Most embarrassing "fat" moment....



  • mollysonnotice
    An old friend of mine grabbed the sides of my stomach and shook it yelling "Food Baby!" then an hour later telling me that my thighs reminded him of an ocean....
  • ahjenny
    ahjenny Posts: 293 Member
    When I was trying to get on a carnival ride. I am a little short so I was having a hard time getting on the seat, which was a few feet (like 4 feet) off the ground. The carnival worker looked me up and down and said I was "too big" and told me to get off the platform. I'm sure I would have been fine, I was just too short to jump and turn in the seat by myself. I was mortified and I haven't done carnival rides since then.
  • mollysonnotice
    When I was 16 and a lot smaller, my stepdad stopped me in the hallway and said: no guy is ever going to love you if you look like that. I was shocked and bottled up the bitterness/anger from that. He would also comment on my eating all the time. If we were out somewhere he would glare at me and watch me eat. He would sigh heavily if what I was eating was not what I should have been eating in his mind. He would always say: Are you sure you should be eating that? I think you've had enough.

    My dad did the same.... Not to mention he's over 100 lbs heavier than me
  • fitdeer
    fitdeer Posts: 5 Member
    I was in high school and spent the whole day wearing a dress that I felt really pretty in. But before my last class this girl I knew pat my stomach and said "When's the baby due?" Jokingly. I never wore that dress again needless to say.
  • RunninSD
    RunninSD Posts: 36
    Everytime I look in the mirror.

    I feel your pain...
  • RunninSD
    RunninSD Posts: 36
    A guy I was interested in told me that he "didn't usually date women my size."

    Now, he wants to date me lol....

    I say yeah sure and let him take you out as much as you want but not take him SERIOUSLY.
  • oceancity
    When I was 16 and a lot smaller, my stepdad stopped me in the hallway and said: no guy is ever going to love you if you look like that. I was shocked and bottled up the bitterness/anger from that. He would also comment on my eating all the time. If we were out somewhere he would glare at me and watch me eat. He would sigh heavily if what I was eating was not what I should have been eating in his mind. He would always say: Are you sure you should be eating that? I think you've had enough.

    My dad did the same.... Not to mention he's over 100 lbs heavier than me

    My dad and step mom would do the same to me too and then make snide remarks about my weight. It was sad because at the time I was 206 and losing weight, then when I moved away from them just TWO months later, I was 245. I don't know why people are so fuggin rude. They think that these those comments don't hurt, but say that to the 40 pounds I had put on.
  • meepberry
    meepberry Posts: 22 Member
    Tie between all the times my parents would tell me "You'd have more friends if you lost some weight" and how every time I go for a walk outside I get at least one jerk who yells out something like, "Run fatty, run!" as they drive by. :(
  • RunninSD
    RunninSD Posts: 36
    My grandmother is Honduran and if you know spanish families you know they tell it like it is. And they want you to find a husband!

    From my grandma one year for christmas I got a case of Slimfast wrapped up as a present--this new weightloss drink she had seen on tv one day. I opened it in front of a few cousins. I was embarrassed, but they know how she is. It also came with a card apologizing for making me fat by cooking for me everyday when I'd get to her house after school. She took complete responsibility for me being obese. What do you even say to that?

    She relaxed a bit after I got with my boyfriend but still tells me the best neck exercises to do to get rid of my double chin.

    My Dad is even worse he makes fun of my mother and my sister and I when we go out to eat. My mom got a lot of food at this fancy restaurant on Thanksgiving. Yes sometimes we take the holiday off and go to the Ritz, or something like that. But I could kind of tell she wanted to stab him with the fork. lol she got up and left and didn't say anything and he was still sitting there laughing at his own jokes. JOKES ABOUT MY MOTHER BEING FAT AND EATINg SO MUCH. Like 3 kids and 33 years of marriage went out the door... So my sister got on him hard and cursed him out at the table (quietly)lol. So I got up to go console my mother and she was terribly upset. Of course after my sister laid him out he got up an apologized to my mother. Almost groveling at her feet for forgiveness...

    Yeah so that's how my Thanksgiving last year went...

    I recently got down to a size 8 after being a 14 and you know what he gotta get down to be a 6, and didn't even acknowledge my hard work. I love my dad and he means well but he can be such an *kitten* sometimes.
  • AESprouse
    AESprouse Posts: 112 Member
    I have a couple. When I was in 6th grade I was asked by another student if I was pregnant while sitting in the lunch room. I wasn't really that big at the time and I think her and the three girls sitting with her were just doing it to be b*tches. Also, I was riding a bike to the store with my now hubby when I was 18 and some guy driving past yelled "You need to be on that bike!".
  • ReginasHorror
    ReginasHorror Posts: 423 Member
    Someone pointing out that my arms had flab, which they had lovingly dubbed "lunch ladies" >.<;;
  • jyuubi
    jyuubi Posts: 109
    I went to get on a ride at the boardwalk, and the guys working the ride had to try to get the bars down over me and clicked before the ride could start. Everyone else was already fastened and waiting, and watching.
  • _VoV
    _VoV Posts: 1,494 Member
    One time I went to the doctor, and the nurse made a HUGE production of needing to use a bigger blood pressure cuff. It was bad enough that it was needed, but I was made to feel like a nuisance.
  • anial
    anial Posts: 27 Member
    It's was many of this moments, and about pregnancy too... One of last is when we go to restoraunt, for us was reserved one cute little table and... my stomach don't want fit between table and chair(which was fixed) ,so each time I have to move or stand up, I have to push it a little bit to my husband...
  • TinGirl314
    TinGirl314 Posts: 430 Member
    I had mine last night...
    I went to a bar with a friend and he introduced me to one of his friends and his friend said 'Sorry I don't f...sleep with fat chicks.'

    Here I am.
  • jgondor
    jgondor Posts: 145 Member
    i was dancing in a dance concert in college and the choreographer asked me to pay extra for my costume because it was a bigger size and "plus sizes costs extra." i was mortified.
  • monicalosesweight
    monicalosesweight Posts: 1,173 Member
    I had two moments - my sister took pictures of us all at the beach and I was wearing a black suit. I think in my mind I looked skinny because this was the most unflattering picture I've ever seen. I swear I was looking at a Seal on the beach.

    The other moment was when I went into Victoria's secret and found out their bands that go under the bosom only go up to a certain number which means I can't shop there anymore. I had no idea there was a limit to the size of those things.

    Either way, I've decided it's time for a change.
  • halips
    halips Posts: 134 Member
    My life is made up of these moments. From my little brother and his friends calling me "tugboat" and "earthquake" to a high school crush telling me "well at least you have a pretty face" to my ex husband calling me a fat ***** (hence ex), a young boy yelling "hey mom who's the fat lady" at a public pool and most recently my niece telling me I'm fat like her other grandma. It's time for a new lifetime of moments. I'm tired of just being the pretty face with a good smile and ready to be sexy! :)
  • vegannewbie12
    vegannewbie12 Posts: 19 Member

    Going to a party with my husband and having several obese women asking me how on earth did I snag him. My husband is 6'2, very fit and attractive, you would not think at all that he would have a fat wife. I was obese at the time. I just said Oh we met when I was slender and cute. I felt terrible though. I can't wait for the day when people wonder how on earth he snagged ME.

    What an awesome attitude!
  • lemonjune
    lemonjune Posts: 37 Member
    When guys wolf-whistle at you, and knowing they're sarcastic. When a guy asks you out/says his friend wants to go out, and then he turns to his friends and they all start laughing.
    In my physics class a few years back, I stood up to go to the bathroom and had to squeeze between two rows of desks to get out. My huge butt knocked all the books off one guy's desk, and this was in the first row -- in front of the entire class. I was so humiliated, all I could do was run out of the class.
    I was walking into one of my classes and a guy accidentally elbowed me in the stomach, and just cringing as I felt my stomach jiggle. He looked really surprised and kind of disgusted when he realized what he'd elbowed (and why it had been so soft and flabby), but he apologised and tried to cover it up. :/
    Going clothes shopping with my friends and having to come up with an excuse like, "I don't like the cut" or "The colour doesn't look good on me", when in reality they just don't fit.
    Most of my fat moments seem to be all in my head, though. I don't know how many times I've just locked myself in my room and cried because I just feel so disgusting. That's the worst part -- when nobody even says anything to me, I just automatically hate myself. But I'm trying to learn to love my body, whether I'm fat or fit! :)