Deployment Overeater Support Team



  • holly122677
    Im in Lunenburg, Virginia and my Boyfriend is out of Ft Riley KS

    Ok I had to leave work early today with the stomach bug. (My son had it a couple of days ago :frown: ) my food journal looks horrible because I havent been able to eat most of the day. Should I keep on with the food journal or let it be for a day or so until I am able to eat. I was able to stomach a few club crackers this evening. :grumble: not really any nutional value in those. I just hate to slack off. Uggg so frustrated. :grumble:
  • holly122677
    BTW great job Lisa :flowerforyou: keep up the great work :happy:
  • leesapeesa
    it wouldn't hurt to just keep tracking even if you aren't reaching your nutritional goals.. it will just keep the habit of tracking going while you aren't feeling well. I know when i get sick i get SOOOO disappointed because i feel like it is such a setback but hang in there and hopefully it will pass quickly. try to keep hydrated for sure!

    well, today i did a biggest loser challenge on my wii.. i won the 'challenge' and it was pretty fun.. the challenge was about 10 mins then i did a 8 min cool down. I also did the free step on wii fitplus for 30 mins. i did almost 3,000 steps. We will see what tomorrow brings!

    Everyone have a great night and keep your boys in your thoughts!
  • timmijop
    timmijop Posts: 86 Member
    Hey sorry posting so late but right now I am at Camp Lejeune, North Carolina but I we are originally from a little north of Pittsburgh Pennsylvania!! Needless to say I love my NC weather alot better than western PA!!

    On a happy note I put on (hubby and I's) first date jeans yesterday and needed a belt :) so happy about that! I was heavier when we started seeing eachother but it feels good to know that I am about the size of the woman he initally fell in love with!!
  • leesapeesa
    Well my boyfriend is not technically deployed.. he is doing contract work. I am south of Boston currently and my boyfriend has a house in the Knoxville TN area. I will be moving there when he comes home for good. I can't wait... I love Tennessee. We will be going there in April for our vacation together so the clock is running! I want to be smaller than the last time he saw me.. although he loves me even being overweight I just dont feel good about myself being fat.

    timmi you are doing great! congratulations on needing that belt!
  • overit
    overit Posts: 273
    timmijop good job! I am also originally from Western PA.

    Holly, I hope you are feeling better.

    Lisa, you are doing a great job on the work outs. Is it the Biggest Loser game you have? I got Jilian's first game and quickly traded it in but would love a variety of workouts because I tend to get bored easily. Also, my husband has told me that he loves me for who I am no matter my size, but I am not happy with myself the weight I am. I am about 80 lbs heavier than when we met, and I am miserable about it.

    DH was supposed to be home on R&R this week or next and it is really wearing on me that it got pushed back. We are at 6 months since we've seen each other and it is really hurting. I am missing him SO much. :sad:
  • ngwife4life
    I hope you all have room for one more... The hubby just went back to Afghanistan from two week R&R. I was very thankful to have him here for the holidays but I think I gained 4 pounds in those 2 weeks!!! I've been looking to Chocolate Chip Cookies for therapy since he left and thus I have realized I need to start logging my food again and get back on track (for the 10th time). I've lost 30 pounds since I had my daughter 17 months ago but I still have about 40 pounds to go until I am anywhere near my goal weight. Since my husband is in the Guard, I live a different kind of lifestyle than most deployed spouses. I work full time for a police department and no one really seems to understand what it's like to be apart from their spouse for so long... or at all. We only have 15 more weeks of this deployment so I really need to step it up!!! I'm trying to lose 20 more pounds by the time he gets home. Since today is already a caloric nightmare, I'm not beating myself up about it and looking forward to tomorrow. :)
  • overit
    overit Posts: 273
    Welcome, Gennifer! That was nice that you had him home for the holidays, but I'm sure it was very hard to let him go. That stinks that you are not around other spouses going through the same thing. I know I depend on my Army wives to help me through this. So that being said, please feel free to write me if you need to vent or anything else.
  • holly122677
    Welcome Gennifer. This is an awesome place for the support your looking for :)

    Thanks gals. I feel so much better.

    Hoping to do some Wii Fit this evening (nothing hard) to get some exercising in. I sure did miss doing some yesterday :sad:
  • leesapeesa
    Hi Gennifer! I also do not have anyone around me who knows what it is like to be without my other half.. I know one girl who i chat with who is the gf of my boyfriends buddy but she is in Brazil and english is her 2nd language.. that makes for some interesting conversations lol. welcome to our group:) hope we can offer you some support.

    overit- i do use the biggest loser wii game and i like it a lot! I do like Jillian, but she can be too intense for me. I also heard that Jillian's first game wasn't so good so I got TBL for xmas. I really enjoy it.

    holly- i think i am going to do some easy stuff myself.. TOM making me feel not so good.. but i really think i should move so I will probably to the free step for a half hour while I watch tv or something. I am just feeling exhausted!

    Oh ya-- I also wanted to mention I was so excited that my boyfriend ordered me a kitchen scale on amazon and sent it to me. I was complaining about needing one and he was sweet enough to get it for me. I feel so lucky he is so supportive of me wanting to lose weight.
  • timmijop
    timmijop Posts: 86 Member
    Welcome Gennifer! this is a great group!!!

    Us military wives/mothers/family members/girlfriends as well civilian wives/family members who serve along side our military overseas..We are a breed all in our own! You hear your friends say oh I miss my husband when he has gone away for a weekend with the guys or on a business trip and you know in your head they have no idea!! But we are strong people! We have no other choice! When they go away we cant crumble and give up! We have no other choice but to go on everyday and make things work here on the homefront! To hold down the household, the family, the problems and stress that is ours to bear because they have better things to worry about!! Its not easy, somedays it is a struggle just to get out of bed when you look across and see an empty pillow! But we do it, because we love them and we also love ourselves. If we didnt, none of us would be on here looking for support in our fitness goals! I want to say thank you to my fellow posters here on( DOST) no matter the branch, no matter the rank, no matter the job! Thank you for being strong and keeping your husbands, boyfriends, sons, fathers (dont know if I saw any men on here but wives, daughters,mothers, girlfriends) strong! What we do here has a strong impact on Moral over there!! SO thank you for keeping my husband safe too!!

    Keep loving yourselves!!!

    Your right Lisa! a big reason I didnt go back to W. PA when my husband left was that so many people dont know how to relate! And they say the wrong thing alot!!!!!!!!!!! "I am sorry your husband is deployed, he is going to miss so much with your daughter..." LOL. Here in a military town people usually dont even ask which is nice and when it comes up there is no apology or bringing up the obvious, its a bit more tactful. Because we have been through it before, its hard to find a service member who hasnt gone over yet!!

  • leesapeesa
    Timmi-- great post! Speaking of not knowing how to relate, I was chatting with my neighbor when I had taken my dog out and we had gotten around to talking about my boyfriend and i explained how he is overseas working and she said to me."i hope he is behaving over there".. I was like.. umm yea.. thanks thats a nice thing to say. Talk about pissing me off and questioning the strength of our relationship. Also, countless times I hear my friend complain about her boyfriend leaving for a couple days for work. She even gives him a hard time about him job because of it. It kind of angers me because she doesn't know how lucky she is even just to be able to sleep next to him 4 out of the 7 days a week. I constantly feel like people around me take their husbands/boyfriends etc for granted. knit-picking on the smallest issues and I am sure to point out' a least he isn't overseas!' I am so proud of my boyfriend for doing what he is doing and has done. His strength, in turn, makes me want to be stronger. I keep telling myself that I have to be as strong for him as he is for me. He is my constant motivation. I think of everything our heroes endure on a daily and the courage they have and realize we are just as courageous as our other halves.

    and didnt TBL start tonight I missed it! guess I will have to catch up on Hulu this weekend!! everyone have a great night and stick with it! I am proud of us all!
  • overit
    overit Posts: 273
    I do agree, we are a breed of our own. It takes a lot to support, love and stand by your military member. I know I appreciate my husband so much more. I do have to say that I about bite my tongue off when people complain that their husbands are gone for a few days.

    I have TBL recording so I am anxious to see if there is another Braggette for me to support. I would do that show in a heartbeat!
  • timmijop
    timmijop Posts: 86 Member
    I am pretty sure she is a Braggette! LOL her husband deployed to Afghanistan while taping as she says!!! I love this show it makes me cry all the time though lol!! that is where I channel my strength from you guys!! ( I will not emotional eat while watching TBL) HAHAH!!!

    When times get tough really think about it!! I can make it through a freaking deployment so those extra steps/ resisiting that cake really isnt that hard!! LOL

    Overit do you live in Fayetteville? I have only been to the bad area there(bus station) omg!! I wish I would have had a weapon lol... its just a generalization though. It is like saying that I live in Jacksonville since we are at Lejeune...which I definately do not!! would not and never will!!! I prefer to take a trip to Wilmington HAHAH!! (I say this as I plan out my grocery list for Jville tomorrow booo mee)
  • overit
    overit Posts: 273
    Ok, somehow I missed the Braggette. Which team is she on? No, I do not live in Fayetteville. I am on post. I had heard such bad things about the area that I didn't want to chance it. I really like Bragg though. There are so many opportunities here. I have some friends that tease me about not getting out in Fayetteville, I do occasionally but why if I don't need to. I know where the bus station is and it is a very shady area (lol)
  • holly122677
    Ladies, I couldn't have put it better myself. I am so proud of my boyfriend for all he does and all he is missing out on. It's just as hard on them as it is on us. If not harder sometimes. I am in a non-military town and I too get the sympathy looks and the questions of why dont I find someone who is closer to home. We can't choose who we fall in love with. I am an Army Brat also so I am used to having a strong woman in the house when my father was on TDY. Ok let me get off my soap box.

    I watched some of TBL, however I was flipping back and forth between the Orange Bowl because my boyfriends team is playing and I like to give him a recap of what happened :).

    Have a wonderful evening Ladies..... Keep up all the hard work :flowerforyou:
  • ngwife4life
    Thank you so much for the warm welcome and support!!! It's exactly what I needed today. I have to bite my tongue as well. A lot of people do the whole "he's missing everything in your daughter's first year" thing and I want to say "Thank you Captain Obvious! I really needed reminding!" but I don't. I just try to remind myself that people don't know what to say and they are trying to be there for me and I try to be thankful for that. After having him here for 2 weeks, I am just so ready for this deployment to be over with. He spoiled me rotten while he was here! He's been gone for a year now including his train up time and I'm just so tired of my life right now. I want to have energy to play with my little girl but there's none left after work and trying to keep up with the most basic of household duties. Maybe some exercise and good food will give me the little energy boost I'm looking for. Well, maybe not the first week or two while I get used to it all again. :) I have come to the conclusion that if he gets deployed again, we are going to find a way financially for me to work part time, if not quit working completely. I will be too old and too tired to do this again. :-) I hope you all have a wonderful Hump Day! :) Sorry I but I won't always have time to read through and reply to all the posts. I try to make a point of at least reading them all so don't think that what you say doesn't matter to me. If anyone can understand about being pressed for time, I'm sure it's you guys!
  • timmijop
    timmijop Posts: 86 Member
    I just copied and pasted from the TBL site lol!!!


    It doesnt say it here but she is 28 and from Sanford NC

    Migdalia is a mother's daughter. She is quick-tempered and says exactly what is on her mind, which can lead to disagreements. Nevertheless, they are best friends who have overcome a lot in life. She and her family grew up in poor conditions and never consistently had food or electricity. One of the toughest obstacles in her life was moving from Puerto Rico to the U.S. and having to adjust to the language barrier. Migdalia has not always been overweight. With the stresses of being a military wife whose husband recently came back from deployment in Iraq and may be sent back in early fall, Migdalia has overindulged in non-healthy food choices, leading to rapid weight gain. She also recently had her second child.
    The Team: Miggy and Migdalia are a lively Puerto Rican mother/daughter team. They are strong willed and add a competitive edge to everything in life. "Migdalia" means "Indian Warrior Leader and Flower." Miggy has made sure that the name and its meaning are passed on to her children and grandkids. The lessons learned on the show would not only be incorporated into their daily lives and passed on to their family members, but also save them from worsening medical problems.
  • SlimSasha
    SlimSasha Posts: 54 Member
    hello and welcome to our newest members, i love the huge amount of motivation and support so far, but it is hard for me to comment on everything like i want to. I am also a western pa native, Hermitage, Sharon area..not to far from Mercer..anyway yeah the BL was great last night, i love that show, and cry with them most of the time! WE have to remember to be strong for our heros, it helps them so much to know that we are doing good, and being strong!
  • hilarij
    hilarij Posts: 22
    Hi guys. Wow this team has really taken off. :bigsmile:
    I need help please... I started out so well the first 2 days but then for some reason I developed a sever neck strain that totally locked up my neck. Being a medical professional I used the appropriate Ibuprophen, muscle relaxers etc, ice, heat, stretching..went to my doc who said keep doing what your doing...wait it out.
    UNFORTUNATELY...IT'S SCREWING UP MY EATING BIG TIME! I do great till about 5pm, tracking everything, planning meals...then when I get home from work I eat about 800 cal over my limit. I think it's from the meds that I need to take once I get out of work (can't be drugged at work). Not taking the drugs is not an option when the severe spasms/pain kicks in. Next day I am right on track but the same thing happens...
    Today I am going to a chiropracter I was using last year to see if he can help me.
    I'm so motivated by this group, the tools available on line and on my IPHONE... but this 'sundowner eating is killing me. :cry: