Most embarrassing "fat" moment....



  • srhershey
    srhershey Posts: 181 Member
    I have a couple embarassing Fat moments:
    1. I was at the check out counter at a store with my boyfriend at the time and the clerk asked me "how far along are you?"
    2. I was a Maid of Honor at my sister's wedding. I had to pay extra for the dress since they needed to add more material for me. Then on the day of the wedding, after getting my hair and make-up done, I noticed my dress was ripped (about an inch in length) in the front by my ribs. Luckily my step mom brought her sowing kit and stitched it up for me. Unfortunately, the photographyer just had to take a picture of this.
  • ktbug1186
    ktbug1186 Posts: 266
  • jessicaacampbell1
    jessicaacampbell1 Posts: 133 Member
  • skinnygurl02
    skinnygurl02 Posts: 176 Member
    I had to sit a little bit at an angle in a roller coaster to fit in it. Nobody noticed but, it was still terribly embarrassing:(
  • WABeachWalker
    WABeachWalker Posts: 133 Member
    So many that there is no singular stand-out. Having to place small children in my lap or in front of me so that I didn't take up all the space in the photo. Running around to the back of a line of people in a photo and become a "floating head" (no body showing), having to have my wedding ring cut off in preparation for surgery, being the biggest person in the room nearly every time, having a 4th grade student grimace and ask if my fingers hurt (they swell.) Clothes that don't fit right and having to "settle for something in my size" which is code for "something a person of normal weight would never choose to wear."

    Now I'm doing something about my weight and my health. So glad I joined MFP. Thank you to everyone who shared an embarrassing "fat" moment. You are so encouraging.
  • sadira86
    sadira86 Posts: 23 Member
    My sister (5 feet tall, size 0 or 2) and I were browsing around Ann Taylor and I kept picking out stuff for her to try on. She asked me why I wasn't trying anything on and I told her they didn't carry my size. She said, "Oh I've seen big sizes 10." :\ She meant well but I'll never forget it.

    this reminds me of when i went out shopping with a friend (maybe a size 4?) and we were in one store and she asked why i wasn't picking anything out and i told her that i couldn't fit into their clothes and she wouldn't believe me and tried insisting that i wasn't too big for their clothes. i didn't say it in a way to garner sympathy, i know my size and what i can and can't fit into. when i tell people this i hate getting responses from people where they feel obligated to try to make it seem like it's all in my head. i'm not a skinny person saying "oh i'm so fat" when i'm not. i don't even call myself fat, but when i know i don't fit into certain clothes, it's because it's the truth!
  • Ericaaa89
    Ericaaa89 Posts: 48 Member
    My grandmother is Honduran and if you know spanish families you know they tell it like it is. And they want you to find a husband!

    From my grandma one year for christmas I got a case of Slimfast wrapped up as a present--this new weightloss drink she had seen on tv one day. I opened it in front of a few cousins. I was embarrassed, but they know how she is. It also came with a card apologizing for making me fat by cooking for me everyday when I'd get to her house after school. She took complete responsibility for me being obese. What do you even say to that?

    She relaxed a bit after I got with my boyfriend but still tells me the best neck exercises to do to get rid of my double chin.
  • Meatsies
    Meatsies Posts: 351 Member
    1. Name calling, my entire life.
    2. Freshman year of high school, in a new school, new state, away from all of my friends, a girl points out, "Hey, your thighs are rubbing together."
    3. Wrestling a bit with a boy in high school that I really liked, and being able to best him...his response was, "Well, you weigh a lot more than me." Shot down!
    4. After giving birth to twins and then gaining some ADDITIONAL weight, my ex-father-in-law said, "Well, you just need to learn to keep your mouth shut." (Meaning, stop eating!)
    5. While I was pregnant with twins, I dropped my change purse at the mall one day. I was 8 months along and HUUUUUGE. Some guy just laughed watching me as I tried to bend over far enough to pick up all the change, and said, "What, you having twins?" Yeah, as$hat, how about you reach that quarter for me?
    6. Being on right now and not getting any hits because I have 'full-figured' listed as my body type. I feel like no one's even looking at the words I typed into my profile. Has been a real self-esteem buster...after having already lost 40+ pounds!
  • morrigansmom11
    morrigansmom11 Posts: 5 Member
    At the estate sale after my grandmother died, a little old lady came up to me and told me "It's ok sweetie, you may be chubby but someday you will find your prince charming" I don't know where that came from....
  • tessaeve
    tessaeve Posts: 75 Member
    Took my BF to Thanksgiving dinner at my Grandmother and Grandfather's house for the first time to meet the family. My Grandfather asked me all day long about every 15-30 minutes if I had "topped-out yet." Topped-out is a term for the fattening hogs meaning that they are fat enough for slaughter. Wow, gramps, really?
    At the same time my Aunt kept insisting that I had actually lost weight, like 50 lbs or more. Making it seem like I had been a lot heavier. I informed them all that while I did have some weight to lose, I had been the same weight for several years.
    The whole conversation date day centered around my weight. Thankfully my dear BF stuck around, now he just thinks my family are a bunch of loons although he would never say it out loud.
  • EmilyBoots
    EmilyBoots Posts: 15 Member
    this isn't mine personally but I used to work at Six Flags New England as a ride operator, and sometimes I would have to be the one checking seat belts. Telling people that it wouldn't be safe for them to ride because I couldn't buckle their seat belt or push down the harness... ouch :/ I always felt so bad for them.

    Oh man, I used to get thrown off of rides all the time there for not fitting in seats. I'm sure you were super nice about it - it's humiliating, but I definitely get why it's got to be done - but there are some ride operators who were downright %&@!ers about it and would go out of their way to make you feel horrible. Then, of course, there are all kinds of delicious treats nearby to comfort you!
    So yeah I didn't learn my lesson about returning to amusement parks very easily :)
  • LoosingMyLast15
    LoosingMyLast15 Posts: 1,457 Member
    my pants split getting into my boss's car.
  • jessicalynn75
    jessicalynn75 Posts: 371 Member
    Disney 2007. It's a Small World. I couldn't fit through the exit bars so I had to use the "wheelchair gate". Mortified.
  • beekuzz
    beekuzz Posts: 428 Member
    Don't need others to feel embarrased. Just me looking in the mirror, always choose the handicapped stall when out because the others are too small - AND THE WORST ONE, having trouble reaching far enough to wipe!!! :noway: That, thank God, has just been resolved with recent weight loss.
  • ladyark
    ladyark Posts: 1,101 Member
    !. Would be hearing , you would be so pretty if you didnt weigh so much ( as if THAT makes a person beautiful or not)

    2. Having a friends granddaughter tell you sure do have a big butt. I laughed when she said it but, it hurt my feelings.
  • 1. Name calling, my entire life.
    2. Freshman year of high school, in a new school, new state, away from all of my friends, a girl points out, "Hey, your thighs are rubbing together."
    3. Wrestling a bit with a boy in high school that I really liked, and being able to best him...his response was, "Well, you weigh a lot more than me." Shot down!
    4. After giving birth to twins and then gaining some ADDITIONAL weight, my ex-father-in-law said, "Well, you just need to learn to keep your mouth shut." (Meaning, stop eating!)
    5. While I was pregnant with twins, I dropped my change purse at the mall one day. I was 8 months along and HUUUUUGE. Some guy just laughed watching me as I tried to bend over far enough to pick up all the change, and said, "What, you having twins?" Yeah, as$hat, how about you reach that quarter for me?
    6. Being on right now and not getting any hits because I have 'full-figured' listed as my body type. I feel like no one's even looking at the words I typed into my profile. Has been a real self-esteem buster...after having already lost 40+ pounds!
    Hey if they dont take the time to read it then they are not worth your time, better off without them x x x
  • AliciaBeth78
    AliciaBeth78 Posts: 437 Member
    Mine was when my boyfriend told me he wasn't sexually attracted to me anymore.... talk about a devastating blow to your ego!!
  • obeserat
    obeserat Posts: 218 Member
    I was flying to America , I was a bit big for the seat , my leg kept pushing the button to call the air stewards
  • LolasEpicJourney
    LolasEpicJourney Posts: 1,010 Member
    I got turned away from a roller coaster because I was too big for the safety harness...
    I had issues getting the seat belt done up on airplanes - so I would hide the fact it wasnt done up : /
    When I was 13 my grade 7 teacher told me he "understood" why I wouldnt want to go swimming with my peers.

    all behind me now!
  • Vanyao
    Vanyao Posts: 16 Member
    Not being able to fit into an amusement park ride at the boardwalk.

    I had to sit there while the attendants tried to stuff the protective bar into place and lock me in.
    Finally, they gave up and I had to do the walk of shame in front of a few dozen snickering on-lookers wondering what the hold up was.

    I cried and wanted to go home. Then ended up feeling even worse knowing I had ruined the whole day for everyone because of my insecurity and weight.

    It makes me want to cry thinking about it now... :'(

    ^^^This. The exact same thing happened to me. Worst day ever.