!!! I am scared to look at a scale right now! My daughter has been sick and I havent been able to work out in 2 days :( She wont sleep with out me!! I feel so terrible for her, just waiting for a call back from the Ped.
  • hilarij
    hilarij Posts: 22
    Great respnse everybody! Anyone want to list your state and the state your spouse /child is deployed out of?

    I live in Seacoast, NH
    My son is deployed out of the VT National Guard.
  • overit
    overit Posts: 273
    We are at Ft. Bragg, NC
  • SlimSasha
    SlimSasha Posts: 54 Member
    We are in Minot N.D,,,and hate it=)...we have been here for just over a year..this is our second base. we were in Anchoarge AK for 6 years...and my husband is pretty much from ak we LOVE it there. We are really looking forward to a warm place next!!! I am from Pa. about an hour out of Pittsburgh...welcome overit!!!...thanks for starting this hilarij..timmijop, you are just so organized with your meal plans i need to get better at that!!! Awesome job leesapeesa!