Biggest Pet Peeves at the Gym



  • Matt_Wild
    Matt_Wild Posts: 2,673 Member
    i dunno if this is really a pet peeve, but i don't understand walking on a treadmill... wouldn't it be more interesting to walk outside? you can walk pretty much anywhere, and theres the whole bonus of a changing environment to keep you interested. i realize you can run outside too but its so much easier to push yourself with the treadmill going at fixed speed.

    I walk on the treadmill, because I'm not ABLE to run yet. Some of us have a lot of weight to lose, and our fitness isn't great, and this is the start we need. Seriously :-/

    I fast walk on the treadmill. I keep my heart rate sub 130bpm. I burn tonnes of fat and get sub 5% body fat. Running isnt needed.

    So thats a pet peeve I guess, people running on a treadmill IF they are looking to lose fat and not do CV.
  • Ayla70
    Ayla70 Posts: 284 Member
    i dunno if this is really a pet peeve, but i don't understand walking on a treadmill... wouldn't it be more interesting to walk outside? you can walk pretty much anywhere, and theres the whole bonus of a changing environment to keep you interested. i realize you can run outside too but its so much easier to push yourself with the treadmill going at fixed speed.

    I walk on the treadmill, because I'm not ABLE to run yet. Some of us have a lot of weight to lose, and our fitness isn't great, and this is the start we need. Seriously :-/

    I fast walk on the treadmill. I keep my heart rate sub 130bpm. I burn tonnes of fat and get sub 5% body fat. Running isnt needed.

    So thats a pet peeve I guess, people running on a treadmill IF they are looking to lose fat and not do CV.

    I walk as fast as my chubby little legs will carry me, and always have it on a big incline. It's easier somehow, to walk 'uphill' than it is to walk flat.

    My heart rate is usually quite a bit higher than yours lol...
  • Matt_Wild
    Matt_Wild Posts: 2,673 Member

    No need to run if burning fat :smile:
  • Jkmumma
    Jkmumma Posts: 254
  • Matt_Wild
    Matt_Wild Posts: 2,673 Member
    Munters who complain about attractive women wearing make up...
  • Well men or in some cases women who forget the DO for the BO! noone wants to smell that ****..and I don't know that this is a pet peeve but more so a distraction when the larger of the men that are workingout are either making what sounds like to me as mating calls very loudly as they slam the weights! Easy Killer!! haah
  • mackie121
    mackie121 Posts: 32 Member
    Guys who openly stare at girls *kitten*! Like seriously they will pick machines specifically because they are behind girls running and make no attempt to hide that they are staring at the girls’ *kitten*! I thought this was bad at my college gym but then I came home and started noticing it at my local gym, college guy ok, but old men! Come on! A lot of times the girls are wearing like regular athletic shorts and t-shirts so you can’t even say that they’re asking for it or something, which is sometimes the guys excuse if a girl is wearing spandex
  • Kwika
    Kwika Posts: 145 Member
    Poeple who come into the pool and stand at the end of a lane and chat the entire tome and maybe do a couple laps here and there. Seriously????? If you want to have a bull session, go to your local coffee shop but not the pool.
  • Guys who think they're showing off by doing some heavy weights but can't even execute them in proper form. I saw a guy swinging his arms while doing curls with a weight too heavy for him. He looked like a noodle.
  • torygirl79
    torygirl79 Posts: 307 Member
    Virtually all the elipticals were in use and there was one guy standing on one, not using it, wearing a shirt, cuff links and suit trousers.... Watching the tv...
  • slkehl
    slkehl Posts: 3,801 Member
    When you're doing some pre workout stretching, eyeing the only unoccupied elliptical, and just as you're about done, someone gets on it
  • jaysonhijinx
    jaysonhijinx Posts: 663 Member
    Share yours, but here are some of mine.

    1. Guys that sit around and chit chat for like an hour, especially when they're holding up a piece of equipment or weights. I mean seriously, can you chatty cathys go grab a cup of coffee or something? I'm trying to get swole here!

    2. Guys that go to the gym, and whose top priority is to pick up girls. I'm pretty sure the young lady came here to workout, not listen to your pick-up lines. (Although I do enjoy watching this from time to time. Some of the funniest rejections I've seen happened at gyms.)

    3. That know-it-all guy, whose sole purpose is to walk around the gym and tell you that you're doing it wrong. Look at me, I'm pretty sure I have a grip on my workouts. Next time I need HGH advice, I'll come find you.

    4. People who don't wipe after they use the equipment. I mean, come on! Really?

    These are just a few of mine. Are you guilty of any of these? Do you have any of your own? Let me know.

    All these plus people who will use a set of dumbbells or some plates and not put them back when they are finished!

    And I'm proud to say I'm guilty of none of these! Apparently I have a good gym ethic, hehe.
  • Iceman1800
    Iceman1800 Posts: 476
    Funny how I've trained for over 30 years and now this whiney bs about wiping down machines has become a huge issue. Leaving a puddle of sweat is one thing. But dome feel they need to get the spray bottle out if they brush a machine as they walk past it. It's a gym, not a hospital. Get over the namby pamby crap and lift.
  • KS_4691
    KS_4691 Posts: 228 Member
    People who think randomly touching a wet wipe to a few spots on a machine actually makes a difference in the amount of germs that are on it.

    I may very well have wiped it down, but based on the number of comments about this topic, I'm led to believe that there is an overabundance of germophobes out there. I probably didn't do a job satisfactory to your liking, so if you are so concerned about the sweat left behind by someone else, wipe it down before you get on.


    what does bother me is lazy a-holes that will piss all over a toilet seat rather than lift it up first.

    1. If you can't take the time (are are too scared of germs) to lift the seat, use the urinal, but...
    2. If you are too embarrassed by the size of your manhood to use the urinal, then...
    3. If you aim is so bad that you can't hit the hole, and you're too lazy (or scared) to lift it, then clean your piss off the seat when you finish.

    I'd rather wipe up somebody's sweat than their urine.

    Little known biochemistry fact: sweat has the same composition as urine.
  • MVal79
    MVal79 Posts: 8
    I agree with the OP, especially wiping down the machines. It doesn't matter if you were only on for 10 minutes warming up-wipe it down! Its courtesy. As per some other responses, I don't care what girls wear, or whether they are *actually* working out or not, how much make-up they have on or whether they are trying to pick men up, honestly. I have to agree with the DO for the BO post---and there are some chronic offenders at my gym. I don't have to deal with people holding onto machines at my gym (walking away, but still 'using'), people are pretty cordial and will wait their turn if the machine is taken.
    There is a big room, the group training room at my gym, which has some weights and other equipment, but mostly it has lots of space. The rest of the gym is pretty tightly packed with equipment. My pet peeve is when people train doing walking lunges and short sprints and things in the aisles of the gym. Please use the group training room! There is more space and less chance that you are going to literally run into me when I decide to get off my machine!
  • Brooke_26
    Brooke_26 Posts: 204
    People who are always complaining about what others are wearing...if they wear t-shirts & sweats, they complain.....if they wear boy shorts & sports bra, they complain......who cares what others are wearing, your there to work out, not be a fashion critic :laugh:
  • Iceman1800
    Iceman1800 Posts: 476
    People who are always complaining about what others are wearing...if they wear t-shirts & sweats, they complain.....if they wear boy shorts & sports bra, they complain......who cares what others are wearing, your there to work out, not be a fashion critic :laugh:
    agreed, I usually don't even notice what others are wearing, I'm there to pick stuff up and put it down.
  • sandylion
    sandylion Posts: 451 Member

    3. Girls who wear just a sports bra in front of the whole gym... I do not care how skinny you are it is just wrong!

    I work out at a climbing gym with no air conditioning. 50% of the men there are shirtless. Why is it wrong to wear only a sports bra that does not show an inch of cleavage?
  • kaatielove
    kaatielove Posts: 113
    My biggest pet peeve is when someone gets on the treadmill next to me and stands on to belt with the machine still off for God only knows how long until they find whatever channel they want to watch on the TV. Is it not possible to start walking or something while youre flipping through the channels? It irritates me so bad. hah
  • poedunk65
    poedunk65 Posts: 1,336 Member
    Old men with their balls hanging out and standing there talking to you naked!!! EWWWW........