Most embarrassing "fat" moment....



  • littlecompton
    There have been so many, but here's a sample:
    1. As kids, my younger brother calling me fatty.
    2. My uncle, in a room with other people around, making a comment about my wide hips. That was embarrassing and felt creepy. Anytime I had to be around him during childhood, or now as an adult, those feelings came/come to mind.
    3. Boyfriend's brother calling me fat, though I wasn't at the time. How do I know? I have a picture to prove it! My weight loss goal is to get back to that weight - 135 lbs.

    The final straws that brought me to accept a friend's invitation to join a fitness center:

    1. When fulfilling my sister's request to pick up my nephew from school because she had something she needed to do after work. I got out of my car and, smiling, was walking towards nephew and my sister. Halfway to them they said something to each other and my nephew waved me to go back to my car. Sister walked away. I felt like I'd been punched. The smile dissolved and I felt like crying while walking back to my car. I'm embarrassed that I embarrass them...and myself.
    2. Not being able to comfortably sit in some seats - not comfortable for me, or neighbors, though it's not always 100% due to my size that creates the uncomfortable situation. At one movie theater I have to enter the seat sideways, due to hips, then turn to face the screen. At older theater venues (to see plays, musicals, comedies, etc.) the seats are narrow and close together. On airplanes, the same thing - narrow, close seating. I don't want to give up seeing movies, live entertainment, or fly, so I'm going to try to change what I can. If still uncomfortable after that, then I'll have to start pleading for businesses to update their seating :tongue: :happy:.

    Personally I would have left them there.
  • Jessastar
    Jessastar Posts: 234
    I was walking with my fiance and we went into a restaurant in the mall, as soon as he opened the door for me, I started getting people to clap and ask when I was due.. I was actually so embarrassed I 'played' a long .. afterwards I went out to the front parking lot crying and when my fiance came out to comfort me, 2 guys I went to school with had drove by & stopped, got out of the car and threw McDonalds at me saying "HERES YOUR APPETIZER!!!!!!" Then his friend was making pig noises at me and saying "Jessie the Fatty! Jessie the Fatty!" and started throwing soda at me saying "HERE! You need this more than I do!" My Fiance ended up running after them to beat the crap out of them but they jumped in their car and sped away.. I was humiliated in front of everyone.
  • _HeartsOnFire_
    _HeartsOnFire_ Posts: 5,304 Member
    Almost 3 years ago at my brothers baby shower...I was in a plastic chair, and it was a CHEAP freebie plastic chair at our friends bar (yes, baby shower on the back patio of a bar on a Sunday afternoon...our friends own the place and it was free...). They were opening gifts and all of a sudden my chair broke. I was mortified. Even though I know it was more the chair than me, I still felt like the fattest person ever.

    I actually tell myself I look pregnant naked. Luckily I wear clothes where it doesn't look like that, because I would be horrified if anyone else said that to me.

    This past April I went to Ireland. The 7 hour plane ride - my hips were squished and uncomfortable. Also, the bathtubs and bathrooms in Ireland are not really made for people who have hips. In the bathtub at my brothers rental, again hips squished. Walking around Ireland for 3 weeks, I lost a couple pounds. Came back here and really started busting my a**. I've lost 28 lbs. About 47 more to go. I'll get there...
  • deedeehauge
  • littlecompton
    I have trouble 'quoting' a previous poster, so this is in response to the girl who's sister and nephew acted embarrassed of her outside her nephew's school.

    I am so sorry! What a terrible thing for your sister to do. Even more disgusting is that she is apparently raising her son to be as cold, cruel, and callous as she is. My heart breaks for you. Many of us have stories of cruelty at the hands of strangers, but when our own families treat us so badly it hurts all the more.

    Peace to you, and the courage to walk away from those who abuse you or make you feel less special or less deserving of their love and respect.

    If you ever approach me with a smile I will welcome you gladly!
  • OfficiallySexyVal
    OfficiallySexyVal Posts: 492 Member
    The day I couldn't fit on the roller coaster and had to send my baby brother who was 8-9 years old at the time ALONE on it by himself.

    This and add that I had to get off the roller coaster and everyone was staring!

    Samething happened with me! But no longer! I went back to an amusement park last month and was able to get on every ride..whoo hoo!
  • dmtodd58
    dmtodd58 Posts: 6 Member
    my closet if full of those lol
  • BuffyEat2Live
    BuffyEat2Live Posts: 327 Member
    breaking someone's toilet seat. That was a low moment.
  • leomom72
    leomom72 Posts: 1,797 Member
  • semeyer
    semeyer Posts: 282 Member
    1. Being in a dressing room asking the attendant for a larger size when she responded that that was the largest size they carried.

    2. Walking into a bar, some dudes cut in front of us to enter inside, turned around and said, 'We would have held the door for you if you were cute'

    3. On the way walking to THE SAME BAR above, someone rolled down their car window and started oinking at us. Legit pigs noises. But my skinny friend walked right up to his window when he was at a stop light and punched him in the face. So that was nice.
  • Emancipated_Tai
    Emancipated_Tai Posts: 756 Member
    At one point in time I had that “cow stomach” you know the stomach underneath the stomach. :sick:

    I was at a friend’s house and sat down, it just hung between my knees. It was at that moment I knew I was too fat for my own good!
  • shannieboo
    shannieboo Posts: 144 Member
    I went to Taco bell with a friend on our lunch break and as I was walking by these girls to sit down, one of them said "Look at her, that is so sad, I feel so sorry for people who look like that"

    I just sat there picking at my food trying not to cry. The person who I am today would have snatched that girl up by the hair and cleaned the floor with her head!
  • mrsevanrust
    The day I couldn't fit on the roller coaster and had to send my baby brother who was 8-9 years old at the time ALONE on it by himself.

    This and add that I had to get off the roller coaster and everyone was staring!

    I'm in this club.
  • xoMeaghan
    xoMeaghan Posts: 175
    This runs in the family(apparently)..
    My grandmother (at my sister's wedding - in my maid of honor dress) told me that I gained a lot of weight and I look bigger than I used to, and I should stop eating the way I do.

    Then, my father(who agreed with her) now daily decides to poke my stomach. When I was on vacation this past week he said:
    "lift your hands up to the sides! Close your eyes!" then grabbed my stomach flab and screamed "SMORES!" It hurt, not a lot because I know I am big and I usually never let it get to me, but I'm tired of my own FAMILY putting me down like that.
  • xoMeaghan
    xoMeaghan Posts: 175
    I went to Taco bell with a friend on our lunch break and as I was walking by these girls to sit down, one of them said "Look at her, that is so sad, I feel so sorry for people who look like that"

    I just sat there picking at my food trying not to cry. The person who I am today would have snatched that girl up by the hair and cleaned the floor with her head!

    You shoulda told her ;D Those people need a good slap and a floor wiping. I know someone who says that about bigger men and women "I feel bad for them, it's so sad"
  • sammniamii
    sammniamii Posts: 669 Member
    1. Wedding - was told that I couldn't be a bride's maid because they didn't make the dress big enough and the next right sized one cost 300$ more
    2. Bush Gardens - too big & walk of shame
    3. Airplane - only once but still needed the extension, plus the trip where there where extra seats and both people in my isle asked to be reseated
    4. Broken chairs
    5. Left more stores than I can count because I couldn't fit anything
    6. When are you due?
    7. Several wedding rings that don't fit

    This all just makes me cry, even now.....;' {
  • deagh93
    deagh93 Posts: 77 Member
    My in-laws were visiting our house from cross-country. We're all sitting at the dining room table and I felt the chair shift under me and felt like I was going to fall.

    I jumped up and looked at it, and one of the braces between the legs had I broke the chair.

    They were all great about it - MIL said "Oh, this is that set we got for (my partner) when we started him in grad school. It's a cheap set - I'm surprised it lasted this long!" in an attempt to make me feel better, but I'm tearing up thinking about it, even now.

    Flying in general, but specifically - I was flying home from college to go to my mother's funeral, so I was a bit fragile to begin with. I get on one of those little commuter planes and sit down. It's not crowded, and the seats aren't assigned. I see people in front of me look at me and whisper amongst themselves and then move to the other side of the aisle to distribute the weight better, or something. It was all I could do not to spend that entire flight sobbing.
    Where do I begin.

    1. I sat in a chair that was already broken, but because I was fat, everyone assumed it was my fault.
    2. Having to dart to tables with sliding out chairs and avoid booths. When my BF wants to sit in a booth, I have to tuck the fat.
    3. Locked myself out of my house, tried to climb the fence, but thought my neighbors were watching the fat girl - so I stopped and waited for someone who had a key.
    4. I avoid going to movies with my friends because of the tiny little seats. I miss a lot of good times.
    5. Walking into a mall, boys drove by me and yelled "You must smoke a lot of pot and have munchies all the time"!
    6. In high school, I had to take the long way to classes to avoid the fat-hating bullies making boom boom boom sounds with my every step and yelling "Make way for the beached whale!".
    7. I was a teen, not even 16 yet, and a store clerk asked me when I was due.
    8. Restaurants who pack in tables, having to try to scoot by without getting my *kitten* or belly on someone's back... or shoving them into their food.
    9. When a colleague wants to take the stairs and I'm obliged to as well... which means I spend the next five minutes trying to talk and breath heavy at the same time.
    10. went to lunch with my BF and these little girls giggled at me the entire time.
    11. running from people with cameras. There are very few pictures that prove I ever existed. :)
    12. Someone that was babysitting me when I was less than ten said I wasn't allowed to ride her kid's bike because I was too big.
    13. Was babysitting and the porch swing broke... granted it broke down on the kid's side, but I still felt like people would blame me. :D
    14. won't take trips anymore because of those new stupid x-rays that show you naked
    15. cousin sees me after so many years and said I looked like a football player.

    That's just the tip of the iceburg :)
  • AmyFett
    AmyFett Posts: 1,607 Member
    Going on a treadmill for the first time ever.. Thinking it will be fine, but knowing full well I didn't know how it worked...yeah. I fell right off that thing..shirt flipped up.. belly everywhere.. *kitten* in the air.. Very humiliating.

    omgosh I'm sorry but kind of giggled, I can just see myself doing this LOL. I would be mortified! I had a gym membership for a week and I did the same thing, but my ankle gave out and i slipped up, caught myself luckily, but man oh man, my life flashed before my eyes.
  • AmyFett
    AmyFett Posts: 1,607 Member
    Where do I begin.

    1. I sat in a chair that was already broken, but because I was fat, everyone assumed it was my fault.
    2. Having to dart to tables with sliding out chairs and avoid booths. When my BF wants to sit in a booth, I have to tuck the fat.
    3. Locked myself out of my house, tried to climb the fence, but thought my neighbors were watching the fat girl - so I stopped and waited for someone who had a key.
    4. I avoid going to movies with my friends because of the tiny little seats. I miss a lot of good times.
    5. Walking into a mall, boys drove by me and yelled "You must smoke a lot of pot and have munchies all the time"!
    6. In high school, I had to take the long way to classes to avoid the fat-hating bullies making boom boom boom sounds with my every step and yelling "Make way for the beached whale!".
    7. I was a teen, not even 16 yet, and a store clerk asked me when I was due.
    8. Restaurants who pack in tables, having to try to scoot by without getting my *kitten* or belly on someone's back... or shoving them into their food.
    9. When a colleague wants to take the stairs and I'm obliged to as well... which means I spend the next five minutes trying to talk and breath heavy at the same time.
    10. went to lunch with my BF and these little girls giggled at me the entire time.
    11. running from people with cameras. There are very few pictures that prove I ever existed. :)

    That's just the tip of the iceburg :)

    Those boys yelling things to you, I hate people like that!! I was bent over in my car at walmart, getting my then 2-3 day old baby out of the backseat. These boys made me feel like a pile of crap because they were making fun. They were parked in the next spot, and I went right over with my daughter and said... You see this body? This is why! She's only a few days old, and told them off pretty good. Granted, I was fat to begin with, but STILL. I say that was my most embarrassing moment. I gained more weight after that though, but that hurt, very very much.