Does your Profile Picture affect how People perceive You ?



  • HellsKells
    HellsKells Posts: 671 Member
    Probably, but I never really asked. If people comment that they like it, then it's a keeper. If not, and I like it, well *kitten* those guys, it's still a keeper :laugh:
  • MaryJane_8810002
    MaryJane_8810002 Posts: 2,082 Member
    IDK and I don't care really, my cat just got tired of being exploited.
  • jasonpclement
    jasonpclement Posts: 146 Member
    my profile picture suggests that I haven't updated my pictures in a year or so... I need to update, as I have atleast 3-5 pounds of lean mass since it was taken.
  • bonsaiblossom
    bonsaiblossom Posts: 133 Member
    Yep it does.

    No reason.

  • jadedzen
    jadedzen Posts: 221 Member
    probably does affect what people think of me. but i picked a this picture of me dancing because dance is one of my main motivations for health. if people don't like it, i really don't care anymore.
  • Yes...definately it does... I try to post pictures where most of "me" is hidden by someone or something else!
  • Im not sure....but think so :-)
  • IDK and I don't care really, my cat just got tired of being exploited.

    LoL poor kitty!!
  • Kenzietea2
    Kenzietea2 Posts: 1,132 Member
    I picked it because I actually spent time straightening my curly hair, and since that is so rare I took a picture :) I really have no idea how others perceive me because of it, though I can't say I really care.
  • Babymomakell
    Babymomakell Posts: 257 Member
    I put pictures up of me that I like, and I update them when I take new ones that I like. I don't know if they show my personality per se, but they are me =)
  • Darkskinned88
    Darkskinned88 Posts: 1,177 Member
    Headshots are for "pleasure" and get a bunch of blank requests and messages...others of my progress show im about business. Today is a pleasure day lol
  • kimoRUN
    kimoRUN Posts: 325 Member
    Yeah, people tend to think I'm this happy go lucky kind of guy. But I'm really angry old grump. :angry: :grumble:
  • MelMena
    MelMena Posts: 152 Member
    :flowerforyou: No one has told me how they perceive me so I'm not sure how to answer that.
  • LoveActually
    LoveActually Posts: 177 Member
    I chose mine because it's my most recent body shot and I love the way I look in it. I keep it up for myself and could care less what people think of me because of it.
  • Cait_Sidhe
    Cait_Sidhe Posts: 3,150 Member
    I change mine pretty often. My face annoys me with it's imperfections. I leave one picture up for awhile till I just can't stand to look at it anymore then I change it to something I haven't used in awhile and am not as annoyed by. Then it happens again. I don't know why I always use pictures of my face. Narcissistic I guess.
  • nothing1994
    nothing1994 Posts: 1,936 Member

    As you can tell my profile picture is something almost everyone hates,so i get lots of hate for the duck lips all over the forums

    Which is what i was going for. :devil:
  • I choose not to have a profile pic for a few reasons.

    1. I know how I look
    2. Others need not know how I look
    3. I'd rather people on here not know who I am
    4. Because I don't look like someone who "needs" to lose weight (most of us are here for weight loss correct)

    Annnnd 5. Because I'm a mega babe and the sight of me would make everything you ever look at again ugly :-P Lol jokes.
  • pippinboy9
    pippinboy9 Posts: 73 Member
    I would imagine my pic does affect how people perceive me.....but I wouldn't know how it affects their perception.....I've never asked. I put pics up of myself that make ME feel good about myself, and change MY perception of ME!!! :)
  • giggitygoo
    giggitygoo Posts: 1,978 Member
    Probably, but I don't really care. I just liked the picture. A silly one taken with my webcam to show my new haircut.
  • highheeldiva01
    highheeldiva01 Posts: 1,206 Member
    i can tell u look very mean, old, grumpy, and scary 2 lol :laugh: ( quote]
    Yeah, people tend to think I'm this happy go lucky kind of guy. But I'm really angry old grump. :angry: :grumble: