Most embarrassing "fat" moment....



  • bunnyfox
    bunnyfox Posts: 74 Member
    The day I couldn't fit on the roller coaster and had to send my baby brother who was 8-9 years old at the time ALONE on it by himself.

    This and add that I had to get off the roller coaster and everyone was staring!

    This. I was with a guy I really liked at the time, and even though the lap bar fit, the seat belt you had to wear underneath wouldn't fit. So the roller coaster attendant tried to help me squeeze into it, but it wouldn't work, so he had to raise EVERYONE's lap bars up so mine would open, and I had to get off, with people waiting in line calling me a fat *kitten* and complaining that I had held up the line. The the whole rest of the day, the guy I was with kept making "supportive" comments about rides he thought I wouldn't fit in so we wouldn't have to waste time waiting in those lines...I had never been more embarrassed.
  • momecanlose
    Seeing pictures of myself. My sister loves taking pics and posting them on facebook. We took a lot with family..

    Most embarrassing "fat" moment: Realizing Im the biggest person in my family. =(
  • SisterMidnight
    I've got a whole lifetime of embarrassing stories and was bullied quite badly at school, the most recent embarrassing moment was the last time I was on a plane, I almost couldn't get the seatbelt on! I struggled but finally got the thing to click, but I would have killed me to have to ask for an extension! :(
  • melissaw78
    melissaw78 Posts: 214 Member
    I stated that I was pleased wih myself for losing a few pounds. Someone replied, "Look behind you, you'll find them".

    When I caught and image of myself this spring in the mirror and I was sure I saw my mother (even though she is 60lbs heavier then me at the time).
  • stpattysgirl82
    stpattysgirl82 Posts: 3 Member
    this totally happened to me last year at Sea World!!
  • DennyCakes
    My most recent embarrassing fat moment happened this April. I went to Louisiana for my friend's wedding and I was staying with his sister. While playing with her granddaughter on the floor the little girls says, in front of everyone, "Don't lay down like that, you'll hurt the baby in your tummy!" I was mortified!! I have never been pregnant! I laughed it off at the moment, but cried in the shower later.
  • jlong7774
    jlong7774 Posts: 64 Member
    A swing that was attached in a porch broke loose and I fell. It was very embarrassing and even though the screw gave way in the wood it was still very embarrassing.
  • smilingalltheway
    smilingalltheway Posts: 216 Member
    I was on my Dad's deck and my foot went through the decking..ok the decking was old and rotting still embarrassed
  • AmyOwensJackson
    The absolute worst had to be when I was in the plus size store shopping and the clerk asked me when my baby was due. I wasn't pregnant. It's one thing in a regular store.. but in the plus size?!
  • Selma10001984
    Selma10001984 Posts: 206 Member
    Having some woman come up to me and congratulate me on my pregnancy a few years ago....i told her I wasn't pregnant and confronted her by asking : who's been going around saying that I was pregnant?
    She was like "uh...some man who lives around neighbourghood told me that (Off course a nameless man). I later found out that this woman and her gossiping friends congratulated my father, who was afraid to ask me wheather that was true or not after not seeing me for a few weeks (I was still in school at that time)....
  • robbieheslop
    robbieheslop Posts: 23 Member
    Being a pool with friends and hearing people near us laughing and saying " my God how can someone be so fat"
  • randysbombshellgirl
    randysbombshellgirl Posts: 338 Member
    I told someone what costume I was wearing for Halloween (a repeat from two years prior, when I was a few sizes smaller). They looked me over and said, "Are you sure you should do that? You've gotten a bit bigger since then."

    Opened my eyes, that one did.
    oh boy that reminded me of mine. Several Halloweens ago I went as Barbie solo in the spotlight (very old school) some guy asked what I was suposed to be I told him and he says no way Barbies not that fat
  • lovetheinsanity
    Well my "fat" moment (i was 64 kg at 152 cm) was when mom asked if i wanted to go and see a nutritionist. I was like ME?! I thought about it the whole day then i realize that even though im the fattest in my fam at the mo' i might actually need the help. But rlly ur mom telling u ur fat is a bit like rubbing salt on wounds. Hurts...
  • tship74
    tship74 Posts: 48
    I was walking in the gym and a little kid said "Mommy why is the fat man going into the gym?" That woke me up!!
  • Owlie45
    Owlie45 Posts: 806 Member
    Most came when I was young from my older brother. The most recent one was from my friends kid who informed me I was large, I then informed him that I will be taking care of that. He said okay and asked if I wanted to watch spongebob.

    My friend is over weight, but about 5 years ago she put on more weight, she thought it was because she was eating to much of the food from her work. Well people started coming up to her asking when she was due and touching her belly. I remember one time I was taking a placement test and we hear someone yelling at the top of her lungs, it was my friend after the 3rd person that month asking her.
    One fine evening in December she went to the hospital for a blocked bowel, she left a few days later with a bouncy baby boy. She dropped a bit of weight after than.
  • iknowthisbar
    I hear that! Planes are the worst!
  • Rapunzelskb
    The day my sister and I went to visit our mother in hospice and they thought she was my daughter - I was only 38 and she was 35- the weight adds years
  • Rinkermann
    Rinkermann Posts: 108 Member
    nobody likes being fat, and those comments hurt. we all have certain things that we're sensitive about, but the thing about obesity is that its a vulnerability that the outside world can see and target.

    i went through school overweight, but i had never had a bad word about my weight at school. one day though, when playing rugby against another school, one kid was giving me a lot of trash talk about my weight. after about 30 minutes i was pretty angry about it and went looking for him, and just before half-time i spear tackled him*. the kid went off injured and i actually ended up scoring that day, so it was a good game all round! :D

    *a spear tackle in rugby is slightly different to a spear tackle in american football. when i did it, about 10 years ago, it was legal and was considered a good strong tackle. only about 6-7 years ago was it actually banned for being too dangerous.

    anyway, i got my revenge so this incident doesn't really eat away at me.
  • gigglebunny1
    There have been so many, but here's a sample:
    1. As kids, my younger brother calling me fatty.
    2. My uncle, in a room with other people around, making a comment about my wide hips. That was embarrassing and felt creepy. Anytime I had to be around him during childhood, or now as an adult, those feelings came/come to mind.
    3. Boyfriend's brother calling me fat, though I wasn't at the time. How do I know? I have a picture to prove it! My weight loss goal is to get back to that weight - 135 lbs.

    The final straws that brought me to accept a friend's invitation to join a fitness center:

    1. When fulfilling my sister's request to pick up my nephew from school because she had something she needed to do after work. I got out of my car and, smiling, was walking towards nephew and my sister. Halfway to them they said something to each other and my nephew waved me to go back to my car. Sister walked away. I felt like I'd been punched. The smile dissolved and I felt like crying while walking back to my car. I'm embarrassed that I embarrass them...and myself.
    2. Not being able to comfortably sit in some seats - not comfortable for me, or neighbors, though it's not always 100% due to my size that creates the uncomfortable situation. At one movie theater I have to enter the seat sideways, due to hips, then turn to face the screen. At older theater venues (to see plays, musicals, comedies, etc.) the seats are narrow and close together. On airplanes, the same thing - narrow, close seating. I don't want to give up seeing movies, live entertainment, or fly, so I'm going to try to change what I can. If still uncomfortable after that, then I'll have to start pleading for businesses to update their seating :tongue: :happy:.
  • CrystalDreams
    CrystalDreams Posts: 418 Member
    split shorts i thought i fit into. they were a size 18. that was a bad day.