Biggest Pet Peeves at the Gym



  • Guys who walk away from a bench/machine/whatever and then if you go near it say "I'm using that"

    I agree, its so annoying!!
  • fit_librarian
    fit_librarian Posts: 242 Member
    I don't really have pet peeves at the gym. But there was this time I didn't bring a magazine or my ipod and there weren't many people at the gym at the time, so I changed the channel on one of the many tvs from a baseball game to a different channel. All the other tvs had the same baseball game. Some guy came over and changed it back to the baseball game and then went off to a different part of the gym. I mean....come on!
  • kittenmcgowan
    kittenmcgowan Posts: 83 Member
    Women that come in with no make up and any old shirt they pull off the floor.

    Why is that a problem? You're only going to get hot and sweaty anyway, it's a gym, not a bar or a catwalk, or even the local shops! I prefer that to some of the tarted up creatures who don't do impact because it will upset their latest 'surgery'. There is this gym near where I live that is like that. Damn I ran faster AWAY from that place than I ever have before!
  • kgb6days
    kgb6days Posts: 880 Member
    Funny how I've trained for over 30 years and now this whiney bs about wiping down machines has become a huge issue. Leaving a puddle of sweat is one thing. But dome feel they need to get the spray bottle out if they brush a machine as they walk past it. It's a gym, not a hospital. Get over the namby pamby crap and lift.

    Really! I'm with you! If you leave a wet spot - clean it up. Otherwise you get more germs at Walmart from the buggy. There is now a paranoia about germs that I don't understand and I'm a nurse
  • Berto0391
    Berto0391 Posts: 273 Member
    People who think randomly touching a wet wipe to a few spots on a machine actually makes a difference in the amount of germs that are on it.

    I may very well have wiped it down, but based on the number of comments about this topic, I'm led to believe that there is an overabundance of germophobes out there. I probably didn't do a job satisfactory to your liking, so if you are so concerned about the sweat left behind by someone else, wipe it down before you get on.


    what does bother me is lazy a-holes that will piss all over a toilet seat rather than lift it up first.

    1. If you can't take the time (are are too scared of germs) to lift the seat, use the urinal, but...
    2. If you are too embarrassed by the size of your manhood to use the urinal, then...
    3. If you aim is so bad that you can't hit the hole, and you're too lazy (or scared) to lift it, then clean your piss off the seat when you finish.

    I'd rather wipe up somebody's sweat than their urine.

    Little known biochemistry fact: sweat has the same composition as urine.

    Get over it.
  • ladytxn
    ladytxn Posts: 97 Member
    People that talk on their cell phone while on the treadmill.

    I totally agree about the people that don't wipe down the equipment - Gross!

    Both of these!!! Especially the talkers....considering I'm at the gym at 5:30 am. :huh:
  • DrMAvDPhD
    DrMAvDPhD Posts: 2,097 Member
    Women that come in with no make up and any old shirt they pull off the floor.

    Why is that a problem? You're only going to get hot and sweaty anyway, it's a gym, not a bar or a catwalk, or even the local shops! I prefer that to some of the tarted up creatures who don't do impact because it will upset their latest 'surgery'. There is this gym near where I live that is like that. Damn I ran faster AWAY from that place than I ever have before!

    It was meant in sarcasm to all the people who thought it was okay to b**** about women doing the opposite to point out that some other chick wearing makeup has absolutely no impact on your workout.
  • DrMAvDPhD
    DrMAvDPhD Posts: 2,097 Member

    3. Girls who wear just a sports bra in front of the whole gym... I do not care how skinny you are it is just wrong!

    I work out at a climbing gym with no air conditioning. 50% of the men there are shirtless. Why is it wrong to wear only a sports bra that does not show an inch of cleavage?

    Because you are supposed to be ashamed of your body, I guess.
  • jerber160
    jerber160 Posts: 2,606 Member
    i saw a girl flip a guy the bird today as he walked by oogling her. i haven't been going that long and it shocked me.. she was pisssed as she tread the mill.
  • bigtwagner
    bigtwagner Posts: 113
    The guy who only works one body part...same one every day!
  • gogojodee
    gogojodee Posts: 1,243 Member
    1. Girls who spend two hours getting ready just to go to the gym and you can smell their perfume a mile away!

    2. Girls who do not work up a sweat, you are at the gym to lose weight not to look pretty and pick up guys.

    3. Girls who wear just a sports bra in front of the whole gym... I do not care how skinny you are it is just wrong!

    Don't give a crap - I'm gonna just wear a sports bra when I'm at the gym, eventually. I've ran outside in just a sports bra but wanna have a flatter stomach! ;)

    I can't just wear a sports bra at the "gym" I go to considering it's on hospital property and doctors and health pros work and work out there not to mention patients.
  • itsbarbiie
    itsbarbiie Posts: 29 Member
    The people in the circuit room doing sets. It wouldn't bother me if I wasn't using it correctly and you went to another machine when I'm about to use the one you are on. Seriously, you can see the rules posted on the wall. It just messes up my workout.
  • gogojodee
    gogojodee Posts: 1,243 Member
    i saw a girl flip a guy the bird today as he walked by oogling her. i haven't been going that long and it shocked me.. she was pisssed as she tread the mill.

    I would have done the same thing!
  • Share yours, but here are some of mine.

    1. Guys that sit around and chit chat for like an hour, especially when they're holding up a piece of equipment or weights. I mean seriously, can you chatty cathys go grab a cup of coffee or something? I'm trying to get swole here!

    2. Guys that go to the gym, and whose top priority is to pick up girls. I'm pretty sure the young lady came here to workout, not listen to your pick-up lines. (Although I do enjoy watching this from time to time. Some of the funniest rejections I've seen happened at gyms.)

    3. That know-it-all guy, whose sole purpose is to walk around the gym and tell you that you're doing it wrong. Look at me, I'm pretty sure I have a grip on my workouts. Next time I need HGH advice, I'll come find you.

    4. People who don't wipe after they use the equipment. I mean, come on! Really?

    These are just a few of mine. Are you guilty of any of these? Do you have any of your own? Let me know.

    I had every. single. one of these tonight in the gym. I was getting so agitated having to switch up my workouts because I felt too polite to ask/tell them to move. :explode:

    Also, there was this girl who's only come to the gym a few times and it must've been the first time they'd seen her because they'd, very obviously, stopped what they were doing to stare at her on the rowing machine and she ended up slipping a few times and, I'm pretty sure, cutting her workout short before leaving not long after. I felt awful for her. :angry:
  • Guys that grunt and drop weights.

    This one is probably my biggest one. It's like they do it so everyone know how much weight they are lifting. Show some respect for other people and the equipment.
  • 1. Girls who spend two hours getting ready just to go to the gym and you can smell their perfume a mile away!

    2. Girls who do not work up a sweat, you are at the gym to lose weight not to look pretty and pick up guys.

    3. Girls who wear just a sports bra in front of the whole gym... I do not care how skinny you are it is just wrong!

    Don't give a crap - I'm gonna just wear a sports bra when I'm at the gym, eventually. I've ran outside in just a sports bra but wanna have a flatter stomach! ;)

    I can't just wear a sports bra at the "gym" I go to considering it's on hospital property and doctors and health pros work and work out there not to mention patients.

    My bad, but this! ^ I've never, EVER, even been close to being able to wear a sports bra in my room, let alone in public. Forgive me, but if I ever get to that stage, I'm gonna be showing off my achievements. :')
  • ShaunaLaNee
    ShaunaLaNee Posts: 188 Member
    #1 People who don't wipe their sweat off the machines, hello...I have no interest in siting in your *kitten* sweat!!!

    #2 People who walk around looking in the mirror, doing more showing off than lifting're a joke...
  • KatiaClouse
    KatiaClouse Posts: 27 Member
    1. Girls who spend two hours getting ready just to go to the gym and you can smell their perfume a mile away!

    2. Girls who do not work up a sweat, you are at the gym to lose weight not to look pretty and pick up guys.

    3. Girls who wear just a sports bra in front of the whole gym... I do not care how skinny you are it is just wrong!

    anyone ever notice that the only people who ever have these complaints at the gym are other women:laugh:

    I wouldn't say that girls who get prettied up to go to the gym is a "peeve" (I find it more amusing than anything else), but the overdone perfume is annoying. People are working out, breathing heavy, and here's this excessive perfume making it hard on people with allergies. Manners!
  • shanice_22
    shanice_22 Posts: 202 Member
    Women that come in with no make up

    I hope this is a joke lol..
  • wee_wolfie
    wee_wolfie Posts: 40 Member
    They've been mentioned before but:

    - Dudes flinging weights down.

    - How uncomfortable the guys in the free weight area can make chicks feel. It took me a long time to work up enough nerve to go in there, and I still find it difficult.

    It;s not a peeve, but the dude who lifts his shirt to check his abs in the mirror after every single set of any exercise. Are you afraid of them disappearing, mate?