May Day Challenge!



  • lisawest
    lisawest Posts: 798 Member
    Hi all! Sorry I've been MIA for a few days. I've been enjoying family since Wednesday and this is my first chance at a computer. I did not get to weigh in yesterday, I'll be sure to get it recorded next week. NYE was a really bad day for me. LOTS of foods I love and don't always get, LOTS of snacks. Yesterday I PAID for it!:sick: It was a BAD day.:cry: Today was better, and tomorrow I'll be back home and I start over again.

    I am so glad to see that SO many people had a good week!:bigsmile: As far as our challenge, I started the week great with exercise, but then petered out. I did pretty good on water, but not as well as I wanted.

    As far as this week's challenge, exercise again? Water again? Other ideas? (I'm out of them!)
  • Hi Everyone. I would love to join this challenge. My weight is listed below. Good luck to everyone.

    Start weight: 180 lbs
    Dec. 25..........................180 lbs
    Jan. 01...........................180 lbs
    Jan. 08
    Jan. 15
    Jan. 22
    Jan. 29
    Feb. 05
    Feb. 12
    Feb. 19
    Feb. 26
    Mar. 05
    Mar. 12
    Mar. 19
    Mar. 26
    Apr. 02
    Apr. 09
    Apr. 16
    Apr. 30....................... 155 lbs. This isn't my final goal but Im guessing its a safer healthier weight if I lose 2 pounds per week. However if I lose more I will be happy. :wink:
  • kath711
    kath711 Posts: 710 Member
    Forgot to check in yesterday, not really starting until Tuesday when the holidays are officially over with my kids back to school. Glad to see so many joining this challenge as a great motivator for us all!!
  • ars7r3
    ars7r3 Posts: 6
    Start weight: 143
    Dec. 25: 141
    Jan. 1: 138
    Jan. 8:
    Jan. 15:
    Jan. 22:
    Jan. 29:
    Feb. 5:
    Feb. 12:
    Feb. 19:
    Feb. 26:
    March 5:
    March 12: *** Goal for cruise 128-130
    March 19:
    March 26:
    April 2:
    April 9:
    April 16:
    April 23:
    April 30: 123-125 lbs
  • Chocolickkyss
    Chocolickkyss Posts: 3,654 Member
    Since it seems not everyone was able to complete the exercise challenge last week let's continue it this week. Beginning today, everyone should commit to completing a minumum of 30 minutes of continuou exercise 5 days this week. In addition to completing the exercise we should log in and report our totals. An example could be chocolickkyss: 2 workouts complete and the next day if I do my exercise then I would log chocolickkyss: 3 workout scomplete etc....

    By Saturday we'll be able to see how everyone did.

    I'll begin:

    Chocolickkyss: 0 workouts completed (Sunday is my rest day)
  • Forgot to check in yesterday, not really starting until Tuesday when the holidays are officially over with my kids back to school. Glad to see so many joining this challenge as a great motivator for us all!!

    I've been eating well and doing a little exercise (which is new for me) since the New Year ( 3 whole days:laugh: ) but I believe my challenge will be when I return to work tomorrow. I sit at my desk and work and snack not to mention someone always want to go out to lunch and we have an office birthday party once a month. I'm glad I found this site. I'm going to need the motivation.
  • Start weight: 177
    Dec 25: 178.9
    Jan. 1: 176.3 (-2.6)

    I am excited by my weighin, some of my work this week paid off! I've been drinking my water and getting more exercise. What should we do for a challenge this week?


    This tickled me when I read it. You wrote "what should we do for a challenge this week?" I started giggling. Getting off my romp and exercising anyday is a challenge for me although I have done it for the last few days. I'm glad you are doing it. Congratulations on your 2.6 lbs weight loss.
  • debnu1
    debnu1 Posts: 1,568 Member
    Thanks for the congrats--I hope that I can continue the downward trend.

    Today is my rest day too so 0 workouts completed.

    I think I may need a nap today I am just feeling worn out~! Its back to the grind again tomorrow. School starts and I have a very messy house to clean. Time to start getting up early again!!

    HAve a great day everyone!
  • Feeling good about this new year! We just had 2 feet of snow over the weekend and I've been snowshoeing and shoveling and cross-country skiing. It's so easy to burn calories when you're doing something you love to do!

    So my exercise for Sunday = 90 minutes of snowshoeing
  • msh0530
    msh0530 Posts: 1,675 Member
    Hey, I'm back! I've had a bunch of company since Wednesday (been cooking for 12-22 people 3 meals a day), and visiting with my kids. It was fun, but now back to the real world. I didn't make my December goal of losing 5 pounds (haven't even lost one) but I'm ok with that. My other goal was to increase my exercise, and I have done that and continue to improve in that area. I finally started swimming again on Thursday, and plan to go back tomorrow. January goals? Lose 5 pounds (maybe it will take this time), and continue to exercise.

    A year ago, I weighed 72 pounds more than I do now, and decided to do something about it. And, with the help of all of you MFP folks, and my supportive family, and of course, the strength that I can get through my faith, I am well on my way to my new healthy life. I also seem to have inspired numerous family members to join me on my journey, and for this I am humbled and give thanks to God. As I said in an earlier post, my best advice to all is to do this one moment at a time, one step at a time, and if you stumble, don't fall down but catch yourself and keep right on going. Don't ever give up, because you can do this, and you really are worth it! I don't know where this journey will take me, but I'm looking forward to the trip. I'm guessing that I will lose at least 85 more pounds before I am satisfied. Just stay with me, and let's see the exciting places that we will go!

    One last note: although I didn't lose weight in December, on Thursday, I tried on a pair of size 22 pants and they fit! (I am currently wearing 24's, and a year ago, wore about a 30.) So, happy dance, here I am!

    Here's to smart choices! (Oh, and 1 workout complete!)
  • Chocolickkyss
    Chocolickkyss Posts: 3,654 Member
    Today was the beginning of my solo boot camp session (since I couldn't actually return to my boot camp class I've designed a routine). I got up at 6:00 am and completed 40 minutes of the Biggest Loser "30 Day Jump Start" Dvd and now i'm about to start my work day.

    Chocolickkyss: 1 workout completed

    Have a great day!
  • amboardman
    amboardman Posts: 144 Member
    Got my workout in yesterday=1 workout complete!
    Looks like everyone is doing great! Keep up the hard work!
  • I started a similer challenge in the beginning of December and post tappered off only after two weeks. I hope I can find one that is active to help keep me active and on track. I am ashamed to say that when the support stopped then I stopped. I was doing so good for a minute too. I hate counting calories. I am so lazy with it. So here is to a new year (again). My birthday is May 2nd, so maybe this year will finally be my year.
  • ourgang
    ourgang Posts: 229
    Hey, I'm back! I've had a bunch of company since Wednesday (been cooking for 12-22 people 3 meals a day), and visiting with my kids. It was fun, but now back to the real world. I didn't make my December goal of losing 5 pounds (haven't even lost one) but I'm ok with that. My other goal was to increase my exercise, and I have done that and continue to improve in that area. I finally started swimming again on Thursday, and plan to go back tomorrow. January goals? Lose 5 pounds (maybe it will take this time), and continue to exercise.

    A year ago, I weighed 72 pounds more than I do now, and decided to do something about it. And, with the help of all of you MFP folks, and my supportive family, and of course, the strength that I can get through my faith, I am well on my way to my new healthy life. I also seem to have inspired numerous family members to join me on my journey, and for this I am humbled and give thanks to God. As I said in an earlier post, my best advice to all is to do this one moment at a time, one step at a time, and if you stumble, don't fall down but catch yourself and keep right on going. Don't ever give up, because you can do this, and you really are worth it! I don't know where this journey will take me, but I'm looking forward to the trip. I'm guessing that I will lose at least 85 more pounds before I am satisfied. Just stay with me, and let's see the exciting places that we will go!

    One last note: although I didn't lose weight in December, on Thursday, I tried on a pair of size 22 pants and they fit! (I am currently wearing 24's, and a year ago, wore about a 30.) So, happy dance, here I am!

    Here's to smart choices! (Oh, and 1 workout complete!)

    AWESOME!!!!!!! I am so struggleing with this plateau. I have only lost about 11 lbs since August, and haven't dropped a size, but do fit into some new clothes in my closet and have lost inches.. about 5 inches in 6 weeks... Such a hard journey.
    You mentioned that you now have gone into a smaller size. A year ago my mom started her journey through a church group studing the book, "Loss it for Life" she has gone from a size 24 to a 16/18!!!!! I love going shopping with her. It is very aspirational to watch her go!!!!
  • Mande_G
    Mande_G Posts: 599 Member
    Checking in.

    Sunday workout: 45 minutes (25 minutes jogging in place to music; 30 Day Shred level 3)
    Monday workout: 64 minutes (2 miles Walk Away the Pounds; 30 Day Shred level 3; gaiam yoga)

    Sunday water: 10 cups

    Happy Monday, all! :flowerforyou:
  • ourgang
    ourgang Posts: 229
    I see the challenge for this week is 5 days @ 30 of exercise!!!
    Yestersday I was at 30 min
    Today I did 40 min Jillian and 25 min walk, very fast!!!!!!

    My personal goal is to get at a min of 10 - 30 min workouts in a week from now until my cruise.
    When I weighed this week I was up 221:(
    I am to the point were I could be happy with my body if I stayed here the rest of my life. I am 6 ft and weigh 220, I wear a size 18 / XL and this all works for me. What I can't accept is that I am WORKING OUT LIKE A MAD WOMAN!!!!!!!! and this is just maintaining this weight?????????????? WTF!!!!!!

    Any who, I won's stress and I will continue to tell my self this is a my lifestyle and I exercise to be healthy and fit. I guess maybe this is where God want's me to at?????
    Oh God, You see my heart and know me, may my life reflect your presence and I walk the path you have laid down for me:flowerforyou: :love: :love:

    God be with all of you through this New Year
  • Chocolickkyss
    Chocolickkyss Posts: 3,654 Member
    I'm glad to see so many people beginning to check in, let's keep the momentum going. For all of us who are currently feeling discouraged don't give up. First take a long hard look at what you're doing or not doing and be HONEST.....are we making healthy choices when we eat are we being honest about the number of calories we're consuming, did we go to the gym or park like we intended, did we give that Dvd our full intensity and if the answers to these questions are honestly YES then progress has been made b/c we're changing our lifestyle. I too get frustrated when I don't see the hard work equate to inches or pounds lost but I told myself NOT THIS YEAR because ONLY GOOD can come from eating healthy and exercising regularly the rest will happen.

    Now my issue has been motivating myself to exercise when I'm no longer in boot camp but another MFP friend suggested finding mini rewards for weeks in which I've completed my exercise goal. I thought this was a wonderful idea so i'm in the process of thinking of ways to reward myself for accomplishing /reaching mini goals.

    Hope everyone has a great day!
  • alymarphi
    alymarphi Posts: 90 Member
    Start weight: 158
    Dec. 25: 164
    Jan. 1: 160
    Jan. 8:
    Jan. 15:
    Jan. 22:
    Jan. 29:
    Feb. 5:
    Feb. 12:
    Feb. 19:
    Feb. 26:
    March 5:
    March 12:
    March 19:
    March 26:
    April 2:
    April 9:
    April 16:
    April 23:
    April 30: 132
  • Stay strong everyone. This is the first busy day (back to work, school, etc..) for many of us and it is easy to start snacking on empty calories.
    I'm at work right now and guess what happened. Co workers have pulled out all of the stuff we didn't open or complete eating before the holiday. The counter is full of chocolate, cheese & crackers, cakes and more. I have been circling the counter like a shark but I have not given in to temptations. I brought a healthy lunch to work that I will eat in about 30 minutes and hopefully that will get me through the rest of the day.
  • lisawest
    lisawest Posts: 798 Member
    I'll join the exercise challenge for this week. Unfortunately yesterday was our travel home day, so I did not get any exercise in. However, I will get my time in as soon as my daughter falls asleep (impatiently waiting!).

    Welcome to our new people! I'm glad to see so many of you jumping right in on the conversations.

    My challenge really begins tomorrow. I go back to school full time and back to my "normal" schedule.:tongue: I PLAN on getting up when my alarm ACTUALLY goes off (instead of hitting snooze for 30 minutes!) and do a short work out then. When I get home in the afternoon I will complete a longer workout while my kids watch their TV show. Now that I have a Wii Fit Plus, I'm hoping that this will make it more likely to happen.

    Good thoughts for everyone participating in the challenge! Even if you're not up to 30 minutes for 5 days, join us and make it 15 minutes, or 20 minutes, for 5 days. Or adjust it so that it fits your needs! We can do this!
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