Most embarrassing "fat" moment....



  • jakidb
    jakidb Posts: 1,010 Member
    I would have to say mine was at Six Flags... I have ALWAYS loved roller coasters and fast rides so of course I was super hyped about riding--long story short, not only was it an extremely tight fit (hips way to big) but the bar would not go all the way down. So embarassing for me and though most of the people who oversee the rides didn't realize what the problem was, I would "fake it" and just say I changed my mind.
  • Awkward30
    Awkward30 Posts: 1,927 Member
    I had a coworker that said "you should go to the gym more" and "you'd be prettier if you were taller" and then, later, I was looking at a call me maybe parody 'cookie maybe' and then I said cookie maybe and he said "you need more workout and less cookies"

    The kicker is that he's Asian and naturally skinny... Not actually fit or in good shape.
  • happyfeetrebel1
    happyfeetrebel1 Posts: 1,005 Member

    In 8th grade a guy in my class who sat a couple seats behind me one day decided to try and push the desk in front of him into mine and try and move me. But I was too fat and he found that hilarious. -.- This is the same guy that SHOVED me to the ground during flag football and said "stay down there fat @ss" Not only was it horribly embarrassing it hurt, what kind of guy does that?!

    The kind of guy who is single and lives in his mom's basement for the rest of his life. IF he's lucky

  • littlestarshines
    littlestarshines Posts: 10 Member
    I was at Canada's wonderland with my family and my mom wanted to go on the new leviathan with us, she is very overweight, i dont know her weight but she wears size 5x I believe, so I asked a woman that worked there what the size limit was for the ride, she looks at me and says ''Im not so sure you'd fit, why dont you try the sample seat'' i was mortified , i had already been on the ride 3 times and i told her that and told her i was asking for my over weight mother. i was only 190pounds at that time but i never realized people saw me as THAT BIG....
  • Sassy9411
    Sassy9411 Posts: 67 Member
    The most recent one was when I was in my school library, minding my own business, looking for a new book and these 2 boys were sitting there whispering. As I walked by, one of them whispered, "Hey! Look at that fat girl." and they laughed loudly.
    God, that ruined the rest of my day. More were in middle working on a group project and having people comment about my weight. I remember crying a lot from comments, but now I've learned to brush it off. At least I'm trying to better myself!
  • MartinaC32
    MartinaC32 Posts: 63 Member
    It was a day in July when I was about 17 I was doing laundry at the local laundromat and a lady came up to me and asked me when I was due.

    I had no time to think of what to say so I just said May.

    She just looked at me with this dumbfounded look on her face. I was so embarrassed for several reasons. Mostly being fat and someone thought I was pregnant and secondly because if I was pregnant in July the child would definitely be born before May. Obviously I was fat enough that she thought I was close to being due.

    The worse part about the whole story is I had to sit in the same laundromat with her for the next hour as this happened as I arrived. Such is my life.
  • vodkoffee
    vodkoffee Posts: 160 Member
    My worst was actually when I was pretty skinny. I was around 140lbs, but I had a chair collapse under me! My friend was at his lowest weight ever, 150 or so, when he had a public toilet crack underneath him. Nothing that bad ever happened to me when I was heavier, I just had a general dislike for shopping and seeing how something would fit.
  • shanndigity
    shanndigity Posts: 34 Member
    Broke a chair...well its was on its way out but i finished the job by sitting on it...SUPER embarrassing
  • Mountainbiker2015
    Mountainbiker2015 Posts: 129 Member
    Two that I can think of. One when I split the seat of my uniform at work and the other time when someone asked me when I was due and I was not pregnant. In all fairness, I did weigh more then I did when I was 9 months pregnant at the time, but it still stung!
  • Owlie45
    Owlie45 Posts: 806 Member
    There have been so many, but here's a sample:
    1. As kids, my younger brother calling me fatty.
    2. My uncle, in a room with other people around, making a comment about my wide hips. That was embarrassing and felt creepy. Anytime I had to be around him during childhood, or now as an adult, those feelings came/come to mind.
    3. Boyfriend's brother calling me fat, though I wasn't at the time. How do I know? I have a picture to prove it! My weight loss goal is to get back to that weight - 135 lbs.

    The final straws that brought me to accept a friend's invitation to join a fitness center:

    1. When fulfilling my sister's request to pick up my nephew from school because she had something she needed to do after work. I got out of my car and, smiling, was walking towards nephew and my sister. Halfway to them they said something to each other and my nephew waved me to go back to my car. Sister walked away. I felt like I'd been punched. The smile dissolved and I felt like crying while walking back to my car. I'm embarrassed that I embarrass them...and myself.
    2. Not being able to comfortably sit in some seats - not comfortable for me, or neighbors, though it's not always 100% due to my size that creates the uncomfortable situation. At one movie theater I have to enter the seat sideways, due to hips, then turn to face the screen. At older theater venues (to see plays, musicals, comedies, etc.) the seats are narrow and close together. On airplanes, the same thing - narrow, close seating. I don't want to give up seeing movies, live entertainment, or fly, so I'm going to try to change what I can. If still uncomfortable after that, then I'll have to start pleading for businesses to update their seating :tongue: :happy:.

    Personally I would have left them there.
  • shanndigity
    shanndigity Posts: 34 Member
    Being a pool with friends and hearing people near us laughing and saying " my God how can someone be so fat"

  • Kureiton84
    Kureiton84 Posts: 20 Member
    Maybe not the "most" embarrassing, but certainly up there.

    As a bit of a shut-in, I didn't know my way around even my own neighborhood all that well, except for places I went frequently, or places near enough to my house.

    During a driver's education class, the instructor told me to head toward the local library. I could picture the library in town, but I couldn't think of the best route to take to get there. When I'd finally thought of *A* route, I started off, and was corrected and told that I should go such-and-such way instead.

    After the library, I was told to drive to a local restaurant, and because the restaurant happened to be NEAR MY OWN HOUSE, I immediately started heading that direction, and the instructor told me "Yeah, you know where the food is at, don't ya!?" Followed by laughter from him and another student.

  • PandaCustard
    PandaCustard Posts: 204 Member
    When I was a kid, I played outside all the time and was a stick. One summer, when I was 8, it was horribly hot and humid and I spent more time indoors, so I put on a little weight. When my grandma came to visit, the first words out of her mouth are, "Wow, Brittany, you're getting fat." I ran to my room and cried for the rest of the day. That started the long downward spiral of eating disorders.

    When I was a junior in high school I fell down a flight of stairs and cracked my ankle. Instead of anyone helping me, everyone that saw laughed and one guy said, "The bigger they are, the harder they fall."

    Nowadays I have a much better sense of humor about my weight since my fiance has been supportive no matter what size I've been. Because of his support and his loving me no matter how fat or skinny I am, I'm finding it much easier to just go to the gym without caring what anyone thinks. He rocks. :)
  • dwalters1024
    dwalters1024 Posts: 1 Member
    Just this past weekend my fiance and I went on a ziplining tour. They send each person within 10-15 seconds of each other. I was 3rd to go and I zoomed passed my fiance and the other woman that went first. When we got off the zipline he said "you're lucky, yours went SO much faster. How did you go so fast?". It sucked to have to explain to him that it's all the extra weight I have!

    We also went snorkeling this weekend and it was pretty embarrasing to see our two wetsuits next to each other. His a medium and mine an XL. Also, wetsuits are the least flattering things EVER. I just saw some of the pictures of us from the weekend and I look terrible! I need to print one of those pictures and use it as my motivation this week.
  • fitterpam
    fitterpam Posts: 3,086 Member
    My friend's little brother telling me in front of my family and theirs that I was "squishy"........I was 14 I don't think he meant it as an insult......he was 4 and was actually saying he liked it for hugs....but still!

    Or being near the beach at 16 and hearing the boys walking by say "Beached Whale".........Not loud enough that I was supposed to hear, but loud enough that I did.......
  • graceylou222
    graceylou222 Posts: 198 Member
    I was also congratulated for being pregnant. I've never had a flat belly, but gees! She was a nice old lady at church - I know she meant well, but that hurt more than I wanted to admit.
    I was wearing a dress for the first time in months that day because I had lost 4 pounds. I was feeling great until that moment.

    this is what happened to me too! It does hurt :( we can't let what others say define us! Although I am glad the old man at the VA told me congrats because it opened my eyes to how much weight I had gained.
  • jlbilka
    jlbilka Posts: 1 Member
    I was doing science experiments with my high school students. One student was testing leg strength in the men vs. women. She asked me to do a wall sit for as long as I could. When I walked over to the area, she looked at me and told me "You can unbutton your pants of you want. "
  • BringingSherriBack
    BringingSherriBack Posts: 607 Member
    Not fitting on the roller coaster at the amusement park last summer. I had waited in line and when it was my turn to board, I couldn't get the seat belt buckled. The attendant tried too, but to no avail. I had to exit the ride with my head hung in shame. The worst part was that my husband and 7 year old daughter had to see it.

    This year though, I fit with room to spare and rode every roller coaster at the park!
  • cookadook
    There are so many! Luckily I have a sense of humor! The most recent was when I was outside sitting in one of those cheap plastic white lawn chairs that you buy at Walmart and when I stood up it came up with me. I was wedged so deeply into the chair it was stuck to my butt!

    How about when I sat in one of those chairs that was poolside the legs gave out and I was suddenly on the tiled floor with the legs all splayed out. It was at a hotel pool and I was with a guy I was crushing on and my best friend. If only the guy weren't there to witness it and then had to help me up. Thank god that we all looked at the chair like something must have been wrong with it.. but we all knew that the wrongness was only with my weight. The only good thing was that I was fully clothed as I was not swimming (of course). Had that happened to me a bathing suit, I fear I might have died of complete humiliation right there in front of cute guy.
  • VogtAndrea
    VogtAndrea Posts: 236
    There are so many! Luckily I have a sense of humor! The most recent was when I was outside sitting in one of those cheap plastic white lawn chairs that you buy at Walmart and when I stood up it came up with me. I was wedged so deeply into the chair it was stuck to my butt!

    I was travelling, wanted a bite to eat and was going to sit down at one of those patio restaurant type places, The chairs were all the cheap plastic white ones and one of the legs folded, landing me on the floor. I had to have them bring me a "real chair" in order to stay and have a meal.
    I have one more chair story. Yes, again at a restaurant that I frequented on the odd weekend with friends and went to sit down (this time the chair was metal). It literally fell apart and again, I was on the floor. The chair had been broken and just set back in place earlier. I was just the poor shnook that sat down on it but it was really embarassing.