Seniors Golden Sneakers Club January 2010



  • viliberty
    I have so enjoyed reading all the posts. It helps to know there are people out there (you) that are working at some of the same health issues that I am and winning.

    I am trying to get enthusiastic about exercise. I used to walk an hour, stationery bike an hour, and cardio-glide an hour every day. I was so used to it that I thought I could do it forever. Then surgery, weight gain, needing extra oxygen, and I am at square one or a little below. Now I only do the stationery bike as the doctor don't want me to hike or go to the gym because of the oxygen thing. (I don't have portable, only in home equipment.). I feel pretty good most of the time. Just need to get this shaped up. Taking this weight off will help the other "stuff."

    Any suggestions and help will be so appreciated. I am so glad I found MyFitnessPal. It is making things so much easier for me to manage. Thanks everyone.
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:

    Hi everybody, This thread is really hopping now. Love reading all of your post.
    I went to the doc this morning. My hips has really been given me a fit so she sent me for E-rays. Ansious to hear from her about it.
    my Doctor yesterday. told him about it and he told me if it got worst to call him. And tomorrow I collect 24 hour urine for my Kidney doc.
    Gosh thses doctors are keeping me busy.

    I am going to my food chart and tried to delete a lot of stuff so I can start using it again. It is such a mess. I am going to start counting my calories again. Still eat low carbs but controll the other food more.

    Sandy, you may have to put locks on your gate for someone must have let her out. Jerry keeps our gates lock not that Sammy would stay out longer than necessary, He is too big of mommie and daddy boy.

    Beth its so nice hearing from you regular now. Hope you ear is better.

    Gayla, Been enjoy reading your blog. Hope Neil is resting good. I know he likes the attention he is getting.

    Phoebe, are you back on the road again? Enjoy you being with us over the holidays.

    Dee Dee We just need the month and the day you were born so wwe can cedebrate Your bithday we did not need the year.

    Elli, So glad to hear from you. I have some lbs I have to re lose and I hate that. But working on it.

    Barbs, Good job on losing during the holidays

    You too Birdie.

    We have so many now I will have to reply to 1/2 ond day and do personel to the other half the next day. So those I missed catch you tomorrow.

    :heart: :heart: Marie:heart:
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,117 Member
    Decided it was time to change my ticker so I can be honest with myself, the holidays were not good to me. :tongue: On second thought I was not good to myself during the holidays. :noway:

    2010 will be the year I meet my goal.............and soon I hope. :heart:
  • elli
    elli Posts: 593
    me too Sandy - i'm gonna get'er done this year! Enough messing around already!!!!!!!!!!
  • getnhealthy101
    Heh everyone! Thoroughly enjoying reading all your posts! Right now I have to get to the post office to mail of a little grandson's birthday present. Will check in a little later. Gayla, thanks for responding to me about the blog. And Elli, guess we're sort of neighbors! One of my biggest motivations is to get fit so that I can enjoy being outdoors in this beautiful country later this year! Later!
  • elli
    elli Posts: 593
    Getnhealthy - i KNOW - we live in such an amazing place - I love day hiking, biking, gardening - just being outside - and it all feels SO much better if we're fit and healthy! OK - i'm going to go do a pilates tape - didn't make it to the gym tonight. elli
  • jeffrey71
    jeffrey71 Posts: 432
    Hi Everyone!

    I am back! Still the family issues but so it goes! I have ramped up my training. I had a 2800 calorie burn tonight! One of my best ever! 3 hour workout!

    Good to see the new faces! Beth, very nice to read your post! I had missed you!

    Anyway, I sent my forms in for the Tampa Ironman (senior division) 1.2 mile swim, 54 miles bike and 1/2 marathon (13 miles). It will probably take me a week! It is next October.

    Amanda and Sam are good. They are great girls and make me smile! Day has started working out with me again. I am happy about that.

    We are going to see our mothers this weekend if the weather permits, and take the Christmas decorations down. Joe the cat will miss them. He has removed most of them at least once. Great fun for a cat!

    Elli we had 3 deer behind our hot tub the other night! 2 more feet and they would have been on the patio. I like venison!

    Marie I always read your post!

    I will catch up with the rest of you tomorrow!

    May God Bless and Keep Us All....

  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,984 Member
    :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: Between things we're doing for our business and time spent working out, I haven't had much time to get on the computer.

    We've had some bad news about Haifa, our 14 year old cat (the black and white one). His blood sugar is astronomically high and the treatment may be so expensive and so traumatic that we may have to deal with euthanasia. We have an appointment to see the vet tomorrow after lunch to talk about the choices. We've both been sad and short tempered tonight with Haifa on our minds. :sad: :sad: :sad: :sad: :sad: :sad: :sad: :sad: :sad:

    :flowerforyou: Sandy, I love the picture of your granddaughter with Daisy.....what an adorable pair I enjoyed hearing about your son. Good luck on dealing with those sneaky holiday pounds.

    :flowerforyou: viliberty, so you know about Leslie Sansone's "Walk at Home" DVDs. I don't get out to walk much because of the cold weather so I walk in my spare room with the DVD.

    :flowerforyou: Marie, It should be easy to delete all the foods you don't eat. As you add in the ones you're eating now, they will begin to fill the list. I hope you can find relief from all your medical troubles so you don't have to spend so much time with your doctors.

    :flowerforyou: Cheri, it's good to have you part of our family.

    :flowerforyou: Beth,even at low energy you still out run all of us(except maybe Jeffrey) your ear better? is the weather better for running?

    :flowerforyou: Elli, I'm glad to hear the continuing good news about your grandbaby. :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile:

    :flowerforyou: Jeffrey, your race sound daunting, but I know you'll be up to the challenge.........maybe the deer just wanting to relax and get warm in your hot tub:laugh:

    :flowerforyou: Barb, I hope your return to work was satisfactory and that your little "naughty piggies" were able to get along OK without you and without doing any damage :laugh: :laugh:

    :flowerforyou: Gayla, never forget that we are the friends you can "dump" your troubles and frustrations on, so please feel free to share what's going on......right now you're the one with the stuff going on in your life.....Neil needs you to be loving and balanced for him.

    :flowerforyou: deedee, just take baby steps toward adding exercise to your a little more each day and stay connected to us,,,,,make small changes in your eating and remarkable things will happen.:bigsmile: :bigsmile: .

    now my chores are calling to me and we gotta go to bed early because the car has an early appointment tomorrow so we have to get up at 5:30.

    hugs:heart::heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: Barbie
  • Lafla
    Lafla Posts: 685 Member
    Hi everyone! Once again I am just about to go to bed. Neil had a good day today. He is being exceptionally patient but not sure how long that will last. I left a little early tonight (with his permission) :wink: so that I could watch the Canada vs US Junior Hockey game tonight. It was a great game and the US team won in sudden death overtime. A heartbreaker for us but it was such a good game you can't really be too sad about it. Neil called home between the 2nd and 3rd period to say he was too tired to stay awake for the last period and was going to sleep. I wish he would have some seizures so we could get this overwith. He was having about 5 a day at home and for two days as far as I can see he has only had 2 small seizures!! They are going to think I am making this up!! :huh: I really don't want him to have seizures, that sounds kind of odd, but I do know that things won't improve if they don't see what is happening. I could go on but I do need to get to bed, it is nearly 2 am here.

    Elli -- thanks for your kind words but believe me, this 'hero' does some very non-heroic things.

    Marie -- Hope you are feeling better soon. You are so sweet reading my blog, short and sweet so far.

    Barbie -- You are so kind, thank you. So sorry about Haifa. I do truly empathize as my memories of losing our cat many years ago are still quite fresh.

    Cheri -- I will check out your blog soon.

    Everyone else, please know I am thinking about you all. Take care and keep smiling (the alternative is not good) Gayla :smile: :heart:
  • deedeehawaii
    deedeehawaii Posts: 279 Member
    Whew, I'm gona' need a chart to keep track of all the enthusiastic people on this thread. Seems we "oldsters" are not lacking for words, which is great, because it give such an opportunity to learn new hints, and get, and give support.

    I did well today by starting a walking program. I walk "on and off", when the mood strickes me, but now I am going to walk regardless of the "want". Unfortunately, my back sometimes goes kinked on me and then I am sidelined. So, I am going to be extra careful to not do anything to irritate it so that I can keep on walking. I have an old dog, and he loves to go with me. I am able to go to the end of my street, where there are roads but no houses, and let my dog off his leash. Anyway, I walked 1/2 hour and included a big steep hill. My dog is so old that I needed to stop twice for him to rest, but he really has the spirit for walks. Isn't it funny how a dog just cannot wait to go for a walk, while we humans sometimes seem to look for excuses to not go???

    I've been messing around in a couple of forums, but think I'll keep this one as home base. I enjoy the fact that we seem to share many common elements of life. And so far, I have not seen a single posting on this thread about not fitting into a prom dress. hahahaha.

    Thank you for being here to offer your help and ideas. I've managed to figure out most of the food log, start the exercise log, and get my ticker posted as a signature. Wow! And I stayed within my calorie range, too! Yippie.
  • Hazard
    Hazard Posts: 14
    Hi All,
    What a bummer. I know I was eating 2000+Cal before starting MFP .... and I have been struggling to keep it around 1500. But have ounced up to 1700 Cal the last few days and my weight is right back up .... plus. I know it's getting into an exercise routine - I am NOT a morning person .... but then by late afternoon, I'm too pooped to xercise. My hardest part is ... the prep. Getting the clothes on, finding my CD (or getting out the door), etc. By the time I'm ready ... I've talked myself into doing it a bit later in the day .... and then,... well, you know.

    I need some tricks to get myself through that 15 minutes of prep where I talk myself out of doing what I prepping myself to do! !@$%%^/
  • Hazard
    Hazard Posts: 14
    One last word ... the graph is WRONG, it 's 0.5 pounds gained! BooHoo
  • TexasAngelBeth
    TexasAngelBeth Posts: 315 Member
    Morning All!!!
    I hope everyone is having a great week, Mine has been great other than the email from the BF stating he is being held up in Iraq due to the elections...this is the 3rd time he tells me he should be home at the end of January but I figure he wont be home till after March elections.

    Elli - I hope your son gets what he wants... and you can tell him at times I wonder if I would have liked a different service better as well... its the whole wouldda couldda shouldda thing. Most people in the military will agree with me about the Quality of Life thing...its all in what you want and how you plan to go about it.

    Jeffery - so glad thigns are going well for you. Tell Day its great that she is excercising with you again... be nice to her...dont over do it.

    Barbie - Its not really running circles around anyone its just at times I am too dang stupid to stop and do what I should :)

    Gayla - I hope something happens with Neil soon... I know it can be frustrating when your child is in the hospital and you have been dealing with craziness for weeks and all of a sudden WHAM the kiddo is doing just hunky dory in the youngest would do that to me all the time with her asthma. As for the hockey games...I love Hockey that is the first sport I ever learned to play. I am however a die hard Wings Fan

    Marie - Keep on moving my friend... you are a sweetheart

    I am still trying to remember who the lady is that does the motivational speaking as soon as I do I will let y'all know all of you will get a kick out of her.

    Have a wonderful week
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,117 Member
    Good Morning,

    Barbie, so sorry about Haifa, I too know how you feel since it hasn't been that long since we had to put Freeway down. :brokenheart: It is hard to do what is the best for our animals, we hate letting go.

    Hazard, I find it easiest to just exercise in my pj's. :laugh: I am not a morning person at all, I am slow moving and spend too much time on the computer. :blushing: It is just a matter of pushing yourself to think of the end results which will happen if you put your mind and body to it. Don't forget if you exercise you gain more calories so isn't it worth 30 minutes of your time to gain at least 100 calories?

    Beth, sorry about your BF not getting home yet, I hope he surprises you and comes home before March.

    Gayla, doesn't that always happen. You are sick go to the doctor and he finds nothing wrong, you have a toothache go to the dentist and nothing wrong. I completely understand why you would want Neil to have seizures in the hospital, so they can help him. :heart:

    Marie, hope all your results come back good and you are back to your old self soon. :bigsmile:

    Better get a move on, my hubby has a doctors appointment for his shoulder and my son and his family are waiting at the hotel for me after the appointment. We are expecting 6 to 9 inches of snow tomorrow so I hope this doesn't cancel the party they are planning Friday. :ohwell:

  • elli
    elli Posts: 593
    Beth - the commedian is Jeanne Robertson - she calls her husband "left brain" and she is hysterical! AND CLEAN! I really like her. When my son was first talking about enlisting (it was 6 years on Monday) my Dad kept trying to talk him into the AF because according to him - the food is the best in your branch! How funny!!!!!!! So sorry your boyfriend is STILL not coming home. You're probably right - it won't be till after the elections.:ohwell:

    Hazard - if you could have your cd all ready to rock and roll first thing in the morning, have your clothes all set out and just KNOW that first thing you're going to get up, get dressed and GO....i think it's a mindset!

    DeeDee - good for you and getting out and walking! You live in a great place for it! No worries about the snow and cold!!!!!!

    Gayla - it's kind of like when your car keeps stalling out, and you take it to the mechanic and it runs fine huh? I know what you mean - you don't want to wish seizures on Neil, but you sure want to get to the bottom of it so it can be fixed! I hope he can continue to be patient.

    Jeffrey - omg, there were 2 times in the past when I did 3 hour workouts. Both times were so bizzare because my brain got "fuzzy". I couldn't remember people's names and things. It freaked me out. The first time both my boys yelled at me for working out so hard and thought that was the cause. I didn't believe them. But after the second time i decided maybe they were right and i don't do that least not without a break in between. You are definitely our rock star of the workouts!

    Hey Marie - how's it going? Hope all your health woes will be behind you soon! You are doing such a great job taking care of yourself!

    Oh Barbie - so sorry about's SO hard. I hated having to put my Callie down - she was 19 and could no longer get up so i knew it was time - but still SOOOO hard. We're all pet people here and they're our families!

    Hey Sandy - how's your weather? It seems like the middle of the country and the east is getting slammed. We're supposed to get some snow and big cold tomorrow. My Dad is on his way here from NY right now on the Amtrack. I'm a little concerned......he's 91 (turning 92 in Jan) and doesn't like the cold that much. He's supposed to be here in denver at 7:10 tomorrow and it's supposed to be below 0.........

    I now have 2 days of working out and sticking to a food plan. Still not quite back down to 1200 calories but i'm getting there!

    :heart: elli
  • janebo
    janebo Posts: 16 Member
    If you can dream it, you can achieve it. Here's wishing you great success!
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,984 Member
    If you can dream it, you can achieve it. Here's wishing you great success!javascript:add_smiley('bigsmile','post_body')

    Hi Janebo, Welcome to Senior Golden Sneakers:bigsmile: .......I hope we'll hear from you often.....we can use the uplifting encouragement.

    I've decided that I can't post on MFP or read the threads until I've done some exercise
    this morning it was 20 minutes on the stationery bike.

    I'll write more later.......just wanted to say good morning before it gets to be noon for all you folks off to the east :laugh:
    :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: Barbie
  • jeffrey71
    jeffrey71 Posts: 432
    Good Late Morning One and All!

    Barbie I am so sorry about your cat. My thoughts are with you all on this. Our 19 year old cat is really starting to go down hill too. I don't think that we will have her too much longer. We love her and gave her a very good life. She did the same for us in return, along with a few hairballs.

    Marie I hope you get feeling great again soon! Whats new with the family?

    Beth I let (and encourage) Day to only do what she wants to do. She hates working out but has beening gaining weight. she is a Dietician and knows the drill. I just try to encourage her. It is really harder for women than men to lose weight. Are you still running?

    Hazard just stay at it. Schedule your workouts and don't look at it as a "have to" but as time for just you! When you start losing and people notice, you will enjoy that more than I can tell you. that feeling is golden!

    Elli I have been close to the colaspe zone a time or 2 but I know the evenets I have entered for the summer will be a true test. I will be ready! Thank you for caring.

    Sandy we are getting the snow too. We got about 6" of lake effect the other day too. I am sick of it! LOL

    DeeDee welcome! I have been to your state before and it is just beautiful. Nice to have you with us here.

    Gayla my thoughts and prayers are with you. You are a strong lady!

    Not a lot else going on today. Got 2 hours of yoga later and then a 30 minute cardio workout. Tomorrow aerobic snow shoveling! (unless I can fake an injury and get Day to do it!) I have got to come up with something for supper. I am thinking Salmon, or Turkey Tetrazenni (sp?) Weigh feels like it is down good. I have not weighed in for several weeks intentionally. I am trying to focus on stamina and strength, not weight loss at this point. But I am getting curious about the weight. The clothes are fitting a little looser. I don't think that i gained anything at all but who knows?

    Everyone stay at it! Staying fit is an intregal part of quality of life. Everything revolves around how you feel and what you can do to enjoy yourself. An hour a day of fitness equals years of happiness! One day at a time, one step at a time....

    Your Friend,
  • jeffrey71
    jeffrey71 Posts: 432
    Ok, curiosity got the best of me. I still weigh exactly the same! Go figure! LOL But the clothes are looser!
  • BirdieM
    BirdieM Posts: 791 Member
    I am sooooo busy...:noway: .but had to take a second to report that I lost another lb this week.:bigsmile: :bigsmile: So that's 35 lbs and 25.25 inches since Aug. Got to get back to work.:noway:
    BTW I AM trying to read all the posts in between everything....... but just can't address you each individually. :ohwell: But I'm sending individaul hugs!!!:laugh:
    God Bless!:smooched: